辽宁篮球队外围 球队总得分后面有个+50是什么意思

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    1-3-1 Zone Defense  1-3-1 区域防守  What is 1-3-1 Zone Defense?   什么是1-3-1 区域防守?  A trapping zone defense that positions one player at the top of the key, three players lined up across the foul line extended, and one player running the baseline. This defensive formation is typically employed to aggravate the offensive perimeter players, forcing them to make bad passes and ill-advised shots.  这是一种限制性的区域防守,三个球员排成一线穿过罚球线,顶部那个球员是关键球员,其中一个球员位于底线。这种防守结构是典型的使用来有效的限制进攻球员,迫使他们的进行坏的传球和不合理的出手。  Sporting Charts explains 1-3-1 Zone Defense  体育记录解释1-3-1 区域防守  The most notable proponent of the 1-3-1 zone defense is Michigan coach John Beilein. Despite not having the top recruiting class, he has won everywhere he has coached using the 1-3-1 zone, putting up a 171-127 record as the coach of West Virginia for five years and then Michigan for four.   最著名的1-3-1 区域防守提倡者是密歇根州的教练John Beilein。虽然没有顶级的球员,他使用1-3-1 区域防守却无往不胜,作为教练他创造了171-127的记录,作为教练,他先在西弗吉尼亚州5年,后到密歇根州4年。  The 1-3-1 zone defense is most vulnerable at the baseline if the offensive team can swing the ball effectively with crisp passes. The defense can minimize that weakness though by putting an athletic player with incredible motor on the baseline. In the last couple of years, West Virginia-which still uses the 1-3-1 zone even after Beilein's departure-usually occupied that baseline spot with starting point guard Joe Mazzulla.  如果进攻球队能有有效的转移球,1-3-1 区域防守的底线是最脆弱的地方。这种防守能最大的降低对方在底线拥有运动能力出色的球员的威胁。在过去20年里,西弗吉尼亚州一直使用1-3-1 区域防守,甚至在Beilein离开之后还一直使用控球后卫Joe Mazzulla在底线。
    2-3 Zone Defense  2-3 区域防守  What is 2-3 Zone Defense?   什么是2-3 区域防守?  A zone defense that puts two players at the front (usually the two guards) and three players at the back (usually the two forwards and one center). It is sometimes called the "2-1-2 zone" because the middle player at the back (usually the center) may move further up towards the free throw line.  在防守区域里,2个球员在前(通常是两后卫),三个球员在后(同事是两前锋和中锋)。有时候也叫“2-1-2区域防守”,因为在后面的中间球员(通常是中锋)向罚球线方向移动。  Sporting Charts explains 2-3 Zone Defense  体育记录解释2-3 区域防守  The 2-3 zone is the most popular zone defense because it is the most conservative and the easiest to teach. This defensive scheme takes away inside shots and penetrations, which then forces the offense to "shoot over the zone" from the perimeter. It's also effective at hiding individual defensive mismatches since the entire defense shifts with the ball.  2-3 区域防守是最流行的区域防守,因为它最保守和最容易教。它遏制对方的防守区域内投篮和渗透,迫使其在周边进行外围投篮。因为整体防守是随球的转换而变化,所以它能有效的防止个人防守的错位。  Coach Jim Boeheim of Syracuse uses the 2-3 zone defense almost exclusively and has found tremendous success with it. Boeheim has been Syracuse's coach since 1976, and during his tenure he has posted a record of 856-301, leading the Orangemen to three Final Four appearances and one NCAA Tournament Championship (2003).   雪城大学球队的教练Jim Boeheim几乎是只使用2-3区域防守而取得了极大的成功。Boeheim自1976年开始担任雪城大学球队教练,任职期间,他取得了创纪录的成绩856-301,Orangemen队四次出现在NCAA总决赛上,其中三次由他率领,并且在2003年取得NCAA锦标赛冠军。
  24 Second Violation  24秒违例  What is 24 Second Violation?   什么是24秒违例?  A penalty against the team in possession of the ball when the shot clock reaches zero. The penalty results in a turnover (change of possession to the other team).  这是对拥有球权的球队用完了进攻时间的惩罚。惩罚的结果是改变球权(判定对方球队拥有球权)  Sporting Charts explains 24 Second Violation  体育记录解释24秒违例  The official time period of the shot clock in the NBA is 24 seconds. First introduced in 1954, the shot clock changed the way the game was played, as it prevented teams that were ahead from killing the clock with nearly endless passing of the basketball.  NBA官方限制的投篮时间在24秒之内。1954年引进,因为这预防了球队在比赛末延误时间,从而改变了篮球运动的方式。  The 24 second violation is the enforcement of the shot clock limit. It occurs when a team has failed to make a shot that touches the rim of the basket within the allotted 24 seconds of the shot clock. A buzzer sounds and the backboard lights up-the penalty is ruled a turnover, and the defensive team gains possession of the ball.  24秒违例加强了队投篮的时间的限制。当球队在24秒投篮时间内投篮没有接触篮圈就算违例。哨声响起,篮板灯亮起,双方交换球权,防守队获得球权。
  50-40-90 Club  50-40-90俱乐部  What is 50-40-90 Club?   什么是50-40-90俱乐部?  A small group of players who have recorded a field goal percentage of 50% or over, a three-point field goal percentage of 40% or over, and a free throw percentage of 90% or over in an NBA season while being over the league minimum of makes in each statistical category.  这是一个很小的球员群体,这些球员在NBA一个赛季里,投篮命中率超过50%,三分投篮命中率超过40%,和罚球命中率超过90%,这其中每一项统计数据都要达到联盟设定的最小值。  Sporting Charts explains 50-40-90 Club  体育记录解释50-40-90俱乐部  Since the NBA introduced the three-point line for the
season, only five players have been inducted into the 50-40-90 Club: Steve Nash ('06, '08, '09, '10), Larry Bird ('87, '88), Mark Price ('89), Reggie Miller ('94), and Dirk Nowitzki ('07).  自NBA在赛季引进三分线以来,只有5位球员进入50-40-90俱乐部:史蒂夫纳什('06, '08, '09, '10),拉里伯德('87, '88),马克普莱斯('89),雷吉米勒('94),和德克诺维斯基('07)。  A couple of players are unofficial members of the 50-40-90 Club, but since the NBA typically rounds shooting percentages to three decimal places, they were denied membership in the club. These players include Jeff Hornacek (.518-.418-.897 in ) and José Calderón (.497-.406-.981 in ). Larry Bird also posted a .496-.423-.896 in .  有几位非官方的50-40-90俱乐部球员,不过他们数据只是接近这三项统计数据,而没有被正式承认。这些球员包括杰夫霍纳塞克(.518-.418-.897 in )和José Calderón (.497-.406-.981 in )。拉里伯德也有一次496-.423-.896在。
  Air Ball  空气球(三不沾)  What is Air Ball?   什么是空气球?  In basketball, this is an unblocked shot that doesn't touch the rim or the backboard.  在篮球运动中,这是一种没有接触篮圈或篮板的投篮。  Sporting Charts explains Air Ball  体育记录解释空气球  An air ball is typically regarded as the most embarrassing thing a player can do on the court. When a player shoots an air ball while playing on the road, the home crowd typically chants "air ball" in a sing-song manner afterwards to remind the player how incompetent he is.  空气球通常被认为是球员在场上最丢人的事情。当有球员投出一个空气球之后,观众常常会有节奏的喊出“空气球”,以此来提醒球员他能力很差。  Some air balls are so horrible that they don't even count as a field goal attempt. It's typically up to the scorekeeper's discretion whether an air ball counts as an attempt or not. The shot clock does not reset after an air ball. Also, if the shooting player touches his own air ball without the opposing team touching the ball first, the player will be whistled down for travelling.  有些空气球太可怕了,其甚至不能看做是投篮。通常记分员判定空气球的方法是,投出这个空气球之后投篮时间没有被重置。同样,如果投篮球员在对方没有接触到篮球,是自己第一时间接触到其投出的空气球,这个球员将被吹罚为走步。
  Alley-oop  空中接力  What is Alley-oop?   什么是空中接力?  In basketball, this is an offensive play in which a player passes the ball near the basket (or sometimes off the backboard) and a teammate catches the ball in mid-air and shoots it-usually with a slam dunk-before he lands to the ground.  在篮球运动中,一位进攻球员传球到篮筐附近(或者篮板),一位队友在空中抓住球在自己落地前把球投入或扣入篮筐。  Sporting Charts explains Alley-oop  体育记录解释空中接力  It's also possible to throw an alley-oop to oneself, but the degree of difficulty involved in pulling this off is considerably higher. A player can throw the ball off the backboard, catch it, and then shoot it in one attacking maneuver.  空中接力也可以自己进行,因为自己要去抢抛出去的球,所以这更加难。球员能扔一个篮板球,然后抓住它投篮,这是一种进攻方式。  It is believed that the worst passes lead to the most impressive looking alley-oop plays because the shooter has to acrobatically adjust in mid-air to catch the inaccurately thrown pass.  人们普遍认为坏的传球能让空中接力更让人惊叹,因为接球队员在空中需要扭曲身体才能接住队友不准确的传球。
  Amnesty Clause  特赦条款  What is Amnesty Clause?   什么是特赦条款?  The Amnesty Clause is a clause negotiated into the newly ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement between the players and owners which allows a team to release one player from their roster and be free of any financial obligations to that player.
