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【日本敲击金属】Cocobat-Struggle for Aphrodite
Members:Take-Shit& Bass& See also: ex-Animetal& &Ryo& Drums& &Seiki& Guitars& &Hideki& Vocals&
Struggle for Aphrodite 1993&1. Take Care of your Ass& 00:26&&& 2. Struggle& 05:16&&& 3. I Feel Nothing& 03:18&&& 4. Leeway& 05:07&&& 5. Skimen& 05:11&&& 6. Bob& 04:22&&& 7. Where?& 03:20&&& 8. Lie& 02:50&&& 9. I am me, not Myself& 06:19&&& 10. In the Time& 02:42&&& 11. Trust me& 04:46&&& 12. Thing& 02:52&&& 13. (Hidden Track - Song 29)& 00:52&&& 14. (Hidden Track - Song 44)& 00:40&&& && 48:01 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&日本敲击金属Cocobat&119G网盘下载地址:
【日本敲击金属】ELDRITCH-Blood Breed Calls My Name
Members:Daiju Takado& Bass& &Tomoaki Ogawa& Drums& &Fumiyasu Takaya& Guitars& &Yuichi Sato& Vocals&
Blood Breed Calls My Name& 1993 1. Shadow Fire& 05:15&&& 2. Infection& 05:54&&& 3. Blood Breed Calls My Name& 09:10&&& 4. Massacre Song& 05:22&&& 5. Pig Blood Blues& 04:53&&& 6. Will You Smile for Me& 04:53&&& 7. Valis& 09:25&&& 8. Lifemaker& 06:08&&& 9. Lost and One& 01:11&&& 10. Moon Hawk Project& 07:08&&& 11. Dog Eat Dog& 04:42&&& & 01:04:01 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&日本敲击金属Eldritch&119G网盘下载地址:
Eldritch(jpn) - Shadow Fire
【日本敲击金属力量金属】Volcano-Davi(2001) - Mythology(2011) 两张
Members:Yasushi "She-Ja" Kuroiwa& Guitars (1993-present)& See also: Vathokija, ex-Death Devil, ex-Gargoyle, ex-Animetal& &Akira& Bass (, 2010-present)& See also: Youthquake& &Nov& Vocals, Lyrics (, 2010-present)& See also: Aion, 地獄カルテット, ex-Z-Sect, ex-Animetal, ex-Paranoia& &Shun& Drums (2010-present)& See also: ex-Youthquake
May 23rd, 2001
1. Absurd& 05:292. History Cries& 04:01 3. Live Through This World& 03:54&& 4. The Wild Obscene Nights& 04:30 5. Child Eyes& 04:58&&& 6. Progress& 04:40&&& 7. No Way Man& 03:54&&& 8. Crazy Red Machine& 03:57&&&& 9. In The Black& 07:02&&& 10. Barbwire& 04:25&&& 46:50
February 23rd, 2011 1. Mythology& 01:50&&& 2. Phantom Society& 04:33 3. Dead Men Tell No Tales& 04:02&& 4. Hell In The Paradise& 04:18& 5. Claim& 05:16& 6. Shine In The Dark& 05:38& 7. Warrior's Play& 05:40& 8. Strange The Strong& 03:21&& 9. Gunpowder& 04:22& 10. Goddess& 04:16& 11. The Head& 05:18&& & 48:34&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&日本敲击力量金属 Volcano&119G网盘下载地址:
VOIDD-Desperate Tuth 到货~~
Japanese Metal Bands Part.1 Thrash metal
= =第一次做视频求轻喷。敲击合集。
【日本激流金属】SUNS OWL-Screaming the Five Senses 下载
Members:Bitch& Bass& &Go& Drums& See also: Zigoku Quartet& &Sab& Guitars& &Hayase& Keyboards, Samples& &MZM& Vocals& &
Screaming the Five Senses 19981. Death Mosh Highway& 03:28&&& 2. Look Up to the Sky& 04:00&&& 3. 731& 03:49&&& 4. The Slaves& 04:02&&& 5. Origin & Grave& 02:54&&& 6. Kill Yourself& 02:21&&& 7. Drawing the Line Between the Dots& 02:49&&& 8. Answer& 04:50&&& 9. Screeming Wolfman& 03:28&&&&&31:41&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
【日本激流金属/力量金属】Manipulated Slaves 5张 下载
目前阵容:Nob Terashima - VocalsYutaka Kageyama - GuitarTomohiro Hagi - GuitarAkira Togano - BassTakayoshi Saita - Drums
前成员:Vocals: Hisayoshi Hiraga, Shuji NishiyamaGuitars: Kazushi NomuraBass: Shiro MatsunoDrums: Mitsuhiro Enomoto
