
巴塞罗那共有3个机场,最常用的是巴塞罗那安普拉特机场(Barcelona International Airport),另外两个是吉罗那机场(Girona Airport)和雷乌斯机场(Reus Airport)。巴塞罗那安普拉特机场三字代码为 BCN,四字代码为LEBL。为西班牙的巴塞罗那和加泰罗尼亚地区提供服务,位于巴塞罗那市中心西南13公里处,是距离巴塞罗那市区最近的机场。机场航站楼分为A、B、C三个区域,其中的A航站楼是供国际航班的出发到达;B航站楼是供国内航班和前往欧盟申根协定缔约国的国际航班出发到达;C航站楼是供连接马德里和巴塞罗那的穿梭航班的出发到达使用的。地址:Barcelona Airport,08820 El Prat de Llobregat,Barcelona,Spain电话:4704网站:http://www.aena.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Barcelona机场到市区交通火车可以到T2航站楼的A区乘坐国铁火车Renfe R2线前往市区,然后在巴塞罗那Sants站或者Passeig de Gràcia站换乘地铁运行时间:6:30-23:00,30分钟一趟,车程约30分钟&票价:3.8欧元&城铁从机场到巴塞市中心Pla?a de Catalunya的城铁,末班车为23:40,线路C1,单程票价格为1欧元。机场巴士Aerobus机场巴士是连接巴塞罗那市区和机场的重要交通工具之一。&运行时间:周一至周五6:00-24:00;周末和节假日6:30-24:00。平均每10分钟一班车,车程约35分钟票价:单程票5.9欧元(请于购买后1小时内使用),往返票为10.2欧元(车票有效期为15天)&出租车从T1到市区车程约30-35分钟,费用约为30欧元;从T2到市区车程约25-30分钟,费用约为25欧元。如果行李超重的需多付2欧。吉罗那机场三字代码为GRO,四字代码为LEGE。吉罗那机场位于巴塞罗那东北方向103公里处,离巴塞罗那市中心约1小时20分钟火车行程时间。有些廉价航空公司会选择使用吉罗那机场。当游客飞抵该机场时,需从机场转车到巴塞罗那。地址:17185 Vilobi de Onyar,Girona,Spain电话: 6600网站:http://www.aena.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Girona-Costa-Brava/es/机场到市区交通巴士&由 Sagales 巴士公司运营,发车时间和相关航空吻合。&终点站是巴塞罗那汽车北站,车程约70-90分钟,可在最近的地铁红色1号线Arc de Triomf站换乘。票价:单程票12.5欧元,往返票25欧元(30天内有效)。&火车可以乘坐火车往来于机场与巴塞罗那,但需要从吉罗那市中心火车站出发。火车站旁边的汽车站有往返吉罗那机场的巴士,运营时间为4:00-22:00,整点发车。票价9欧元左右。雷乌斯机场三字代码为REU,四字代码为LERS。雷乌斯机场距离巴塞罗那约100公里。地址:Autovía Tarragona-Reus,43204 Reus,Tarragona,Spain电话:4704网站:http://www.aena.es/csee/Satellite/Aeropuerto-Reus/es/机场到市区交通巴士&Hispano Igualadina巴士公司会根据瑞安航空的航班安排往返巴塞罗那Sants火车站的巴士,车程约为2小时。票价:单程票12.5欧元;往返票22欧元。&购票地点:机场出口处Hispano Igualadina公司的办公室。&
巴塞罗那市内共有4个火车站,分别是桑兹火车站(Estación de Barcelona Sants)、加泰罗尼亚广场火车站(Pla?a de Catalunya)、格拉西亚大道火车站(Passeig de Garcia)和法兰西亚火车站(Estación de Francia)。桑兹火车站 Estación de Barcelona Sants桑兹火车站是巴塞罗那市区最重要的交通枢纽站之一,这里的火车多数开往欧洲及西班牙其他城市,与巴黎、苏黎世、米兰等城市相连通的欧洲高速铁路列车也在这里停靠。从巴塞罗那到马德里Atocha火车站的AVE高铁全部从这里发车,运行时间为6:00-22:20,平均每小时一班车,车程约为3小时,单程票为120欧元起。地址:Pla?a dels Pa?sos Catalans,08014 Barcelona,Spain电话:5300网站:barcelo.com交通:27、30、32、43、44、78、109、115路公交车;地铁L3、L5线Sants Estacio站。加泰罗尼亚广场火车站 Pla?a de Catalunya加泰罗尼亚广场火车站是加泰罗尼亚地区最古老的火车站,是巴塞罗那市区最繁忙的交通枢纽。