This was added to allow teams to clear salary cap space in preparation for new salary cap rules.
A player who is released under this program is said to be "amnestied."  特赦条款是劳资协议新批准的协商条款,它准许球员所属球队解除与球员的的合同,并从球队花名册上除名。球队为了新的工资帽规则可以通过它清理薪水空间。我们把这样从球队清除的球员叫“特赦”。  Sporting Charts explains Amnesty Clause  体育记录解释特赦条款  This is the second time an NBA CBA has included an Amnesty Clause.
Each team is only allowed to amnesty one player for the entire period of the CBA, and must select a player to be amnestied before the start of the season.
There is belief among basketball experts that such a rule is put in place by the owners to rid themselves of bad contracts that they had previously signed.
The original rule was sometimes called the "Allen Houston" because the New York Knicks had signed Allen Houston to a $100M contract that was untenable based on his performance.  这是第二次NBA和CBA都有特赦条款。CBA每支球队整个赛季只能特赦一名球员,并且在赛季开始时必须选择一名球员特赦。篮球专家相信这个条款能让球队摆脱他们自己以前签下的烂合同。这条款最初也被称为“阿兰休斯顿”,因为是纽约尼克斯认为阿兰-休斯顿表现与签订的1亿合同不匹配。
  Amoeba Defense  变形虫防守  What is Amoeba Defense?   什么是变形虫防守?  A trapping zone defense that positions one player at the top of the key and four players in a diamond formation behind him. The goal of the defense   is to force the ball into the corner where the defense can aggressively trap.  这是一种限制区域防守,顶部位置的球员是关键,他身后四名球员成钻石阵型。防守的目的是迫使球进入边角陷阱。  Sporting Charts explains Amoeba Defense  体育记录解释变形虫防守  The amoeba defense is typically used to defend a skilled post-up player because it usually puts two defensive players on him at all times. However, this defensive formation is high risk-high reward. If the defense can successfully trap the ball in the corner, the offensive player will be pressured to make a bad pass. However, once a smart offense recognizes the defensive scheme, he can basically steer clear of that area of the court to avoid getting trapped.  变形虫防守过去通常用于对背身单打的球员,因为变形虫防守用两名防守球员全程防守持球背身单打的球员。当然,这种防守有致命的缺陷。如果防守能成功的把球逼到边角,进攻球员将在压力下穿出坏球来。然而,一旦进攻方识破防守意图,基本上很容易避免持球进入防守陷阱。  Very few teams employ the amoeba defense, and even those who do only use it intermittently. The most famous team to play the amoeba defense is the 1990 NCAA National Champion, UNLV Running Rebels, which was led by eventual NBA players Larry Johnson and Greg Anthony.  很少有球队完全使用变形虫防守,只是偶尔用用。使用变形虫防守最出名的球队要算1990年的NCAA全国冠军——拉斯维加斯分校奔叛者队,这个队当时被后来进入NBA的球员拉里约翰逊和格雷格安东尼所带领。
  And One  加罚一次  What is And One?   什么是加罚一次?  The free throw granted to an offensive player after being fouled in the course of making a successful field goal.  当进攻球员投篮得分过程中被犯规,将获得罚球。  Sporting Charts explains And One  体育记录解释加罚一次  The most traditional form of the "And One" occurs when an offensive player is closest to the basket (usually while making a layup). As long as the basket was made or continuation was called, the player is then entitled to a single free throw in addition to the points scored by the basket. Also referred to as a "Three Point Play."  最常见的“加罚一次”是当进攻球员靠近篮筐(通常是上篮)。做出投篮动作或连贯动作的球员投进球后,获得了加罚一次球的机会。也叫做“打三分”。
  Ankle Breaker  脚踝终结者  What is Ankle Breaker?   什么是脚踝终结者?  In basketball, this is a crossover dribble in which the sudden change of direction causes the defender guarding the ballhandler to fall down. The ballhandler then takes advantage of the fallen defender and drives past him to the basket.  在篮球运动里,这是指一种交叉步运球,持球人忽然改变方向导致防守球员倒地,然后持球队员利用防守球员倒地过掉他去投篮。  Sporting Charts explains Ankle Breaker  体育记录解释脚踝终结者  For a crossover dribble to be an ankle breaker, the degree of difficulty of the maneuver performed is irrelevant. While it is true that the most punishing crossover dribble can "break the ankles" of even the most skilled defender, most of the time an ankle breaker happens when the dribbler is facing an inept defender. A simple crossover can be made effective by a defender's lack of footwork.  交叉步运球扭伤脚踝,很大程度上来说两者是不想干的。当面对好的防守者时,交叉步运球很容易伤着自己的脚踝;运球面对笨拙的防守者时,防守者的脚踝确实容易扭伤。防守球员不要移动脚步,一个简单的交叉步是很容易防守的。
  Traveling  走步  What is Traveling?   什么是走步?  A violation that occurs when a player with the ball walks, runs or takes too many steps without dribbling. A player is allowed two steps after picking up the dribble, and after two steps, the player must keep an established pivot foot to the floor. Also, when a player dives for a loose ball on the floor and gains possession, a player can't roll over or attempt to stand. The player that commits the violation is charged with a turnover.  当球员持球走,跑或是走了很多步没有运球就叫走步。允许持球球员在运球间隙走两步,两步之后必须要在地板上建立中轴脚。也就是当持球球员拍球一次期间,不能打滚或站住。球员犯规后球权将交换。  Sporting Charts explains Traveling  体育记录解释走步  The NBA had to clarify its traveling rules for the 2009-10 season, updating in its rule book that "a player who receives the ball while he is progressing or upon completion of a dribble, may take two steps in coming to a stop, passing, or shooting the ball." Prior to 2009, it wasn't officially stated that players were allowed to take two steps, but they were getting away with it anyway.  NBA2009—10赛季不得不澄清走步规则,更新了走步规则为“持球球员接到球后或者运球结束时,可以走两步再站住,传球,或者投篮。”在2009年期间,官方并没有宣布球员可以走两步,但是当时联盟中的球员普遍都这样做。
时间: 19:42:05   先解释一下走步吧,保证很快就有人吵起来!   =========================================  我提前上了走步规则了。看看吧,看能不能解决你的疑惑。  在这个帖里别吵走步的问题了吧。毕竟不是吵架帖。
  Assist  助攻  What is Assist?   什么是助攻?  In basketball, this is a statistic awarded to a player who passes the ball to a teammate in a way that leads to a field goal. Unlike in hockey, only the pass directly before the field goal may be counted as an assist in basketball.  在篮球运动中,这是一种通过穿球给队友,队友投篮得分的数据统计。与曲棍球不同,在篮球运动中只有通过传球直接投篮得分才能计入一次助攻。  Sporting Charts explains Assist - basketball  体育记录解释篮球助攻  The assist is said to be the most subjective statistic in basketball because it is reliant on the official scorekeeper's judgement regarding whether or not the pass is facilitating a direct move to the basket. Some believe that players are awarded more assists at home than on the road.  助攻被认为是篮球运动中最主观的数据,因为它依赖官方的记录员来判断球是否是通过传球直接投篮。有部分人相信球员的助攻数据在主场要比客场来的容易。  Former Utah Jazz point guard John Stockton holds the NBA record for most career assists with 15,806.  前犹他爵士队控卫约翰斯托克顿保持NBA球员生涯最多的助攻纪录15,806。
  Assist Percentage  助攻百分比  What is Assist Percentage?   什么是助攻百分比?  A metric that estimates the percentage of field goals made by a team that a particular player assisted on while he was in the game. By definition, field goals made by the player in question are excluded. Assist Percentage can also be calculated for a team rather than an individual player.  这是一种衡量一名特定球员在一场比赛中的助攻与其球队投篮得分之间的百分比。根据定义,此球员投篮得分从中剔除不计。助攻百分比不仅能用于个人也能用于球队。  Sporting Charts explains Assist Percentage  体育记录解释助攻百分比  In an effort to determine how much impact players have on their teams, sports statisticians have developed metrics such as Assist Percentage. Assists don't tell the entire story in terms of passing efficiency, but examining Assist Percentage can give us clues as to how effective a player is at setting up his teammates for scoring opportunities.  为了衡量球员对球队的影响,体育统计学家使用助攻百分比作为度量标准。球员助攻数不能全面体现其在球队里的传球效率,但是通过助攻百分比,能让我们更多的看到该  球员在球队里为队友创造的得分机会。  Although the formula itself looks a bit more complicated, the basic idea is to look at all the shots made from the field while a certain player was in the game, and find the percentage of those shots the player assisted on. This value indicates how much "control" a player has over the offense in terms of how many scores are a direct result of his passing ability.  这个公式看起来很复杂,其根本是看在场上的一名特定球员与其在场时的所有投篮,计算出这名球员的助攻与这些投篮的百分比。投篮百分比是显示一名在球队的全面进攻中掌控度,有多少得分是直接来至于他的传球能力。  Some of the all-time leaders in this category include John Stockton, Magic Johnson, Brevin Knight, Mark Jackson and Kevin Johnson.  在NBA历史上助攻百分比的领导者包括约翰斯托克顿,埃尔文·约翰逊,布莱文·奈特,马克·杰克逊和凯文·约翰逊。
