
You Aria?你是艾瑞亚吗Not now, Wes.少废话,维斯And that was?那位是...That's Wesley. My brother.那是维斯利,我弟弟How long have you known?你发现多长时间了It's for you.给你的I don't know a James family in chicago.我在芝加哥不认识什么詹姆斯的家人Wasn't that Nate's real name?那不是内特的真名吗And this is definitely Alison's handwriting.这百分百是艾莉森的字迹"You need to tell the beach hottie tonight.""你今晚就得告诉沙滩帅哥"What are they talking about?她们在说些什么Who is the beach hottie?谁是"沙滩帅哥"Ali never told me.艾莉从没告诉我他是谁Just tell me that there's more to this story...请告诉我这不是所有That's there's something that I don't know.还有我不知道的隐情Please, Toby!求求你了,托比I'm late.我来晚了Have you told him?你告诉他了吗If he finds out, he's gonna kill me.要是他发现了,他会杀了我的Are you okay?你还好吗I'm about to meet my son.我就要见我儿子了What does this go to?这是哪里的钥匙That's what I would like you to find out.这正是我让你查的And if you follow him,如果你跟踪他he'll lead you there.他会带你去那里Emily you did the right thing.艾米丽,你做的对What's wrong?怎么了Look who else was in Cape May.你看还有谁去了开普梅海滩Nothing?没消息吗Nothing since he left.他走之后就再没消息Well, he sent an "I got here" text.他发了条短信说"我到了"Well, that counts...这也算嘛If you want it to.如果你想的话I mean, I know he's doing the right thing,我知道他在做正确的事It's just the idea that something's happening只是觉得在几百英里外hundreds of miles away that's gonna change everything.发生的事将改变一切This is cold. I'm just gonna go get a refill.咖啡冷了,我再去倒一杯Do you think Wilden read that notebook by now?你们觉得威尔登读完那个笔记本了吗He must have.肯定读完了So he knows what we know.所以我们知道的他都知道And what exactly do we know?我们又究竟知道什么呢It's just Cece's version of things.都是茜茜告诉我们的There was a picture of him in Cape Bay.那有一张他在开普梅海滩的照片I'm going back to the police station after school,我放学后去趟警察局take a snap of it on my phone.用手机拍下来Thanks.谢谢Spencer.斯宾塞Hey. Jason.杰森I've got some news.我有些消息We're keeping this kind of quiet.我们不想太声张But they've released Ali's remains to my family.他们把艾莉的尸体归还给了我家There's gonna be a reinterment.我们会重新举行埋葬She's being buried again?她又要被埋葬吗Not in the ground. In the mausoleum.不会埋进土里,而是埋进陵墓There'll be a service, family only,会有一场仪式,仅限家人参与But I've arranged for you但在我父母离开后guys to have some time after my parents leave.我为你们留了一些时间Thank you. There's someing else.谢谢你,还有件事The things we put in the casket with Ali, they're still missing.那些放在艾莉棺材里的东西仍未找到The state police think whoever opened the grave州警认为打开坟墓的人is keeping them as some kind of sick souvenirs.把那些东西留下来做恶心的纪念物The cops figure when they find those,警察们觉得只要找到那些东西they'll find the creeps who did this.他们就能抓到干这事的卑鄙小人I think they're right.我觉得他们是对的Look, I just wanted you guys to hear it from me.我只希望能亲口告知你们I'll text you when I know当我得知告别艾莉的细节后the details about saying goodbye to Ali.我会发短信给你们Don't bother. I've said all the goodbyes I want to say.不用麻烦,我已经告完别了Spencer. What?斯宾塞,怎么了She's saint Ali now?她现在是圣人艾莉了吗Are her bones fully relics or something?她的尸骨都成遗迹了吗You need to dial it back.你得恢复过来No, you dial it back.不,你得恢复过来I'm finished with all of this.我受够了You guys want to pay a visit to the crypt keeper, that's fine,你们想去拜访地穴看守,尽管去It's your business, but keep me out of it!那是你们的事,但不要带上我We'll be there.我们会去的Me and you are the only ones只有我和你with something from Ali's casket.拥有艾莉棺材里的东西I know.我知道So I say we get rid of them.我觉得应该处理掉I'll ditch the ouija board thingie,我会把那显灵板丢掉and then you chuck those earrings.你负责扔那些耳环I'm not sure about that.我可不确定Not sure about what?不确定什么Every time we react to something like this,每次碰到这种事,我们做出反应it comes back to bite us on the ass.它就反咬我们一口It's like we're being就像我们被操纵着maneuvered into doing the absolute wrong thing.做那些绝对错误的事I don't want to end up back in an orange jumpsuit again.我可不想再回去穿橘色犯人服You think that I do?你以为我想吗Believe me, one size does not fit all.均码的犯人服可不适合每个人So what do we do?那我们怎么办I'm gonna go to Ezra's apartment after school.