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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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display: 'inlay-fix'求大神帮忙看几个英语句子1、i would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attentionsttuugle at是词组还是其他什么 2、 our usual walk was to or from the subway on which he traveled to work.on which 在句子中是什么成分,he trave_百度作业帮
求大神帮忙看几个英语句子1、i would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attentionsttuugle at是词组还是其他什么 2、 our usual walk was to or from the subway on which he traveled to work.on which 在句子中是什么成分,he trave
求大神帮忙看几个英语句子1、i would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attentionsttuugle at是词组还是其他什么 2、 our usual walk was to or from the subway on which he traveled to work.on which 在句子中是什么成分,he traveled to work 是什么意思,travel不是旅行的意思吗3、in manhattan the subway station was the basement of his office building我翻译的是:曼哈顿的地铁站是他办公室的地下室网上的翻译是:曼哈顿的地铁站直通他们办公室的地下室怎么回事?
struggle at 不是固定搭配,stuggle作动词, at作介词,后面接在……方面which 关系代词,定语, travel to work在这里表示:做地铁上班这里直译是 地铁站就在他办公室的下面,即是直通的,从办公室下去到地下室不就可以到吗?这就是意译了&& 查看话题
文章是:《Application of lime-soil compaction pile method for loess foundation treatment》
目前只检索了封面。 貌似没希望了。。。我的比你晚一点。。。 : Originally posted by wulongdas at
目前只检索了封面。 看来希望渺茫啊 : Originally posted by kobeliu000 at
貌似没希望了。。。我的比你晚一点。。。 给给建议,今年打算毕业,觉得如何最好 Quick Search
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QQ图片05.png : Originally posted by wangyizhi at
... 请问你什么时候检索到呢,我也是638-640啊 : Originally posted by annazhao2009 at
请问你什么时候检索到呢,我也是638-640啊... 您发给我,我去看看,我就是今天下午检索的 : Originally posted by wangyizhi at
... 弱弱的问一下,这个是吗?没看到EI检索号。。。。。 哥,你文章 作者单位 大学 英文单词错了 : Originally posted by zhaojichun_0 at
哥,你文章 作者单位 大学 英文单词错了 别人让我发的贴,不是我发的,我回头告诉他。 : Originally posted by zhaojichun_0 at
哥,你文章 作者单位 大学 英文单词错了 黑黑黑黑呵呵,我也是第一次看到,回头告诉我同事声,:jok::jok::jok::jok:,无语中。。。。汉译英翻译,求大神帮忙修改校对22.随着科学技术水平的不断提高,经济的不断发展,社会对人们能力的要求也越来越高。现代社会要求人们紧跟时代步伐,更新自身的知识以适应社会发展_百度作业帮
汉译英翻译,求大神帮忙修改校对22.随着科学技术水平的不断提高,经济的不断发展,社会对人们能力的要求也越来越高。现代社会要求人们紧跟时代步伐,更新自身的知识以适应社会发展的需求。“终身教育”的理念已越来越深入人心。所以,在进行教学的过程中,教师应侧重培养学生的自主学习能力,授予他们更多的学习方法,以提高学生的自主学习能力,从而使学生能实现自我教育,为自身的发展奠定基础。  3.现如今,大学英语教学其规模越来越大,而学时却越来越少。但是随着经济的发展,社会对于英语水平的要求却在不断提高,教师要想达到教学大纲的要求,不仅需要在课堂上授予学生更多的知识,而且还需要培养学生自主学习能力,使学生能在课后继续进行英语学习,从而提高其英语学习效果,最终达到教学大纲的要求。②With the development of science, technology and Chinese economy, society requires more for people's ability.In order to keep pace with the times, We should renew our knowledge to meet the needs of social development. The concept of lifelong education have gradually won support among people. Therefore, in the teaching process, the teachers should focus on training the students' autonomous learning ability, some learning strategies for instant, to enable students' self-education and lay a solid foundation to the self-development.③Nowadays, the English teaching scale is getting enlarged continuously with less and less teaching hours, but the social request for English constantly improve. So if the teacher wants to finish the teaching tasks, it is necessary to cultivate the students' English autonomous learning ability so that students can continue with their English study after class. Through the effective and efficient learning, they can finally meet the English teaching syllabus.非常抱歉啊,就剩一个金币了,求好心人帮忙啊,谢谢了
2.With the development of science, technology, and Chinese economy, society requires more for people's ability.In order to keep pace with the times, we should renew our knowledge to meet the needs of social development. The concept of lifelong education has gradually won the support among people. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers should focus on training students' autonomous learning ability, some learning strategies for instant, to enable students' self-education and lay a solid foundation to the self-development. [翻译的超赞 只是复数前不用加The]3.Nowadays, the English teaching scale is getting larger, but the teaching hours are getting fewer. However, the social requires for constantly improvement on English. So if the teacher wants to finish the teaching tasks, it is necessary to cultivate the students' English autonomous learning ability so that students can maintain their English study after class. Through the effective and efficient learning, they can finally meet the English teaching syllabus.[可数名词后面跟fewer
不可数名词后面跟Less 其他的都很好 超赞!!]}


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