该站与加泰罗尼亚广场外的多条公交线路相连,包括地铁L1线、城际火车R1、R3、R4线以及加泰罗尼亚地区火车线路R12线。地址:加泰罗尼亚广场北侧交通:24、41、42、55、67、68、141、N1、N2、N3、N6、N8路公交车;地铁L1线Catalunya站。格拉西亚大道火车站 Passeig de Garcia许多加泰罗尼亚的地区火车线路都在这里停靠,包括R11、R13、R14、R15和R16线等。地址:格拉西亚大道与Carrer Arago街交界处。交通:地铁L3线。&法兰西亚火车站 Estación de Francia该站邻近巴塞罗那港口,是巴塞罗那最美的火车站,这里主要运营往返法国、瑞士的火车,同时西班牙国内一些中短距离的火车也会在此停靠。地址:Av. del Marquès de l'Argentera,08003 Barcelona,Spain&交通:36、39、59、64、D20、N0、N6路公交车;地铁L4线Barceloneta站。
巴塞罗那汽车北站巴塞罗那汽车北站主要运营前往西班牙各大城市的长途汽车,也有前往法国、英国的国际班车。地址:Calle de Alí Bei 80,08013 Barcelona,Spain电话:0606网站:https://www.barcelonanord.cat/&交通:地铁L1线到Arc de Triomf站;54路公交。
在巴塞罗那市区到处可见的红色M标识,就是地铁站入口。巴塞罗那地铁共有11条线,由TMB和FGC两家公司运营。TMB运营1至5、9至11号线,FGC运营6至8号线。地铁每天线路用不同的颜色区分。巴塞罗那几乎所有的景点都可以乘坐地铁到达,在旅游信息中心可以拿取免费的地铁路线图。地铁经过的主要景点:L1:圣家堂、凯旋门、加泰罗尼亚广场L2:格拉西亚大道L3:对角线大道、加泰罗尼亚广场、皇家广场L4:奥运村、小巴萨罗那、格拉西亚大道L5:圣家堂巴塞罗那地铁导览图 @巴塞罗那地铁官网
巴塞罗那的出租车车身为黑黄两色,随处可见。一般空车会显示“Lliure”或 “Libre”,晚上车顶会亮绿灯。费用出租车起步价为2.05欧,工作日8:00-20:00,每公里加收0.98欧,20:00-次日8:00,每公里加收1.24欧;周六8:00-20:00,每公里加收1.24欧,20:00-次日6:00,每公里加收1.44欧;周日及公共假日6:00-20:00,每公里加收1.24欧,20:00-次日6:00,每公里加收1.44欧。此外,搭乘出租车前往部分目的地需要支付附加费,比如机场、火车 站,如果携带行李,也需要加收费用。
巴塞罗那市区的面积不大,景点也相对集中,租辆自行车绕海滨或市中心闲逛也是不错的观光方式。市内有多加自行车租赁地点,提供不同的车型,比如单人车、折叠车、双人自行车等。Bike Rental Barcelona地址:Carrer de Montserrat 8,08001 Barcelona,Spain电话:003-66-6057655网站:http://www.bikerentalbarcelona.com
Barcelona Card
T10 票可以在任何地铁站和巴塞罗那的烟草店购买。T10 票可以在所有 1 区范围内搭乘 10 次地铁、FGC(FGC 线路与市中心周围的地铁类似)巴士、轻轨和 RENFE。&票价T10票的售价按照城市区域划分,销量最高的是市中心的一区10次票,而二区的10次票对游客来说基本可以覆盖大部分景点。具体票价一区9.95欧元,二区19.6欧元,三区26.75欧元,四区34.45欧元,五区39.55欧元,六区42.05欧元。使用方法T10票在一年内无限期有效,并且供可以多人使用。请注意,使用时必须将卡插入机器中,然后从验票机中全部抽出,十字转门将打开让您通过。如果其他人需要继续使用,请勿将卡拔出,在他人使用完毕后再拔出。T10(1 区)仅适用于巴塞罗那市区 1 区内搭乘地铁、FGC 和 TMB巴士、列车和RENFE。如果打算在 1 区外旅游,请购买另外的 T10 票。注意T10 票可以搭乘 RENFE 列车到机场,但是不能在 Aerobus 巴士(到机场的快速巴士)上使用。
下载到电脑:Barcelona airport (BCN)
In this webpage you can find all the information regarding Barcelona Airport: Flights (Departures, Arrivals and Airlines), Parking, Hotels and Accommodation, Car hire, Transport and other information such as Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.
for more information about Barcelona.