  Assist to Turnover Ratio  助攻失误比  What is Assist to Turnover Ratio?   什么是助攻失误比?  The assist to turnover ratio is one of many basketball statistics used to evaluate the ball control and ball handling skills of a player. It is found by dividing the total number of assists a player has recorded in a game by the number of turnovers the player has committed in the same game. A turnover is counted when a player with possession of the ball loses possession as the result of a violation or an opposing player. An assist is recorded when the player passes the ball to another player who then scores.  助攻失误比是用于衡量一个球员的控球和控球技巧价值的篮球统计数据之一。助攻失误比是在一场比赛中,球员助攻数与球员相关的失误数的比值。当一个球员因为犯规或对手而失球,被计一次失误。球员传球给队友得分被计一次助攻。  Sporting Charts explains Assist to Turnover Ratio  体育记录解释助攻失误比  This measurement is especially effective at measuring ball control, because a player who distributes the ball and gains assists without turning the ball over will have a high ratio. The opposite is true of players who turn the ball over more than they distribute it to their teammates for successful scoring opportunities.  助攻失误比是非常有效的衡量球员对于球的控制,因为球员分配球获得助攻而没有失误将有很高的比率。相反,如果球员分配球给队友,队友成功得分率不高,将有很低的比率。
时间: 14:02:47   很好,只是英文单词之间怎么没有间隔?我是总手机看的,是手机的问题吗?  ===========================================  这个原因是因为我用的剪贴板编辑的英文,所有的空格因为这种编辑方式没有了。  不是你手机的问题。欢迎共同学习^_^
  Assists per Game  场均助攻  What is Assists per Game?   什么是场均助攻?  A statistic in basketball, defined as the average number of assists a player makes on a per game basis. An assist is recorded when a player passes the ball to another player who then scores the ball. This statistic can be calculated by dividing the total number of assists a player makes over a specific number of games by that number of games. This statistic can be very helpful to coaches trying to determine who is passing the ball to the open man, but should not be relied upon as the only statistic to measure that particular quality.  场均助攻数是篮球运动中的一个数据,其定义是球员在他参赛场次中的助攻平均数。当球员传球给队友得分就算一次助攻。这个数据是由球员全部的助攻数除以参赛场次而得出。场均助攻能很好的帮助教练决定谁担当场上的分配球的人,但是不能仅仅依靠场均助攻数去衡量球员的这种能力。  Sporting Charts explains Assists per Game  体育记录解释场均助攻数  An assist is awarded when a player passes the ball to a teammate who scores. The amount of time that may elapse between the player receiving the pass and scoring the ball in order for an assist to be recorded is at the discretion of the scorekeeper. There are rules that dictate when a player has assisted in a score, but since a human is the one recording the action, there may be a home-court advantage because the home team supplies the scorekeepers. Players who are known for their assisting abilities sometimes have their assist numbers inflated because they are given the benefit of the doubt on certain plays. What this all means is that assists per game, while helpful, should not be relied upon as the only measure of assists.  当一名球员传球给他的队友得分就计一次助攻。而球员接传球得分就应该计一次的这种助攻,可能会因为记录员判定不算一次助攻。这种规则可以控制一名球员是否在得一分的传球时算不算一次助攻,助攻拥有的主场优势是因为主队提供记录员。球员在有些时候助攻数猛涨,从而认为他们拥有出色的助攻能力,是因为他们由被怀疑到确定其能力的这一过程所致。场均助攻数的益处不能仅仅依靠助攻数来全部体现。
  Attempt  出手  What is Attempt?   什么是出手?  A statistic in basketball which refers to the number of times a player has shot the ball. A player is considered to have shot the ball when the ball leaves the player's hands and travels towards the basket. It is not required that the ball touch any part of the basketball hoop, including the rim or backboard. All types of shots count towards a player's total.  这是指一名球员投篮的次数统计。对球员来说,只要球离开了运动员的手投向篮筐,不管球是否接触了篮圈或篮板的任何部分,都将计入球员的出手次数。  Sporting Charts explains Attempt  体育记录解释出手  An attempt is used as a measurement tool in conjunction with shots made in order to determine the shooting percentage of a player. It is often divided into categories based on the type of shot taken (free throw, three-point shot, field goal), or other metric, in order to determine the highest efficiency shot for a player. For example, a player will take many shots from all over the court, but only make them from within 15 feet of the basket. It is important to calculate this player's shooting percentage by distance from the basket so the player learns where on the court he or she is most effective shooting the ball.  出手被用来评估一个球员投篮百分比的数据。出手常基于出手类型分类(罚球,三分投射,二分投篮),或其他标准划分,这样就能区分一名球员的最高投篮效率。比如,一名球员在场上所有的投篮都是在距离篮筐15英尺内。出手分类就能计算出这名球员距离篮筐各区域的投篮百分比,这样,这名球员就知道哪个区域是他最高效的投篮区域。
  Attempt  出手  What is Attempt?   什么是出手?  A statistic in basketball which refers to the number of times a player has shot the ball. A player is considered to have shot the ball when the ball leaves the player's hands and travels towards the basket. It is not required that the ball touch any part of the basketball hoop, including the rim or backboard. All types of shots count towards a player's total.  这是指一名球员投篮的次数统计。一名球员只要球离开了运动员的手投向篮筐,不管球是否接触了篮圈或篮板的任何部分,都将计入球员的出手次数。  Sporting Charts explains Attempt  体育记录解释出手  An attempt is used as a measurement tool in conjunction with shots made in order to determine the shooting percentage of a player. It is often divided into categories based on the type of shot taken (free throw, three-point shot, field goal), or other metric, in order to determine the highest efficiency shot for a player. For example, a player will take many shots from all over the court, but only make them from within 15 feet of the basket. It is important to calculate this player's shooting percentage by distance from the basket so the player learns where on the court he or she is most effective shooting the ball.  出手被用来评估一个球员投篮百分比的数据。出手常基于出手类型分类(罚球,三分投射,二分投篮),或其他标准划分,这样就能区分一名球员的最高投篮效率。比如,一名球员在场上所有的投篮都是在距离篮筐15英尺内。出手分类就能计算出这名球员距离篮筐各区域的投篮百分比,这样,这名球员就知道哪个区域是他最高效的投篮区域。
  Attempts per Game  场均出手  What is Attempts per Game?   什么是场均出手?  This is a basketball statistic which is used to measure the average number of shots a player takes in a game. It is calculated by dividing the total number of shots a player attempts in a game by the number of games played. Teams track this statistic because it helps them keep track of who is taking the shots during games. In order for teams to be successful, the players with the most efficient scoring measures should be averaging the greatest number of attempts.