放学后我要去以斯拉的公寓So we'll just talk later.我们晚点再说吧Why are you going to Ezra's?你为什么要去以斯拉家Because I...water the plants, stuff like that.因为我要,给植物浇水之类的Oh. And do you do that while wearing his shirt?你是穿着他的衬衫干那些事吗I'm going now.我要走了Morning, Spencer.早上好,斯宾塞Okay, someone's in a mood.好吧,看来有人心情不好I just came by to remind我只是过来提醒你you that the decathlon's only a week away.离十项全能比赛只有一周了So in here is your schedule,这是你的日程表hotel information, practice questions,酒店信息,练习题目and permission slip.和同意书Look, Spencer...听着,斯宾塞I know this is a touchy subject,我知道这是个敏感话题But as team captain, I have to tell you但是身为队长,我必须告诉你you've been off your agame lately.你最近不在状态啊Yeah. This is the biggest competition of the year,这可是本年度最重大的比赛and I can't let your slipandslide affect the whole team.我不能让你的发挥失常影响到整个队伍Let me make something clear to you, Mona.你给我听清楚了,梦娜This is not a game to me at all.这对我来说根本就不是一场游戏Good. Because I'd hate to see poor Toby很好,因为我不想看到可怜的托比travel all that way for you大老远跑去看你比赛only to be left cheering for me.最后却只能为我加油Caleb.凯勒Hey. From my mom.是我妈找我Is everything okay?有什么事吗Yeah, she's fine,她很好It's just, uh...只是...I don't know, it's weird.我也不清楚,挺奇怪的What is?什么事My aunt moved to Australia.我姑姑搬到澳大利亚去了What's weird about that?这有什么好奇怪的It's my father's sister.那是我爸爸的妹妹The one my mom left me with.我妈妈把我留给她照看的The one who put you in foster care?你寄养在她家的那一个吗I guess my mom started looking for all of her broken connections,我觉得我妈妈开始寻找关系破裂的亲戚and she finally found my aunt,然后她终于找到了我姑姑and my aunt is moving to Brisbane.可是我姑姑要搬去布里斯班They're closing her house.他们把她的房子闲置了Wait. The one you were in when you were little?等等,你小时候住的那个房子吗Yeah. They're cleaning it out, tearing it down.没错,他们要把房子清空拆除My mom said if I want to see the place,我妈妈说如果我还想去那儿看看see if I want anything from it,看看有什么东西想要的I should... I should go now.我现在就该动身了Are you thinking about going?那你想说去吗No. I'm not thinking about it, and I'm not going.不,不想,也不会去Caleb, if they tear it down. I don't care.凯勒,如果房子被拆了,我不在乎Let 'em.随他们去吧Hi.你好I, uh, I didn't know anyone would be here.我以为这儿没人Is Ezra back? No, he's not.以斯拉回来了吗,还没回来I was just checking on his place.我只是来这儿看看Oh. Come in.请进Thanks.谢谢Ezra said I could use the place if he was away.以斯拉说如果他不在的话我可以借住一下You knew that he was gone.你知道他走了He called me on his way to Delaware.他去特拉华的路上打电话给我了He was a little vague about他对于如何发现how he found out about Maggie and Malcolm.麦琪和马尔科姆的事情含糊其辞It wasn't vague, it was messy.不是含糊其辞,那是一团乱麻But the point is, he found out.但是重点是,他发现了I should have taken the hit. No. It都是我的错,不,只是Look, he knows, he went there,他知道了,他去了那儿and now he's talking to her.然后再和她谈谈So, do we have a problem, me staying here for a couple of nights?那我在这儿住几晚可以吗What? No.什么,没问题Don't you have classes, though?你不用去上课吗No. They're, uh, fumigating the dorms.不用,学校在给宿舍消毒First time since the Clinton administration.克林顿执政之后的第一次stay.住吧I mean, Ezra invited you.我是指,是以斯拉邀请你住的That way I don't have to worry about the plants.那我就不用担心没人浇花啦Okay. Thanks.好的,谢谢Okay. Well, I will get out of your way.那我就不打扰你了Maybe you should still check the plants.或许还是应该由你来浇花I mean, I'm not too good about that. I once killed a cactus.我不太擅长浇花,有一次还把仙人掌浇死了I thought the only way you could do that was with a gun.要是你的话只有用枪才能把仙人掌弄死吧Okay.好的Yeah, um, I'll call before I stop by.我来之前会打给你的Bye.再见Four days ago, the kid bought a sandwich,四天之前,这孩子买了一个三明治tank of gas, and hydrangeas.一桶汽油和绣球花Hydrangeas? Yeah.绣球花,没错Sixty-five dollars of hydrangeas.花了六十五块钱买绣球花You know this...?你怎么知道的I'm tracking his credit card.我查了他的信用卡记录Okay, what about three days ago?好吧,那三天前呢Three days ago he switched to cash.三天前他改用现金支付了Someday he'll run out and I'll start tracking him again.等他现金花光之后我会继续查他的信用卡Do you want to hear about the key? Yeah.