Barcelona Airport - El Prat
(IATA: BCN ICAO: LEBL) is the main airport in Barcelona, located 14 km southwest from the city center.
Barcelona airport is the main airport of Catalonia with more than 44 Million passengers in 2016. The other important airport in Catalonia is , located at a distance of 100 kilometers northeast of Barcelona.
Barcelona Airport (IATA:BCN) is situated 14 km south from Barcelona city
Barcelona airport is the main airport of Catalonia, the 2nd largest of Spain
In 2016, over 44 million passengers used Barcelona Airport, breaking its own record
Nowadays Barcelona Airport is the 32th busiest airport in the world
Most of the traffic at Barcelona Airport is domestic and European
Terminal 1 was inaugurated at 2009. 70% of today's flights operate from Terminal 1
One of the advantages of the airport is its proximity to the city of Barcelona. The town where it is specifically located is El Prat de Llobregat.
Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, a reference city in terms of tourism and a business atraction point, with several congress and meeting points during all year.
Barcelona, the city
Barcelona is a very complete destination with many options so you can visit it different types of travel: from business or tourism to a trip of family, friends or couple, etc.
The city is known, above all, for being a very important business and tourism center in the province of Barcelona and in Spain in general. It has good infrastructures to adapt to all types of visitors offering the best services.
For this reason, it is essential to have an adequate airport to maintain the project of involving Barcelona in the commitment of world expansion. It’s own personality and the variety of markets with which it is involved are making the city one of the meeting places worldwide.
Barcelona is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, it is demonstrated with the more than 7 million tourists who visit it every year. With these numbers, it is also positioned as one of the most visited cities in the world.
The main attractions of the city are basically buildings of the architect Antoni Gaudí such as the 'Sagrada Familia' or 'La Casa Milà', also known as 'La Pedrera', as well as the stadium of the F.C. Barcelona (Camp Nou) or museums such as Picasso, Miró or l'MNAC. The events that the city organizes also attract thousands of people every year, such as music festivals or congresses.
Now you can get the
for the main city sights.
History tells us that people living in Barcelona, the cuisine and culinary traditions of the land, the climate and its strategic location between the Mediterranean Sea and the Pyrenees make Barcelona a very comfortable city with a high standard of living for its inhabitants and visitors.
As a business center, Barcelona holds many congresses and fairs to develop the variety of markets around the world, specifically on the European continent. Facilities such as the 'Fira de Barcelona', built only for cultural and business purposes, are helping the city to position itself as a reference point in southern Europe.
Transport - Barcelona airport to city
Barcelona Airport is only 14kms far from Barcelona city center, there are several types of transportation to the city: Taxi, Metro, Bus or Train services.
You can also book your .
There are two terminals at the airport. The T1, which was completed in 2009, is the main terminal. The oldest one is the T2 teminal and currently has no such intense activity as T1. Most flights are covered by low cost airlines. Check
Barcelona airport is among the 40 largest airports in the world by number of passengers. In 2016 it served more than 44 million passengers and is expected that the traffic is going to increase in the future, with a capacity of up to 55 million passengers.
Contact information
Address: Barcelona Airport El Prat, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat. Barcelona
Phone numbers: 902 404 704 / (+34) 91 321 10 00. AENA Call Center
e-mail: bcninformacion@aena.es
Lost & Found - Lost Property
For lost items in the airplanes, passengers must contact directly with their airline.
For lost items or properties at the airport, passengers can call at the Lost & Found department at: 932 59 64 40 or write an e-mail at: objetosperdidosbcn@aena.es.
Location of the Lost & Found Department: Terminal 1, Level 0, Intermodal hallway.
Hours: from 8 am to 10 pm every day. &
Drones near the airport
In Spain, is completely forbidden to fly drones near the airport (8km).}


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