
英文来历:High Definition Multimedia Interface
HDMI 是首个也是业界唯一支持的不压缩全数字的音频/视频接口。HDMI通过在单线缆中传输高清晰、全数字的音频和视频内容,极大简化了布线,为消费者提供最高质量的家庭影院体验。HDMI 在单线缆中提供任何音频/视频源(如机顶盒、DVD播放机或A/V接收器)与音频和/或视频监视器(如数字电视 DTV )之间的接口。
高清晰度多媒体接口[] []
HDMI 是首个也是业界唯一支持的不压缩全数字的音频/视频接口。HDMI通过在单线缆中传输高清晰、全数字的音频和视频内容,极大简化了布线,为消费者提供最高质量的家庭影院体验。HDMI 在单线缆中提供任何音频/视频源(如机顶盒、DVD播放机或A/V接收器)与音频和/或视频监视器(如数字电视 DTV )之间的接口。
HDMI规格的接口在保持高品质的情况下能够以数码的形式传输未经压缩的高分辨率视频和多声道音频的数据。 其卓越性能超越了以往所有的产品。
2002年的4月,日立、松下、飞利浦、Silicon Image、索尼、汤姆逊、东芝共7家公司成立了HDMI组织开始制定新的专用于数字视频/音频传输标准。Digital Content Protection, LLC (Intel的子公司)为HDMI提供高带宽数字内容保护(HDCP). 另外, 主要的动态图像制造商比如Fox, Universal, Warner Bros., 和Disney,以及系统运营商DirecTV和EchoStar (Dish Network)以及CableLabs和Samsung等都支持HDMI.
2002年底,HDMI 1.0标准颁布。HDMI在针脚上和DVI兼容,只是采用了不同的封装。与DVI相比,HDMI可以传输数字音频信号,并增加了对HDCP的支持,同时提供了更好的DDC可选功能。HDMI支持5Gbps的数据传输率,最远可传输15米,足以应付一个1080p的视频和一个8声道的音频信号(一个1080p的视频和一个8声道的音频信号需求少于4GB/s)并有很大余量。这允许它可以用一根电缆分别连接DVD播放器,接收器和PVR。此外HDMI支持EDID,DDC2B,因此具有HDMI的设备具有&即插即用&的特点,信号源和显示设备之间会自动进行&协商&,自动选择最合适的视频/音频格式。 在HDMI LLC公布的HDMI的1.2版能更好地兼容PC系统,它增加了若干条非常重要的改进,以方便PC连接和数字音频流(SACD等)的传输。
于2006年6月公布的HDMI 1.3标准包括以下的新功能:
更快的速度: HDMI 1.3 将其单链接带宽由165MHz(每秒 4.95千兆比特)提高到340MHz(10.2 Gbps)以支持未来高清晰显示设备的需要,例如更高的分辨率、深色和高帧率。此外,建立 HDMI 1.3 规范是让今后的 HDMI版本达到更高速度的技术基础。
深色: HDMI 1.3 支持 30 位、36 位和 48 位(RGB 或 YCbCr)的色深,之前 HDMI 版本的色深最高为 24 位。让 HDTV 和其它显示设备由几百万种色彩发展到数亿种色彩。并消除屏幕上的色带,使音调转换更平滑,色彩之间的渐变更细微;可以增加对比率,可以在黑色和白色之间展现更多倍的灰色阴影;在30位像素深度,最小可以提高四倍,正常情况下可以提高八倍或更高。
色空间更宽: HDMI 1.3 去除了所有色彩选择的限制:下一代&xvYCC&色空间是现有 HDTV信号色彩的1.8倍;让HDTV显示色彩更加精确;使显示器达到电影质量的自然、逼真的色彩
新型迷你接口:随着小型便携式设备,例如HD摄录一体机和数码相机需要HDTV的无缝连通性,HDMI 1.3提供新型、更小的波形因数接口选项。
唇型同步: 因为消费性电子设备正在使用不断提高复杂性的数字信号处理技术,以增强画面内容的清晰度及细致度,要使用户设备中的影音内容同步成了一大挑战,潜在地需要复杂的终端用户调节。HDMI 1.3 加入了自动视频/音频同步的功能,使设备能完全精确且自动地执行同步。
新型无损音频格式: 除 HDMI 支持高带宽的未压缩数字音频和所有现有的压缩格式(例如 Dolby& Digital 和 DTS&)的现有性能外,HDMI 1.3 还新增了对新型、无损压缩数字音频格式 Dolby TrueHD 和 DTS-HD Master Audio& 的支持。
HDMI视频格式: HDMI支持RGB信号、4:4:4采样的YcbCr信号及4:2:2采样的YCbCr.传输速率最高的24位/像素。对于640x480清晰度, R&G&B&通常的采用后数据范围为0-255. 对于YcbCr及所有其它RGB清晰度,采样后的数值范围为16-235。
HDMI音频数据格式:基于DVD音频标准,HDMI支持1-8组非压缩音频传输,音频支持48,96 or 192 kHz等多种采样率。根据视频格式,HDMI可以传输不同数量的采样率在192KHZ的压缩音频。支持最大8个音频通道
支持HDTV 1080P及更高清晰度信号的传输及显示,适应HDTV的应用
信令方式: 按照DVI 1.0规范.单个连接(Type A HDMI)或双连接(Type B HDMI).
视频像素速率: 25 MHz到165 MHz (Type A)或到330MHz(Type B). 对于速率低于25MHz(例如对于480i/NTSC来说是13.5MHz)的视频格式是采用一种pixel-repetition机制进行传输的. 可以传输最大到每个像素24bits.
像素编码:RGB 4:4:4, YCbCr 4:2:2, YCbCr 4:4:4.
