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> Enfocus PitStop Pro 12 (Update 1)
PitStop Pro 12 是款PDF 印前检查和编辑利器 ,此为update 1升级包,完整版见
Enfocus PitStop Pro 12 (Update 1)| Windows | Mutilanguage | 210 MB
PitStop Pro 12, the industry-standard for PDF preflight & editing, already helps more than 130,000 users worldwide correct typographic errors, change colour spaces, modify incorrect page geometry and fix dozens of other PDF problems. Now PitStop Pro 12 makes it possible to colour correct, adjust and sharpen images and to edit, create or replace blends – all within the familiar PitStop interface.
PitStop Pro 12 has everything you need for quick and easy adjustments of PDF images or blends for print, online or archival purposes. You no longer need to export images to Photoshop or Illustrator and re-import when carrying out enhancements to improve print quality or fix incorrect files. Once changes are made to images, you can immediately preview the results, saving you crucial time when it matters.
PitStop Pro 12 enables you to edit all image formats and colour spaces supported by the PDF format. PitStop Pro 12 can even edit images that cannot be easily edited in any other way, such as those that include spot colour, duotone, tritone and other Device-N colour spaces. Image adjustments can be applied to single images, multiple images, or all images within a PDF file. The new image editing options are also available as Actions in PitStop Pro, so they can be added to Preflight Profiles or Action Lists to automate repetitive image corrections for your own production requirements.
Overview of new editing tools
Image curve editing — Edit image curves directly within PitStop Pro. You can work on the entire image or on individual separations depending on the colour corrections you require — make adjustments to the highlights, shadows or any of the individual process colours. Extra curve control points can be added to the curve to make more precise adjustments, or the input and output percentage values of a curve control point can be adjusted using precise values. Use the Preview feature to see the results of your changes in real time before committing them, and feel secure knowing the new tools support multiple levels of undo/redo just like other PitStop tools.
Brightness/Contrast adjustment — New slider controls allow for interactive adjustment and previewing This new option in the Inspector allows the overall image brightness and contrast to be adjusted to increase the quality of the selected images.
Unsharp Masking (USM) — Sharpen selected images, with controls for amount, radius and threshold Unsharp Masking effects can be easily applied to individual or multiple image selections simultaneously.
New image edit Actions — Automate adjustments to image curves, Brightness/Contrast and Unsharp Masking with
Action Lists
Edits to image colour curves can be recorded as Actions and can be used for automatic correction. Unsharp Masking and Brightness/Contrast are also available as Actions for automatic adjustment of images. These Actions can be incorporated into Action Lists and can be used in both PitStop Pro and PitStop Server.
Blend editing — Blends, shadings, gradients, whatever you call them, PitStop Pro can now edit them Existing blends within a PDF can now be adjusted and corrected, or deleted and replaced. Whether you want to stop a highlight blowing out, a drop shadow filling in, or just want to modify a blend colour, PitStop Pro now has the tools to help.
You can even replace a blend with a newly created blend to eliminate banding in the original blend. This powerful new tool includes features to change the start/end points of blends, change the rotation of the blend, switch between linear and radial shading, add new control points and colours, and change blend colours.
Comprehensive Quality CheckDetect any type of problem within your PDF documents — before they lead to costly reprints.
Font issues
Incorrect colours
Low resolution images
Problems with hairlines
Missing trim and bleed boxes
Objects and colours that will not print
Wide Range of Editing ToolsEdit and correct PDF documents fast and easily — because a deadline is always imminent.
Correct text errors
Convert colors
Edit images and blends
Move, rotate, and scale objects
Renumber pages
Apply stamps
Insert cover pages
and much more ...