你想知道关于钥匙的事情吗,想This wasn't easy, but I这可复杂了,但我traced the numerical code to the manufacturer,通过编码找到了制造商manufacturer to a series of buildings on the west side of town...镇上西边的一大排楼房都使用他们生产的锁And?然后呢And if you want me to narrow it to a single doorway,如果你想让我找到这把钥匙到底是开哪个门I'll need a bit more... encouragement.我需要一些额外的...奖励You're wondering if it's worth it?你在考虑它值不值得吗No. Not "It."不是"它"值不值得You.是你值不值得Can I give you a piece of professional advice?让我给你点专业意见吧My line of work, the people I follow我的行当,跟踪的人都是些criminals, sumbags, lowlifes, all of 'em.罪犯,小人,恶棍Okay, so?所以呢So never once have any of those guys bought hydrangeas这些人里从来没有人在跑路之前before skipping town.买过绣球花You let me know about the key.钥匙的事情等你考虑好了联系我吧Emily?艾米丽What are you doing here, honey?你在这儿干嘛呢,宝贝I thought I'd see if you wanted me to grab something for dinner.我来看看你要不要我帮你带点晚饭Oh! Yes, please. I had corn nuts for lunch.太好了,我中午吃的是玉米脆From a vending machine? Yeah.自动贩卖机里买的吗,没错I mistook it for actual food.我本来以为它是正餐呢Like, say, corn or nuts?比如玉米或者坚果I'm just gonna get my wallet.我去拿下钱包You know what? Change of plans.干脆这样,来点新花样Let's just go out to dinner. I'll clock out early.我们出去吃吧,我早点打卡下班Are you sure that's okay?你确定这样可以吗What are they gonna do, arrest me?他们能把我怎么样,逮捕我吗Where did this come from?这是哪儿来的Oh. Uh, that's mine. I left it on the counter this morning.那个是我的,我今天早上放在吧台上的You must have put it in your bag by accident.一定是你不小心放进包里了All right, well, let me go sign out.好吧,我去打卡I'll be right back.马上回来He was gone.他走了Wilden read the notebook.威尔登看过笔记本He knows we're on to him他知道我们盯上他了What's happened? So...这是怎么了,那么What exactly brings you to my office?你到底来我办公室干什么Look, I know you're in a funk, okay?我知道你沉浸在恐慌之中I was the first one to hear about your breakup.我是第一个知道你分手消息的人And I didn't tell anyone until I knew you were ready.要是你没准备好,我是不会告诉别人的I'm on your side here. I know.我就在你身边,我知道Is this what you left in Ali's casket?这是你放进艾莉棺材里那张吗That and twentyfour other postcards.和另外24张明信片一起放进去的Someone put this in my mom's bag.有人把这个放进我妈的包里Aria thought it was bad艾瑞亚觉得getting those earrings back one at a time一下子收回那些耳环很糟糕"A" Has twentyfive opportunities to set me up.A可是有25次陷害我的机会Set us up.是陷害我们Just because it's your memento不能因为这些纪念品是你的doesen't mean it can't be planted on any of us.就不能用于陷害我们"A" is threatening to kill me if I go after Wilden.A威胁说,要是我再调查威尔登就杀了我Does that mean he murdered Ali?这是不是意味着艾莉是他杀的Or that he's part of "A's" entourage?或者证明他是A的帮凶That is not what this message says.那和这条信息说的事情无关"La police" Are "Capable de murder.""警察" "能杀人"I took french, Spencer.我上过法语课的,斯宾塞For a semester.就上了一个学期Translation: "Stop digging.翻译过来是,"停止调查"The police already know it's you警察已经知道,你who is capable of murder."能杀人"Wow. That sounded so much better in french.还是法语版的听起来好一些They mean Nate.他们说的是内特Look, you didn't do anything wrong.听着,那不是你的错Okay? Even the police know that.就算警察知道了也没关系Emily, that freak was gonna kill you and Paige.艾米丽,那个变态要杀掉你和佩奇Thank you for the french lesson.谢谢你给我上法语课I have to go to work soon, so....我马上要去上班,所以...Emily.艾米丽I meant to throw that out already.那个我是打算扔掉的That too.那个也是I don't know what happened with you and Toby...我不知道你和托比之间到底怎么了and I know you're not ready to talk about it.我也知道你还没准备好谈论此事But I am here for you. We're all here for you.不过我在这里,我们都在你身边You can't just push us away that easily.你不能这样轻易地把我们推开Last week Hanna saw Paige with another girl.上周,汉娜看到佩奇和另一个女孩在一起She assumed the worst.她就往最坏处想She thought that Paige was seeing someone else.她以为佩奇在和其他女生约会She wasn't.其实她没有I talked to her, and she was trying to help us figure out我和她说了,她其实是在帮我们找Who bought that queen of hearts costume on Halloween.在万圣节那天买红心皇后戏服的人The girl that hanna was so worried about works at a costume shop.汉娜所担心的那个女孩在一家戏装商店工作She was a flirt, not a threat.