音频取样率:32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz.
Allows source to interrogate capabilities of sink.
I²C signalling with 100 kHz clock.
E-EDID data structure according to EIA/CEA-861B and VESA Enhanced EDID.
按照高清晰内容保护 (HDCP)规范1.10.
HDMI连接器标准的Type A HDMI连接器有19个针脚,较高分辨率的版本称为Type B,已经被定义,虽然还没有被广泛采用. Type B有29个针脚,允许它去携带一个扩展的视频通道以支持高分辨率的显示. Type-B被设计支持高过1080p的分辨率。Type A HDMI向后兼容用在目前的计算机监视器和图像卡的单一连接的数字视频接口(DVI). 这意味着一个DVI源通过一个合适的接口卡或电缆可以驱动一个HDMI监视器,反之亦然,但是HDMI的音频信号和遥控特性就不能得到支持了. 另外,不支持HDCP, 视频质量以及分辨率可能由信号源处被人为地降低以阻止最终用户观看尤其是复制被法律保护的内容. Type B HDMI同样地向后兼容双连接的DVI.
连接器举例: Molex 7
Type A 连接器 针脚分配
针脚 信号分配 针脚 信号分配
1 TMDS Data2+ 2 TMDS Data2 Shield
3 TMDS Data2& 4 TMDS Data1+
5 TMDS Data1 Shield 6 TMDS Data1&
7 TMDS Data0+ 8 TMDS Data0 Shield
9 TMDS Data0& 10 TMDS Clock+
11 TMDS Clock Shield 12 TMDS Clock&
13 CEC 14 保留(在设备上没有连接)
15 SCL 16 SDA
17 DDC/CEC Ground 18 +5V Power
19 Hot Plug Detect
根据提供HDMI技术授权的HDMI Licensing公司的数据,截至2006年6月,全球超过 400 家消费电子和 PC 产品制造商已采用 HDMI。市场调查机构 In-Stat 预计2006 年会有 6000 万采用 HDMI 的设备上市,包括机顶盒、DVD播放机和A/V接收器等。从全球来看,DVD拷贝控制协会已经将具有防拷贝功能的HDMI指定用作CSS保护内容的授权数字输出接口;在北美,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的数字有线&即插即用& 规定要求带有防拷贝功能的HDMI;在欧洲,EICTA指定具有防拷贝功能的HDMI作为&HD Ready&显示的安全数字输入接口;在日本,ARIB标准指定具防拷贝功能的HDMI作为授权数字接口。而在中国,国内主要的数字电视机已经装有HDMI接口。
尽管HDMI标准不断获得业界认可,但目前只是将其作为一项产业标准,还没有计划将其向ITU或ISO等国际组织提交使其成为国际标准。 采用HDMI接口的新型设备不断增多。除了DVD播放器、机顶盒、A/V接收器及音频/视频监视器,HDMI接口还将应用于个人电脑、蓝光驱动器、游戏控制器和便携电子设备等。以个人电脑为例,目前市面上已有带HDMI接口的显卡,以及带有HDMI输出接口的PC。 除了PC,日立和索尼等公司已有五款带HDMI接口的笔记本电脑面市面上。此外,带安全功能的HDMI被DVD论坛(DVD Forum)批准为高清内容数字输出接口,它在24/50/60Hz情况下支持1080p输出。 而在其它方面,索尼已经宣布其PlayStation 3游戏机将带有2个HDMI输出接口,并支持1080p。此外,HDMI接口也可用于高清可携式摄像机和数码照相机(DSC)等应用。
于日在深圳HDMI授权测试中心和PanelLink Cinema测试中心,将为中国消费电子厂商提供本土化的测试服务,极大地简化并加速中国消费电子厂商HDMI产品投入市场的进程。深圳HDMI测试中心是全球第四家HDMI授权测试认证中心,其他三处分别位日本大阪(隶属于日本松下)、法国Caen(隶属于飞利浦)和美国加州(隶属于Silicon Image)。此外,Silicon Image将于2006年年中以前在上海新成立一家HDMI测试中心。
The High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is an all-digital audio/video interface capable of transmitting uncompressed streams. HDMI is compatible with
technology. HDMI provides an interface between any compatible digital audio/video source, such as a set-top box, a , a PC, a video game system, or an
and a compatible
and/or video monitor, such as a
It is a modern replacement for older analogue standards such as RF - , , , , , , and , and the consumer electronics replacement for older digital standards such as
