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Comment 6. Fig. 3F shows that HFD reduced the weight of BAT to only 30% of CD fed rats. This is not always the case reported in other studies using HFD fed animals. The author need to check literature. It will be helpful if Red oil O staining of BAT is shown.
If BAT of HFD fed rats is only 30% that of NC fed rats and there is &large amount of lipid accumulation in BAT of HFD fed rats&, thermogenesis of HFD fed rats could be severely impaired. Is there difference in body temperature between NC and HF rats?
Special thanks for your instructive and very nice suggestion. Your comments and suggestions really helped me a lot. I have put great efforts to this review. Our BAT results are in agreement with the previous study, the whole brown fat size (CM3 , BAT’s is the CM3 in the study) in the NC and NG rats is larger than in the HF rats . Red oil O is a good detecting method for BAT study, which is worthy to be farther studied. We are also studying Red oil O and body temperature in other experiments, and hope to publish relevant results in the other paper to be published in the future. So the BAT study is the secondary important result in this paper, and we don’t study it here .In addition, the paper is focused on fat in liver, and we want to get the fat ratio in the liver via the CT method, and then verify the NALFD in our experiment . In this section (3.4. Effect of NG on liver fat, body fat and brown fat content in CT scan), the data are enough to support results which we want. In summry, BAT relative study have been farther done in the other study, your suggestion are very good for our other study ,we will accept your suggestion. Special thanks for your instructive and very nice suggestion
好奇怪的回答,有空给你改改,手机不方便 : Originally posted by brucefan at
好奇怪的回答,有空给你改改,手机不方便 谢谢您啊,谢谢您,晚上帮我修改吧,等您,谢谢您啊, : Originally posted by sdgame at
谢谢您啊,谢谢您,晚上帮我修改吧,等您,谢谢您啊,... Special thanks for your instructive and very nice suggestion. (我会写We thank the
Referee for the helpful comments.)
Your comments and suggestions really helped me a lot. (这句没必要。)
I have put great efforts to this review. (review用法错误,应该是revision,这句最好去掉。)
Our BAT results are in agreement with the previous study (前面三个词换成previous works), (前面这个逗号换成分号)the whole brown fat size (CM3 , BAT’s is the CM3 in the study) in the NC and NG rats is larger than (这里加一个that) in the HF rats .
Red oil O is a good detecting method for BAT study, which is worthy to be farther studied (从is 开始换成warrants further study) .
We are also studying Red oil O and body temperature in other experiments, and hope to publish relevant results in the other paper to be published in the future (从in开始换成elsewhere).
So the BAT study is the secondary important result in this paper, and we don’t study it here .(这句不知怎么改,反正这样说审稿人会不喜欢)
In addition, the paper is focused on fat in liver, and we want to get the fat ratio in the liver via the CT method, and then verify the NALFD in our experiment .
In this section (3.4. Effect of NG on liver fat, body fat and brown fat content in CT scan), the data are enough to support results which we want (从results开始换成our conclusions).
In summry, BAT relative study have been farther done in the other study, your suggestion are very good for our other study ,we will accept your suggestion. (没必要总结,可去掉。)
Special thanks for your instructive and very nice suggestion(不必要反复感谢,最好去掉。) 你的研究内容我不懂,我只是从一般写作的角度给了你一点建议,供你参考。要真正改好,还是需要专业人士帮忙。Where is your boss? : Originally posted by brucefan at
你的研究内容我不懂,我只是从一般写作的角度给了你一点建议,供你参考。要真正改好,还是需要专业人士帮忙。Where is your boss? thank you very much ,my boss is in japan,hehe, 你的标点符号位置经常不对,前面不要有空格,后面要空一格。就这些,求求各位大神了,帮帮我吧 _百度作业帮
wears clothes,brushes his teeth
work Do you take goes to work
1· Where does he work?
4· Do you take
5· goes to work怎么修改方竹网吧计费系统客户端计算机名称?求求各位大神们,教教我。 如图,那么长一串要上机或者下机还要对照我写下来的去找哪个对应哪个,麻烦死了。求求大神们帮帮忙拉。
怎么修改方竹网吧计费系统客户端计算机名称?求求各位大神们,教教我。 如图,那么长一串要上机或者下机还要对照我写下来的去找哪个对应哪个,麻烦死了。求求大神们帮帮忙拉。
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