  场均出手是一项篮球运动统计数据,它常被用来衡量一名球员在比赛中的平均出手次数。场均出手数是由球员出手总数除以参赛场次得出。球队参考这项统计数据是为了考量球员在场上的出手,球队为了更好的比赛结果,分析出球员最高效的得分的最大场均出手数。  Sporting Charts explains Attempts per Game  体育记录解释场均出手  Attempts per game is not always the most accurate measure of shots a player takes, because it does not take into account free throws. A player who gets a majority of his points from free throws will not record many attempts. Furthermore, a player who draws a lot of fouls may not record many attempts. This statistic, while an important element of many others, is not often considered necessary as a direct measurement.  场均出手不能准确的反应球员的投篮,因为场均出手并没有计入罚球。一名球员如果得分主要通过罚球,那么就会大大降低出手数。此外,球员博得的大量犯规也不会计入出手。因此,场均出手只是衡量一个球员投射的一个重要参考,而不是最直接和必须的一种统计数据。
  Back Screen  无球掩护  What is Back Screen?   什么是无球掩护?  An offensive basketball play that involves a player without the ball standing beside or behind a defender to free up a teammate, ideally so that he or she can receive a pass while cutting towards the basket.  在篮球运动中,一名无球队员站在防守球员边上或后面配合队友的进攻,理想的情况下,他或她还能在切入篮下时过渡一次球。  Sporting Charts explains Back Screen  体育记录解释无球掩护  The screener has to be completely stationary while setting a screen, or he/she may be called for an offensive foul (more specifically, a moving screen).  完成一次无球掩护应当是站立不动的。他或她相当于一次进攻犯规(比较明显的移动掩护)。
  Backboard  篮板  What is Backboard?   什么是篮板?  The rectangular structure used to position and support the basketball net on either end of the court.  位于球场底线用于安置篮球网的矩形板。  Sporting Charts explains Backboard  体育记录解释篮板  The backboard is an essential part of the game of basketball in that it is used to support the rim and net. In the NBA it is generally a steel frame housing a tempered glass or fiberglass pane. The backboard is positioned exactly 10 feet from the floor of the court, and measures 3.5 feet high and 6 feet wide. It also contains a painted rectangle just above the rim that is 1.5 high and 2 feet wide, for the purpose of targeting and making bank shots. Backboards also have lights built into their borders, synchronized with the shot/game clock that will light up when time expires.  篮板是篮球比赛必须的一个组成,篮板上通常有篮筐和篮网。NBA的篮板一般是金属框架里面是一块大小适中的玻璃或玻璃纤维嵌板。篮板距离地板的位置刚好是10英尺高,篮板尺寸是3.5英尺高,6英尺宽。在篮圈上方的篮板画有一个高1.5英尺宽2英尺的矩形,方便进行打板投篮瞄准。篮板的四周画有线,会随投篮时间或比赛时间到的时候亮起。
  Backcourt  后场  What is Backcourt?   什么是后场?  (1) A team's defensive half of the basketball court. (2) The collection of players consisting of a team's guards.  (1)篮球场上球队防守的半场。(2)球队防守时球员聚集的地方。  Sporting Charts explains Backcourt  体育记录解释后场  The physical backcourt is the back half of the basketball court behind the half-court line. The ball is often inbounded into the backcourt, especially after a change of possession following a scored basket or dead ball. Failure to bring the ball into the frontcourt by the team in possession within 8 seconds results in a backcourt violation.  物理上的半场是中线后方的一半球场。篮球常在得分后改变球权或死球时,从后场重新进入球场。球队有8秒时间带球从后场进入前场,否者就算犯规。  The term backcourt is also used to refer to a team's starting guards (or those who have played the most minutes in any given game), including the point guard, shooting guard, and any combo guards. This use of the backcourt term is usually applied to overall scoring or performance by players in this category.  后场这个词也常指球队开始防守的地方(或在比赛中大部分时间都在此活动的球员),包括控球后卫,得分后卫,和双能卫。后场这个词也常常用来指全体球员得分或表现这类情况。
  Backcourt Violation  后场违例  What is Backcourt Violation?   什么是后场违例?  A violation called when the offense fails to bring the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt within eight seconds after gaining possession. When the violation is called, the offense loses possession of the ball and the opposing team inbounds the ball from the sidelines. The player in possession of the ball when the violation is called is charged with a turnover.  获得球权后的进攻方没有在8秒钟之内把球从后场带入前场就叫后场违例。发生后场违例时,进攻方失去球权,对方从边线从新发球。违例发生时,计持球队员一次失误。  Sporting Charts explains Backcourt Violation  体育记录解释后场违例  When defenses apply full court pressure, one of their goals is to harass the ball handlers long enough so that they don't cross the half court line in less than eight seconds.  在高强度防守时,他们的一个目标就是延阻持球者,迫使他们不能在8秒内穿过中线。  Before the 2001-02 season, the players in the NBA were allowed 10 seconds to advance the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt. However, in order to generate a more up-tempo style of basketball, the NBA changed the backcourt violation rule to eight seconds.   在2001-02赛季之前,NBA球员有10秒钟时间带球从后场到前场。然后,为了加快比赛节奏,NBA缩短了后场违例的时间到8秒。
  @甚爱毕大费  谢谢斑竹大人鼓励^_^Y
时间: 23:41:02   坑   =======================================  朋友鞭策的好!一定努力跟新!
