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与导师商量,从参考文献来源期刊中选 polymer degradation and stability,Progress in polymer science,高分子学报 同意二楼的,自己看选择几个期刊,至少自己先了解一下,然后找导师商量,让老师推荐,他应该会比较了解。PS:CNKI,数字出版物超市 && 中国学术文献网络出版总库 && 通过来源检索文献(点击来源名称),ki.net/Grid2008/brief/result_src.aspx?dbCatalog=%e4%b8%ad%e5%9b%bd%e5%ad%a6%e6%9c%af%e6%96%87%e7%8c%ae%e7%bd%91%e7%bb%9c%e5%87%ba%e7%89%88%e6%80%bb%e5%ba%93&stype=4&dbcode=CJFQ,可以检索期刊 题目是什么,我帮你参考一下。。。 看老板的文章列表,看他投哪里。直接问老板该怎么投? http://emuch.net/bbs/journal.php?view=detail&jid=7859看看这个怎么样 : Originally posted by zhoupeng87 at
http://emuch.net/bbs/journal.php?view=detail&jid=7859看看这个怎么样 这个是有关热降解的动力学方面的,我的是降解类的,但不是热降解的,不知道编辑和主审愿不愿意接受呢 : Originally posted by mmwthz at
题目是什么,我帮你参考一下。。。 题目是天然高分子的降解 Powder Technology
We have received your manuscript.&&However, the quality of the English grammar does not meet the standards for Powder Technology and your submission, in its current form, would be unable to receive a judicious assessment based solely on its technical merits.&&Because of this, we must reject your submission.
Should you wish to resubmit this manuscript, please have a native speaker assist you in editing the English grammar of the manuscript or see the following information from Elsevier below:
Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing service available from Elsevier's WebShop /languageediting/ or visit our customer support site
for more information.
The most frequent, but not exclusive, grammatical errors were:
1) sentence structure
2) verb tense
3) omission of the definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) article
If you choose to resubmit a revised manuscript with improved English grammar, it should be resubmitted as a new submission.&&Please reference the Elsevier identification number for this rejected version in your cover letter when you submit the revised English manuscript as a new submission.
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Yours sincerely,
Powder Technology
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有没有哪位高人帮忙指点下,非常感谢! 给你这个链接/,你自己先检索下自己文章可能投的杂志和命中率吧,然后和导师再商量下具体投哪个,语言也很重要,最好找个母语是英语的老外润色下,那就很好办了.祝楼主好运啊!!! 我是材料加工工程专业的,有没有好中的英文刊物,主要是英文水平不是很高。以前种过MSE-A。多谢大侠了! Powder Technology(刊物名)
We have received your manuscript.&&However, the quality of the English grammar does not meet the standards for Powder Technology and your submission, in its current form, would be unable to receive a judicious assessment based solely on its technical merits.&&Because of this, we must reject your submission.
Should you wish to resubmit this manuscript, please have a native speaker assist you in editing the English grammar of the manuscript or see the following information from Elsevier below:
Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors and to conform to correct scientific English may wish to use the English Language Editing service available from Elsevier's WebShop /languageediting/ or visit our customer support site
for more information.
The most frequent, but not exclusive, grammatical errors were:
1) sentence structure
2) verb tense
3) omission of the definite (the) and indefinite (a, an) article
If you choose to resubmit a revised manuscript with improved English grammar, it should be resubmitted as a new submission.&&Please reference the Elsevier identification number for this rejected version in your cover letter when you submit the revised English manuscript as a new submission.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Yours sincerely,
编辑是华人,不知道还有没有戏重新投稿,请大侠们赐教。不胜感谢!英语问题,跪求大神解答下Industrial safety does not panies【41】low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them alive and active.(41)A.at
英语问题,跪求大神解答下Industrial safety does not panies【41】low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them alive and active.(41)A.at
英语问题,跪求大神解答下Industrial safety does not panies【41】low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them alive and active.(41)A.at
rate 不是一般和at连用吗?为什么这里要用with
with+low accident rates是用来修饰这个companies的,整个用来做主语。at达不到这个效果,你分析一下句子结构。}


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