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Monument Valley
By ustwo(TM)
Editors' Choice
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** Apple Game of the Year 2014 **** Winner of Apple Design Award 2014 **In Monument Valley you will manipulate impossible architecture and guide a silent princess through a stunningly beautiful world.Monument Valley is a surreal exploration through fantastical architecture and impossible geometry. Guide the silent princess Ida through mysterious monuments, uncovering hidden paths, unfolding optical illusions and outsmarting the enigmatic Crow People."Forgotten Shores": Eight new chapters of adventure and illusion available now as a separate purchase.======="This might be the most beautiful iPad game of 2014"
- Wired"Brilliant design... stayed with me like a dream I didn't want to forget"
9/10 - Polygon"The most sublime hour my iPad has ever given me... and the value of such a thing is incalculable" - Kotaku"Monument Valley stuns with it's serenity... each screen is a work of art" - Huffington Post"Almost impossibly gorgeous... a feast for your senses" 5/5 - Touch Arcade=======BEAUTIFULInspired by minimalist 3D design, optical illusions and palaces and temples from around the world, every monument is a unique, hand-crafted world to explore.EASY TO USETwist and drag to reshape the world and help Ida to explore.
Designed to be easy for everyone to pick up, enjoy and complete.SOUNDAudio reacts to your manipulation of the world to provide a surreal and beautiful soundscape.
Best experienced with headphones.iCloudSynchronize your game across all your devices.** Monument Valley is designed for iPhone 4 and above.
It is NOT compatible with iPod Touch 4th Generation.
What's New in Version 2.2.41
Customer Reviews
A relaxing, well thought out, beautiful & fantastical dream world!
I don't usually buy games, but I also don't PLAY enough in life! This game has been on my wish list since I spotted it as a new game in the App Store. I really dig this type of artwork so I added it not just as a game but a way to play and inspire my own artwork in new ways. As I'm not a big gamer, I took a good long time to shell out the meager 3.99 for it. I wanted to wait for a review of it before buying it, however here I am, months later, and I'm the first reviewer. This game is stunning, fantastical, has beautiful guitar tones to the movements of the course and background music that is very relaxing, hypnotic even. I wasn't expecting there to be a story but there's a small plot developing as I play and it's quite dreamlike. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes puzzles, has a thing for EC Esher, or just lives in this hectic stressful world.
A Beautiful Adventure
This game is not terribly long, but more content is coming. It was more than worth it before anyway. This game is gorgeous, fun, thoughtful, and you don't want it to end. Don't pass on Monument Valley.To everyone giving this game a diminished or one star review for charging $1.99—TWO DOLLARS—for these new, beautiful levels, grow up and find the slightest shred of decency in yourself to spare such a small amount of money for the excellent and artful work of these developers. Monument Valley is one of the most beautiful, enjoyable games on the App Store, even if it is a delicious treat that ends all too soon, and they deserve those two dollars and more. I'll take these two packs of levels over a fast food combo meal or fancy coffee cheerfully and appreciatively. Find some perspective and stop being a part of the problem that populates this App Store with freemium trash.
A Wonderfully Charming Game.
This game was shown on House of Cards and I had to look and see if it was really a game. My curiosity got the better of me so I got it and started to play. It is really a great game! The puzzles are challenging without being impossible. You live in a living, changing MC Escher world where one path has you walking on walls or upside down. A couple of things I really liked: 1) the game is not timed. There are no bonus points for going fast. I liked that I could think about what was happening. 2) Nothing dangerous happens. There are no monsters beyond annoying crows. I like that you don't get eaten for a mistake. A couple of things I didn't like: 1) The puzzles felt too short. I was wanting more from each area. I felt like I was making progress and BOOM done. 2) The levels sometimes were very linear. With puzzles like this there is a joy exploring and playing. Often, you get the princess to the door and you are moved on. Monument Valley feels fresh, even if the concept has been done before. The expansion pack is a very worthy purchase. I will keep buying levels as long as they come out with them.
Customers Also Bought
This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad$0.99Category: Version: 2.2.41Size: 288 MBLanguage: EnglishSeller: ustwoCompatibility: Requires iOS 6.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
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永不言弃:RETRY - 为什么题目这么真相?
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引言都说截图神马的像 Flappy Bird,其实实际上还要虐一百倍!游戏介绍由于本作目前仅在加拿大、芬兰以及波兰区测试上架,所以小编就先行戳下给大家评测一下,这变种愤怒的小鸟和跳跳鸟到底哪个更加虐心?游戏也是采用的最简单的单指操作,只需要单指点击屏幕就可以控制整个游戏,看上去非常简单吧?其实这恰恰就是游戏最最艰难的地方,小飞机根本就是胡乱飞啊!游戏还是关卡制,每关有固定的长度,只要操控小飞机从左边飞到右边不触碰任何边界就能过关,其中路途中有若干个降落点,通过金币可以将其作为 Check Point,每次 Retry 的时候能够从这些点出发。游戏玩法&操作游戏操作非常简单,按住屏幕就可以让小飞机起飞,类似于 Jetpack Joyride,但是 Jetpack 升起后并没有方向性,这个小飞机有这明显的方向性,也就是说你按住屏幕不放手小飞机会发生回旋等各种飞行状态,控制性一级差!根本无法达到指哪儿打哪儿,每次都是各种惨痛的坠机。在每关的路线中,有金币可以收集,不过这些金币都在非常奇葩的地方,不死已经是万幸了,还要收集金币简直就是 Mission Impossible,在路途中还有不同的停机坪,停在这些停机坪上就能花费一个金币就能够将这些停机坪变成 Check Point,如果再次 Retry 的话就从这个 Check Point 重新开始。每关还有一些固定的任务完成能够获得星星奖励,比如飞行距离啦,金币获得数量等等,最终也是采用了 3 星机制进行每关的评定。游戏规则就是这么简单,大家不停的 Retry 吧!游戏画面&音效游戏采用了像素风格,倾向性就看各人啦,喜欢像素风估计会比较好接受一点,整体的像素颗粒比较大,其实这种游戏讨论画面已经没有任何意义了,每次游戏的时候紧张的根本不会在意那些云朵,蓝天等等其他细节,眼中只有这是发了疯似的烂飞机。音效方面采用了比较卡通的像素风格音乐,虽然比较欢快,但是还是上面那句话,这么紧张的游戏,除了这架烂飞机,眼中和耳中再无它物。游戏可玩性游戏可玩性想必大家都想知道,小编就来说说小编玩下来的体会。第一个就是这个名字起得非常到位,整个就是不停 Retry 的节奏,每次小飞机撞死在边界上的时候都会留下自己的影子,经过无数次坠机后,就在边界上形成了壮观的残留景象,象征着每一次的牺牲。游戏中的停机坪也就是 Check Point 是一个非常特殊的设定,将整个关卡分成了几段,玩家如果有金币的话就可以启用停机坪从而不用无限重复前面的步骤,但是停机坪的启用货币也就是金币是个非常奇葩的存在,明明你在游戏中能看到,但就是非常难吃到,怎么办呢?对了!内购获得,这是一个非常勾魂的内购,往往在急躁和烦乱的心情下,无奈戳下内购是非常容易发生的。小编看法Retry,just retry。
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