如何写 投稿时的cover letterr 论文投稿

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Yes. According to the calendar that is presently used, 2015 is  slated for next year.
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No, QQ Games is only for Windows computers. They haven't made a version that can be used on Mac computers yet.
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QQ originally comes from the Blizzard game Starcraft. In the game, you type ALT+Q+Q to quickly quit the games. Players would then talk to each other and say "haha you QQ'd out& noob." Then people looked at it closer and it looked like 2 eyes crying.
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QQ originates from Starcraft, where the control for exiting the game was Control + Q + Q, so when raging, people would quit the game by "QQing", Coincidentally, QQ, Q_Q, and Q&.Q look like eyes with tears in them, so the original meaning has been forgotten and is now thought to have to do with "crying more" or to "quit crying". qq much? oh! pwned!
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"QQ" usually typed out in both capital letters is a symbol for crying. It's meant to look like two large eyes with tears streaming down from them. It's used to convey sadness &(my ice cream fell QQ) or as a taunt (QQ moar) and has several variations: QQ, Q_Q, T_T, etc.
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Yes Ian Hawke will appear in Alvin & The Chipmunks 4 in  2015 just like Ian Hawke did in 3 films of Alvin & The  Chipmunks.
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 Cover letters should be very specific towards the job for which you are applying. Don't include things like, I excercise everyday and do aerobics 5 times a week, UNLESS &you are applying to work at a fitness center. 
 Include things that are relevant to the job, for example, here is a cover letter applying for a job that requires troubleshooting industrial processes. 
 As an Electrical/Controls Engineer with 15 years experience, I have spent the majority of my career working with industrial processes. All of these positions have involved testing and troubleshooting industrial process systems. Although none of these positions involved the full-time testing of communications systems, I am very familiar with many industrial processes, including manufacturing, automation, industrial communications and OEM applications. 
 I know I would be a great asset to the Albrecht Group because I thoroughly enjoy learning new systems and have always been very interested in communications. I have taught myself or obtained the means necessary to become proficient with all of the software packages and hardware that I have worked with. I have worked with and taught myself how to program/configure & operate 100s of electronic products including RFID and wireless industrial communications. 
 I have the ability to learn and apply new processes quickly. I work well with others and don't believe that "My way" is the only way. I also believe that human communications is the most vital link to any type of organization. 
 Please take a moment and look at my resume. If you find that I meet your qualifications, please contact me by one of the methods listed on my resume. 
 Kevin M 
 Senior Electrical Engineer
BLue book of gun values,
standard catalog of firearms, check the online gun auction sites to see if any have sold lately.
The results for Jai Alai on 2/12/2015 are not available as games have not yet been played for that day. I don't have psychic powers and cannot predict the future. We would bot&h be very rich if I could.
If you mean points of (20, 15) and (48, 36) then its slope is 3/4 and equation 4y = 3x And the equation of (-4, -3) with a slope of 3/4 is also 4y = 3x
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Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal Excitability and A-type Potassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", which we wish to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience. GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, which are degenerated in Parkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as well as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, we request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I am Sincerely yours, case2 Dear Editor, We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which we wish to be considered for publication in Neuron. We believe that two aspects of this manuscript will make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the