PitStop 12 update 1 provides support for:
Windows 8.1
Windows 2012 R2
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Enfocus&PitStop Pro是一个超级好用的Acrobat插件,是Enfocus公司开发一款功能超强的PDF编辑工具,相信常用Acrobat软件的设计师朋友对这个插件是比较熟的。不过对于那些对PitStop Pro 不熟悉的朋友使用起来就有点困难,不过,如今有了PitStop Pro中文教程,相信大家通过阅读该教程,应该对大家熟悉PitStop Pro非常有帮助。Enfocus Pitstop是什么?PitStop Pro是一种用于检查、编辑和修改PDF文件的工具。(其实本人最常用PitStop Pro来对PDF去水印,功能强大)它是一个专业的美术设计师和出版人员的必备工具。它是一个Acrobat插件(Plug-in),提供了一个用于检查、纠错和转换PDF文件的功能强大的工具箱。注册是,它可以向现存的PDF文件中添加新页面对象,同时还支持其他页面对象的“取样”功能,可以用于挑选色彩和字体等特性。PitStop的Inspector功能可以检测出页面中任何对象的类型和属性,还允许用户修改属性,如将ICCBased页面对象的特性文件重新指定给ICCBased页面对象等。这一功能对于纠正含有来自不同软件、而Distill只使用了同一个特性文件处理的图像的PDF 文件很重要。PitStop还具有“全体变化”功能,使整个PDF文档中的所有对象都发生变化。对于特殊的色彩,可以通过Image Color Matching调色板来修改PDF文件中的图像对象,以获得最佳的输出一致性。PitStop专业版对PDF文件的预检工作非常有用,可以对许多检测出的错误进行自动纠正。此外还可以通过Action Lists完成纠正操作,自动执行文件重新赋值等许多操作步骤。使用“PDF Profiles”选项实现预检工作,详细定义了PDF在特定工作流程中必须包含的特性。PitStop Pro教程中部分内容如下3.4 工作区&工作区允许您自定义 PitStop Pro 的用户界面 例如显示或隐藏 Enfocus 面板& 以便您可以根据需要查看用户界面上显示的工具。&工作区还包括
和 Enfocus PitStop Pro 的其他设置 如 Window 的位置、视图和色彩设置、设计版面等。&您可以使用默认工作区或创建适用于使用 PitStop Pro 处理的不同任务的工作区。您还可以根据需要在工作区之间快速切换。&Enfocus 工作区面板&利用 Enfocus 工作区面板可管理您的工作区。&打开该面板&• 转到 窗口 & 显示 Enfocus 工作区面板...&• 使用 Alt + Ctrl + U 快捷键 在 Windows 上 或使用 Option + Command + U 快捷键 在 Mac&上 。&• 单击工具条中的&Enfocus 工作区&按钮 。&OpenTopic | 3. 查看 PitStop Pro 工作区域 | 23管理工作区&在&工作区&面板中 您可以使用预设管理器来管理您的工作区 请参阅Enfocus 预设管理器 on page&27&通过此预设管理器 可以组织、搜索、复制和管理您的工作区。&默认工作区&PitStop Pro 包含四个可以直接使用的默认工作区。&隐藏 PitStop Pro&此工作区会尽可能从 PitStop Pro 用户界面中隐藏。这样 您可以尽情使用 Adobe Acrobat 工作 而不会受到 PitStop Pro 带来的不必要的干扰。&手动编辑&此工作区打开编辑 PDF 文件时常用的控制面板 例如 PitStop 检查器 。&处理&此工作区打开 Enfocus 处理面板 它包含执行半自动化处理任务 例如预检文档 时常用的设置。&显示 PitStop Pro&此工作区将显示所有 Enfocus 工具栏。在使用“隐藏 PitStop Pro”后 可以使用它来重新显示所有的工具和工具栏。&使用工作区&创建工作区更详细的教程内容请下载阅读。----------注:PitStop Pro 10中文教程为PDF格式文档,需要使用如专门的PDF阅读软件浏览,如Foxit Phantom、Adobe Reader内容1. 版权 2. 入门 2.1&PitStop&Pro&文档集 2.2 系统要求 2.3 安装 PitStop&Pro 2.4 启动 PitStop&Pro 2.5 许可 2.6 获取支持 3. 查看 PitStop&Pro&工作区域 3.1 在 Adobe&Acrobat&中查看 PitStop&Pro&工作区域 3.2 指定 PitStop&Pro&界面的语言 3.3&PitStop&Pro&视图设置 3.4 工作区 3.5&Enfocus&预设管理器 4. 处理 PDF&文档 4.1 复制并粘贴对象的属性 4.2 撤销或重做动作 4.3 度量两点间的距离 4.4 查看对象的属性 4.5 设计版面 4.6 处理图层 5. 处理 Certified&PDF&文档 5.1&PDF&工作流程概念 5.2&Certified&PDF&工作流程说明 5.3 什么是 Enfocus&Certified&PDF&文档? 5.4 检查 PDF&文档的 Certified&PDF&状态 5.5 设置 Certified&PDF&用户身份标识 5.6 启动 PDF&文档的 Certified&PDF&工作流程 5.7 预检和验证 5.8&Certified&PDF&预检 5.9 检验原始的源文档 5.10 认证预检规范比较 5.11 为 Certified&PDF&文档提供工作信息 5.12 添加会话注释 5.13 查看编辑日志文件 5.14 查看文档历史 5.15 保存优化 Certified&PDF&文档 5.16 检查上更新的规范 6. 预检和检查 PDF&文档 6.1 运行预检检查 6.2&PDF&文档的属性 6.3 报告问题 6.4 编辑或创建预检规范6.6 锁定预检规范 6.7 使用&Enfocus&导航器& 6.8 查看并解释报告 6.9 带批注的报告 6.10 自动预检 7. 编辑对象 7.1 选择对象 7.2 隐藏和显示选定对象 7.3 更改对象的层叠顺序 7.4 替换对象 7.5 更改或移除对象的 OPI&信息 7.6 更改对象的透明度 7.7 更改文本或艺术线条对象的色彩 7.8 使用色彩数据库 7.9 旋转对象 7.10 缩放对象 7.11 移动对象 7.12 倾斜对象 7.13 通过指定确切的值来转换对象 7.14 创建新形状 7.15 创建新路径 7.16 编辑路径 7.17 添加或移除锚点 7.18 蒙版对象 7.19 查看像素图像的属性 7.20 对像素图像重新取样 7.21 压缩像素图像 7.22 查看选定对象的统计信息 7.23 查看对象的半调信息 7.24 选择文本 7.25 编辑单个文本行 7.26 编辑文本段落 7.27 编辑竖排文本 7.28 更改文本的字体属性 7.29 将文本转换为轮廓 7.30 分割文本片段 7.31 在 PDF&文档中放置 PDF&文档 7.32 编辑表单 7.33 编辑 PDF2Go&文档 8. 全局变更 8.1 进行全局变更 8.2 全局变更实际应用 8.3 更改页面内容的大小、位置或方向 8.4 移除选定区域内部或外部的文本或对象 8.5 添加文本 9. 使用动作列表或 QuickRun&自动化任务 9.1 关于动作列表 9.2 动作类型 9.3 运行动作列表 9.4 创建或编辑动作列表 9.5 锁定动作列表 9.6 动作列表的实际应用 9.7 使用 QuickRun 9.8 更多的自动执行功能
Enfocus PitStop Pro 10中文版使用教程
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Enfocus Releases PitStop 12 update 3 with Mac OS X Yosemite Support
Friday, October 31, 2014
Press release from the issuing company
Automatic Color Bar Generation, Tools for Proportional Resizing, and New Layer Functionality lead the list of requested features in latest update to the PDF "pocket-knife"&
Ghent, Belgium -&Enfocus&today announces the release of Enfocus PitStop 12 update 3. In addition to support for Mac OS X Yosemite, this latest release of PitStop technology includes a range of new and user-requested features that improve the quality of PDF pre-flighting and editing.PitStop 12 update 3 is available now.
PitStop Bridges Critical Gaps in PDF Workflows
