
合肥举办“喜迎党的十九大”演讲比赛 主播、警察等同台说故事
为庆祝中国共产党成立96周年,进一步推进&两学一做&,学习教育常态化制度化,扎实开展&讲政治、重规矩、作表率&专题教育,合肥市开展&喜迎党的十九大 我为党旗添光彩&主题演讲比赛。9月15日下午,大赛决赛在市政务中心举行,12位来自各行业的选手奉上精彩演讲,讲述他们的岗位故事。
合肥市&喜迎党的十九大 我为党旗添光彩&主题演讲比赛历时3个月,约2000人参加。充分展现了合肥市各行各业共产党员喜迎十九大的精神风貌。(郭羚)
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清明节又叫踏青节,在仲夏与暮春之交,也就是冬至后的第104天。中华民族传 ...
发送验证码易口说“我是演说家”视频演讲大赛落幕,冠军究竟花落谁家?易口说“我是演说家”视频演讲大赛落幕,冠军究竟花落谁家?夜话星月百家号3月28日晚19:00-21:30,易口说英语第六届学生风采展示大赛——我是演说家视频演讲大赛决赛在易口说英语官方合作平台“跟谁学”如期举行,选手们的优秀表现让现场几乎所有人都在感叹:什么时候我可以这样呢!当然可以!这次没参赛的,下次学员风采大赛等你!这次海选没过的,下次决赛等着你!这次参加蜕变组的,下次女神组等着你!这次没进前三的,下次冠军等着你!只要你想要把英语学好,现在开始就不晚!(文末附:现场录制视频完整版)首先看一下蜕变组优秀学员阵容:蜕变组一等奖得主一等奖蜕变组一等奖得主Haruki首先恭喜Haruki同学拿下此次演讲比赛蜕变组第一名, 想必对她自己来说也是个不小的惊喜。 她自己说感谢上天给了她副好声音以及不错的语言学习能力。Haruki 一直以来最大的问题是缺乏自信,总是不敢回答问题或者是小心翼翼。 听说演讲决赛要现场脱稿更是紧张地打颤, 不过还好, 我们现场看到的你是自然的你, 是情感到位的你, 真正做到了我要求的情感外放两倍的效果, 也不枉费你对着镜头十几次的脱稿苦练。 演讲比赛后还收获了不少小粉丝, 也是意外收获。 最后现场提问的环节感觉突然一下又拘谨了起来, 回答问题时有点不敢多说了,所以输出练习仍需加强, 期待你以后能在女神英语学习中弥补这块不足。蜕变组二等奖得主二等奖蜕变组二等奖得主Lindsey蜕变计划17H1班Lindsey参赛宣言:尽自己最大努力好好做吧,不留遗憾就好!Lindsey是典型的逗比。参赛前问她紧不紧张,她说:“一点都不,我很兴奋,反正我已经准备好丢脸了。”比赛当天,摄像头一开,谁料想她竟拿这个话筒出现在镜头前,虽然有一点小紧张,但富有感染力的台风和自然的发音一下子征服了所有人。问答环节更是即兴演唱了泰勒的经典歌曲I knew you were trouble着实为她加分不少。继续享受每一次“丢脸”的过程吧,期待你更大的蜕变。蜕变组二等奖得主Sail蜕变计划25班Sail参赛宣言:世间万千故事,我有我的精彩。Sail工作中有时要用到英语,但是因为对口语的极度不自信,每次都要写下来斟酌再三才敢开口,加入易口说之后,从之前的”怕“开口,到现在的”想“开口,前期的发音强化对她的影响颇大,因为这让她有了强烈的欲望去表达,同时发音的改善和提高,带给她自信,让她敢开口也想开口。正如她的参赛宣言所说,她不仅有她自己的精彩,还把这份精彩带给了我们所有人,让所有人都对她由衷赞扬和敬佩!蜕变组三等奖得主三等奖蜕变计划17K2班 Dragon参赛宣言:路在前方,敢闯你就赢。蜕变计划17K2班 Golfman参赛宣言:我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废。蜕变计划17G2班 Ruby参赛宣言:Practice makes perfect.如果你昨天观看了全程,一定会被这群勇敢挑战自己并且终于实现蜕变的小可爱们深深震撼!他们曾和你一样,英语不敢开口、发音不够地道,但是现在他们战胜了自己,也战胜了我们所有人!其中原因除了易口说老师们精心耐心的指导,更重要的是他们自己坚持不懈的决心和信心!他们曾无数次被自己的坚持感动,也曾因为学习和家人产生分歧,甚至为了学习,希望客户不要在上课时间打扰自己!附:蜕变选手决赛成绩明细:注:总分=投票得分+演讲平均分*0.8学习的路一直都在,他们仍然会不断前行,不断挑战新的自己。