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Remember Me
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Remember Me
The Dwarves of Erebor were facing two very serious problems: One, their beloved ancestral home of Erebor was nearly mined empty, and two, there hadn’t been an Omega born in sixty years. They ask the wizard Gandalf for help, his answer, The Shire.
As the second born Kili faces the burden of being both necessary and unnecessary. We follow him and he travels through a truculent childhood where he struggles to be part of the family and the House of Durin, as well as live up to everyone's expectations.
His brother's keeper? Yeah, right! Caught in a custody battle over Ori and labeled by Dori as "the worst older brother in Arda", Nori recounts for the court all the times Fíli was *actually* the worst big brother in The Hobbit franchise.
It starts on the wrist when you're young. The first words your soulmate will ever say to you are tattooed in a colour, red, green, yellow, blue, any colour each with their own meaning, and the day they're said and the moment you touch your soulmate is the moment they travel up to settle on your forearm.
Five stories, five different bonds, five endings.
Given a second chance, Fili and Kili wake in Erebor in the weeks before Smaug's attack.
Thorin notices that his pony is better at majestic hair-tossing than he is. This will not stand!
It was two months past the battle when Bard’s oldest daughter left her family behind and stowed away in the night. She had not expected to be caught, especially not by the former Captain of the Mirkwood guard, but soon they found themselves
one running from the secret she kept and the other chasing the faintest of hopes that all might not yet be lost. WW1 AU
Thorin and Bilbo drift towards each other, no matter the time or place, as though gravity was created just to keep them together.
Bilbo Baggins of the Shire has just learned that Erebor, the center of nearly all trade in Middle Earth and one of the wealthiest and mightiest kingdoms, has opened an institution. There, all races are welcome to learn, share philosophy, and trade. It is an academy mainly for scholars, the wealthy, or those under favor of the King, yet Bilbo is determined to go. With the help of his status in the Shire and Gandalf, the Hobbit (hungry for adventure after the passing of his parents) makes his way to the Dwarven Kingdom.There, he meets Prince Thorin - son of Thrain, son of Thror by an unexpected circumstance. At first, the pair do not get along, but after the Hobbit proves himself to be a clever one with a strong will, Thorin starts to think otherwise. He even looks to him when Thror’s love of gold becomes too deep. It was a sickness of the mind. “And where sickness thrives, bad things follow.” Essentially, this is a retelling of some of the Hobbit events in another order since Bilbo is in Erebor before violence and non-con (really, just a hint, but I always like to warn) later on.I DO NOT OWN THE WONDERFUL BOOK, NOR MOVIES THAT IS: THE HOBBIT
Author: Space_WolfTitle: A Slingshot for a ScribeFandom: The Hobbit, LOTRCharacters: Ori, mainly, but with other characters, too.Timeframe: 2911Summary: Ori writing his first journal in the hope that Balin will take notice of him.Notes: Written in response to the's Dear Diary Challenge.
When Thorin proposed to Bilbo, months after having reclaimed Erebor, Bilbo was overjoyed. What he didn't realise was the full extent of planning a dwarven wedding nor the sheer number of headaches he was going to get in the weeks to come.
AU in which everyone survives BOFA, After the battle Fili moves to Hobbiton to win his One's heart. Will he find happiness there or will his dreams be destroyed again?
Oh fuck. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
Those exact words were written on the right side of her ribcage.
Her soulmate was a fucking dwarf.
And he had a really nice voice.
“Well, I didn’t expect my first time out of Erebor in months to involve this much excitement,” commented the dark haired dwarf, and Darcy both heard and felt the huff of agreement from behind her. She felt exactly the same way.
Nothing happens in the lab for a few months, and then this is what she gets. A new planet, and a new species.
Fucking Jane.
Frerin was not used to the royal lifestyle. He was used to being normal and mundane, but when his Presentation day comes he's forced to realize how hard it can be to play the part of what his brother, the King, wishes of him.
When he finally chooses an alpha it comes as a troubling shock as to who it is and how the modern world could cope with the startling fact over the love affair it becomes.
It was something that no race was immune to, and it happened at different points in everyone's life. First it was an elf from Mirkwood, then a dwarfling from the Blue Mountains, next was a kindly Hobbit of the Shire, and finally it was the heir of Gondor. They refused their Calling and then were Punished. They will change the future of Middle-Earth. Whether they want to or not.
Inspired by Avatar:The Last Airbender
A sort-of-sequel to 'Dreams of Green', by Bead. Fili searches desperately for his One, and thinks her dead, until he thinks he's found her in the market...