  Backdoor Cut  后门切入  What is Backdoor Cut?   什么是后门切入?  An offensive maneuver that involves a player without the ball moving towards the basket behind the defense in an attempt to receive a pass.  这是一种进攻战术,一名在防守队员身后的无球队员向篮下移动,等队友传球给他。  Sporting Charts explains Backdoor Cut  体育记录解释后门切入  A backdoor cut works best behind a zone defense in which the defensive players are all looking at the player with the ball, making them completely unaware of the offensive player behind them cutting towards the basket.  无球切入最好的位置是在所有的防守队员注意力都集中在持球队员的身后,使得所有的防守球员完全没有意识到进攻队员正在他们身后向篮下移动。  It is also effective against an overcommitting man-to-man defense. When the defender tries to aggressively get in between a pass, the offensive player without the ball cuts toward the basket, taking advantage of the free path that the defender allowed.  这是一种有效应对人盯人防守的战术。当防守球员极力延阻球传导,无球进攻的球员向篮下切入,这样做的好处是,此时是防守球员无法照顾到的线路。
  Ball Fake  佯攻  What is Ball Fake?   什么是佯攻?  The intentional feint or deceptive motion made by a basketball player with the ball, designed to shed a defender or throw off a defender's rhythm in order to get a clear shot.  持球队员佯攻或做假动作,这么做目的是为了摆脱防守队员或打乱其防守节奏得到好的投篮空间。  Sporting Charts explains Ball Fake  体育记录解释佯攻  A ball fake can be as simple as a single pump before an actual shot, or more elaborate, such as a fake pass on the run. Point guards and other more competent ball handlers are usually the players who use ball fakes the most, as their extra speed and athletic ability can make a good ball fake give them all the time they need to score or provide an assist.  佯攻可以是在投篮前的一个简单投篮假动作,稍复杂点可以是移动前的虚晃。控卫和其他持球能力强的球员经常使用佯攻,因为他们超强的速度和运动能力能做出很漂亮的佯攻,从而有利于他们去得分或是助攻。
  Ball Hog  球霸  What is Ball Hog?   什么是球霸?  A player who would rather shoot or hold onto the ball than pass to his or her teammates. Ball-hogging is considered a selfish act.  一名球员如果他老是自己投篮或持球,不通过自己传导球或给队友投篮机会。球霸是一种自私的行为。  Sporting Charts explains Ball Hog  体育记录解释球霸  The players with the highest usage rates tend to be the biggest ball hogs in the NBA. In , Kobe Bryant had the highest usage rate with 35.08%.  在NBA最高占球率的球员通常被认为是最大的球霸。在赛季,科比布莱恩占球率为35.08%
  Ball Reversal  导球  What is Ball Reversal?   什么是导球?  In basketball, the act of passing the ball from one side of the court to the other. This is accomplished through either a series of quick, short passes, or a "skip pass" across the court.  在篮球运动中,导球就是球在场上由一边到另一边的传递。这是种技术娴熟的传球,要么是一系列的快速短距离传球,要么是横穿过场的“跳传”。  Sporting Charts explains Ball Reversal  体育记录解释导球  Ball reversal is just how it sounds. It is an offensive passing technique that reverses the position of the ball on the offensive side of the court through passing. The most effective use of ball reversal is to pass the ball from one player to another so that the position of the ball begins on one wing of the court, and ends at the opposite wing. This forces players on the defensive team to move and readjust their defense and defensive strategies. Ball reversal goes hnd-in-hand with quick passing, creating the best possible angles for delivering the basketball to the post or into the paint, changing the focus of defenses, and creating open "looks" for shooters.  导球就像它的字面意思一样。它是一种进攻传球技术,运用导球,进攻方把球从球场一边传递到另一边。最有效的导球是通过球员传递球,把球从球场一翼传递到另一翼,这样做能迫使防守球队移动和重新调整他们的防守和防守策略。导球通过快速的手递手方式传球,产生最佳的传球点或线路,改变防守中心,创造出开阔的投篮空间。  Ball reversal is a difficult technique to master, but it is essential to keeping a team's offense crisp, fluid, and unpredictable. Many of the more successful 3-point shooting teams make use of ball reversal, often combined with dribble penetration.  娴熟的导球是一种困难的技术,但它是一支进攻干脆,流畅,和不可预测的球队所必须具有的。成功的3分球球队经常结合控球渗透于导球之中。
  Banana Cut  弧形切入  What is Banana Cut?   什么是弧形切入?  In basketball, a sudden, quick movement by a player in a broad, curving path across the court.  在篮球运动中,球员突然、快速的沿弯曲移动路线穿过球场开阔地。  Sporting Charts explains Banana Cut  体育记录解释弧形切入  A banana cut is the same as a cut, but instead of cutting in a straight line, the player in question moves in an arc, either towards or away from the basket. This is usually done based on deployment of the opposing team's defense, and is sometimes preferable for certain offenses, especially if there is no clear, straight path across the court. The banana cut can be more effective as it does not immediately give away the intent of the player, who is either drawing the defense away or attempting to get open for a pass.  弧形切入同样是一种切入,但弧形切入的球员不是沿着一条直线而是一条弧移动,可以是向篮下也可以是远离蓝下的切。弧形切入常用于调动对手的防守,他有时能有利于进攻,特别是在没有清晰,直接的进攻路线时。弧形切入有效性是因为,它没有直接泄露出球员到底是为了撕扯防线还是为了跑出空位去接球。
  Bank Shot  擦板投篮  What is Bank Shot?   什么是擦板投篮?  A shot in basketball in which the ball hits or "banks" off the backboard before touching the rim or going into the basket.  这是一种篮球通过打板或擦板“倾斜飞行”接触篮圈或进入篮筐的投篮。  Sporting Charts explains Bank Shot  体育记录解释擦板投篮  A bank shot utilizes the backboard to create an angle for the ball to go into the hoop. A basketball player will typically use a bank shot during mid-to-short range jump shots, especially if they are shooting at a tough angle. Most layups tend to be bank shots, but not all bank shots are layups. The small rectangle just above the rim on the backboard is meant to be used as an aid to players when they are using the backboard to bank shots.  擦板投篮是利用篮板形成角度让球进入篮圈。典型使用擦板投篮的是进行中近距离跳投的球员,特别是在他们投篮角度不好时用到。大部分上篮喜欢用到擦板,但不是所有的上篮都是擦板投篮。球员使用擦板投篮时,只能利用篮圈上方很小的矩形区域进行擦板。  Some well-known users of the bank shot in the NBA are Tim Duncan, Dwyane Wade, and Kobe Bryant.  在NBA有些非常出名的擦板投篮使用者,蒂姆邓肯,德怀恩韦德和科比布莱恩特。
  Baseline  底线  What is Baseline?   什么是底线?  The end line on a basketball court.   在篮球场末端的线。  Sporting Charts explains Baseline  体育记录解释底线  The area outside of the baseline is out of bounds. After a team scores a basket, the opposing team then takes the ball out of bounds at the baseline to start its possession.  底线外的区域是界外。球队得分之后,对手球权开始于他们在底线界外的持球。
  Basket Interference  干扰球  What is Basket Interference?   什么是干扰球?  A violation called while a player (a) touches the ball or any part of the basket while the ball is within the imaginary cylinder that exists above the rim, (b) touches the ball while reaching up through the rim from below, or (c ) hangs on or yanks down the rim or the net while the ball is being shot. When the violation is called on a defensive player, the shooter is awarded the field goal. When the violation is called on an offensive player, the field goal is disallowed.  这是一种犯规,(a)当球在篮圈上方假想圆柱体之内时,球员接触球或蓝的任何部分时犯规,(b)当球员从下向上穿过篮圈接触球时犯规,(c)在投篮时挂在篮圈上或向下急拉篮圈、篮网也是犯规。当防守球员干扰球犯规时,进攻球员得分;进攻队员干扰球犯规时,得分将被判无效。  Sporting Charts explains Basket Interference  体育记录解释干扰球  Under the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) rules, however, once the ball hits the rim, any player is allowed to touch or rebound it, regardless of whether or not the ball is within the imaginary cylinder above the rim. There were reports in 2010 that FIBA wanted the NBA to implement this rule.  在国际篮球联合会(FIBA)规则下,一旦球击中篮圈,任何球员都不能去接触或抢这个篮板球,不管这个球是否是在篮圈之上的假想圆柱体之内。在2010年有报道FIBA想用NBA的干扰球规则替代之。