期待下次的学员风采展示大赛中,他们的身影能够在女神组出现!那么接下来,我们就来看看,在本次大赛中,女神组脱颖而出的又有哪些呢?女神组一等奖得主一等奖女神组一等奖得主AmyAmy现在就读于女神英语17J02班,早在2015年Amy便参加了易口说英语《蜕变计划》的课程,毕业之后看到自己的英语的确进步颇大,且在校的英语成绩也从中等到名列前茅,于是毅然续报了易口说英语另外一个王牌课程《女神英语》。此次参赛宣言:只跟我自己比赛。的确,她做到了。从选择易口说那天起,她便一次又一次赢得了过去的自己。女神组二等奖得主二等奖女神组二等奖得主WinnieWinnie跟所有初学者一样,基础非常薄弱。经过侦探式的调查搜索之后,选择了易口说,一入此门深四海,从此节操是路人!为啥这样说,因为她为了练英语,真的什么都“豁得出去”!从蜕变计划25班毕业之后,果断续报了女神英语17K01班,如今她开挂的口语,不是一般人所能企及的哦,可以从本文末尾视频中观看。正如她自己的参赛宣言所说,星星之火,可以燎原。只要坚持不懈,定能闪耀自己的光彩!女神组二等奖得主NajmaNajma人在新加坡,但也是咱东北妹子。大学专业阿拉伯语,因此也忽视了英语的学习。到新加坡生活之后,深感自己以前那点英语基础完全不够用,于是报名参加了易口说的《女神英语》课程。此次参赛宣言:Happy to share. Ready to learn.这句话不仅是她的参赛宣言,也是人生格言了。随时投入学习,保持学习。有时现状不好并不可怕,可怕的是安于现状,是比你优秀的人比你还努力!女神组三等奖得主三等奖女神英语17L01班Rebecca参赛宣言:Surpass myself and dare to move forward,I just want to be better.女神英语17L01班Jessie参赛宣传:Nothing is impossible.其实上面的五位女神都是很棒的!毕竟学习《女神英语》的伙伴都是有一定的英语基础的,当然有一个小秘密不知你发现了没有,前2名都是从易口说英语《蜕变计划》课程毕业的哦!她们之所以这么优秀,是因为她们很努力;她们之所以很努力,是因为她们想要更加优秀!当然,可能你会问:《女神英语》只有女生可以参加吗?不是!男女都可参加,只是这里巧合,表现优秀的都是女生...附:女神组选手决赛成绩明细:注:总分=投票得分+演讲平均分*0.8昨晚的赢家,除了以上获奖的11位参赛选手,还有6位在围观群无辜被大奖砸中的吃瓜群众,目前教学总监Terry老师已经亲自把奖品发到他们手中了哦:最后终极福利送上:现场录制视频完整版(时长2h+,请在wifi环境下观看)我们是易口说英语我们的使命是帮助中国英语学习者实现英语脱口出的梦想!We are here,waiting for you!—END—想知道你的英语水平在全国的排名吗?戳左下角阅读原文,免费测试你的英语口语水平!本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。夜话星月百家号最近更新:简介:无穷的伟大,也是从“一”开始的。作者最新文章相关文章1,184被浏览172,700分享邀请回答5713 条评论分享收藏感谢收起6620 条评论分享收藏感谢收起投稿:1粉丝:2分享--dynmicweibozoneqqbaidu将视频贴到博客或论坛视频地址复制Flash代码复制Html代码复制微信扫一扫分享收藏0硬币--稍后看马克一下~用手机看转移阵地~用或其他应用扫描二维码手机下视频请使用扫码若未安装客户端,可直接扫此码下载应用未经作者授权 禁止转载
看过该视频的还喜欢miniOFF演讲比赛英语作文 演讲的要求英语
作文二:《作文——英语演讲比赛》100字你所在的班级将要举办一次主题为“What Can We Do for Our School?”的英语演讲比赛。请写一篇英语演讲稿,要求从以下四方面中任选一至二个进行阐述,并举例加以说明。
爱心——love and care;校园——campus; 设施——facilities; 氛围——environment
Hello, everyone. It’s nice to speak about what we can do for our school, and I think each of us can do somethng.
