nba 2018年nba全明星赛2018回放开场唱confidence的是谁

玩2kmp的人基本都知道这个有点儿烦人的经纪人2K insider, 只要你暂时没有比赛,他就开始唧唧歪歪引用各种名人言录。但他又往往能给出一些有趣的建议,我们不能忽略他的话,毕竟他真的说出了很多哲理,
刚进MP新建人物时,你被迫必须听他几句废话,基本是这三段:“When i was young, i never wanted to leave the court until i got things exactly correct. my dream was to become a pro”- Larry Birdmy man larry bird once said that, while looking back on his career, this guy was a role model for aspiring&& NBA athletes, like yourself, i assume you r here because ur ready to see if u have wat it takes to make it in the NBA? lucky for u,i know wat it takes and i'm willing to help”当我年轻的时候,我没达到自己的目标就绝不离开球场。我的梦想就是成为职业球员。“--拉里·伯德当我的偶像拉里·伯德回顾他的职业生涯时,他曾经说过这么一句话。他绝对是一个有志气的NBA运动员的合适榜样。比如你,我猜你出现在这里就表明你已经准备好去证明你有打NBA的本事。你运气不错,因为我知道怎么去做,而且我愿意帮你
"i've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why i succeed."- Michael Jordanmy man Michael Jordan once said that while discussing all the shots he missed during his career, all the losses his teams have taken, and all the game winning shots he has missed. the guy was a role model for aspiring athletes, like yourself, i assume you r here because ur ready to see if u have wat it takes to make it in the NBA? lucky for u,i know wat it takes and i'm willing to help”在我的一生中,我失败过一次又一次,这就是我成功的原因.“--迈克尔·当谈到他一生中投丢的球,输掉的比赛和错失的绝杀时我的偶像迈克尔·乔丹曾经这么说过。他绝对是一个有志气的NBA运动员的合适榜样。比如你,我猜你出现在这里就表明你已经准备好去证明你有打NBA的本事。你运气不错,因为我知道怎么去做,而且我愿意帮你。
"everybody on a championship team doesn't get publicity, but everyone can say he's a champion."-Magic JohnsonThat's what the director of Showtime himself. Magic Johnson, said about winning the title. He made sure that his team was a well oiled machine and has a handful of championship rings to show for it. Do you think you have what it takes to become an NBAlegend like him? lucky for u,i know wat it takes and i'm willing to help”不是冠军球队中的每个人都喜欢惹人注意,但每个人都有资格说他是总冠军,“--师约翰逊(这里注意,很多人不知道Magic不是约翰逊的本名,但Magic名号实在太响,已经取代了他的本名:埃尔文·约翰逊。他算是唯一一个被人提起时会用外号代替本名的巨星)这就是当”表演时刻“的”导演“魔术师约翰逊谈到获得总冠军时说的话。他把球队变成了完美工作的机器,并因此收获了一大把总冠军戒指。你运气不错,因为我知道怎么去做,而且我愿意帮你。
当玩家长时间不动时,2k insider会跳出来口若悬河“The day i stopped worrying about stats is the day i started winning” it took him until midway through his career but The Daddy himself Shaquile O'Neal, learned that solid teamwork trumps great individual performance.”直到我开始赢(总冠军)的那一天,我才终于不再担心我的状态。“”老爹“沙克·直到生涯过半才不再只考虑自己。他明白强悍的团队永远胜过个人表演。
Hey, have you ever wondered why Steve Nash licks his hands? I met him at the 2004 All-Star game in Los Angeles and asked him just that. He said,"i lick my fingers because i don't like when my hands get slick, Licking my fingers helps me keep a good grip on the ball"嘿,你有没有想过为什么史蒂夫·总是舔手指?我在2004年洛杉矶全明星赛上问他这个问题,他说:”我舔手指因为我不想我的手太光滑。舔手指能让我更好地抓住球。“
You sitting there doing nothing reminds me of a famous quote i once heard."it's not the hours you put in, it's what you put in the hours."你坐在这儿什么都不干让我想起了一句名言,”你花了多少时间训练并不重要,重要的是你在这些时间里训练了什么。“(Sam Ewing的名言,翻译成符合NBA的语境了)
Why are you sitting there doing nothing? Let's get going!为什么你坐在那里无所事事?我们要继续前进!
