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带领最喜欢的 WWE Superstars 离开竞技场,然后进入 WWE IMMORTALS 的超自然世界。利用 Injustice 和 Mortal Kombat 制造商设计的触控式战斗功能并凭藉毁灭性力量打败对手。利用独特的招牌技能招式、装备和支持卡牌,壮大您的选手组合。在 WWE 充满暴力的赛事现场给对手带来痛苦吧。战斗使用移动设备的触控功能,在 3 对 3 史诗般战斗中打击敌人。轻扫和轻按手指,即可施展连续攻击以及积蓄力量,然后使出特技攻击,您也可以使用 Superstars 的自定义超能力。为数众多的选手收集并扮演您最喜欢的超能力 WWE Superstars:Triple H、John Cena、The Undertaker、The Bella Twins、The Rock、Hulk Hogan 以及其他 Superstars 等等。每一位知名的 Superstars 都有独特的变体,这些变体都具备特殊的力量和招式。升级建立您的招式、增强您的力量、升级您的游戏人物以及在战斗中求胜。不断调整您的名单来适应打法,然后在一系列战斗中,推荐最好的 Immortals。在线多人游戏与“在线对战”中的真正对手交战以及和 WWE 游戏内赛事的全球玩家现场对决并获得超级大奖。观看您以前的比赛回放来磨练自己的技能以及调整最佳阵容。画面逼真为手机或平板电脑带来最逼真的图形效果,而且每一位 WWE Superstar 都有自定义动画。加入对战,向五湖四海的高手挑战。量身定制的每一位 Superstar 角色,全以 3D 效果呈现。请注意:《WWE IMMORTALS》是一款免费游戏,但是有些物品需要实际付费购买。这款游戏可以安装到 iPod touch 第五代;iPad 2、3 和 4;iPhone 4、4s、5 和 5s。必须于 iOS 5 以上版本才可使用。
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WWE,斯坦福 (康涅狄格州). 12,671,263 個讚好 · 458,517 人正在談論這個。 WWE Inc. is an integrated media and entertainment company founded by Vince and Linda McMahon. All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of World ...
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WWE與家長 - WWE ????
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WWE與家長 - WWE??
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I love Almost Famous and quite enjoyed Pirate Radio.
If you haven't seen any of those listed above before, they are all great movies in there own right and have a similar music narrative.
Hope this helps!
&Buh God!! That man's heart is broken in half!!!&
Brand New - The Devil & God Are Raging Inside Me
I, for one, would love to hear a Robin Pecknold (Fleet Foxes singer) solo album.
Thank you! I knew that I had heard him make that analogy somewhere, I read it in AP. Geoff Rickley is the man.
Riley is a scumbag jobber, who is only minimally decent as a talking head.
With all this weird Twitter stuff he's been posting lately, he'll be future endeavored faster than Mason Ryan ever was come the March/April roster cleaning.
Shucky Ducky Quack Quack.
He had some real cringe lines on that last episode of NXT.
When Riley made a comment to Neville about &the fame and the money& being a nice perk of the job (her-her), I could feel Adrian rolling his eyes.
So gross. He's not needed, let Graves play that heel role.
Someone help me out here, but I believe that when Trent was on Howard Stern years ago, he compared listening to Cash' version of Hurt to &Walking in on someone having sex with your girlfriend, and doing it better than you do.&
edit: Trent's never been on Stern, however
found the archive of the Alt Press interview Trent did with the singer of Thursday' years back. Below is the actual quote that I was thinking of and a link to the full interview:
&That song [Hurt] in particular was straight from my soul, and it felt very strange hearing the highly identifiable voice of Johnny Cash singing it. It was a good version, and I certainly wasn't cringing or anything, but it felt like I was watching my girlfriend fuck somebody else.&
123 ()loading...Mac Jr. whipping out the Desperation-Bicep-Flex.
That kids' really going places....alone.
Let me get this straight; you are inquiring about a wrestler's homosexuality on the WWE roster, and LUKE HARPER is your first blind guess?
God dammit, I love /SC.
Fulp Fiction. City of God. Good Will Hunting.
All classics. Now go blow your mind! :)
Tweener Randy is best Randy.
Triple Threat at Fastlane: Roman vs. Bryan vs. Orton for the chance to take on THE BEAST for the Title at WM.
Remember, RKO never got his proper rematch....Or did he with one of those Cena matches? I don't even think the company remembers at this point.
They are t my enemy's enemy is my friend.
but seriously, Randy might just RKO and gtfo of there. Either way I would put money on Bryan vs. Roman at Fastlane.
He's gotta screw over Seth in the main event and celebrate with Bryan. YES! YES! YES!
That's gotta be Orton!!
Classy people in Concord Mills, eh? The Nascar raceway is like 4 minutes from that mall, if that tells you anything.
*Monsters of Folk (Conor Oberst, Yim Yames, M. Ward, & Mike Mogis)
*The Dissociatives (Daniel Johns from Silverchair's electronic project)
*BlackRoc (Black Keys + Rappers)
*Ugly Casanova (Modest Mouse/Isaac Brock's side project)
Jared Leto.
I hope Jack produces another album with her like Van Lear Rose. Such a great collaboration.
The riffs in &Continental Shelf& are so damn infectious. The best parts of both New Order and Interpol in the same song.
If you are unfamiliar with this band or (their former band) W definitely start there.
Finally, some sensibility in this thread.
Friend & Foe
Wet & Rusting - EP
I Am The Fun Blame Monster!
If you haven't heard of this band and love indy bands like The National, TV On The Radio, and Wolf Parade I urge you to check out both Moms and Mines 100 times a piece. You won't be disappointed.
In addition, four guys who def deserve a spot on the card:
Ryback vs. (authority heel) Sheamus
Ambrose vs. Luke Harper - parking lot brawl [Roddy Piper/Goldust style]
I wish officials would go ahead and stop this &annual Andre battle royal& deal now for all the jobbers. No one this year will win it with the gusto that Cesaro did. Who would you book, who hasn't been paired yet?
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