The first thing we can do is to make our campus more beautiful. Every one of us may plant a tree in the school, or organize a thorough cleaning on the campus. We can also form a good habit of putting the rubbish in the trashcan.
The second thing we can do is to protect the facilities in our school. When we leave the classroom, we should never forget to turn off the light or close the door. We should not leave the tap water running or waste any materials in the laboratory class.
If everyone does one thing for our school, I believe we will turn our school into a better place to study and live in.
Thank you for listening!
第一节(15分)假设你是李华, 刚刚在全市英语口语竞赛中获得冠军.请你给Green先生写一封信,感谢他花时间为你辅导口语,并给了你许多非常好的建议
审题:文体  ________        时态  __________      人称 __________ 优点: 1.感谢信的格式正确(首尾表示感谢)   2. 要点表达清晰准确
1. 开头结尾段应除了表达感谢之外,要体现必要的交际性.
例: How are you recently? I’d like to share a piece of good news with you…
Again, thank you for all your help. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the near future.
2. 获奖的消息应在文章开始提出来.
3. 应适当增添细节(怎么辅导的?什么样的建议?)
It’s very kind of you to spend time helping me with my oral English. Whenever I Made a mistake, you were always there to correct it for me with patience. Besides, you did give me useful advice, such as listening to English songs as well as watching English movies.
4. 表达的准确性有待提高.
竞赛_____________  冠军(n.)___________(v.) 建议_______________(可数)__________(不可数)
英语口语竞赛______________________   取得进步________________   用thanks to, thanks, thank来填空.
1. Many ________ for the s you sent me last week.
2. Remember to __________ Uncle Robin when you see him.
3. _____________ his tireless efforts, the concert was a huge success.
Possible version
Dear Mr. Green,
How is your stay in Zhuhai? Now I am writing to express my thanks to you for all your help to me.
I would like to share with you a piece of good news: I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of our city. The achievement that I gained is owed to your kind help. You spent so much time in helping me with my spoken English and give me lots of good advice, from which I benefited a lot during the petition. It is with your help that I built up confidence and made rapid progress.
Again, many thanks for your kind and warm help. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Dear Mr. Green,
I’m very glad to tell you that I have won the first prize in the “Beijing English Speech Contest” with your kind help. I’m writing to express my hearty thanks to you.
During the preparation of the contest, I was bothered with so many difficulties in my
oral English. And it was your patient guidance and sincere encouragement that helped me build up my confidence and make progress rapidly. What’s more, you were so kind to give me some practical advice on how to speak English clearly and fluently. Your advice was so helpful that it contributed a lot to my success in the contest.
Once again, I’m very grateful for your spending time and effort to instruct me. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,                                                       Li Hua
高三4 李思佳
文体:                       人称:                    时态:
要点                                 细节
图1   看通知
图2 老师鼓励
图3 老师辅导
图4 获奖
比较:Last term, on entering the gate, the posters of a petition attracted my eyes.
Last term, I took part in the English Speech Contest, which left me an unforgettable experience.
2.征稿不应在开头自我介绍 I’m LiHua…
3.图1写太啰嗦, 图2写太简略
比较:At that moment, my English teacher came to encouraged me to have a try.
When I was hesitating whether to give up, my English teacher came here by accident. She encouraged me to have a try. And she also said that she would help me. With her encouragement, I decided to sign up.
Then came the big day. With great confidence, I performed perfectly in the contest and won the first prize. Standing on the stage of the award ceremony, I felt excited and appreciated my teacher.
5. 提高表达的准确性
耐心______(n.) ___________(adj.)
超出我的期望_____________缺乏信心___________________________ 不想让她失望_________________________在某人的帮助下______________________ 在某人的努力下______________________ 在某人的指导下______________________ 改错
1. I performed very well in the speech, winning the first prize.
2. Finishing my performance confidently, the applauding burst out like thunders.
3. But for your help, I couldn’t make such a great progress.
Possible version:
Last term an English speech contest was held in our school.