As&PDF files have become the standard for file exchange in the graphic arts industry, critical gaps have emerged in PDF workflows. PitStop technology covers these gaps, giving users tools that go beyond quality control and enable manual and auto&mated error correction that guarantees reliable PDF processing and output.
As Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager at Enfocus, notes, "Since its introduction, PitStop has helped customers worldwide solve the challenges that occur with PDF file production and output. It has become the must-have product for anybody working with PDF files in the graphics arts industry, used by over 130,000 customers all over the world&to detect, correct and edit problems within PDF files.
"The value of this wide network of customers gives us a tremendous benefit," Bailes-Collins notes. "They are a great source of ideas and information on how we can make our technology even better. You can clearly see the input of our users in this latest release of PitStop technology. Their input, combined with our development efforts, makes PitStop 12 update 3 an important resource for our customers and for anybody working with PDF files."
New features and functionality included in PitStop Pro 12 update 3 are:
OS X Yosemite Support
Apple recently announced its OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and PitStop 12 update 3 is officially supporting this new version. This compatibility gives users the opportunity to take advantage of the features in this new operating system.
New Actions for Better Production
PitStop 12 update 3 includes several new actions that better support the speed, accuracy and output of PDFs that are managed with PitStop. These actions include:
Add Color Bar -&This new action lets users automatically generate a color bar using the document colors of each individual page. While users can still control tint values, patch size and position, the automatic generation of the color bar saves time and ensures greater color accuracy in production.
Match, Fill and Stroke Colors -&This new action fills a request heard from many PitStop customers. It lets users change the stroke to match the fill - and vice versa - based on the selected objects.
Flatten Annotations -&This new action builds on a previous 'Flatten form fields' action that was released in an earlier version of PitStop 12. Because that action had no configurable options, users reported that some of these annotations were causing issues on output. This new action solves that problem by giving users the tools to flatten annotations so they become normal objects within the PDF.&
Tools for Proportional Resizing
This is another customer request that Enfocus is addressing in PitStop 12 update 3. It gives users a 'lock' in the Inspector that can be used for proportionally resizing objects or page boxes.
New Actions for Layer Functionality
PitStop 12 update 3 also includes improved functionality for working with layers in PDF files. Users now have actions that enable them to select layers in various ways, giving them the ability to select, remove, check, and change layers and layer properties.
Enhancements to Existing Functionality
PitStop 12 update 3 improves the user experience further with better color mapping from Gray to CMYK, and support for rasterizing content within PDF files via Action Lists.
New default Action Lists
PitStop 12 update 3 also ships with many new pre-configured Action Lists that use the newly developed functionality. These new Action Lists help users obtain immediate benefit from the new features, without having to create Action Lists of their own. The Action Lists can easily be modified by users to meet their own production requirements.
New functionality for PitStop Server 12 update 3
PitStop Server also benefits from the new Actions and Action Lists available in this new release. In addition, PitStop Server also includes an improved configurator for use with Enfocus Switch and PitStop2Switch.
How to&get&Pitstop 12 update 3?
For more information on obtaining PitStop 12 update 3, please contact Enfocus at&&or visit the Enfocus website at&.
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一款著名的Adobe Acrobat插件,主要可以用于打印前检查及修复,以及PDF编辑。


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