
求大神帮忙辨真伪谢谢,在线等急(。ì _ í。)_新百伦吧_百度贴吧
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他们的是假的老 你的拍的太黑啦
在虎扑团购里看到的,他的虎扑id:可可爆鞋狂。他的淘宝店名:可可出品 识货推荐 专注正品。
没问题 正品,在品牌工厂折扣店买的吧!
要回复问题请先或&& 查看话题
前几天在论坛的国际会议板块找的一个国际会议“2014 第 4 届机械工程与绿色制造国际会议(MEGM 2014)”,投稿后录用了& & 现在要交钱& & 想问一下 这个会议的真假,还有硕士毕业要求的小论文& &针对会议是怎么要求的
听名字蛮山寨的哈。 : Originally posted by mengyi1113 at
听名字蛮山寨的哈。 不要只听名字 这样的会议假的挺多,投稿需谨慎啊。最好参加相关协会举办的 多半都是假的,没有听过这个会议 检索一下这个中心的信息,http://ccstr.org/bbx/introduction.html
谨慎些 这类会议大同小异的,质疑其含金量:hand: : Originally posted by 星星哥哥 at
这类会议大同小异的,质疑其含金量:hand: 只是为了毕业,含金量什么的不考虑呀! 楼主,你投了吗 他竟然是第四届了,那你就看看他是不是前几届的paper已经被检索了。 会议论文都是水,给钱就发。。。
会议论文,算科研分,还不如中文核心 请问各位稿友们,哪些期刊、会议论文会被EI检索? 我看这个已经被Ei检索了,不知道具体的检索时间要多久,五月份之前能被Ei检索到我也准备发了。。:hand: Accession number:& & & &
& & & & Title:& & & & Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing II, MEGM 2012
& & & & Source title:& & & & Applied Mechanics and Materials
& & & & Abbreviated source title:& & & & Appl. Mech. Mater.
& & & & Volume:& & & & 155-156
& & & & Monograph title:& & & & Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing II, MEGM 2012
& & & & Issue date:& & & & 2012
& & & & Publication year:& & & & 2012
& & & & Language:& & & & English
& & & & ISSN:& & & &
& & & & ISBN-13:& & & & 1
& & & & Document type:& & & & Conference proceeding (CP)
& & & & Conference name:& & & & 2nd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing, MEGM 2012
& & & & Conference date:& & & & March 16, 2012 - March 18, 2012
& & & & Conference location:& & & & Chongqing, China
& & & & Conference code:& & & & 88900
& & & & Sponsor:& & & & National Natural Science Foundation of C Chongqing U Hunan Institute of E Chongqing Normal U Shanghai Jiao Tong University
& & & & Publisher:& & & & Trans Tech Publications, P.O. Box 1254, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, D-38670, Germany
& & & & Abstract:& & & & The proceedings contain 244 papers. The topics discussed include: carbonation depth research of concrete with low- research on the white noise suppression by adaptive filtering
safety analysis of casing with considering strength degradation in steam- design of parsing framework with SWF research on MPLS network topology aggregation algorithm with the effective conne the development of engine cylinder pressure intelligent mi effects of ball screw empty rotating on grinding error comp prediction of ground settlement based on immu vertical shaft impact crusher wear analysis and research
on-line centralized path planning of multiple mobile robots in
and fem analysis on block vibration of diesel engine.
& & & & Abstract type:& & & & (Edited Abstract)
& & & & Page count:& & & & 1249
& & & & Database:& & & & Compendex
& & & & & & & & Compilation and indexing terms, © 2014 Elsevier Inc. Accession number:& & & &
& & & & Title:& & & & 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing 2013, MEGM 2013
& & & & Source title:& & & & Applied Mechanics and Materials
& & & & Abbreviated source title:& & & & Appl. Mech. Mater.