Seeing the notice, many students took interest in it. My English teacher thought it was a good chance for me to improve my English and encouraged me to take part. So I decided to have a try. During the preparation, my teacher offered me great help. She not only polished my speech draft but also corrected my pronunciation. As a result, my speech improved greatly. Then the day for the petition came. I did a good job and got the first prize!
I owed it all to my teacher. Without her help, I wouldn’t have got such a good result.
Last term, I took part in the English speech Competition held by our school.
Early in the morning , wall papers were put up on the billboard to introduce the topic and the rules of the petition. Soon, it attracted many students’ attention, including mine.
However, as English is not my strong point, the chance for me to win was rare. When I decided to give up, my English teacher, Mrs. Zhang, showed up and encouraged me to have a try. Finally, I made up my mind to take part in the petition.
During my preparation for the contest, Mrs. Zhang helped me a lot. Not only did she give me helpful advice, she also spent her spare time polishing my speech. With her help, I gained confidence gradually.
Finally came the petition. To my great surprise and delight, I won the first prize. The audiences gave me laud applaud to show their appreciation. However, I owe my success to Mrs. Zhang. But for her patience and her precious time, I wouldn’t have won the prize.
第一节(15分)假设你是李华, 刚刚在全市英语口语竞赛中获得冠军.请你给Green先生写一封信,感谢他花时间为你辅导口语,并给了你许多非常好的建议
审题:文体  感谢信        时态   过去        人称   第一
优点: 1.感谢信的格式正确(首尾表示感谢)   2. 要点表达清晰准确
1. 开头结尾段应除了表达感谢之外,要体现必要的交际性.
例: How are you recently? I’d like to share a good news with you…
Again, thank you for all your help. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the near future.
2. 获奖的消息应在文章开始提出来.
3. 应适当增添细节(怎么辅导的?什么样的建议?)
It’s very kind of you to spend time helping me with my oral English. Whenever I Made a mistake, you were always there to correct it for me with patience. Besides, you did give me useful advice, such as listening to English songs as well as watching English movies.
4. 表达的准确性有待提高.
竞赛petition  冠军 champion  pronounce(v.)
建议 suggestions(可数) advice(不可数)
英语口语竞赛 Spoken English Competition    取得进步 make progress   用thanks to, thanks, thank来填空.
4. 5. 6. Possible version
Dear Mr. Green,
How is your stay in Zhuhai? Now I am writing to express my thanks to you for all your help to me.
I would like to share with you a piece of good news: I won the first place in the Spoken English Competition of our city. The achievement that I gained is owed to your kind help. You spent so much time in helping me with my spoken English and give me lots of good advice, from which I benefited a lot during the petition. It is with your help that I built up confidence and made rapid progress.
Again, many thanks for your kind and warm help. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely,                                                       Li Hua
Dear Mr. Green,
I’m very glad to tell you that I have won the first prize in the “Beijing English Speech
Contest” with your kind help. I’m writing to express my hearty thanks to you.
During the preparation of the contest, I was bothered with so many difficulties in my oral English. And it was your patient guidance and sincere encouragement that helped me build up my confidence and make progress rapidly. What’s more, you were so kind to give me some practical advice on how to speak English clearly and fluently. Your advice was so helpful that it contributed a lot to my success in the contest.
Once again, I’m very grateful for your spending time and effort to instruct me. I’m looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,                                                       Li Hua
高三4 李思佳
文体:                       人称:                    时态:
要点                                 细节
图1   看通知                      通知栏 吸引  犹豫
图2 老师鼓励     地点 时间(与图1一致) 鼓励尝试 承诺帮助 信心大增 图3 老师辅导            办公室 指导 耐心
图4 获奖              演讲成功 领奖 鼓掌 感激
感受 感谢老师,有信心迎接更多挑战
比较:Last term, on entering the gate, the posters of a petition attracted my eyes.
Last term, I took part in the English Speech Contest, which left me an unforgettable experience.
2.征稿不应在开头自我介绍 I’m LiHua…
3.图1写太啰嗦, 图2写太简略
比较:At that moment, my English teacher came to encouraged me to have a try.
When I was hesitating whether to give up, my English teacher came here by accident. She encouraged me to have a try. And she also said that she would help me. With her encouragement, I decided to sign up.