她只是个调笑对象,不构成威胁Did she find out who bought it? Not yet.她查出是谁买的了吗,还没有The point is, sometimes things look bad, and they're really not.重点是有时候事情看上去很糟,但其实未必Sometimes there's another explanation for what's going on.有时发生的事情还有其他原因And what if that explanation is even worse?要是那个原因更糟呢So what's he like? The brother.那他怎么样,他弟弟He's all right. A little bit full of himself, though.他还好吧,虽然有点自负的样子Is he cute?他帅吗He's kinda cute.还算帅吧He's just way too comfortable不过,他就是看起来living off of his trust fund, though.很心安理得地依靠自己的信托基金生活I would not mind getting cozy with one of those.我倒是不介意和那二者之一和谐共处Trust fund.信托基金Look, I gotta go. I gotta make Caleb dinner.我得走了,我得给凯勒做饭Huhho! So is that how you bribed原来你是这样贿赂凯勒Caleb into going out to his aunt's house tomorrow?才让他同意明天去他阿姨家的吗A little. I just explained that一点点,我只是跟他说this might be his only chance to say goodbye.这可能是他唯一一次告别的机会了Hey, give me the earrings. I'll take them tonight.把耳环给我,我今晚带过去Um, I'm not ready to do that.我还没想好那么做Well, you don't have to.不用你去做I'll get rid of them with the ouija board piece.我会把它们和占卜板一起处理掉的Okay, you can do whatever you want, but I'm gonna wait.你想怎么样都行,但是我得等等Look Aria, you're making a mistake.艾瑞亚,你在犯傻Well, it's my mistake.那也是犯我的傻啊Is this a new couch?这个沙发是新的吗It's a rental. Just about everything here is.是租的,这里所有东西都是租的I wanted to make a fresh start in a new office.我希望在一间新办公室里重新开始I'm here until I find the right one.等有合适的人接替我,我再离开I don't officially start seeing people until next week.我要在下周才开始正式接诊Well, thanks for letting me come in.谢谢你让我进来Mona's back at school.梦娜已经回到学校了Like you said, therapy and the right meds如你所说,通过治疗和正确用药and she'd be ready to rejoin society.她会重新融入社会的Did you come here to talk about Mona?你是来这里谈论梦娜的吗I came because...我来这里是因为Not talking isn't working.什么都不说是不管用的You may have heard I killed a guy.你或许听说我杀人的事情了I heard that you and a classmate were attacked by someone,我听说你和一个同学受到别人的攻击The same person who killed Maya.就是杀害玛雅的那个人You were defending yourself, Emily.你当时是自卫,艾米丽What you did was incredibly你所做的真是Dr. Sullivan, no. That's not what I said.不,沙利文医生,我说的不是这个That's not what I want to talk about.我想谈的不是这个Everyone wants to talk about how I'm some kind of hero.大家都称赞我是个英雄Everyone tells me I他们都说我如何如何勇敢I killed someone.但我毕竟杀人了Someone had a life,那也是一条人命someone was a living, breathing person,活生生的一条人命And I而我You killed someone.你确实杀了一个人I know what he was planning to do,我知道他想干什么who he really was.他究竟是谁In my head, I know.我非常清楚But then I close my eyes and I can see myself...但当我闭上眼,就看见自己Holding that knife...握着那把刀It was in my hand当时手里握着刀and I can still feel what it felt like when it直到现在还能感觉到把它...Emily, have you ever thought about trying hypnotherapy?艾米丽,你考虑过催眠疗法吗I remember what happened, Dr. Sullivan.我记得当时发生了什么,沙利文医生That's the problem I remember exactly what happened.问题就在这,我清楚记得发生的一切Hypnotherapy isn't just催眠疗法不只是about bringing back memories we've repressed.唤醒被抑制的记忆Sometimes it's about reframing the ones we have,有时候是重建那些已有的记忆the ones that are controlling our lives,那些掌控我们人生controlling the way we see ourselves.掌控自我审视的记忆How soon can we start?我们什么时候能开始Hello? Hi. It's Spencer.喂,喂,我是斯宾塞Um, how much more "encouragement" do you need?你还要多少"奖励"Five hundred...五百Cash.现金Fine. Keep looking.好,继续调查Just about everything here now.全部东西都在这儿了You're looking at about a hundred years' worth of stuff.这些东西历史悠久,非常贵重啊Did you grow up here, Mr. Doyle?你在这儿长大的吗,道尔先生Jamie. Yeah, I did.叫我杰米就行,我在这儿长大My sister Patty, Caleb's aunt,我妹妹帕蒂,凯勒的姑姑stayed and took care of留在这儿照顾our folks when they got old. I was long gone.上了年纪的爹妈,我老早就不住这儿了And so was Caleb's dad?凯勒的爸爸也是吗Yeah. He was gone too.没错,他也离开了Patty was surprised to hear from your mom.帕蒂很意外能收到你母亲的来信Yeah, I bet she was.我猜也是Are you being rude on purpose?