& & & & Volume:& & & & 340
& & & & Monograph title:& & & & Green Manufacturing, Mechanical and Automation Engineering
& & & & Issue date:& & & & 2013
& & & & Publication year:& & & & 2013
& & & & Language:& & & & English
& & & & ISSN:& & & &
& & & & E-ISSN:& & & &
& & & & ISBN-13:& & & & 9
& & & & Document type:& & & & Conference proceeding (CP)
& & & & Conference name:& & & & 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing 2013, MEGM 2013
& & & & Conference date:& & & & March 22, 2013 - March 24, 2013
& & & & Conference location:& & & & Chongqing, China
& & & & Conference code:& & & & 99012
& & & & Sponsor:& & & & National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
& & & & Publisher:& & & & Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Kreuzstrasse 10, Zurich-Durnten, CH-8635, Switzerland
& & & & Abstract:& & & & The proceedings contain 214 papers. The special focus in this conference is on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing. The topics include: Research on automated analysis approach for tests of hydro-tu flat knitting machine design based on mechanical analysis on t gear failure forms and processing te study on combing machine based on promoti a simple calculation method of assembled type steel truss bridge' measures for controlling the steel support welding study on the safety vibration analysis of gear drive system based on whole tr design and construction analysis of cement-stabilize the study on tunnel surrounding rock dis stream turbine vibra study on the durability of highway bridge research of super capacitance in research on sustainabl improved facility layout of manufacturing
research on passing capacity of tunne research of driving cycle for electric bus
green supply chain of coal
study on green ecology-ori study on municipal water supply
study of management mode i on transformation and upgrading ma analysis of network-on-chip structure in study on the regional agglomeration of manu two basic issues in the development of oil- manufacturing grid based on
study on sustainable integrated program of dump o research on humanity in development of el remote monitoring system for green
machine scheduling scheme in green manuf ant colony optimization for optimal control in manuf research on network virtual laboratory in ma research on deformation monitoring of manuf analysis and verification of bullwhip effect base research of pond fire m research on green hotels base study on sculpture ba study on new Chinese architecture ba study on low-carbon art of fashion design ba sports equipment based on high- interference and countermeasures of single chip
efficient solving method of common-mode interfer laser array and key principles fo three-dimension seismic data exploration software in VR feature extraction of the crack AE signal using HHT embedded digital control system of the a study on a new joint source-ch paper surface defects recognition technology based on improved BP controller design for network control system base a lattice discrete model for intensive RFID printing defects detection based on two-times dif efficient ring artifact remove scheme of cone-beam CT earthquake disast measurement of moment of inertia for
study of applying dynamic decision process to eval optimized vehicle scheduling algorithm of study of internet of things in C study of auto-motive network based on CAN-BUS; the study on wireless video monitoring system based on SOPC; integrated multiple model-based H? loop- social security research unde automation control of group wor study on intelligent traffic lights based o research of intelligent traff navigating design system w a flexible attribute-based access control f research on machin automated alarm based on intelli VPN packet loss-orie an improved genetic algorithm based
electronic guide system based on SOPC; lane-level positioning method for 3D in-vehic recognition of the ana Bluetooth transmission system based on embedded L research on coal min research of fault location in low-voltage d study on urban envi processing of mechanical parts based o predictive analysis on maintenance
study of signal distortions on behavior numerical simulation of roadway deformation of differ influence of noise to chaotic time series predi scheduling scheme based on smart grid of energy- research on water polluti research of high precision DC con research on sustainable environmental monitoring system based on GSM; research dry crop and irrigation water requirement in env research on algal bloom control for env design of intelligent power management system based o analysis of Chinese renewabl environment protection based o design of agricultural intelligent irrigation system
miniature gardening collection model in green env power distribution automation system in gre load forecasting of green power system based on data mining and study on coal performance influence based on input-output model.
& & & & Abstract type:& & & & (Edited Abstract)
& & & & Database:& & & & Compendex
& & & & & & & & Compilation and indexing terms, © 2014 Elsevier Inc.
这是两次会议的检索信息,我也是刚注册小木虫,希望大虫们给解答下能不能发这个,deadline也快到了 楼主 我也投这个了&&加我qq号&&咱聊聊问题补充&&
轻狂书生489&6-17 09:48
公牛体育名鞋铺&6-17 06:41
热心网友&6-17 00:58
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