Then came the big day. With great confidence, I performed perfectly in the contest and won the first prize. Standing on the stage of the award ceremony, I felt excited and appreciated my teacher.
5. 提高表达的准确性
耐心 patience(n.)  patient(adj.)
超出我的期望out of my expectation        缺乏信心 the/my lack of confidence 不想让她失望unwilling to let her down   在某人的帮助下with one’s help
在某人的努力下with one’s efforts      在某人的指导下under one’s guidance  用always, often, usually填空
5. I performed very well in the speech, winning the first prize.
6. Finishing my performance confidently, the applauding burst out like thunders.
7. But for your help, I couldn’t make such a great progress.
Possible version:
Last term an English speech contest was held in our school.
Seeing the notice, many students took interest in it. My English teacher thought it was a good chance for me to improve my English and encouraged me to take part. So I decided to have a try. During the preparation, my teacher offered me great help. She not only polished my speech draft but also corrected my pronunciation. As a result, my speech improved greatly. Then the day for the petition came. I did a good job and got the first prize!
I owed it all to my teacher. Without her help, I wouldn’t have got such a good result.
Last term, I took part in the English speech Competition held by our school.
Early in the morning , wall papers were put up on the billboard to introduce the topic and the rules of the petition. Soon, it attracted many students’ attention, including mine.
However, as English is not my strong point, the chance for me to win was rare. When I decided to give up, my English teacher, Mrs. Zhang, showed up and encouraged me to have a try. Finally, I made up my mind to take part in the petition.
During my preparation for the contest, Mrs. Zhang helped me a lot. Not only did she give me helpful advice, she also spent her spare time polishing my speech. With her help, I gained confidence gradually.
Finally came the petition. To my great surprise and delight, I won the first prize. The audiences gave me laud applaud to show their appreciation. However, I owe my success to Mrs. Zhang. But for her patience and her precious time, I wouldn’t have won the prize.
Today I’m going to talk about discover yourself. Ever since the accelerated development of human civilization, perpetual scientific discovery of nature have panied mankind all along the journey. It was by discovering the around us that human beings have been able to live a more sophisticated life. However, as G.K. Chesterton once said “one may understand the cosmos, but never the ego, the self is more distance than any star. Thus, a life is a journey of unrelenting offers to discover more of ourselves. When I was six, I constantly picture myself as an elegant and skilled pianist rendering Xiao Bang’s nocturnal beautifully on the stage, receiving award and applause after my performance. However, as I further my piano lessons, it was hard to be oblivious of my non-gifted skills. Sometimes I couldn’t help but have this feeling of despair, when I woke up to the reality and discover that my goal was unrealistic. Brutal but real. It was the first time; I had discovered that I couldn’t have it at all, when I was twelve. I thought the coolest job in the entire universe was to be a surgeon. I spent hours and hours watching the drama Grey's Anatomy and couldn’t help falling in love with the kind of live those doctor lead on the scream. I was utterly mesmerized by the scalpel and all those fancy medical terms that use. However, I stop to dream about being a surgeon when I discover that it was the idea of being a surgeon that appeal to me, not what it truly was. As a result, the dream ended and I discovered some more about myself. This year, I turned sixteen and I could proudly say I do not dream to be, but ascertain to peruse being a lower in the future. Since junior high school I had always been awarded the most eloquent debater in every single debater participated in. I can not only think logically, but also deliver my thought promptly. My huge interest in philosophy also acts my reason in whenever I tried to argue with something equivocal. Being aware of the obstacles and the hardships on the way being a great lawyer never panics me, for the simple reason that I have this faith and passion in what I am aspiring after. G.K. Chesterton was absolutely correct; the most plicated part of prehending the world is the study of somehow smaller world, ourselves. I subsequently realized that growing up is a process that discover yourselves. We got to know what we truly are and bee who we dream to be. As we shape ourselves and as we shape of our lives. We gradually bee more aware of limits and potentials, and consequently learn to adjust learn what’s out there, and by that ladies and gentlemen I’m proud to say that I have discovered part of myself, sue to discovering today and definitely a lot more in the future. I would always keep this in embedded in my heart. Things do not change, we do!