Since you're sitting there literally doing nothing, let me tell you one of my favorite walt Chamberilain quotes, "They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they 'd make up their minds." I don't know why, but t just always makes me smile.既然你坐在那里休息,我就告诉你一句威尔特·的名言吧:“他们说完美是不存在的,但接着他们又说练习能让你完美。”每次都让我忍不住笑。
Man, since we're just sitting here, let me tell you about what I think is the greeatest play in NBA history, it was the 1980 NBA fianls, Julius Erving and the philadelphia 76ers were taking on the Magic Johnson Led Lakers. Actually, why don't let my man Magic describe the play to you." We cut him and there was nowhere for him to go but out of bounds... it's still the greatest move i've ever seen in basketball, the all-time greatest."哥们,既然你坐在这里休息,我跟你讲讲我所认为的史上最棒的比赛,那就是1980年NBA总决赛,朱利叶斯·欧文和他的费城战胜了魔术师率领的队。对了,为什么不让魔术师自己来陈述呢?”我们把他逼向底线,他本应该除了出界没有任何其他选择了...这是我这辈子看过的最棒的脚步,不,是NBA史上最棒的。“(1980年总决赛第4场,J博士接队友传球后溜底线,连过两人后被挤到即将出界,但J博士在篮板后反手拉杆,硬是绕过所有防守者得分)
Jason Kidd on Vince Carter's dunk at the 2000 summer games,"I think everybody was in awe, and nobody thought he was going to attempt that. but to me, that was probably the greatest play in basketball i've ever seen"杰森·基德谈到文森·2000年夏天的那记扣篮时说:”我觉得每个人都为之折服。没人认为他能做到,但对我来说,那大概就是我所见过最伟大的篮球表演。“
Karl Malone on what gets his joices flowing,"What excites me the most is when a coach calls a timeout and chews out his forward because i just dunked on his head."卡尔·马龙谈及最高兴的时刻时说:”最让我兴奋就是对方教练叫暂停并几乎把他的前锋生吞活剥的时候,因为我在他头顶上扣篮。“
Jason Kidd on what it takes to make it in the NBA,"A lot of late nights in the gyms, a lot of early mornings. Especially when your friends are going out, you're going to the gym, those are the sacrifices that you have to make if you want to be an NBA basketball player."杰森·基德谈到打NBA要付出的代价是说:”很多个夜晚,很多的清晨都要呆在体育馆,尤其是当你的朋友都出去玩的时候,你还是要去体育馆。这就是想做NBA运动员必须做出的牺牲。“
The kid may be young and still gaining valuable experience, but Kevin Durant's got a great head on his shoulders." Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard。“ When i heard him say that, I KNEW he was going to be something special.这个孩子也许还年轻并且仍在成长,但凯文·肩膀上有一个非凡的头脑。”努力能战胜天分“(杜兰特玩了一个文字游戏,这句话第一个字和最后一个字都是hard,第二个字和倒数第二个字都是work,杜兰特肚子里有墨水啊),能说出这种话,我就知道他将来不简单。
At this point, i think you know that success at the highest level involves an incredible amount of confidence. Chauncey Billups is a champion. and according to him, he doesn't rattled" i'm never nervous. Not in high school, not in college. That's just the way I am。“你知道要成功就要有自信。昌西·是总冠军,他说过:“我从不紧张,在高中不会,在大学不会,这就是我。”
One thing i want you to fully understnd is that you don't have to dominate to be a leader. Kobe said it best when he said,"As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don't know, I just want to be the best basketball player I can be."我希望你明白你不一定要强求自己成为领袖。说的好:“直到多年后有资格成为火炬手,我对此仍不十分清楚,我只是仅为我所能成为一个好球员。”
Kobe Bryant on what motivates him."Everything negative, pressure, challenges, are all an opportunity for me to rise."科比·布莱恩特谈到他打球的动力是说;“所有逼我后退的东西,比如,压力,挑战,都是我前进的动力。”