1999 - Burst Into Blue Flame (192 kbps)01. Master Of Illusions02. Obey The Moon03. Halfway To Heaven04. Come Down From The Skies05. Damnation's Edge06. Greed07. Burst Into Blue Flame08. Silently Falling Asleep09. The Lunatic Moon On The Dark Sea
2001 - The Legendary Black Jade (256 kbps)01. Thrust Sword Into The Earth02. The Way Of The Emperor03. Woman In The Ironmask04. The Broken Chain05. Eyes Filled With Tears06. Man From The Horizon07. Capital Punishment08. Asault On The Enemy09. Bearing The Final Pain
2004 - Over the Black Ocean (224 kbps)01. The Outsiders02. The Man With Two Gash03. Run From The Memories04. Devil In A Black Armor05. Spread Wings06. Over The Black Ocean07. Down by Law08. No Way Out09. Desperado10. Behind Enemy Line11. A Prayer In The Dark
2006 - Oath in Black Tears (320 kbps)01. Tales of Tears02. The Desperate Hours03. Lost Memory04. The Wind Blows05. Escape06. Man of War07. The Reason To Die08. My Grave Post09. All Over Foe10. To the Wilderness11. Promised Earth
2009 - Back From The Damnation (192 kbps)
01. Whisper At the Moonless Night02. The Meaning of Suicide03. Call of the Wolf04. Never Die Aione05. Tears Hide the Truth06. The Fire Within07. Believe08. The Prince Diaries09. With the Vampire10. Back from the Damnation ~ Follow&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【日本速度/力量/重金属】Animetal, Animetal Lady 11张 下载
Members:Katsuji Kirita& Drums& Syu& Guitars& Eizo Sakamoto& Vocals&
1997 - Animetal Marathon (128 kbps)01 - Animetal Theme (1:04)02 - Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman (0:45)03 - Umi No Toriton (1:11)04 - Uchuu Kishi Tekkaman (0:57)05 - Shinzou Ningen Casshan (0:45)06 - Hurricane Polymar (0:52)07 - Godam (0:51)08 - Babel II (0:44)09 - Combattler V (0:50)10 - Voltes V (1:33)11 - Daimos (1:10)12 - Yhuusha Raideen (0:53)13 - Gaiking (0:58)14 - Danguard Ace (0:56)15 - Machine Hayabusa (1:15)16 - Grand Prix No Takada (0:58)17 - Tiger Mask (0:31)18 - Guy Slugger (0:49)19 - Cyborg 009 (1:03)20 - Galaxy Express 999 (1:47)21 - Captain Harlock (0:59)22 - yamato (0:59)23 - Kidou Senshi Gundam (1:22)24 - Kyojin Ideon (1:05)25 - Macross (1:36)26 - Daitarn-3 (1:17)27 - Zambot-3 (1:42)28 - Xabungle (1:22)29 - Dunbine (1:39)30 - Dougram (1:49)31 - Votoms (1:27)32 - Mazinger Z (0:53)33 - Great Mazinger (1:04)34 - Grendizer (0:55)35 - Getta Robo (0:56)36 - Kotetsu Jeeg (1:29)37 - Devilman (1:09)38 - Animetal Theme Reprise (0:53)
1998 - Animetal Marathon II (160 kbps)01 - Animetal Theme II (1:52)02 - Lets Go Rider kick (0:45)03 - Tatakae! kamen Rider V3 (0:47)04 - Setup! kamen Rider X (0:46)05 - Go!Go! kikaider (0:41)06 - Kikaider-01 (1:01)07 - Tatakae! Robot Keiji k (0:45)08 - Tatakae! Iinazuman (1:10)09 - Inazuman Flash (0:57)10 - Tatakae! Henshin Ninja Arashi (0:42)11 - Kazeyo! Hikariyo! Lion Maru (0:53)12 - Tiger Seven (0:48)13 - Tatakae! Denjin Zaboga (0:55)14 - Rainbowman (0:40)15 - Diamondeye (0:49)16 - Condorman (1:18)17 - Go!Go! Spectreman (0:55)18 - Silver Kamen (1:23)19 - Iron king (0:52)20 - Strada-5 (0:52)21 - Wild Seven (1:01)22 - Bokurano Barom-1 (1:02)23 - Shourida! Akumaizer-3 (1:07)24 - Choujin! Bibyun (1:17)25 - kagestar (0:52)26 - Tatakae! Ninja Captor (1:05)27 - Jigoku No Zubat (1:18)28 - Uchuu Tetsujin Kyodain (0:58)29 - On! Daitetsujin-17 (1:39)30 - Uchuu Keiji Gavan (1:19)31 - Uchuu Keiji Sharivan (1:38)32 - Uchuu keiji Shaider (1:07)33 - kagaku Sentai Dynaman (1:19)34 - Jakq Dengeki-Tai (1:18)35 - Susume! Goranger (1:10)36 - Himitsu Sentai Goranger (1:04)37 - Amazon Rider Koko Ni Ari (1:02)38 - Kamen Rider Stronger No Uta (1:02)39 - Kamen Rider No Uta (1:28)40 - Animetal Ending Theme (0:46)