Good morning,judges, teachers and follow students. Today I would like to share with you my great wish.
but first, please allow[?'lau] me to take you back in time to the year 1955, the setting, Montgomery [ m?ntg?m?ri ], Alabama [  ael?baem? ], the United States of America. It started out as an ordinary ['?:din?ri, -neri-] December afternoon. 42 year-old African American Rosa Parks boarded ['b?:did] a bus and sat down in the front row. She thought over, the days and friends, her child at home, and how she enjoyed her simple life. She was content, but when she thought about the prejudice['pred?udis] and discrimination[dis,krimi'nei??n] that she had to face everyday, she felt a mends pain. How she wished to live in the world of true harmony
['hɑ:m?ni]! “Ehen, ehen(咳嗽声)”, Rosa was startle ['stɑ:tl] to see a white man standing beside her. He was starring at her coldly ['k?uldli], but she managed
['maenid?d] to smile and ask politely [p?'laitli]: “May I help you sir?” “Get out of the seat!” the man snarled [sna:rld] back. “Excuse me?” Rosa was shocked. [??kt]  What right did the man have to speak to her in such a cruel ['kru:?l]tone? Just because her skin was dark colored and his was fair. And as equals: ['ikw?l], he certainly ['s?:t?nli] didn't have any right to order her out of  the seat, or did he? Well, surprisingly, in 1955, lots like Rosa Parks did not have as many rights as whites. Due to racial['rei??l] discrimination, Rosa’s refusal [ri'fju:z?l] to give up her seat to a white man, led to a call to the police, and she was arrested [?'rest] jailed and convicted[k?n'vikt] a violating ['vai?leit] segregation[,segri'gei??n] laws. But Rosa did not surrender[s?'rend?] to prejudice, instead[in'sted] she chose to fight discrimination and work alongside thousands of others for her wish to rid [rid] the world of racism ['reisiz?m]. And now, half a century['sent?uri] later, we are still  fighting for the same wish. Traces of discrimination have gradually['graedju?li] disappeared [,dis?'pi?], but prejudice lives on. I too, share the wish of Rosa Parks, but I too, wish that prejudice es to an end. And my friends, prejudice will e to an end if we all work together as a whole. Let us not judge others by their skin color or appearance:[?'pir?ns], but rather by their content of their character ['kaerikt?]. Let us learn to enjoy different cultures and then we’ll enjoy a world of diversity. I wish to look around on a lonely day, and see a blending of colors. Harmony, traveling among people of all skin colors.
分团委学生会     学习部
活动背景和目的,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3 活动时间和地点,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
? 由学院负责于活动一星期前制作各学院各项负责人联系方式表并发送到群共享
? 由学院负责于活动一星期前完成场地及海报申请,并收集整理完成活动各环节媒体文件;
? 物品准备
1). 由学院负责于活动一星期前在青广上搁置展板及喷绘海报,并负责在各围合张贴围合小海报并于活动结束前回收各围合海报;
2).各学院负责人积极转发各平台状态。  3.活动报名:
1) 全体工作人员于提前两小时到场,由学院工作人员布置场地并确保在一个半小时内完成教室布置:
2) 活动半小时前完成场地布置后播放暖场音乐,工作人员继续现场宣传;
2. 活动流程:
1) 开场视频;(5min)
2) 主持人开幕,介绍嘉宾,宣布活动开始;(5min) 3) 选手登场,比赛开始; 比赛流程: ◆初赛:
(4)每5位选手演讲完毕后请评委点评,并公布前5位选手的分数 评分规则:去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分; 评分标准:(总分 101 分)
◆调剂环节:每5位选手演讲完毕后计分统计期间进入调剂环节 ·视:观影识剧
观看一段英文视频,回答视频剧名 ·听:听歌识曲
收听一段英文歌曲,回答英文歌名 ·说:小视频配音
播放一段美剧/影剧视频,给出字幕,入场景配音 ·学:我学奥巴马讲话
播放一段奥巴马演讲录音,给出语段模拟奥巴马现场演讲 ·百科竞答:
1.名词汇总 2.民俗文化 3西方礼仪 4.宗教传说 5.英美文化知识 6.
