
今天我开始了“城市,让生活更美好” 的交通体验计划 - 从骑单车上班开始。
我从中大北门轻松上路了,慢慢的从正在晨练的邻居们身边骑过,这景象每天都给我一个美好的心情!然后我开始加速,直奔前面的大挑战-广州大桥和广州大道,那儿的交通每天早上都很拥挤。不过一路上都挺顺利,过桥的时候可以欣赏到珠江的风景,和高楼林立的珠江新城。我发现,骑自行车的时候更能让你留意到周围的风景-比呆在车里感受得更多,当然,还包括周遭的气味,特别是公共汽车从身边驶过时排出的大量尾气,不过还行,不算太糟.......当我快到广州大道和环市路的十字路口的时候,我就顾不得看风景了 - 全副精力穿梭在公交车、私家车等各种车辆当中。我终于顺利踏上了天河北路,在那新建的宽阔自行车道上行驶,感觉非常不错,舒服极了 - 转眼就到了中信广场,我在自行车库停好车,就径直上班去了,心情舒畅!
  从7点50分从滨江东路家里开始计算,只用了三十分钟就安全抵达中信广场办公室,和我开车上班的时间差不多。由此看来,骑车速度应该保持在我的平均水平 - 每小时17公里。
  总体来说,这个自行车旅程比我想象中要好 - 我注意到路上骑自行车的人比平时从车里看到的要多。其中一位好心人经过时还提醒我,我的后轮胎不够气了......下次我会尝试走另一条路,穿过珠江新城,看看那里有没有更多的自行车道。我建议广州政府建设更多的自行车道。最后,我呼吁汽车驾驶员能更照顾骑自行车的人们 - 因为如果他们放弃了骑车而改为开汽车,那么广州大道的高峰时段就更拥挤了,你说呢......
Better City, Better Life
- by bicycle?
I embarked on my
“better cities & better life” experiment today & riding my bicycle
I got off to a
good start & cycling slowly past some of my neighbours doing their
morning gym at Zhongda Beimen, a sight which always make me happy.
Then I got up the speed and headed for the big challenge & the
Guangzhou Bridge and the Dadao, where the traffic is quite heavy in
the morning. It all went well & and when I was crossing the
Guangzhou Bridge I enjoyed the view across the river and to the
modern highrises in Zhujiang Xin Chang. In general, I find you
notice more of your surroundings when you are on a bike & more than
when you are boxed up in a car. That includes the smells, of
course, and some buses passing close by let out a good deal of
exhaust, but it was not too bad.. When I approached the big
intersection where Guangzhou Dadao meets Huanshi Lu I had to stop
thinking about enjoying the surroundings & to circle my way through
all the buses and cars took all my attention. I managed fine, and
by the time I hit Tian He Bei I could embark on the wide new cycle
lane which just has been made there, very nice and shufu & all the
way to Citic Plaza where I rolled into the designated bicycle
parking and left for my office, feeling great.
I started out from
home in Bin Jiang Dong Lu at 7:50 and arrived safely at my office
at Citic Plaza 30 minutes later, which is more or less the same
time I would have used by car. I believe that makes my average
speed 17 km. per hour..
In general, I must
say the journey was a better experience than I thought & I also
noted that there are a lot of more fellow cyclists out there than I
had noticed from my car window. One of them kindly told me that my
back tire was a bit flat before he pushed on. Next time I go, I
think I will find an alternative route through the Zhujiang Xin
Chang, and look for more designated bicycle lanes. I would like to
commend Guangzhou government for making them. Lastly & let me
appeal to car drivers & be considerate towards the cyclists & if
they all quit their bikes and got into cars the Dadao will be even
more crowded in the rush hour, remember.
Tomorrow I go by
metro, leaving home at 0730 and starting off with a nice walk to
the Lujiang metro station. I wonder how full the metro will be at
that time.
( 15:11:07)( 20:18:09)( 11:41:58)( 12:06:21)( 11:31:27)( 15:15:46)


更多关于 适合上下班骑的自行车 的文章