You know why Isiah Thomas was a champion? He understood the importance of camaraderie and teamwork, as evidenced by his quote." Basketball is not played simp1y with X's and O's. It's played with both trust and confidence."你知道为什么伊塞亚·托马斯能得总冠军么?他知道队友和团队的重要性,正如他的名言所说:“篮球不是简单的进球游戏,打球需要信任他人与自信。”(猜测o指进球,x指没进的球)
Hakeem Olajawon on comparing his responsibilities in basketball to his responsibilities as goalie in soccer, "in many ways, my job in soccer was like my job in basketball now. I had to protect the goal. That was the name of the game, not letting the other team score. "哈基姆·比较他在篮球场的职责和他做足球守门员时的职责时说:“很多时候,做足球守门员和我在篮球场的工作是一样的。我就是要阻止对方进球,这就是我全部的工作。”
let me tell you why i love KG anthe man can find a positive in any negative. "the beautiful things about when you go through a slide is that you learn from it. Not just saying that you learn from it, but app1ying the things that you have learned." he makes mistakes, he learns, he becomes an NBA champion.s not a bad model to follow.让我告诉你为什么我爱,他能在逆境中成长。“逆境的美妙之处在于你能够从中学习。不是说说而已,一定要落实到行动中,”他犯过错,他从中吸取教训,他赢得了总冠军。他是个好榜样。
Well, if you're just going to sit there, i'm going to teach, so pay attention. Basketball is all about awareness of what's Larry Bird summed it up best."I always know what 's happening on the court. I see a situation occur, and i respond." Know youre next move, always have a plan.好吧,如果你就愿意坐在那里,我要给你上课了,注意听。打球一定要注意观察周围。拉里·伯德总结得很好。“我总是能知道场上发生的一切,我看到机会,就抓住它。”你要知道你下一步改怎么做,必须提前有个疾患。
When it comes to Magic Johnson, man, James Worthy said it best,"I dont't think there will ever be another 6'9 point guard who smiles while he humiliates you"当谈到魔术师约翰逊时,·沃西这么说:”我不认为将来会有第二个6尺9寸的控卫能微笑着羞辱你。“
My man Magic Johnson at Larry Bird's retirement party."Larry, you only told me one lie. You said there will be another Larry Bird. Larry, there will never, ever be another Larry Bird."我的偶像魔术师约翰逊在拉里伯德的退役仪式上说:”拉里,你这辈子就骗了我一次。你说还会有第二个拉里·伯德,但是拉里,以后永远,永远不会出现另一个拉里·伯德。“(当相互竞争了一辈子的敌人兼好友要永远地离开赛场时,魔术师对英雄相惜的大鸟说出的的一句话让所有人动容。)
So much of basketball is about having confidence. In the locker room before the first ever 3-point contest. Larry Bird walks in and says,"So, which one of you guys is going to in second?" Hah, that gets me every time.自信是成功的重要因素。就在第一届三分球大赛前,拉里·伯德走进更衣室说:”那么,你们中的哪一个是我的下一个对手?“(霸气!)哈,每想起这句话我都为之折服。
Bird:and, i dont think i would ever achieved that if i dont have some body always looking out, and see what i was doing every night, i know he was watching me because i was watching him! im sure what he was doing every night......but magic, there is one thing. we can agree on retiring now right? magic:right.Bird: you probably will never back again?Magic:noBird:but, i want to ask you, will you get the hell out of my dreams?伯德:如果不是有人每晚都注意看我,观察我每晚都是怎么做的,我连一个总冠军都得不到。我知道他在看我,因为我也在看他。我很确信这一点。。(跳过一些)。。但是,魔术师,我们确定退役了是吧?魔术师:是的伯德:你以后可能再也不会复出是吧?魔术师:不会伯德:那么我就请求你:你丫不要再在我梦中出现了!(暗示即使睡着伯德和约翰逊也还在竞争着...)