  Basketball Court  篮球场  What is Basketball Court?   什么是篮球场?  The rectangular playing surface in basketball.  进行篮球运动的矩形地面。  Sporting Charts explains Basketball Court  体育记录解释篮球场  The dimensions of the basketball court vary. In the NBA, the court is 94 feet by 50 feet. Under FIBA rules, the court is 28 m by 15 m. A high school basketball court is typically 84 feet by 50 feet.   篮球运动场面积是不同的。在NBA,球场是94X50英尺。FIBA规定,球场是28mX15m。典型的中学球场是84X50英尺。
  Basketball Plus-Minus  篮球运动加-减(场上效率)  What is Basketball Plus-Minus?   什么是篮球运动加-减?  A metric that looks at how teams perform with a certain player on the court, how they perform with a certain player off the court, and calculates the overall impact that player has on team success.  这是一种衡量某位球员在场上时球队的状况,这名球员下场后球队的状况,以此来计算这名球员对本队成功的全面影响。  This is also sometimes referred to as the on court/off court number.  有些时候也指上场/下场球员。  Sporting Charts explains Plus/minus (+/-) Basketball  体育记录解释篮球运动加-减(+/-)  Plus/minus began as a hockey metric, and has been kept as an official NHL statistic since 1968. Around 2003, Roland Beech of 82games.com brought this concept to NBA basketball...and a few years after that, the league made +/- a part of it's official boxscore statistics.  加/减开始是对冰球运动的度量,国家冰球联盟官方从1968年开始记录此数据。在2003年,Roland Beech在创办的82场网站里首先用了这个概念到NBA篮球运动之中。几年之后,联盟在其官方数据库中部分数据使用+/-。  Interestingly, this metric is much more meaningful in basketball than it is in hockey, even though it took much longer for the NBA to begin using it. The more scoring there is in a game, the more useful this statistic becomes. Plus/minus is a useful way to determine a player's value to his team, because it encompasses everything a player does on the basketball floor, even things the NBA doesn't keep official statistics on.  有趣的是,这种度量在篮球运动中的效果比冰球更好,甚至它的使用时间在NBA中更长。在一场比赛中得分越多,这个数据变的越有用。加/减对决定一个球员对球队的价值也是非常有效的,因为它包括了一个球员在球场上做的每一件事,有些事甚至在NBA官方数据都没有进行记载。  An example of Plus/minus is as follows: let's say a player's team was 7.5 points better than their opponents when he was in the game (+7.5). When our player was not in the game, however, the team was 3.3 points worse than their opponents (-3.3). To find this player's +/- rating, you simply take the difference of the two numbers, which yields a rating of +10.8.  下面是加/减的一个例子:假如一名球员在他在场上时,他能使他的球队比他们的对手多得7.5分,当他不在场上时,球队比他们的对手少得3.3分,那么我们就能从这两个不同的数值发现这名球员的+/-率是+10.8。
时间: 21:32:16   恩,前几天去大学打球说一个走步后哥就觉得有点不对,一看关于走步的解释,哥还真说错了。   ====================================  很高兴您能这么说O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~
22:00:14  作者:
时间: 21:32:16  恩,前几天去大学打球说一个走步后哥就觉得有点不对,一看关于走步的解释,哥还真说错了。  ====================================  很高兴您能这么说O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~  -----------------------------  跳步后双脚不能动,走两步后必须起跳,拜中学篮球裁判所赐。顺便楼主科普下球脱手后继续运球的问题,现实中很多人对此看法是错的。外加,其他联防阵型的图,哥了解用
时间: 22:16:02   跳步后双脚不能动,走两步后必须起跳,拜中学篮球裁判所赐。顺便楼主科普下球脱手后继续运球的问题,现实中很多人对此看法是错的。外加,其他联防阵型的图,哥了解用   ==============================  你的问题我记住了。翻译过程中如果碰到你的问题,我就叫你^_^
  BEEF  标准投篮  What is BEEF?   什么是标准投篮?  An acronym in basketball that stands for "balance, eyes, elbow, follow-through." It signifies the "perfect" formula when teaching the art of shooting.  这是篮球运动中投篮标准的首字母缩写“平衡,眼睛,肘部,后续姿势。”它意味着一个“完美”的投篮技术所要注意的方面。  Sporting Charts explains BEEF  体育记录解释标准投篮  BEEF is a shooting strategy comprised of four elements. The first, balance, requires a shooter to be as well-balanced as possible when lining up a shot. This means that a shooter should have one foot in front of the other, with the lead foot matching the hand the player shoots from. Secondly, eyes should always been on "target," meaning that rather than on the ball, a shooter should be looking directly at where he intends the ball to go (i.e., the basket). Thirdly, the elbow or elbows of the arm(s) holding the ball should be straight, directly beneath the hand and the basketball, when the shot is released. This ensures the most accuracy when shooting the basketball. Lastly, just as with many swings and shots in other sports, a good follow-through is essential. It helps reinforce the entire shooting motion and stabilizes the direction of the shot.  标准投篮动作包括四个方面。第一,平衡,需要投手在投篮之前身体有很好的平衡。这意味着投手首先要主要脚的平衡感,然后再与其手部动作协调。第二,眼睛应该一直盯着“目标”,这要求不是要眼睛总是盯着球,投篮球员应该盯着球奔去的地方(即篮筐)。第三,肘部,或小手臂应该与持球部分成一条直线,当球出手后,手肘正好位于持球手下方。这样做有利于确保投篮的精准性。最后,就像许多其他的运动一样,一定的摆弧对一个漂亮的投篮跟随动作来说是必须的。它能强化整个投篮动作和稳定投篮的方向。
  Bench  板凳  What is Bench?   什么是板凳?  (1) The group of players on a basketball team who do not start the game but may come into the game as a substitution.
(2) The physical location   players occupy when they are not on the basketball court (i.e. chairs).  (1)这是在篮球运动中球队的一部分球员,他们在比赛开始时不上场,但是可能会成为替补随后上场。(2)比赛中,这是不在场上打球的球员所在位置(即板凳)  Sporting Charts explains Bench  体育记录解释板凳  The bench is a vital part of any basketball team and regularly contributes to the game in a number of different capacities. The primary function of bench players is to provide starting players with rest, and to keep the pace of the game consistent as they come in fresh and ready to play. Most teams will have specific bench players as initial substitutions by position (e.g. a point guard for a point guard). As starters do not always play well ever game, bench players will sometimes help make up the difference in points scored or defense-the bench is a key part of strategy for basketballcoaches, as they are able to use a larger stable of players for specific match-ups against opponents. In the NBA teams may have up to 7 players on the bench (12 man active roster with 5 starters).  板凳对任何一支篮球球队都是非常重要的部分,他们有对一场比赛有着各种方面的贡献。板凳球员的首要功能是给先发球员休息时间,体力充沛的他们入场能保证比赛的节奏。大多数的球队在某些位置上都有一些特别的板凳球员作为先发的替补(比如,控卫对控卫)。首发并不是每场比赛都打的好,板凳球员某些时候也能盯防与之不同的位置。在篮球教练能选择更稳定球员进行盯防的前提下,板凳球员的使用是去得分或是防守,对他们执教策略来说是一个关键的部分。在NBA球队板凳球员有7名(在激活名单里,加上5名首发球员一起共12名球员)
  Benchwarmer  板凳暖男  What is Benchwarmer?   什么是板凳暖男?  A term used to describe a player on the roster who never or rarely sees any playing time.  这是一支球队对在激活名单上很少或基本没有机会上场球员的称呼。  Sporting Charts explains Benchwarmer  体育记录解释板凳暖男  The term refers to the fact that this player's body temperature heats up the bench for his or her more active teammates.  这个词是指这些球员的体温为了他或他上场的队友们把板凳都坐暖和了。
  Bi-annual Exception  百万条款  What is Bi-annual Exception?   什么是百万条款?  The bi-annual exception is another piece of the Collective Bargaining Agreement which allows teams to spend money on salary without counting it against their salary cap.
This exception allows teams to spend $1.672M over two years.
It can be spent on multiple players if the team so desires.  百万条款是集体谈判协议的另一条规定,它允许球队花不计在球队工资帽内的钱支付薪水。这条款允许球队两年花1.672百万美元。如果球队需要,百万条款的钱能用于支付多名球员的薪水。  Sporting Charts explains Bi-annual Exception  体育记录解释百万条款  This particular exception was used by a lot of luxury tax paying teams prior to the new CBA being ratified.
For example, the Los Angeles Lakers signed Karl Malone using the bi-annual exception prior to the 2003-04 season.
Under the current CBA, luxury tax teams are forbidden from using the bi-annual exception.
This was done because teams under the cap did not like that luxury tax paying teams were using the bi-annual exception to sign marquee free agents.