你故意这么没礼貌的吗I just don't want to be我就是不想整天here all day going through this crap, okay?都耗在这些垃圾上Well, at least look at the stuff before you throw it away.至少先看看是什么再丢啊How long has it been since you've seen your uncle?你和你叔叔多久没见了A long time.很久了I only saw him like once or twice a year when I was a kid.我小时候也就一年见他一两回Took me to a few Phillies games.他带我看过费城人队的比赛That must have been nice.那一定很棒He just felt guilty that his brother ran out on me.他只是内疚他兄弟抛下我不管That's a decent chunk of change.怎么取这么多钱The other girls are coming by the cemetery tonight around seven.她们几个今晚七点都回来参加仪式Sounds like a real party.听起来倒像个派对Hey, what is your problem, Spencer?你怎么了,斯宾塞You got a prior engagement or something?你已经有约了吗She was your best friend.她是你的好朋友啊Look, if you got something to say, say it.你有话就直说吧You don't want to have this fight with me, Jason.你不会想和我吵的,杰森Not now. I'll win, and it won't feel good for either of us.不是现在,我稳赢,但大家都不好受No! Wait. You can donate these books to a library.别,等等,你可以把这些书捐到图书馆Come on, they're all moldy.拜托,它们都发霉了I used to love picture books. I might want to keep 'em.我以前很喜欢图画书,我或许会留下Uh, if you happen to find Mike Mulligan's steam shovel in there,如果你里头找到《迈克·马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机》I'll take it.我要买下Deal.好的He turned into a goodlooking young man.他长成了个英俊的小伙子He treats you right?他对你好吗He does.挺好的Good.那就好Do you ever hear from his father?你知道他父亲的消息吗Uh...Nobody does.没人知道It's no great loss. He's not the sort of man people miss.也没什么遗憾,他不是大家会怀念的人Caleb's never really talked about family much,凯勒以前几乎不提他的家庭and then his mom found him,后来他母亲找到他and it kind of... changed things.之后才有些转变I'm glad she found him.她能找到他就好I've never met her. Did you know her?我从没见过她,你了解她吗Yes. Uh... She deserved better.了解,她值得更好的人Most people deserve better than they get.大多数人都值得更好的So you saw them together? Caleb's mom and dad.你见过他们在一起吗,凯勒的爸爸妈妈Yeah.见过Did they love each other?他们相爱吗Even for a little while?就算只是一阵子I think so.我想有吧Then why would he leave them?那为什么他要离开呢Yeah...He said he needed some space.他说他需要一些空间Figured he'd come back when he could handle being a dad.想当他准备好当父亲时再回来The thing is, when you walk out, the people you leave...可事实是,一旦你离开了They keep on having a life.他人还是继续生活They don't wait for you to come back.他们不会等你回来You're in a safe space, Emily.你在个安全的地方,艾米丽No one can harm you here.在这儿没人能伤害你When I tell you to wake up, you will remember everything,当我唤醒你时,你会记起一切Then you will tell me what you remember.你会告诉我你想起的那些事Okay, wake up.好的,醒来I want you to tell me everything that happened that night.我要你告诉我那天晚上发生的一切That night. At the lighthouse.那天晚上,在灯塔的那个晚上You and your friend were in danger.你和你的朋友身处危境Are you there now? Yes.你到那里了吗,是的Good.很好Hey. The plants have been calling out for you.你回来了,植物一直在召唤你I know, I heard them crying for me我知道,我从大厅一路走来all the way down the hall.就听见它们的哭着找我了Have you heard from him?有他的消息了吗No. That doesn't mean he isn't thinking about you.还没有,但这不代表他没有想着你Yeah? What does it mean?是吗,那代表什么Are you gonna get that?你不接吗Probably just a junk call.也许只是个恶作剧电话No, it could be Ezra. He knows that you're here.也许是以斯拉,他知道你在这Hello.喂Wrong number.打错了Hey, you hungry?你饿了吗Yeah, I guess so.有一点All right, come on. I need some air anyway.走吧,我也想呼吸一下新鲜空气Okay.好的Tell me what you see.告诉我你看到了什么I'm walking...我在走路...I don't know where I am.不知道我在哪里It's dark...周围很黑really dark.一片漆黑Take a look around, Emily. Do you see the lighthouse?艾米丽,看看能找到灯塔岩客栈吗Someone just turned on the sprinklers.有人开启了洒水器Is there anyone else there with you? I see her.周围还有别人吗,我看见她了You see Paige?你看到佩奇了吗She's looking at me. I think she knows she's gonna die.她看着我,好像预感到自己快死了We shouldn't be here.我们不该来这里This is bad. We shouldn't be doing this.这样不好,我们不能这么做Oh, my god.天哪No! Please, no!不,别这样Tell me what you see.告诉我你看到了什么I'd like to wake up now!