
约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒John Stuart Mill
外语教学与研究出版社Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
One of the greatest prodigies of his era, John Stuart Mill (1806-73) was studying arithmetic and Greek by the age of three, as part of an astonishingly intense education at his father's hand. Intellectually brilliant, fearless and profound, he became a leading Victorian liberal thinker, whose works - including On Liberty, Utilitarianism, The Subjection of Women and this autobiography - are among the crowning achievements of the age. Here he describes the pressures placed on him by his childhood, the mental breakdown he suffered as a young man, his struggle to understand a world of feelings and emotions far removed from his father's strict didacticism, and the later development of his own radical beliefs. A moving account of an extraordinary life, this great autobiography reveals a man of deep integrity, constantly searching for truth.
约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill,日-日),英国著名哲学家和经济学家,19世纪影响力很大的古典自由主义思想家。他支持边沁的功利主义。
John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May 1873) was a British philosopher, political economist and civil servant. He was an influential contributor to social theory, political theory and political economy. He has been called "the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century". Mill's conception of liberty justified the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state control.
During this part of my childhood, one of my greatest amusements was
in the theoretical, however, not the practic not trying experiments—a kind of discipline which I have often regretted not having had—nor even seeing, but merely reading about them.
Childhood and Early Education
II. Moral Influences in Early Youth. My Father's Character and Opinions.
III. Last Stage of Education, and First of Self-Education.
IV. Youthful Propagandism. The "Westminster Review".
Crisis in My Mental History. One Stage Onward.
VI. Commencement of the Most Valuable Friendship of My Life. My Father's Death. Writings and Other Proceedings up to 1840.
VII. General View of the Remainder of My Life.
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336 约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒政治经济学原理(上).pdf
336 约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒政治经济学原理(上).pdf
简介:本文档为《336 约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒政治经济学原理(上)pdf》,可适用于高等教育领域,主题内容包含中译本序言陈岱孙约翰斯图亚特穆勒(年)在年发表了他高世的经济学著作《政治经济学原理及其在社会哲学上的若干应用》(以下简称《原理》)。西方一些经济学家符等。
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