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For Obama, the Sport Is Much More Than a Game
For Obama, the Sport Is Much More Than a Game
"I could get to the rim on anybody," said Barack Obama, here with his 1977 high school team in Honolulu. He said he could beat President Bush in 1-on-1.
(Punahou School Via Associated Press)
Network News
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Barack Obama says growing up without a father led him to play basketball and the game offered him a chance to identify racially in Hawaii, a state without a large black population.
&Here is a place where being black was not a disadvantage,& Obama told Bryant Gumbel. &Here was a sport in which we were dominant. All those things, I think, contributed to the idea that there's something special about this.&
The Democratic presidential candidate talked about his love of the game in a segment that aired last night on HBO's &Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.&
Basketball "connects up with the African American experience in a special way," he said. "Almost in the same way that jazz music connects up with African American culture. There's an aspect of improvisation within a discipline that I find very, very powerful."
An avid basketball player even on the campaign trail, Obama was a member of his school's state championship team in 1979.
He said his strength wasn't his jump shot, but getting around defenders. "My actual talent was in my first step," he said. "I could get to the rim on anybody."
Obama occasionally shoots hoops with his Secret Service agents.
"Any time I fell down, everyone went, 'Ooh,' " he said. "Here's the fact of the matter. I probably should not break my nose on the basketball court, I've done that once. I've lost a tooth."
Asked if he would like to play President Bush in a game of one-on-one, Obama expressed confidence.
"You know, he looks like a he takes that mountain biking seriously," he said. "But I'm pretty certain I can take him."
-- From News Services
Network NewsChinese sport is about more than national pride中国的体育运动并非民族自豪感那么简单
发布时间: 09:05:55 来源地址:
Editor's note: Sheng Li is the founder and chief executive of Sports Entertainment Content Activation, which represents some of China's top athletes, including Olympic gold medalists. Li appears as a guest on this month's episode of On China, which focuses on the power of sport in the world's most populous nation. For air times, please click here. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
(CNN) -- Since China took part in the Olympic Games in 1984 after a three-decade absence, competitive sports have served one purpose -- to build national pride.
Athletes' victories on the global stage made us proud of the new China. The new &open& China was full of hopes, dreams and opportunities. A strong, united nation working together to build a better tomorrow was the higher calling for all of us. To serve this calling, many kids who were identified as potential elite athletes were enrolled into the government supported &sports schools.& If they trained hard and were talented enough, they would make it to represent their city, their province and then one day their country.
When there is a demand, there was also a reward. Chinese Olympic champions were well rewarded through national and local government, both in terms of compensation and social status. Lang Ping, the star of the 1984 women's volleyball team that won a gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, was the Michael Jordan of China.
As the son of a sports reporter, I was fortunate enough to know her when I was a kid. The fact that I knew her made me very popular at school, pretty much like telling everybody at school today that Kobe Bryant is your friend.
Sports put China on the global stage
Sports in China: Is winning everything?
Monetizing sports in China
Sports and education in China
In 2008, China won 51 gold medals (100 medals overall) and topped the gold medal tally at the Beijing Olympic Games. After this astounding success, many started to ask what's next?
Economic growth means that people have more options in terms of career. It is more and more difficult to find kids (and parents) who want to join the &sports school& system and aim for that one-in-a-million shot to become an Olympic gold medalist. Academic performance offers a more certain path to success. Better grades means better universities, better universities means better jobs. At least that has been (and will probably still be for a long time) the belief of many parents and teachers.
There is nothing wrong with the obsession towards winning, after all, that's what elite competitive sports is all about but there are other emerging trends that might change the face of sports in China.
A growing urban population and middle class are seeking a better quality of life and personal well-being. In 2013, more than 750,000 people participated in a running competition or marathon, up 50 percent on 2012, according to the China Track and Field Association
In 2014, there will be 53 marathons registered at the China Track and Field Association and this number is projected to grow at least at 20 percent annually. Compared to the 200 marathons held each year in Japan, China still has a long way to go but there is a new enthusiasm for sport at the grassroots level.