我想立刻被唤醒Emily, you're in a safe space. Tell me what you see.艾米丽,你很安全,告诉我看到了什么I see...我看见了...the murder weapon.凶器You have to stop!你必须停手What do you think you're doing?!你知道自己在干什么吗You can't do this!你不能这么做Stop! Stop!!!停下来,停下来Stop!!!停下来What happened?发生了什么事You broke out of the hypnosis.你自我打破了催眠状态Do you remember what you saw?还记得你看见的事情吗You were talking about Nate, you saw the murder weapon,你刚刚提到内特,说你看到了凶器and then you just started yelling.然后你就开始尖叫Emily.艾米丽Emily!艾米丽Sorry. I have to go.不好意思,我得走了All right, I'm gonna put this stuff in the car and can we get going?我把东西搬到车里,然后就出发吧Bye, uncle Jamie.杰米叔叔,再见Bye, Caleb.再见,凯勒Thank you, Mr. Doyle.谢谢你,道尔先生Or...Jamie.或者叫您...杰米Yeah.没事You sure you kids don't wanna你确定你们俩go down the road, get a hamburger? I'm buying.不想买个汉堡什么的吗,我请客I think Caleb really wants to get going.我估计凯勒想立刻出发Right.好吧Hanna.汉娜I found this over there, bottom of a dresser.我在那边的梳妆台底部发现了这个Look on the back.你看后面"Caleb 6 months.""凯勒,六个月"Yeah.是啊The way he's feeling, I'm not sure he'd want it right now,看他现在这样,不知道想不想要这个so maybe you could hold onto it for him.也许你能先替他保管一下Just until he wants to see it. Yeah.等到他想要的时候给他,好的Yeah, I will. Thank you.我会的,谢谢Hanna.汉娜Um...I've gotta get going.我得走了Yeah. You make sure he takes care of you.好的,你要保证他会对你好Yeah, he will.他会的Hey, you've reached Hanna's phone. Leave a message.你拨打的是汉娜的手机,请留言We're supposed to be studying.我们应该来学习的Are you planning a trip?你在计划旅游吗You and me and sweet Paree?我们一起去美丽的巴黎吧How does that sound?你觉得怎么样Maybe we should learn how to parle fran?ais before we go.也许我们应该先学会法语再去Well, we could start in the south of France,我们可以到了法国南部再开始学习dancing through sunflower fields,在向日葵丛中跳舞lounging around in our bikinis in the French Riviera.穿着比基尼在法国里维埃拉闲逛You'd look so good on top of the Eiffel Tower...你在埃菲尔铁塔顶端一定很美wind in your hair...风穿过发丝...How long are we going away for?我们要去多久How about forever?永远也不回来怎么样Hey. When'd you get back?你什么时候回来的Uh, a little while ago.没多久Honey?宝贝儿No. I can't let you do that.不,我不能让你这样了Do what? Act like I'm innocent.怎么了,好像我是清白的一样Like I'm still the same sweet little girl that I've always been.好像我还是那个天真无邪的小女孩I'm not. I can't be.我不是,也不可能是Sweetheart, I know who you are,宝贝儿,我知道你的为人and you would never你绝不会deliberately do anything to hurt another person.故意伤及他人的I'm not so sure about that anymore.我现在不确定了Emily!艾米丽Emily, I am your mother,艾米丽,我是你的母亲And that means that I can see you, all of you,这意味着我能看清你,你的全部Sometimes better than you can see yourself,有时比你自己看的还要清楚and there's only good there.你是个善良的孩子Look look at me!看着我I promise you, there's only good there.相信我,你是个善良的孩子It's a unit in a small building on Mayflower Hill.是五月花山上的一栋小房子里的一间What do you think's behind the door, Spencer?斯宾塞,你觉得门里会有什么I don't know.我不知道Okay, what do you hope is behind the door?那么你希望门里有什么We had a secret, him and me...我和他之间有个秘密and this will tell me whether he kept it.这样我能知道他是否守住了秘密Did you ever play the game with the flowers when you were little,你小时候用花瓣玩过这样的游戏没"He loves me, he loves me not"?他爱我,他不爱我He loves me, he loves me not...他爱我,他不爱我the trick is, you just有个诀窍find a flower with the odd number of petals.你只需找到一朵奇数花瓣的花Buttercups.金凤花Marigolds.万寿菊How many petals are on a hydrangea?绣球花又有多少片花瓣呢So, you...因此,你open the door, and...打开门,然后I open the door,我打开门and if it's full of the things that I think it is,如果里面是我想象的样子then it means that there's hope.就意味着有希望That means that he loves me,就意味着他爱我and that I wasn't wrong about us.我没有错看他And if not If not...如果不是的话,如果不是It's time to let him go.是时候放手了Ezra taught me to drive when I was twelve.十二岁的时候以斯拉教我开车He taught you to drive when you were twelve?你十二岁的时候他就教你吗He said I should learn to do it right the first time.他说我应该早点学会Fitzgerald.菲兹吉拉德I been lookin' for you.