( & ). In the computer world, HDMI is already found on many peripherals and a few newer video cards, with adoption rapidly increasing.
HDMI supports any TV or PC video format, including standard, enhanced, or
video, plus multi-channel digital audio on a single cable. It is independent of the various DTV standards such as , and
(,,), as these are encapsulations of the
movie data streams, which are passed off to a decoder, and output as uncompressed video data on HDMI. HDMI encodes the video data into
for transmission digitally over HDMI.
Devices are manufactured to adhere to various versions of the specification, where each version is given a number, such as 1.0 or 1.3. Each concurrent version of the specification uses the same cables, but increases the
and/or capabilities of what can be transmitted over the cable. For example, previously, the maximum pixel clock rate of the interface was 165MHz, sufficient for supporting
at 60Hz or
(), but HDMI 1.3 increased that to 340MHz, providing support beyond the highest resolution computer monitors available today. See
for details.
HDMI also includes support for 8-channel uncompressed digital audio at 192kHz sample rate with 24 bits/sample as well as any compressed stream such as , or . HDMI supports up to 8 channels of one-bit audio, such as that used on
at rates up to 4x that used by SuperAudio CD. With version 1.3, HDMI now also supports very high bitrate lossless compressed streams such as
The standard Type A HDMI connector has 19 pins, and a higher resolution version called Type B, has been defined, although it is not yet in use. Type B has 29 pins, allowing it to carry an expanded video channel for use with very high-resolution future displays. Type B is designed to support resolutions higher than
Type A HDMI is
with the single-link
carrying digital video ( or , but not ) used on modern computer monitors and graphics cards. This means that a DVI-D source can drive an HDMI monitor, or vice versa, by means of a suitable adapter or cable, but the audio and remote control features of HDMI will not be available. Additionally, without support for
(HDCP) on the display, the signal source may prevent the end user from viewing or especially copying certain restricted content. (While all HDMI displays currently support HDCP, most DVI PC-style displays do not.) Type B HDMI is similarly backward-compatible with dual-link DVI.