(1)自我介绍:才艺展示、PPT+解说 时长3分钟 (2)定题演讲:限时三分钟,演讲主题待定
(4)即兴演讲:选手抽题,准备30秒,演讲时间不超过1.5分钟。 (5)综合素质:选择一道由5个单词构成的题目,变成一个故事 时长不超过3分钟
2.奖项设置及奖励方式 一等奖    1名, 二等奖    2名, 三等奖    2名
单项奖    比赛过程中某一方面表现突出的选手
? 策划,场地布置、准备各自学院院旗
? 电脑及舞会音乐,申请场地及展板,物资采购;
? 音响话筒及当时的管理和归还,新闻稿,青广喷绘海报及展出,围合海报及展出;
? 主持人,游戏;       ? 电源; ? 开场;
? 在遇到突然停电时,主持人用事先准备的扩音喇叭组织大家进行小游戏,直到电源恢复;
? 在音响(或电脑)遇到工作故障(如死机,电源短路等),及时更换为备
? 安排专人负责操作区,不允许无关人员进入; ? 现场安排机动人员,在冷场时配合主持人活跃气氛;
? 将参与同学的物品统一放置,并派专人看管,防止失窃事件的发生; ? 各学院组成临时决策小组(由各学院文艺部长组成,保证联系方式畅通),决策会场遇到的突发情况,并安排工作人员处理
? 若现场人数不够,则让主持人进行更多的鼓动,干事等造势
? 如现场人数过多,则内部人员退出舞池,并做好维持秩序工作,严防安全隐患,做好突发状况紧急人员疏散的准备
? 若遭遇雨水天气则将活动适当延期
《百科知识竞答》 视频文件 声音文件
o1.Experts say that
misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the increasing number of campus crimes. Do you agree with this opinion? Why or why not?
o1.Experts say that misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the increasing number of campus crimes. Do you agree with this opinion? Why or why not?
o2.With thousands of years of history and plex rules, mahjong now is gaining popularity in many countries as a game of leisure and of the mind. Should mahjong be recognized as a national heritage? What’s your opinion?
o3. The internet buzzwords, including diaosi, gaofushuai and baifumei, are terms that people use to describe different groups of Chinese youth. Why are these terms gaining popularity?
o4.Watching the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been a Lunar New Year ritual for many Chinese over the past decades. What do you think about the Spring Festival Gala? Would you make any chances to make it even more popular?
o5.Three first-tier cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have announced to allow children of migrant workers to sit college entrance exams locally. Are you for or against the reform? Why?
o6.Nowadays, college students’life style goes from outdoor enthusiasm to indoor couch potatoes and Internet addicts. Why do you think such a change has taken place and what, if any, should be done about it?
o7.What’s your understanding of “Made in China”and “Created in China”respectively? Which would you value?
o8.China is home to over 20 percent of world’s population but has only 7 percent of global water, and its per capita fresh water is just one-fourth of the world average. What can we do in our daily life to tackle this problem?
o9.It is argued that modern life makes it harder for people to fall in love. Do you agree?
o10.A survey said that the elderly attended to by their daughters are more content than those taken care of by their sons. What factors do you think have lead to this phenomenon?
o11.In China, rising wages and shrinking export demand are forcing manufacturers to relocate in neighboring countries and many that remain are considering moving. What consequences will this bring?
o12.If you were a foreign investor thinking of investing in China, what would you like to invest in?
o13.New York edian Ronnie Shakes said: “A lot of people
wonder how you can tell if you are really in love. Just ask yourself this question: Would I share my cash-machine number with this person?”What about you—how can you tell if you are in love or not?
o13.New York edian Ronnie Shakes said: “A lot of people
wonder how you can tell if you are really in love. Just ask yourself this question: Would I share my cash-machine number with this person?”What about you—how can you tell if you are in love or not?
o14.It is a trend for Chinese young people to buy an apartment before they are married, but it is quite a tough take for a young couple to plete a purchase on their own? Is an apartment necessary for a marriage? Why or why not?
o15.Imagine that your generation could be represented by three cartoon characters. Please tell us which three cartoon characters you would choose. And which one would you be most similar to?
o16.Men and women are supposed to be equal, but there is almost no country in the world where women hold the same number of leadership positions as men in the government, business or other industries. What would the world be like if women were predominantly in power?
o17.If you were taken by aliens to another planet, and the aliens wanted you to tell them something about human civilization, what would you tell them and why?
o18.In many cultures it is considered a virtue to save money. But to spur economic growth many countries carry out policies to encourage consumption. What do you think of these policies and how to reach a balance?
o19.Time travel is currently impossible, but one day it may e true. If you could travel backwards or forwards in time, would you go back to the past or forward to the future? And how far would you travel and why?
o20Can video conferencing replace face-to-face business meetings when devices have been designed to recognize and replicate voices, body language and other features in order to facilitate munication?