cover letter 和response letter的写法
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摘要: http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=988184fpage=1 投稿感受和体会 by dingdang15 from emuch 投稿感受和体会 by dingdang15 from emuch几个月前认识了小木虫网站,从此就喜欢上了这里.每天有空都上这里,看一 ...
投稿感受和体会 by dingdang15 from emuch
投稿感受和体会 by dingdang15 from emuch几个月前认识了小木虫网站,从此就喜欢上了这里.每天有空都上这里,看一下虫友发表论文的经验,体会,怎么投稿,怎么回复审稿人的意见等,还有热心虫友提供的英文投稿,回复审稿人模板等等,收获很多。我的第一篇SCI能顺利接收,小木虫网站,还有许多热心的虫友,给了我最无私和真诚的帮助.谢谢大家,希望大家能够多中SCI论文,多发高水平的论文。各个新手,包括我在内,如果有任何问题,可以贴出来,相信许多热心的虫友,肯定会帮助你,帮你解答,提供建议。你一定会收获很多。
  这是我的第一篇SCI,影响因子1.0左右。要谈下经验可能说不上.我谈下自己投稿的个人体会,希望能给大家一些帮助。  我是做完实验后,花了将近2个多月的时间才写出来的。老板不懂英文,只有我自己一个人来写,修改.我英文水平也不赖,万事开头难,确实第一篇比较痛苦,每一句英文都自己推敲,看是否顺畅。因此,自己下载打印了十几篇相关的文献,粗略看了,其中有一半以上都是自己师兄师姐和外校同行(国内)的发表的相关英文文章.里面的许多英文句式,都可以修改后借鉴使用。这样时间可以缩短.确定投哪个期刊后,就按期刊的格式开始写.有时候碰到英文不懂的怎么地道翻译,可以上中国期刊网(CNKI)翻译助手里去找,翻译,它会给出人家的表达,选一个自己觉得合适的(这个翻译工具不错,可能大家都在用).这样写出来的英文文章至少老外可以看的懂,不会一投稿,就说"The paper is not well written and& hard to understand(translation proble?) "或者"The major problem with this paper is concerned with English(grammar and sentence structures)"等等。至少编辑看了后,觉得你英文表达是可以的,可以送审.这是成功的第一步.  自己写完后,打印出来,读懂,觉得没多少问题.5月下旬就投了出去。编辑部说收到了.under review,接着就是等待.这期刊速度还是很快的.一个月后,6月23号就返回了审稿意见,要大修。2个审稿人,一个觉得我稿件数据要处理,加上误差分析等,才同意审稿.另一个审稿人,很认真仔细,给我英文表达的许多错误,修改的很仔细.那一行,那一页,该删除哪个词,该添加哪个词,时态表达等等,全部用红笔了下。象一个家庭教师一样,非常认真。而这都是免费的啊,所以我要非常感谢他。国外的审稿人,真是太仔细,认真,太好了。同时他也提了一大堆的问题,有10多个。仔细看了下,有两三个还不知道怎么回答,一个问题说我的一个解释机理是纯粹的想象或者幻想,要删掉;一个问题说我的解释有问题,从另一个角度也可以解释,问我做过这方面的测试没有?而我对这个角度的解释又不懂,,等等。总之要大修,编辑要求最好一个月内送回修稿件.  正如虫友所说"但凡主编给你修改机会的话,即便是Major Revision,其实他的意图已经很明显了——他觉得你的论文还是有可取之处的,也是倾向于录用的。换言之,他如果觉得你论文不行的话,早就把你拒了。所以,珍惜修改机会。只要给你修改机会,一定好好把握.""象野狗一样把这块肉牢牢地咬住不放!!"(哈哈,非常经典形象!!)  个人第一感觉不好解释回答,先搁着。接着就是暑假了,一直在考虑怎么回答这些问题,我要好好修改一下。在这里我还是要感谢小木虫和热心的虫友,他们给了我热心的帮助.比如第一个审稿人的意见,我用origin作曲线的误差棒就不懂,是发了帖后虫友告诉我的,非常感谢他们。接着就在小木虫搜索有关怎么回复审稿人问题的帖子,好多,非常有用.比如,"核心是如何修改你的paper,解答审稿人的疑问,并在回复信笺中告诉审稿人你如何根据他的意见修改了,而不是仅仅在回复信笺中解释给审稿人听。因为你的读者是看不到你的解释的,只有你修改了你的paper,才能让你的读者不会再有疑问","个人需要做到以下几点:1、客客气气。在Cover Lett中,首先对审稿人、对主编表示感谢;2、实实在在。根据审稿意见,逐条、逐点进行回复,即使是微小的修改,也要进行说明,句末说明你的修改体现在论文的第几页、第几行;多用这样一些语句:according to reviewer's instructions……as suggested by the reviewer……这样至少让人觉得你很尊重审稿人的意见。"  我就是这么做的。对第一个审稿人,按照要求,进行了误差分析,给曲线加了误差棒;对第二个审稿人,首先对他非常感谢,特别是语法方面给作者的指正。接着就是点对点的答复.第一个疑难的问题,"解释是纯粹的幻想,要删除",确实不好回答.是听从审稿人的意见,删除,或者是辩驳啊,自己不知道.跟导师说了下,导师给了我很多帮助,这个机理是怎样的。怎么解释等等。后来,我还是保留这个解释了.重新对机理解释,写的更详细些,并且重新添加了一些图形,这样好解释说明。第二个疑难的问题,可能要我从另一个角度解释,补做实验等,但不好回答啊,也不懂这方面的实验。我先是对他的建议表示感谢,接着说我重新查找了几篇文献,他们都是这个角度来解释的.我引用了这些文献,重新修改了我的解释.这段时间刚好是奥运会,看了比赛再说。大修后,删除了很多东西,增加了不少解释表达.拖了一个礼拜,到了9月1日才把修改稿投出.接着就是新一轮的under review!!&  可能是自己第一篇SCI,要等着它毕业啊.所以,不着急自己也着急,睡觉的时候有时都在想会不会录用啊,不录用怎么办啊,耽误了3个月了,非常着急。这期刊一个月就会给消息的。因此这个礼拜国庆也不出去玩,天天上油箱看邮件,上期刊网站看状态,一天上几次.前天还是Under review.昨天晚上打开油箱,标题就是ACCEPT--journal of *******,太高兴了。大修后直接接受..  写了这么多,可能比较罗嗦,还是谢谢各位虫友的帮助.如果能对你们有用有所体会,那我非常欣慰了。祝福各位虫友多发论文!!
后记:不少虫子向我要response letter和cover letter的写法,谢谢各位虫子的关注.其实这些模板在小木虫网站上有很多的,感谢小木虫.我把我总结的觉得有用的抄下来,供各位虫子参考。希望对你们有用,谢谢。
cover letter的写法
Dear Editor,We are truly grateful to yours and other reviewers’ critical comments and thoughtful suggestions on our manuscript(********). Based on these comments and suggestions, we have made careful modifications on the original manuscript. All changes made to the text are in red color. We hope the new manuscript will meet your magazine’s standard. Below you will find our point-by-point responses to the reviewers’ comments/ questions.
We hope that these revisions are satisfactory and that the revised version will be acceptable for publication in *********.
Thank you very much for your work concerning our paper.
Wish you all the best!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Sincerely yours,
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ************************
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