The HDMI Founders include consumer electronics manufacturers ,
(//), , , , , and . Digital Content Protection, LLC (a subsidiary of ) is providing HDCP for HDMI. In addition, HDMI has the support of major motion picture producers , , , and , and system operators
() as well as
In 2006, two competing high definition optical disc formats were released:
and . These formats support higher fidelity audio than the
format. These audio formats include ,
and . Not all of these are mandated by the
formats. High definition players provide a number of ways to transmit this audio. Currently, the best fidelity is available when the player is set to output LPCM over HDMI when using one of the higher fidelity formats. This requires a preprocessor or audio/video receiver capable of handling multi-channel LPCM over HDMI. While this has been allowed by the HDMI spec since 1.0, not all devices supporting HDMI 1.1 support this feature. In the future, it is likely that most devices claiming HDMI 1.1 as a feature will support at least 5.1 LPCM over HDMI.
HDMI 1.3 will provide for sending TrueHD and DTS-HD over bitstream rather than LPCM. This would allow a preprocessor or audio/video receiver with the necessary decoder to decode the data. It is unclear how this will be useful, as all current players are decoding the audio stream - this is required for advanced content (interactive audio). The players would either have to forgo mixing of interactive audio, or encode the mixed audio to one of these formats before sending it over HDMI.
Each channel in HDMI can be purposed to carry audio, video, multimedia, or device-controlling signals, or a combination of these signals.
(TMDS) channel:
Carries video, audio, and auxiliary data via one of three modes called the Video Data Period, the Data Island Period, and the Control Period. During the Video Data Period, the pixels of an active video line are transmitted. During the Data Island period (which occurs during the horizontal and vertical blanking intervals), audio and auxiliary data are transmitted within a series of packets. The Control Period occurs between Video and Data Island periods.
Signaling method: Formerly according to DVI 1.0 spec. Single-link (Type A HDMI) or dual-link (Type B HDMI).
Video pixel rate: 25 MHz to 340 MHz (Type A, as of 1.3) or to 680 MHz (Type B). Video formats with rates below 25 MHz (e.g. 13.5 MHz for 480i/NTSC) transmitted using a pixel-repetition scheme. From 24 to 48 bits per pixel can be transferred, regardless of rate. Supports 1080p at rates up to 120Hz and WQSXGA .
Pixel encodings:
4:4:4, YCbCr 4:4:4 (8-16 bits per component); YCbCr 4:2:2 (12 bits per component)
Audio sample rates: 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, 192 kHz.
Audio channels: up to 8.
Audio streams: any IEC61937-compliant stream, including high bitrate (lossless) streams (, ).
The Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) channel is optional to implement, but wiring is mandatory. The channel:
Uses the industry standard
One-wire bidirectional
Defined in HDMI Specification 1.0, updated in HDMI 1.2a, and again in 1.3a (Added timer and audio commands).
According to
(HDCP) Specification 1.10.
Devices are manufactured to adhere to various versions of the specification, where each version is given a revision number. Each concurrent version of the specification uses the same cables, but increases the
and capabilities of what can be transmitted over that cable.
Released December 2002.
Single-cable digital audio/video connection with a maximum bitrate of 4.9Gbps. Supports up to 165Mpixels/sec video (1080p60Hz or UXGA) and 8-channel/192kHz/24-bit audio.
Released May 2004.
Added support for DVD Audio.
Released August 2005.
Added support for One Bit Audio, used on , up to 8 channels.
Availability of HDMI Type A connector for PC sources.
Ability for PC sources to use native RGB color-space while retaining the option to support the YCbCr CE color space.
Requirement for HDMI 1.2 and later displays to support low-voltage sources.
Released December 2005.
Fully specifies Consumer Electronic Control (CEC) features, command sets, and CEC compliance tests.
Released 22 June 2006.
Increases single-link bandwidth to 340 MHz (10.2 Gbps)
Supports 30-bit, 36-bit, and 48-bit
or over one billion colors, up from 24-bit
in previous versions.
Incorporates automatic audio syncing () capability.
Supports output of
streams for external decoding by AV receivers. TrueHD and DTS-HD are
formats used on
and . If the disc player can decode these streams into uncompressed audio, then HDMI 1.3 is not necessary, as all versions of HDMI can transport uncompressed audio.