magic:when in L.A., and im hurt, so i cant play. im killing myself, so, larry warming up, SO, at the theme song, introduce... right before they going out to the court, Larry come down, he say: u know what? dont worry, ill put a show on for you. hahhahah, and he won out, i think score 38 points, about 20 rebounds, about 15 assists. and every shot, he will shoot, he will turn to me.魔术师说:有一次在洛杉矶,我伤了,不能上场,那实在太痛苦了。然后,拉里在热身,然后,放主题曲,介绍出场,就在他们上场前,拉里跑到观众席,他说:知道吗,别担心,今晚我替你表演。哈哈哈哈,他赢了,好像得了38分,大概20个板,15个助攻。每一次投进,他投完球,就转过身来看我。(约翰逊模仿拉里转过身微笑着冲球迷连连点头的样子)
Magic:i must say this, because you told me one lie, you only told me one lie in your career.Bird: thats preety good. hahhaMagic: only one, and you only lied to the fans and people in the world one time. you know what that lie was? you dont remember do you? larry bird said that there will be another larry bird one day, and, there will never, ever, ever be another larry bird, and so, i dont care how many people how many players, there will never ever be another larry bird , so u take that to the bank, i love u, i respect u, and ill marry you. and, i'm getting out of here, before i start crying, because u know ill get emotional here.魔术师:我必须得说:因为你对我撒了个谎,你这辈子就骗了我这一次。大鸟:很不错了已经,哈哈哈哈魔术师:就这一个,你就骗了球迷和世界一次。你知道我说的是什么么?(拉里满脸困惑,外加紧张)。你不记得了是吧?拉里·伯德说:将来某一天,还会有另一个拉里伯德。知道么?将来永远永远永远不会有第二个拉里伯德(满场掌声)。我不管将来会有多少人,有多少球员,第二个拉里伯德绝不会出现。所以说,你应该收回这句话,把它封到保险柜里。我爱你,尊敬你,我会愿意娶你的。(囧啊,不过很好地缓冲了气氛,米国人不喜欢太感伤),好吧,我要走了,再不走我快哭了,我是很情绪化的。
magic: and, you know this is the only time they ever clap for me.(hahhaha), this is wonderful, not getting booed or anything,(boooooooo) especially i used to complain about the calls(boooooooooo),this remind me, plz boo me because i remember all of this when i come all the old times when i used to come here. this would be great.magic:Laker set only one jersey with your name bird on the back. (booooooooooo), yeah, boo me again.(laugh), u know i have fun with this, so go ahead. and this, this is mine and i signed it to u, "to the greatest basketball player for ever, but more important, a friend for ever."魔术师:(临走送礼物,礼物是两件湖人队服,他突然注意到波士顿球迷在鼓掌),你知道么,你们这是第一次为我鼓掌。(全场大笑)。不被嘘的感觉真好,(立马有观众起哄开始嘘他)尤其是当我抱怨裁判的时候(嘘声更响了),这个提醒我了,请嘘我,因为我记得以前每次来这里都被嘘。这样才对嘛魔术师:(掏出第一件球衣)这是湖人做的唯一一件背后印有你的名字--伯德的球衣。(球迷猛嘘,因为伯德是对抗湖人的标志),没错,接着嘘呀(嘘声停了,所有人笑),你们知道,我很喜欢被嘘,所以,请继续。(掏出第二件)还有这个,这是我的球衣,我为你签名了:致史上最伟大的球员,更重要的是:致永远的朋友。
最后特地留给我们的神:AIRRRRR JORDAN!!!
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." Truer words have never been uttered by my man Michael Jordan. When he's teachin', i'm listenin'”天分能赢得几场比赛,但只有团队合作能赢得总冠军。”我的偶像迈克尔·乔丹总能说出真理,他教,我学。
Michael Jordan on his love for the game."Even when i'm old and grey. I won't be able to play it, but i'll still love the game."迈克尔·乔丹谈及他对篮球的热爱:”即使有一天我鬓发花白,身形苍老到打不动球,我仍会深爱篮球“(感动啊,不过你说头发花白是什么意思?)
My man Michael Jordan on if he can fly."People ask me if i could fly, i said,'Yeah...for a little while'"我的偶像乔丹被问他他是不是会飞,”人们问我是不是会飞,我说:嗯...只能飞一小会儿。
shaq also did it...
shaq also did it...
This is my house!FXX!
Should I be who you want me to be ?
the stronger u are , the better i become, dont let me down , my dear enemies
Why always me?
when my career over, i look in the mirror and say i did it my way
or maybe,you are just making excuses.
1.即使世界抛弃了我,可还有篮球陪着我————————科比2.我叫特雷西,这不仅仅只是一个名字,我希望有朝一日也能成为NBA的一个标志,一段传奇,这或许是一个遥不可及的梦想,但我坚信自己有为实现这个梦想而不懈奋斗的动力——————————麦迪3.你永远不要低估一颗总冠军的心——————————汤姆贾诺维奇4.还有詹姆斯总决赛上的“Not yet”(当时热火大比分领先,小查有点飘,詹姆斯对他很认真的说“NOT YET”,是啊一年前领先25分还被翻盘了,当时电视前的我是多么愤怒,各种河蟹词语,再看看现在的詹姆斯真心觉得很佩服!)
羡慕你的英语水平我这里有个日语翻译过来的教练 我想打篮球
教练 我想打篮球
Now or never.(不内涵...我真觉得挺励志的...只是....)


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