Benedict Cumberbatch的casanova有声书文本Casanova+文字版和诗朗诵等等的MP3,Casanova

文明办网文明上网举报电话: 举报邮箱:admin1@&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Benedict Cumberbatch Knows You Think He Looks Like an Inbred Otter, Is Cool With It
Pajiba: Sweetened by Mock, Lightened by Droll
| February 17, 2014 |
Benedict Cumberbatch knows what you think of him. He’s
And he knows that when you call him “timeless” what you mean is “weird face.”
In this interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Cumby brings up an interesting point about how our perception of a person influences what we see as attractive, and how going from being seen as a weird looking dude to being on every
has a lot to do with the types of work he chooses to do.
Plus, you know, that voice doesn’t hurt.
Are you following Pajiba on
or ? Every time you do, Bill Murray crashes a wedding.
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