作文七:《英语演讲比赛PPT》2600字ppt英语演讲比赛流程表(ppt chart                                                                     speech contest)
一、1:30赛前准备(prepared before)
1.播放英语营地视频(play english camp video)
2.整理评委和嘉宾座次(finishing the judges and guests seating)
3.乐土乐队乐器准备(paradise orchestra instruments prepare)
4.评委和嘉宾入座(judges and guests seated)                                                       二、2:00比赛开始(start of the contest)
1. 乐土乐队表演节目(paradise band performances)
2. 介绍评委和嘉宾(to host the opening words to introduce judges and guests)
3. 比赛正式开始:1号选手上场演讲,选手演讲完毕后由评委提问,选手回答完毕后下
场,主持人介绍2号选手。然后2到5号选手依次上场比赛(start of the contest:1st player
playing a speech, questions by the judges after the speech, after the end of answering,
the contestant is away. the host introduces the 2nd player. contestant no. 2 to 5
and then followed)
4. 5号选手比赛完毕后,爱心协会表演节目(after 5th contestant’s speech, love
association performances )
5. 主持人公布第一组成绩,然后6到10号选手依次上场比赛(the first group of
presenters announce results, and then contestant no. 6 to 10 followed by playing
6. 10号选手比赛完毕后,中场休息5分钟(after 10th contestant’s speech , 5 minute
7. 主持人公布第二组成绩,然后11到15号选手依次上场比赛(the second group of
presenters announce results, then 11 to 15 followed by playing speech)
8. 15号选手比赛完毕后,英语营地表演节目《趣味百斯特》(after 15th contestant’
s speech, english camp performance《fun best》)
10. 主持人公布总成绩,评委和嘉宾给获奖选手颁奖(the host announce the total
score, the judges and guests give prizes to the winners)
11. 主持人宣布结束并致谢语,然后歌曲表演(the host announce the end and thanks,
then  song performances)
12. 比赛结束后,评委、嘉宾与获奖选手合影留念(end of the contest, the judges and
guests and the winners take photos)篇二:英语演讲ppt演讲比赛                                        山东财政学院
策划案        英文演讲比赛                                                                       活动名称:山东财政学院ppt英语演讲比赛                                                           组办单位:
主办:山东财政学院校团委                                                                     承办:英语营地
参赛对象:山东财政学院在校学生                                                                   活动目标:1、提高财院同学学习英语的积极性
5、增强社团影响力,提高英语承办大型活动的能力                                                    活动时间:
比赛分为两环节:初赛 决赛                                                                     活动流程
1、宣传         5月8号—5月13号(宣传方式:飞信(联系其他名牌社团                              帮忙)、海报、展板、单页、定点设咨询台,教室黑板)
2、报名截止时间 5月16号
3、初赛         5月22号上午                                                                     4、5月23日以海报形式公布入围决赛的选手名单
二、决赛 5月29日
1、 宣传     5月23日—5月28日(飞信、海报、教室黑板)
2、参赛宣手  初赛前15名学生
3、彩排      5月26日和5月27日晚自习
4、决赛      5月29日下午:2:30—5:00
2、第一组  :演讲—1—5号依次上台演讲                                                            评委自由点评
节目表演—邀请其他社团                                                                     公布第一组成绩
3、第二组  :演讲—6—10号选手依次上台                                                           评委自由点评
5、第三组  :公布第二组成绩                                                                     演讲—11—15号选手依次演讲                                                                     评委自由点评
6、点评  :;评委
7、公布名单:学团部部长—女主持                                                                  备注:活动开始前介绍评委和嘉宾                                                                   评分标准                                                                                         考评范围       考评标准
内容           内容充实、结构清晰、完整、有新意                20
ppt表现                                                      10
语音语调       发音正确、清楚、表达自然                        25
流畅性         表达流畅、语速适中                              20
词汇语法       用词恰当、无语法错误                            10
风度           表现力强,有一定的台风并能有生动的肢体语言
整体表现              }


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