我一直在找你Your mother fixed the board, but she can't buy me off.你妈妈能搞定董事会,但收买不了我Mr. Kaplan, funny running into you like this.开普兰先生,在这碰到你真巧Let's see that pretty smile等我打得你站不起来after I bounce your face off the curb.再看看你还笑不笑得出来Come on!快走Wait. Wait.等等Who the hell was that?那到底是谁My physics teacher's husband.我物理老师的老公What kind of school do you go to?你上的什么学校Why was the husband of your physics teacher trying to strangle you?为什么你物理老师的老公想要打你If you want to blame somebody,如果你要怪you can blame my mother.就怪我妈吧Oh, I'd love to,我很乐意But what exactly would I be blaming her for?但我要怪她什么Ezra taught me how to drive,以斯拉教我开车but he never taught me how to get away from our family.但他从没教我怎么样远离自己的家庭I thought you liked your world. I thought so too.我以为你喜欢你的家庭,我之前也这么以为When Ezra left home, our mom was furious. So was I.以斯拉离开后,妈妈很生气,我也是It took me a long time to realize很久后我才发现I wasn't angry at him for leaving.并不是他的离开让我生气I was pissed because he didn't take me with him.是因为他没带着我一起离开Why did you want to go with him?你为什么想和他一起走Because he's not the only one with dreams.不止他一个人有梦想But if I was gonna get free, I'd have to do it on my own.但我必须要靠自己来获得自由So I thought getting thrown out of prep school所以我以为被预科学校劝退would be a good start.会是个不错的开头If I failed enough courses, broke enough rules...如果我总是考试不及格,违反校规的话What happened? My mother made every infraction disappear怎么了呢,我妈用几张支票with the wave of her checkbook.就使这一切变得不可能了Still brings us back to让我们回到那个the man that you hit with our leftover pizza.被你用披萨打的人Yeah, desperate times call for desperate measures.狗急了也跳墙I went for the one really crazy thing I knew我做了件我所知道would cause maximum trouble.会造成很大骚乱的事情You hit on your physics teacher. Who is very attractive,你爱上了你的物理老师,她很漂亮in an intellectual cougar sort of way.知性熟女Well, did it work?那么有用吗Academic suspension and an irate husband.停课,她老公气炸了That's why I'm hiding here.所以我到这里来躲躲That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.这是我听过的最傻的事情Look, before Ezra, my family was as predictable as the tides.在以斯拉这事之前,我们家很有家规One day Ezra just had enough and walked out.一天以斯拉受够了,出走了后My mom hurled lightning bolts, but he survived.我妈气到了极点,但是以斯拉还是坚持了下来And more important, he found you.更重要的是,他遇到了你He found you and said, "That's who I want."他遇到你,并说你就是他想要的You're the most amazing part of this.你是这一切中无与伦比的美丽That's why my mother hates you.这就是为什么我妈讨厌你Why?为什么Because you're unexpected.因为她没想到你会出现That was a day shot.一天就这么被毁了I don't really know what you were expecting.不知道你怎么想的Just thought that you could have a chance to...reconnect.只是觉得你有机会可以,冰释前嫌Well, silence your inner Oprah, okay? It's just an old house.那只是个老房子,不要再胡思乱想了Your uncle was nice.你叔叔是个好人Yeah, I thought they were all nice,是的,我以前也觉得他们都是好人until they shipped me off.结果还不是把我抛弃了You could have asked him why they did that.你可以问问他们为什么那么做Some things you're better off not knowing.有些事情还是不知道为好I suppose.也许吧Besides, it wasn't his call, okay?而且,当时他说了也不算Caleb...凯勒If I show you something,我给你看样东西can you promise not to get angry?你能答应我不要生气吗That's you...这是你when you were a baby.还是孩子的时候Where did you get this?你在哪里弄到的Your uncle Jamie gave it to me when we were leaving.杰米叔叔在我们离开之前给我的He wanted to make sure that you didn't throw it away.他不希望你扔掉它Um...Wwhere was it?在哪找到的In the shed someplace?在棚屋的某个角落吗I don't think so.我不这样认为You see how the edges are kind of bent?你看到边缘的弯折痕迹了吗I think he took it from his wallet.我想他是从钱包里拿出来的Why would have a picture of me in his wallet?他钱包里怎么会有我的照片I can think of a reason.我觉得有一种解释The man holding you...那个抱着你的男人That ring...那枚戒指Jamie had the same ring on today.杰米今天也戴着一枚一样的戒指He knew you before you were five.在你五岁之前,他就已经认识你了Not a chance.绝不可能Dr. Sullivan!沙利文医生I was hoping I'd catch you.正希望能碰到你下班Mona, what are you doing here?