Under the current agreement, raises on bi-annual exception contracts are limited to 8% per year.
Only teams who are not paying luxury taxes are allowed to use the bi-annual exception.  在过去,很多支付奢侈税的CBA球队签订新合同时优先使用这个特殊条款。比如,洛杉矶湖人队在2003-04赛季与卡尔马龙签订合同首先使用了百万条款。目前,CBA缴奢侈税的球队被禁止使用百万条款,这是因为在没有触发奢侈税的球队使用百万条款签订自由球员时与触发奢侈税的球队(占用薪水空间)是不同的。在目前协议下,百万条款涉及的合同被限制在每年(薪水)8%之内。只有在球队不触发奢侈税时才能使用百万条款。
  Big Man  长人  What is Big Man?   什么是长人?  A slang term referring to a player on a basketball team who plays the center position. The center is most often the tallest player on the team, and he is tasked with rebounding and defending the biggest player on the opposing team. Although the phrase most often refers to the center, it is sometimes applied more broadly to any larger than average player. In this sense, it is often a matter of context and the size of the individual speaking.  这是对篮球队中锋的俗称。中锋通常是球队中最高的球员,他的任务是抢篮板和防守对方的大个子球员。尽管这个词一般是指中锋,但是有些时候也暗指比一般球员要高的人。因此,对个人来说它通常是指球员的身体尺寸。  Also referred to as "big men".  也可以说是“长人”  Sporting Charts explains Big Man  体育记录解释长人  A big man is referred to as such because of his size and usefulness to the team. Basketball strategy employs the use of as many tall players as possible in order to get quality shots, easier rebounds, and to generally outmatch the opponent. Height is often balanced with speed across all five positions (point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, center), with the center typically being the tallest and generally the slowest. Havin a quality "big man" has become a key ingredient t success at every level of basketball competition.  一个长人是指这个人的身高对球队是有用的。篮球策略常常为了保证投篮,篮板,和与对位球员的优势而使用高球员。一般来说,体重与速度在篮球场上的五个位置(控卫,分卫,小前锋,大前锋,中锋)是相对平衡的。中锋一般来说是最高、最慢的球员。有一个不错的“长人”成为每一个水平上的篮球队具有竞争力的一个关键因素。  Some of the better known big men include Hakeem Olajuwon, Moses Malone, Tim Duncan, Shaquille O'Neal, Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell, Karl Malone and Kareem Abdul Jabbar.  有一些非常著名的长人,他们有:哈基姆奥拉朱旺,摩西马龙,蒂姆邓肯,沙奎尔奥尼尔,威尔特张伯伦,比尔拉塞尔,卡尔马龙和卡里姆阿卜杜尔贾巴尔。
  Block  盖帽  What is Block?   什么是盖帽?  A statistic awarded to a defensive player who deflects an offensive player's field goal attempt, preventing it from going in the basket. The defensive player has to touch the ball while it is travelling upwards or at its apex and before the ball touches the backboard or the rim. Otherwise, the defensive player commits a goaltending violation and the offensive is awarded the points. It may also be referred to as a "blocked shot".  这是一种防守队员阻止进攻球员投篮,使得其投篮偏离篮筐的统计数据。防守球员只能在球运行到最高点之前接触,否则,当球接触了篮板或篮圈时触球,防守队员被判定干扰球违例,进攻方直接得分。盖帽也可以被称为“吃火锅”。  Sporting Charts explains Block - basketball  体育记录解释盖帽  Former Houston Rockets center Hakeem Olajuwon holds the NBA record for most career blocks with 3,830. However, because the NBA only started recording blocked shots during the
season, there's no statistical proof of the shot-blocking ability of the players that existed before that season.Many believe that former Boston Celtics center Bill Russell is actually the record holder for most career blocks.  休斯顿火箭队前球员哈基姆奥拉朱旺保持NBA生涯3,830盖帽记录。不过,因为NBA是在赛季开始统计盖帽记录,所以没有数据证明在赛季之前的那些球员的盖帽能力。许多人认为,前凯尔特人中锋比尔拉塞尔是盖帽生涯记录的实际拥有者。
  Block Percentage  盖帽百分比  What is Block Percentage?   什么是盖帽百分比?  A metric that estimates the percentage of offensive 2-point field goal attempts a defensive player blocks while he is on the court. Block Percentage   can also be calculated for a team rather than an individual player.  盖帽百分比是用来评估在场上的球员限制2分投篮的百分比度量。盖帽百分比也可以用来计算球队而不是球员个人。  Sporting Charts explains Block Percentage  体育记录解释盖帽百分比  In an effort to determine how much impact players have on their teams, sports statisticians have developed metrics such as Block Percentage. Blocked shots don't tell the entire story in terms of defensive effectiveness, but examining Block Percentage can give us clues as to how effective a player is on the defensive end, since about half of those shot attempts would have resulted in scores had the block not occurred.  盖帽百分比是体育统计学家用来评估球员对球队影响的统计数据。盖帽并没有给我们体现出全部的防守效率,但通过看盖帽效率百分比能让我们看到一个球员在防守末端效率如何,因为如果没有盖帽,有将近一半的投篮能转化成得分。  Although the formula itself looks a bit more complicated, the basic idea is to look at all the 2-point field goal attempts a team had while a certain defensive player was in the game, and find the percentage of those possessions in which the defensive player blocked a shot. This value indicates, in part, how much defensive impact a player has on his opponents.  尽管盖帽百分比公式看起来有点复杂,但我们通过看当某个队员在场时,对方球队的所有2分出手被这名防守球员限制的投篮,发现这个百分比。这数据的价值部分显示了这名球员对其对手的防守有多大的影响。  Some of the all-time leaders in this category include Manute Bol, Shawn Bradley, Greg Ostertag, Mark Eaton and Alonzo Mourning.  在历史上领导这个统计数据的球员有马努特波尔,肖恩保罗布拉德利,格雷格奥斯特塔格,马克伊顿和阿朗佐莫宁。
  Blocking Foul  阻挡犯规  What is Blocking Foul?   什么是阻挡犯规?  This is a foul called on the defensive player when that player illegally impedes the progress of the offensive player with the ball.   这是防守队员非法阻挡持球进攻队员的犯规。  Sporting Charts explains Blocking Foul  体育记录解释阻挡犯规  In the NBA, there is a semi-circular area immediately beneath the rim where blocking and charging fouls are not called.
Outside this area, a defender must be in a legal defensive position before the offensive player gets to them in order to draw a charge on the offensive player.
If the defender does not get into position before the offensive player gets there and contact is made, a blocking foul may be called.
This foul is called subjectively ased on the amount of contact and how much the defender impedes the offensive player.
A rule of thumb is that if the defender sets their feet pror to absorbing contact from the offensive player, a charge will be called.