Shorts from prompts lists that are part of my different major writings.
After Bilbo signs the contract, the Dwarves find out his true age. Horrified, they assign him a guardian. Who better to take their burglar under their wing than their ax-wielding redhead? As the journey to the Lonely Mountain unfolds, bonds are formed between the two that can never be broken as Glóin learns to care for the hobbit
and Bilbo learns that it's never too late to find family.
Bilbo's mother had told Bilbo of a stone she had found in the Misty Mountains, a blood red stone of unknown origins. She'd brought it back to the Shire as Gandalf promised to research more into the stone. 14 years on, Bilbo's parents have died and he finds the stone in a chest and he quickly learns this stone is not a stone at all, but an egg! He raises Smaug from a dragonling, keeping him a secret from the Shire. But one day, Smaug flies away and he doesn't come back. Disheartened, Bilbo continues with his life. But when, after 30 years, a company of dwarves invades his home and declares they need help retaking their home from a fearsome dragon who had taken it 10 years previous, Bilbo joins the quest to challenge his old friend. He must help the dwarves retake their home but complications arise as he falls for their leader. Can Bilbo save Erebor from Smaug without the need for killing? Can a small hobbit prevent a war and save Thorin from madness? He must risk everything to right the mess, he believes, he started with the hatching of that egg.
Bilba knocks the dwarves out when they show up at her house because someone (Gandalf) didn't tell her they were coming.
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Remember Me
“We going to get somewhere anytime soon?” Dom said. Brian was staring out the windshield. “Do you trust me?” “What the fuck kind of question is that?” Dom said. “If you say yes, I’m going to take you on the worst fucking ride of your life,” Brian said. “Do you trust me?”
“Are you kidding me, O’Conner?”Brian had the nerve to glare at him. “I’m not doing it on fucking purpose!”“For Christ’s sake,” Dom said.“Fuck you, Toretto, you’re the one who drove us between skyscrapers,” Brian said.
“Sit down,” the doctor said. He took blood, three vials filling up dark red. “Any medical conditions?”“No,” Dom said, and then his mouth kept going and said, “What if I want to volunteer for bonding?” The doctor peered at him over the glasses. “Do you want to volunteer for bonding?” It hung in the air. Dom felt it like a noose around his throat, squeezing. Twenty-five to life. “Yeah,” he said.
"I don't feel the need to put my tailor and shoemaker out of business in order to demonstrate my recognition of the danger the world is presently facing, Mr. Reese, nor have I considered it appropriate to drink myself to death and save the kaiju the trouble. If that's really the best thing you can imagine doing, I' if on the other hand you'd be interested in contributing more productively to the defense effort, I can offer you a chance to do so."
Part 45 of
"Come with me," she said afterwards, light from all the palace lamps brilliant in her eyes and her cheeks flushed with victory and dancing, still holding his hand, and Solas could not refuse her.
This series is in it's a handful of my own favorites of the stories that I've written, across all my fandoms -- roughly a top ten, but a few more sneak in now and again. Subject to editing as my evaluation changes over time!
A series containing all of my Person of Interest stories, for easier navigation among them.
This series collects all my works in the Captain America fandom, for easier browsing. It's in order by date posted.
England’s first two magicians of the modern age are somewhere near Venice.
Fantastically written pastiche with some really wonderful original worldbuilding, feels like it could have come straight out of the novel.
I burst into the flat and, before I could yell out to Jeeves to explain the sitch, was hit whang in the beak with the most scrumptious smell that has ever tickled my nostrils.
No, seriously, read it. *crying with laughter*
In search of their latest way home, Hank and Eric find themselves alone in a frozen wasteland, far from rescue.
Twenty feet. Ten feet. Five. He was reaching out. His fingertips just barely brushed the Vial, and in response it glowed brighter, welcoming, a wash of sunlight warmth against his face. Hank took another step forward, the way home within his reach—
—and the ice broke.
An all-around-fantastic D&D Cartoon story that you can see play out in your head. A Hank & Eric adventure with a really satisfying emotional resolution, with heaps of fun h/c (snuggling for warmth!) without neglecting the others. If you at all like the fandom, you should read this.
In a slightly different timeline, two great men with a shared past meet for one last time a few months after the battle of Waterloo.Is this part of my Unmixable-verse? I don't know. It surely can be read that way. It can be read separately from it. You choose.
A beautiful and bittersweet Napoleon/Alexander story set in a magical AU. Really well done voices.
Ian's life is chaos.
If you've even just seen the original Jurassic Park, you know enough canon to appreciate this -- a really inventive twist on the Groundhog Day story.}


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