
Scuba Diving Is an Exciting Sport That Opens Up a
Whole Underwater World
Colorful fish at Danger Reef
Today we explore the clear blue
waters around the islands of the Bahamas to learn about the
exciting sport of scuba diving. The word "scuba" stands for
self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Knowing how to dive
opens up an entire underwater world of coral, fish, and other
creatures. Join us as we learn the basics of diving, talk to an
expert, and say hello to a shark.
Imagine swimming in clear blue
waters as you look at small, brightly colored fish and the striking
shapes of coral organisms. The underwater world is quiet except for
the sound of your breathing. When you breathe out, you see many
shining air bubbles floating upwards towards the surface of the
Since humans are not designed to see
and breathe underwater, scuba diving requires several pieces of
important equipment. Scuba divers must wear a mask in order to be
able to see underwater. The mask creates an air space that protects
the eyes and nose. Scuba divers breathe with the help of a
regulator, which brings air to the mouth when they inhale. The
regulator is attached to an air tank that is placed on the diver's
back. There is an extra regulator called an octopus, which is used
in case of emergency situations.
Divers also wear a BCD, or buoyancy
control device, to control how much they float or sink. A pressure
gauge device tells divers how much air is left in the air tank. Or,
a dive computer can calculate how much air is left as well as a
diver's depth and the length of time he or she can stay underwater.
Divers wear scuba fins on their feet to help them move easily and
quickly through the water. Many divers also wear a wetsuit in order
to stay warm underwater.
To learn how to use all of this
equipment, it helps to go to dive school. Becoming a certified
diver requires taking three series of lessons. New divers must
learn about the physics and safety of diving. And, they must
practice diving skills first in a closed water area and then on
actual beginner dives. Several organizations offer official diving
Scuba diving for fun first became
possible with the development of the Aqualung by Jacques Cousteau
and Emile Gagnan in the early nineteen forties. In the United
States, articles in popular magazines about Cousteau and his
underwater exploration methods helped bring attention to scuba
diving. Because of the cost of the equipment, diving did not become
a widely available sport until years later.
Taking diving classes and becoming
certified are important for knowing how to dive safely. For
example, you need to know how to put a regulator back in your mouth
if it falls out underwater. And, you need to know how to clear your
mask if it fills with water. There are many other safety issues to
consider when diving. For example, when going down deeper in the
water, a diver must be careful to equalize the pressure in his or
her ears. This is done by holding the nose and blowing very gently.
Otherwise, the extreme pressure from the surrounding water can
cause damage to the middle ear and sinuses.
Decompression sickness is a major
concern for divers. The deeper a diver goes, the more pressure the
surrounding water puts on the volume of the air inside his or her
lungs. And, the deeper a dive, the more nitrogen gas goes into the
diver's blood. For safety reasons, a diver must measure the length
of his or her dive based on its depth so as not to exceed a safe
amount of nitrogen absorption.
When divers rise to return to the
water's surface, they must continue to breathe and rise no faster
than the air bubbles around them. For very deep dives, they must
stop and decompress at certain levels. This way, the highly
pressurized air in the diver's lungs has time to leave the body
before it expands. If a diver rises to the surface too quickly, he
or she can become extremely ill with decompression sickness, also
known as "the bends." Another important aspect to diving is having
a "buddy" system. By having a diving partner, you can watch over
one another and help each other if there is an accident.
Coral formations at Danger
One important diving rule is to
never touch any of the sea life. This rule is both to protect the
diver and to protect the underwater environment. For example, there
is a reason fire coral received its name. This kind of coral causes
a painful burning feeling if touched. A diver could also be cut by
touching a sharp piece of coral. Coral may seem hard like stone,
but it is actually a very fragile organism. It can be damaged if
divers touch or stand on it.& In order to protect
the beautiful coral reef systems, divers must treat them with
TITO BALDWIN: "I think everyone
takes a different experience away from diving. I think what they
love about diving could be the color of the ocean, could be the
peacefulness, it could be a gamut of things. Everyone is
That was Tito Baldwin, a rescue
diver from the Bahamas who has been diving for almost thirty years.
He has done everything from diving to explore underwater shipwrecks
to dives eighty meters deep. It might not surprise you to know Tito
Baldwin's favorite place in the world to dive. He said: "Anywhere
in the Bahamas, because the Bahamas is probably the most beautiful
water. The further south you get away from civilization, past
Georgetown down to the Plana Cays, Hogsty, Little Inagua where it's
untouched by humans. It's just vibrant, alive, colorful, fish
everywhere. You get some pretty good extreme diving. You've got
good walls, you've got good tunnels and caverns, there's wrecks.
Everything you could possibly
We went on a shark dive with Tito
Baldwin in an area of the Bahamas called the Exumas.
The dive site known as Danger Reef
is just south of Indigo Island. The water there was very rough.
But, once you flip backwards off the boat and enter the water, you
enter a calm and colorful world. &
A scuba diver observes a
Caribbean reef shark
The main purpose of this dive was to
see the many Caribbean reef sharks that gather in this area. These
sharks have a rounded and short snout and big round eyes. They eat
mainly bony fish. A fully grown female Caribbean reef shark
measures about two to three meters, while a grown male measures one
and a half meters or more in length. It is very exciting and a
little bit strange diving among the sharks. You feel as though you
should be afraid, even though the sharks are not aggressive at all.
The sharks just swim around, watching what is going on around
At Danger Reef, there were also many
large Nassau grouper and yellow fin grouper fish. If you float
above the large coral formations you can examine the smaller
creatures swimming in the reef. The bright yellow and purple fish
called the fairy basslet look like small swimming jewels. Many
kinds of fish swim in and out of the brain coral, elkhorn coral and
sea fans, which wave gently with the current.&
Back on the boat, we asked Tito Baldwin more about the safety of
diving with sharks.&
A Caribbean reef
TITO BALDWIN: "When you get in the
water with sharks, people are automatically scared because they've
seen 'Jaws,' they've seen all these crazy movies. But sharks are
just like every other animal in the water, they are petrified of
human beings. We were two feet away from five foot sharks
and they were just kind of circling around us like everything else
in the water. The groupers were close to us, the sharks
were close to us, the yellow tail were close to us. They're kind of
curious, and they are more afraid of us than we are of them."
There are many other beautiful
places around the world to dive. Scuba Diving Magazine recently
listed several of the "must see" diving sites. These include
Bonaire, one of the Netherlands Antilles Islands off the coast of
Venezuela. Here, divers can explore many reefs within a protected
marine park. Divers can even explore the sea creatures that live in
and around the ship, Hilma Hooker. This seventy meter long cargo
ship sank over twenty years ago. &
Off the coast of Baja California in
Mexico, divers can see large sea creatures like sharks, giant manta
rays and dolphins. Scuba Diving Magazine also recommends the Fiji
Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Many divers go here to see grey
reef sharks or hammerhead sharks. In Australia, divers can explore
many interesting areas, including the Great Barrier Reef. It is the
largest coral reef system in the world. Measuring over two thousand
kilometers in length, this extraordinary natural formation offers
many exciting dive possibilities. Also in Australia, the Cod Hole
diving area off the Ribbon Reefs is famous for its large potato
codfish. And at the Lighthouse Bommie site, divers can swim with
minke whales.&
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