If the defender has not set their feet by the time contact occurs, a blcking foul will be called on the defensive player.  NBA中,在篮圈下有一块半圆形区域,阻挡和持球撞人是不会被吹罚犯规的。在合理冲撞区外,防守队员要有效、合法的防守进攻队员,就必须要在进攻队员之前进入冲撞区域才不算犯规;如果防守队员在进攻队员之后进入发生冲撞的地方,将会被判一次阻挡犯规。这种犯规的主观判断基于这次冲撞里,防守队员多大程度的阻挡了进攻队员。一般来说,如果冲撞发生时,防守队员是首先站住,后与进攻队员发生接触,将不会被判阻挡犯规。如果防守队员在冲撞时没有首先站住,防守队员将会被判阻挡犯规。
  Blocks per Game  场均盖帽  What is Blocks per Game?   什么是场均盖帽?  A statistic in basketball, defined as the average number of blocks a player makes per game. This statistic can be calculated by first selecting a group of games on which to base the measure. The most common time span is season. Once decided, divide the total number of blocks made during the chosen span of games by that number of games. This statistic only began being tracked in the NBA during the 1973-74 season. It is helpful to coaches looking to gain a more complete understanding of a player's defensive contributions.  在篮球运动中,这是一名球员场均数据统计之一。这个统计数据可以通过首先选择一定的比赛场次作为基数(通常是一个赛季),确定后,再看在选择的比赛场次里一共有多少次盖帽,然后就能得出场均盖帽。NBA在1973-74赛季开始记录这个统计数据。它能帮助教练评价一名球员在防守端所做的贡献。  Sporting Charts explains Blocks per Game  体育记录解释场均盖帽  A block is awarded to a player when he successfully prevents a shot from going in by rejecting, or blocking, an attempted shot. In order for a block to be recorded, there must have been a shot attempt. One cannot block a pass, that is called a steal. There are many players, past and present, who are considered skilled in this area. Bill Russell is always considered the best, though no statistics were tracked while he was a pro. More recently, Dwight Howard is considered one of the best blockers in the NBA. Although blocks are an exciting part of the game, and blocks per game is an important statistic, most coaches know there are many other important aspects of successful defense and therefore do not concentrate much on this particular measure.  一名球员成功的阻止投篮将被计入一次盖帽,一次成功的盖帽必须发生在有投篮企图的出手。如果阻止的是一次传球,这就叫抢断。在过去出现过很多的球员,他们很擅长这种技巧。比尔拉塞尔被认为是最好的,尽管这种看法没有统计数据支持。在最近的NBA,德怀特霍华德被认为是最好的盖帽者。尽管盖帽只是比赛的一部分,场均盖帽依然是一个重要的统计数据,大多数教练都知道成功防守还有其它的重要方面,因此没必要过于专注于盖帽这方面。
  Bounce Pass  击地球  What is Bounce Pass?   什么是击地球?  A type of pass made by rebounding the ball from the floor to the receiver.  这是一种通过地板反弹到球员手里的球。  Sporting Charts explains Bounce Pass  体育记录解释击地球  A successful bounce pass can be at ground level as it passes by a defender, therefore making it harder to intercept. Fancier players may even put a spin on the basketball on a bounce pass, causing the ball to change directions when it hits the floor.  一个成功的击地球能在地面上穿过防守者,因此,这种球很难被截。好的球员甚至给击地球加上快速的旋转,这样的球能在击中地面时改变方向。
  Box Out  抢位挡人  What is Box Out?   什么是抢位挡人?  A type of basketball maneuver in which a player positions his body against an opponent, in an optimal space on the floor between the opponent and the basket, in order to secure a rebound. It is an essential skill for every player on the floor and is especially important for the centers and power forwards, whose primary goal on missed shots is to rebound. There are many techniques used to accomplish the maneuver, and no one technique works every time.
  这是篮球运动的一种策略,一名球员为了保护篮板,通过站位用身体挡住对手从而获得理想的抢篮板空间。在场上,这是一种对每一个人都必须具有的技术,对以抢篮板为目标的中锋和大前锋来说,这种技术尤为重要。在运用这个策略时,除了这个技术外,还有许多其它的技术同它一起使用。  Sporting Charts explains Box Out  体育记录解释抢位挡人  The box out is an important part of basketball because it happens on almost every play. Whenever a shot is missed, offensive and defensive players jockey for position on the floor to gain the best boxing out position. The two most common techniques used for boxing out are  抢位挡人是篮球运动的重要部分,因为在场上它几乎随时用到。每当投失之后,进攻和防守球员在场上为了位置拼命的进行抢位挡人。最常用的抢位挡人技巧有:  (a) offsetting the opponent's center of gravity by boxing out low on the body, and  (a)降低身体重心挤对手  (b) using outstretched arms to make getting around the box out more difficult for the opponent.  (b)抢位挡人时伸展手臂获得空间将给对手制造更大的困难。
  Box-and-One Defense  四人联防  What is Box-and-One Defense?   什么是四人联防?  A defensive formation where four players playing zone defense form a box around the key, while the other remaining player plays man-to-man defense. The defender playing man-to-man usually shadows the offense's best scorer, preventing him from touching the ball.  这是一种防守结构,四名球员在一个区域联防,同时,余下的一名球员盯人防守。盯人防守球员通常是防守对方的最佳得分手,阻止他接球。   Sporting Charts explains Box-and-One Defense  体育记录解释四人联防  The box-and-one's biggest weakness is the gap in the middle of the four defenders playing zone. Also, coaches usually employ this defensive strategy as a last resort, adjusting to an offensive threat that can't be contained by a more conventional defensive formation.  四人联防的弱点在于四人防守区域的中心地带。正应为如此,这种没有包含传统的防守战术的防守应对是教练迫不得已时才会使用。
  Brick  扔砖  What is Brick?   什么是扔砖?  A shot that usually bounces off the backboard or the rim and has no chance of going in.  通常指投篮时球击中篮板或篮筐而没有投进。  Sporting Charts explains Brick  体育记录解释扔砖  "Brick" is often yelled out by fans during home games to make the players on the road team miss their shots.  主场球迷对客场发球的队员大声喊叫“扔砖”,干扰他们的发球。
  Buzzer Beater  压哨球  What is Buzzer Beater?   什么是压哨球?  A field goal attempt taken just before the game clock, end-of-quarter clock, or 24-second clock is about to expire. For a buzzer beater to count, the player has to release the ball before the buzzer sounds. The shot still counts even if the ball goes in while there is no time on the clock.  发生在全场时间、每一节时间或24秒进攻结束前的投篮得分。一个压哨球应该是在蜂鸣器响起前球员出手。有些压哨球,在进球时,已经没有时间了。  Sporting Charts explains Buzzer Beater  体育记录解释压哨球  In the NBA, NCAA and several international leagues, officials are required to review the buzzer beater using instant replay to evaluate whether or not the field goal attempt left the shooter's hand before time ran out.  NBA,NCAA和一些国际联盟,官方需要去看比赛回放来确定球员出手前时间是否已经用完,以此判定是否是压哨球。
  Carrying  带球  What is Carrying?   什么是带球?  A violation called when an offensive player continues dribbling after letting the ball rest in one or both hands. The most common occurrence of this violation is when the ball handler lets his hand slide down below the ball while dribbling. This violation is also referred to as "palming".  这是一种违例,当运球进攻球员停球在单手或双手后继续运球就叫带球。带球最常发生的情况是持球队员运球时让手位于球的下方。这种违例有时也叫“走步”。  Sporting Charts explains Carrying  体育记录解释  Carrying typically happens so quickly that it's difficult for officials to ascertain whether or not the ball handler does it. Many people argue that superstars like Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson carried the ball often, but they usually got away with it because they were given the benefit of the doubt by NBA referees.  通常带球发生只是一瞬间,持球者是否犯规,这给官方裁定造成了困难。许多人认为迈克尔乔丹和阿伦艾弗森这样的巨星经常出现带球这种违例,但是因为他们可能是得到了裁判的照顾,所以没有被吹罚。
  Center  中锋  What is Center?   什么是中锋?  A position in basketball usually reserved for the tallest player on the team. The center is also known as the "five" or the "pivot".  在篮球运动中,中锋位置通常是球队中身高最高的球员。中锋也常用“5号位”或“中枢”称呼。  Sporting Charts explains Center  体育记录解释中锋  Because of his size, the center often positions himself near the basket or in the low post. On a zone defense, the center usually stands in the middle or below the basket. The center is typically chosen to take jump balls. Some of the greatest centers in the NBA include Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Hakeem Olajuwon, and Shaquille O'Neal.  中锋因为身高经常出现在篮筐附近的位置或低位。中锋通常站在防守区域中间或篮下。一般来说,中锋也是跳球的人选。在NBA历史上有一些伟大的中锋,他们包括比尔拉塞尔,威尔特张伯伦,卡里姆阿卜杜尔贾巴尔,哈基姆奥拉朱旺和沙奎尔奥尼尔。
  Charging  带球撞人  What is Charging?   什么是带球撞人?  A foul called when an offensive player collides with a defensive player who is stationary and has both feet firmly planted on the floor. The defensive player has to be in that established position before the offen}


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