However, we also see that more kids (and parents) are embracing sport and the values it teaches. We operate a sports academy in Shanghai that teaches fencing, squash and Thai boxing. Through a season of sports training and competition, we help kids to build confidence, work in teams and develop leadership skills.
These are the qualities that will help them to secure that better future over and beyond their academic performance. The Chinese government and many Chinese educators are starting to see the value of sports in education. They could do more by making sports an important part of school grades.
Six years after the Beijing Olympic Games, there is another Olympic Games currently taking place in China this month -- the 2nd Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. This Games is different.
At the opening ceremony, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach urged participants to take selfies to show off their good fortune and stressed the importance of sharing, learning and making friends. Most people don't know who won the first gold medal or how many gold medals China has won.
In today's China, the demand for sports has gone beyond Olympic gold medals and national pride.
Sport in China: What's wrong with winning?Football is more than just a popular sport
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Football is more than just a popular sport
preeti chaturvedi
Throughout the world, football fans are known for their passionate loyalty. The sport is far more than just a game for most fans. Many games, especially those between international teams, have political undertones.
FOR MOST people, it&s a common fact that football is the most popular sport in the world. However, not everybody realises the significant role football plays in many people&s everyday life.
Eleven players grace the field for each team, playing with an unmatched combination of both speed and endurance. The game is all about skillful control of the feet, which is important. It&s also about keeping balance and controlling the ball. In fact, the only football player allowed to use his hands is the goal keeper.Throughout the world, football fans are known for their passionate loyalty. The sport is far more than just a game for most fans. Many games, especially those between international teams, have political undertones. Even between teams from the same country, rivalry leads to behaviour that often gets out of hand. Fans commonly chant profane insults at the competing team&s players and fans. Unfortunately, violence has found a place in sport&s culture. Every year, there are reports of players and coaches mysteriously reported missing or dead after losing a key match.Football is typically a low-scoring affair. Even though football has the longest playing time of all popular sports, scores for either team very rarely exceed more than a couple of points for each team. Teams usually exchange possession of the ball dozens of times before a play resulting in a scored point. It&s possible for the game to result in a tie, although players typically compete in a shootout if the score is tied after the regulation time.Children around the globe dream of playing professional football and pick up the sport at a very young age. Young kids are playing football before they can walk, and play for several teams at a time during their early childhood and teenage years. The professional leagues have several levels of competition, similar to minor league system used by baseball in the United States. It&s not uncommon for teenage football players to find themselves signing lucrative professional contracts even before they can legally drive an automobile.Professional football players instantly earn gratification as a national icon once they put on their team&s jersey. Celebrities such as David Beckham, Pele and Ronaldinho are household names because of their success on the football field. The top professional football players are overwhelming harassed by the paparazzi, similar to that of a star musician or popular actress. On the other hand, professional football players are able to demand a significant amount of money by endorsing or promoting a business& product.Unfortunately, like all professional athletes, not even a football player is an exceptional role model prepared for global attention. Similar to other sports, many professional football players get caught using illegal substances, either for recreation or to enhance
performance. In addition, battery and fighting are other unfortunate occurrences often associated with rowdy players.However, it&s important not to stereotype football players by the poor choices made by a few immature athletes. Even with the corruption involved in professional football, the sport provides great benefits for all of the players. Aside from the obvious physical fitness benefits and the potential financial benefits of playing a sport professionally, the game provides an inspiration for people of all ages to commit to something larger than themselves.
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更多详细信息,请参考 Melina 的置顶博文《高考英语听力精听听写课程》《高考英语阅读完形题详解课程》《一对一高考英语作文辅导课程》《英语电影精读及口语训练课程》
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That's a footall match in the US.
blogTitle:'Football is more than a sport_運動讓孩子們全面發展 (完形 139 - 2010 台灣學測)',
&&&&&&& Football
it is also an invaluable __31__. In teaching young players to cooperate with their fellows on the practice __32__, the game shows them the necessity of teamwork in society. It prepares them to be __33__ citizens and persons.&&&&&&& Wherever football is played, the players learn',
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