the aztecs of mexico在1530年为什么失败于西班牙

好奇一点 ,对 西班牙剑盾手的称呼“兰朵武士”有何缘由?_冷兵器吧_百度贴吧
好奇一点 ,对 西班牙剑盾手的称呼“兰朵武士”有何缘由?
剑盾手,学名 Rodeleros (音译上也不像是 兰朵 呀),直译来看顶多叫 剑盾勇士俗称 圆盾剑兵 ,我都怀疑兰朵武士这个词是谁发明的Rodeleros ("shield bearers"), also called espadachines ("swordsmen") colloquially known as "Sword and Buckler Men" were Spanish troops in the early 16th (and again briefly in the 17th) century, equipped with steel shields or bucklers known as rodela and swords (usually of the side-sword type). Originally conceived as an Italian attempt to revive the legionary swordsman, they were adopted by the Spaniards and used with great efficiency in the Italian Wars during the 1510s and 1520s, but discontinued in the 1530s. The majority of Hernán Cortés's troops during his campaigns in the New World were rodeleros: in 1520, over 1000 of his 1300 men were so equipped, and in 1521 he had 700 rodeleros, but only 118 arquebusiers and crossbowmen. Bernal Díaz, the author of an account of Cortés' conquest of the Aztecs, served as a rodelero under Cortés. When the Spanish adopted the colunella (the first of the mixed pike and shot formations), they used small groups of sword and buckler men to break the deadlock of the push of pike, as the Swiss and Germans used halberdiers, comparable to the role of the German Doppelsöldner during the same period. At the Battle of Ravenna in 1512, they proved to be d however, when facing a fresh, well ordered pike square, they were vulnerable, as at the Battle of Seminara. They were also very vulnerable to attack by cavalry. As battlefield tactics evolved during the early 16th century, the Spanish ultimately concluded that the vulnerability of the rodeleros on the battlefield outweighed their strengths, and they were dropped as a troop type when the Spanish infantry were reorganized into tercios in the 1530s. Occasional attempts were made to revive them, such as by Maurice of Nassau, who armed his guard troops with a sword and buckler in addition to a pike. Later during the Thirty Years War, some military theorists proposed deploying swordsmen equipped with large iron shields in front of the pikemen to protect them from being shot by enemy musketeers, but it is doubtful that this fanciful tactic was either successful or much employed in practice.
慢节奏 城市细腻 无论什...
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直译来看不是“顶多叫 剑盾勇士” 而是 持盾剑士 ,勇士这个词差的太远了
音译就是“兰朵”呀~Rodeleros,不就是汉语拼音,ruan de r s,约等于 ruan duo=“软朵”,然后就成了“兰朵”~
Landmarks of the Renaissance
The fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries connect the
Middle Ages with modern times. The men who write about history call
this period the Renaissance. They describe it as a time when man
developed a new respect for the power of the human mind, for the
ideas of the ancient Greeks, and for the world of science. One of
the first centers of the Renaissance was Florence, Italy.
Christopher Columbus&
About one hundred miles from Florence, at the seaport of Genoa,
Christopher Columbus ()& was born. He
lived during the very middle of the Renaissance. In 1492 he sailed
with three small ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina,
into the then mysterious Atlantic Ocean in search of India. Instead
of India he discovered America (the West Indies). He claimed these
lands for the king and queen of Spain.
More Explorations and Discoveries&
&Columbus was followed in 1497 by Vasco da Gama
(c.1 )& who actually discovered India by
sailing around Africa. Then in 1520 the first voyage around the
world was undertaken by Ferdinand Magellan(c.). The
conquest of Mexico occurred in 1519 under the command of the
Spaniard2, Hernando Cort&s (). Cortes destroyed the empire
of the native Aztecs in Mexico and founded in its place a Spanish
colony. In Peru in 1532 another Spaniard, Francisco Pizarro
(), conquered the empire of the Inca Indians.
The Rulers&&
The king and queen of Spain were Ferdinand () and Isabella
(). They paid for the voyages of Columbus. In England,
Henry VIII () became king and in Italy, Lorenzo de'
Medici () and Cesare Borgia (c.) represented the
powerful ruling families. In France, King Francis I ()
built the magnificent royal palace at Fontainebleau. And in Russia,
Ivan the Terrible () was soon to become emperor.
The East&&
On the other side of the world, Akbar the Great (), one of
India's honored kings, was soon to build his magnificent fort at
Agra. This fort contained five hundred of the most beautiful
buildings in the world. In China, the Ming emperors ()
were in power. Today we remember the Ming period for the beautiful
porcelain vases and cups that their artists made. Portuguese
traders reached China in 1517.
&During the Renaissance, interest in science grew.
Only a few years before Columbus was born, Johann Gutenberg
(c.), a German printer, developed the printing press. And
shortly after Columbus died, Andreas Vesalius (), a
Flemish surgeon, published a famous book about the human body.
Vesalius was court physician to Charles V.
On the Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies was one of the most
influential books of the Renaissance. It was written by the Polish
astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus () in 1543, thirty-seven
years after Columbus' death. In it Copernicus said that the earth
moved around the sun. Today we know Copernicus was correct, but in
his time most people did not believe him. They imagined the earth
to be the center of the universe.
Art and Music&&
The most famous Renaissance artists are Michelangelo ()
and Leonardo da Vinci (). Michelangelo is best known for
his statues of David and Moses. Today in Rome you can see his
magnificent painting depicting the world's creation on the ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel, and the great dome of St. Peter's, which he
designed. Leonardo da Vinci was an engineer, writer, builder, and
scientist, as well as a painter. His most famous paintings are the
Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. The leading composer of this time
was Palestrina (c.), an Italian who has been described as
“the savior of church music.”
A Renaissance novel of humor and adventure is Don Quixote by the
Spaniard, Miguel de Cervantes (). Desiderius Erasmus
(c.) wrote a great book, In Praise of Folly and the
Italian, Niccolo Machiavelli () wrote The Prince. These
books of Erasmus and Machiavelli discuss some of man's political
problems and weaknesses. Another great writer was Michel Montaigne
() who lived in France. And fifty-eight years after
Columbus died, the great playwright William Shakespeare ()
Religious disturbances also occurred during the Renaissance. The
German, Martin Luther (), and the Frenchman, John Calvin
(), both led Protestant3 revolts against the Church. In
Spain, Saint Ignatius () led the Catholic reform. He was
the founder of the Society of Jesus. This religious order, called
the Jesuits, followed in the path of Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and
Magellan to convert4 the peoples of distant lands to
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