Availability of a new mini connector for devices such as camcorders.
is the first product available on consumer market with HDMI 1.3.
has released the EMP-TW1000 as the first display supporting 30-bit deep color.
Released 10 November 2006.
Cable and Sink modifications for Type C
Source termination recommendation
Removed undershoot and maximum rise/fall time limits.
CEC capacitance limits changed
RGB video quantization range clarification
CEC commands for timer control brought back in an altered form, audio control commands added.
Matching compliance test specification included (no compliance test available for 1.3)
The HDMI specification does not define a maximum cable length. As with all cables, signal
becomes too high at a certain length. Instead, HDMI specifies a minimum performance standard. Any cable meeting that specification is compliant. Different construction quality and materials will enable cables of different lengths. In addition, higher performance requirements must be met to support video formats with higher resolutions and/or frame rates than the standard HDTV formats.
The signal attenuation and
caused by the cables can be compensated by using Adaptive Equalization.
HDMI 1.3 defined two categories of cables: Category 1 (standard or HDTV) and Category 2 (high-speed or greater than HDTV) to reduce the confusion about which cables support which video formats. Using 28 , a cable of about 5 metres (~16 feet) can be manufactured easily and inexpensively to Category 1 specifications. Higher-quality construction (24 AWG, tighter construction tolerances, etc.) can reach lengths of 12 to 15 metres. In addition, active cables ( or dual
cables instead of standard copper) can be used to extend HDMI to 100 metres or more. Some companies also offer ,
that can string several standard (non-active) HDMI cables together.
HDMI has been criticized for implementing part of a growing
process in home audio/video. See, for instance:
&Joseph Palenchar (-). .
October 27, 2006.
October 26, 2006.
November 24, 2006.
. ExtremeTech (-). Retrieved on -.
. Audioholics (-). Retrieved on -.HDMI接口是什么_中华文本库
HDMI 接口是什么,主要应用在什么地方,HDMI 线哪种好 各有什 么区别
HDMI, 英文全称是 High Definition Multimedia Interface, 中文名称是高清晰多媒体接口的缩写。2002 年 4 月,日立、 松下、飞利浦、索尼、汤姆逊、东芝和 Silicon Image 七家公 司联合组成 HDMI 组织。HDMI 能高品质地传输未经压缩 的高清视频和多声道音频数据,最高数据传输速度为 5Gbps。 同时无需在信号传送前进行数/模或者模/数转换, 可 以保证最高质量的影音信号传送。 通俗的讲 HDMI 并不神秘, 它作为一种新型接口可以支持 声音与图像的同步传输 ,即声音图像都是用一条 HDMI 线 来传输 (与传统有所区别) 信号无压缩。 的, 它最高可达 1080p 即
的分辨率.这是真正意义的高清而人们日常所 说的高清也就能达到 720p 即 1280× 720 像素. HDMI 接口的应用,现在来说是非常广泛.1.高清信号源: 蓝光机 高清播放机 PS3 独显电脑 高端监控设备.......2.显 示设备:液晶电视 电脑显示器(比较少见)监控显示设备 等。 液晶电视带 HDMI 接口是目前最为常见的: 一般至少一 个,多的可达 3-6 个 HDMI 接口。
HDMI 线顾名思义是带有 HDMI 接口的线,分别类比较 多:据 OD 直径分:30 号 28 号 24 号,号越小 OD 直径越 大,因此质量也越好;据附属:是否带磁环 带尼龙网 注塑头 金属头 等等,带 磁环 尼龙网 金属头 稳定性会更 好. HDMI 线支持 1080p 信号传输,但是 HDMI 线的传输距 离是有限制的。目前国内可以做到 20 米达 1080p,如果 HDMI 线再长信号会衰减达 1080i 或者不出图形。 这个也跟 你在市场买的线材质量有关,因为不同厂家线规格会有所差 异!当然如果想让 HDMI 信号传输距离进一步延长可选用 HDMI 信号放大器(可达 30 米),网线延长器(有信号转 换装置通过六类网线代替 HDMI 线传输 理论距离 60 米 至 少可达 45 米).
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