梦娜,你在这儿干什么呢I heard you were reopening your practice,我听说你重新开业so I thought I'd come by and give you this.所以想顺路来探访下,把这个送给你It's a housewarming present for the new office.送给你新办公室的乔迁礼物And I just wanted you to know that I'm doing so much better.我只是想让你知道我现在好多了I'm glad to hear it.真为你高兴Oh, what a cute little space!这个小空间真温馨I bet the orchid would look great on that windowsill.这盆兰花放在窗台上一定很适合I'm actually leaving for a few days,其实我恰好要离开几天so I will make sure it gets some water.所以我要确保它有充足的水分Good thinking.好主意It was very thoughtful of you, Mona.梦娜,你真有心Oh, it's nothing.没什么I could never really repay you for what you did.你的付出,我无以为报Bye.再见So shall we just wait, or...?所以我们是就这样干等,还是I'm pretty sure she's not coming.我觉得她肯定不会来了"Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality."被爱的人不会逝去,因为爱是永恒That's creepy. It's Emily Dickinson.真诡异,是艾米莉·狄金森的句子I don't care if it's Santa Claus, consider me creeped.就算是圣诞老人写的又怎样,它让我毛骨悚然It's okay. It is a touch creepy in here.没事,这里确实有点诡异My parents barely stayed two minutes.我父母在这儿都待不了两分钟Hey, you okay?你还好吗Spencer. You changed your mind.斯宾塞,你改主意了No. I just knew that I could find you here.没有,我只是知道能在这儿找到你I do have something to say to you. Spencer.我确实有些话要对你说,斯宾塞Ali was pregnant when she died. What?艾莉死的时候已经怀孕了,什么What is she talking about? Is this true?她在说什么,是真的吗We can't know for sure. Emily looked it up,我们不确定,但是艾米丽查过and her early pregnancy wouldn't have shown up in an autopsy.早期妊娠状况尸检是无法显示的Isn't that right, Em?真的吗,艾米You have no idea what you're saying right now.你完全不知道你在说些什么What the hell is wrong with you? How do you know about this?你到底怎么了,你怎么会知道I mean, who would she have who's the father?我是说,她会跟谁,孩子的父亲是谁Oh, that's the best part. Who, Spencer?这就是最精彩的部分了,斯宾塞,是谁Spencer, don't. I don't care!斯宾塞,别这样,我不在意Don't do this. Not here, Spencer.别这样,别在这儿,斯宾塞Detective Wilden.威尔登探长One of Rosewood's finest.玫瑰镇的大善人Please tell me this is part of some brilliant Spencer plan.告诉我这是斯宾塞精明计划的一部分It's not.这不是She's just hurting and wants us to hurt just as bad.她受伤了,所以想让我们也同样受伤We're your friends, we're not your punching bags.我们是你的朋友,不是你的出气筒Okay, so how are we gonna fix this? What are we telling Jason?所以我们要怎么处理,我们要怎么对杰森说Forget Jason. There's something really wrong with Spencer.先别管杰森,斯宾塞的问题真的很严重I mean, this is bigger than Toby leaving.肯定不只是因为托比离开I'm heartbroken too, but she just seems...我也心碎了,但是她看上去Broken.支离破碎It's one thing to doubt the person you're with怀疑你身边的那个人是否真的爱过你if they ever loved you, if they didn't是一回事It's something else entirely when you start to doubt yourself.你开始怀疑自己又完全是另一回事Do you hear that?你们听到了吗You mean the sprinklers?你说洒水器吗I heard it that night. Not in Ali's yard, at her grave.那一晚我也听到了,不是在艾莉的院子,是在她的坟墓I mixed up the nightmares.我把那些噩梦都弄混了We shouldn't be here.我们不该来这儿的This is bad. We shouldn't be doing this.这样不对,我们不该这样做You have to stop!你得停下来What do you think you're doing?! You can't do this!你知道自己在做什么吗,你不能这样Stop! Stop!停下,停下Stop!!!停下来The girl the girl in the red coat.那个女孩,那个穿红外套的女孩It all happened right here.都是在这儿发生的I didn't hurt her.我没有伤害她Ali? Of course not.艾莉吗,当然没有Wait, so this was after等等,所以这发生在Jenna and Noel picked you up from the diner?詹娜和诺埃尔把你接走之后吗I don't know. It could have been before.我不知道,也有可能是之前I know this sounds ridiculous, but someone has to ask我知道这听起来有点荒谬,但必须有人问Do you think it was Alison in the red coat?你觉得穿红外套的是艾莉森吗Alison digging up her own grave?艾莉森自己挖自己的坟墓I said it was ridiculous. And you were right.我说过了听起来很荒谬,确实如此All I know is that it was a woman,我只知道是个女人she was blond, and she was wearing a red coat.金发,穿着红外套And...还有What?什么She's the one in charge.她操控着这一切Hey, Dave.戴夫Make sure you see an I.D.记得检查身份证I'll get the rest of this order on the loading dock.我会把剩下的订货拿到装卸口去}


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