1998 - Best of Animetal (192 kbps)Animetal - 01 - Animetal (6:10)Animetal - 02 - This is Animetal (6:37)Animetal - 03 - Tokusatsu de ikou! (6:43)Animetal - 04 - Animetal Lady Sanjou (7:12)Animetal - 05 - Animetal Summer (10:18)Animetal - 06 - Animetal Lady Kenzan (9:49)Animetal - 07 - Sentimetal (8:01)Animetal - 08 - Towa No Mirai (5:09)Animetal - 09 - Yuuki No Akashi (3:15)Animetal - 10 - Tensai Kishiwada Hakase No Uta (4:57)
1998 - Animetal Matarhon III (160 kbps)Animetal Marathon III (42:22)
1999 - Complete First Live (128kbps)
CD 1CD 1Animetal - 01 - Animetal Theme (1:09)Animetal - 02 - Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman (3:05)Animetal - 03 - Umi No Toriton (3:48)Animetal - 04 - MC1 (1:45)Animetal - 05 - Combattler V (2:58)Animetal - 06 - Yuusha Raideen (4:28)Animetal - 07 - MC2 (2:30)Animetal - 08 - Uchuu Kishi Tekkaman (3:50)Animetal - 09 - Drum Solo (2:12)Animetal - 10 - Bass Solo (3:09)Animetal - 11 - Guitar Solo (5:57)Animetal - 12 - Grand Prix no Takada (3:10)Animetal - 13 - Shinzou Ningen Casshan (3:04)Animetal - 14 - MC3 (5:27)Animetal - 15 - Shippu Zabunguru (4:11)CD 2CD 2Animetal - 01 - Getta Robo (3:34)Animetal - 02 - Cutie Honey by Animetal Lady (2:57)Animetal - 03 - Mahou Tsukai Sally by Animetal (3:51)Animetal - 04 - Mazinga Z (6:23)Animetal - 05 - Devilman (6:06)Animetal - 06 - Ankooru (3:42)Animetal - 07 - Galaxy Express 999 (4:17)Animetal - 08 - MC4 (1:18)Animetal - 09 - Kidou Senshi Gundam (4:01)Animetal - 10 - Ankooru (1:57)Animetal - 11 - MC5 (3:03)Animetal - 12 - This is ANIMETAL Type 2 (8:36)
2000 - Complete Last Live (128 kbps)
CD 1CD 1Animetal - 01 - Animetal Theme II (2:00)Animetal - 02 - Gettaa Robo (3:09)Animetal - 03 - Uchuu Kishi Tekkaman (3:47)Animetal - 04 - MC1 (2:08)Animetal - 05 - Combattler V (2:52)Animetal - 06 - Shinzou Ningen Casshan (2:48)Animetal - 07 - MC2 (3:52)Animetal - 08 - Animetal Summer Type 2 (7:51)Animetal - 09 - Guitar Solo (4:02)Animetal - 10 - MC3 (3:09)Animetal - 11 - Uchuu Keiji Medley (5:39)Animetal - 12 - MC4 (7:29)Animetal - 13 - Animetal Marathon II Medley (13:02)Animetal - 14 - MC5 (1:22)Animetal - 15 - Hana (Shinomori Aoshi No Teema) Capella (1:45)Animetal - 16 - MC6 (0:46)Animetal - 17 - Tensai Kishiwada Hakase No Uta (4:44)Animetal - 18 - MC7 (1:26)Animetal - 19 - Eizo Sakamoto Acoustic Corner 1 (3:44)CD 2CD 2Animetal - 01- Eizo Sakamoto Acoustic Corner 2 (5:10)Animetal - 02 - MC8 (0:57)Animetal - 03 - Galaxy Express 999 (4:01)Animetal - 04 - MC9 (2:11)Animetal - 05 - Sentimetal Type 2 (6:50)Animetal - 06 - Tokusatsu de Ikou (5:43)Animetal - 07 - MC10 (2:49)Animetal - 08 - Mazinga Z (7:31)Animetal - 09 - Kotetsu Jeeg (5:14)Animetal - 10 - Himitsu Sentai Go-Ranger (6:47)Animetal - 11 - MC11 (Ankooru 1) (3:55)Animetal - 12 - Yuuki No Akashi (3:10)Animetal - 13 - MC12 (0:22)Animetal - 14 - This Is Animetal (7:01)Animetal - 15 - Devilman No Uta (4:25)Animetal - 16 - MC13 (Ankooru 2) (6:16)Animetal - 17 - Gatchaman No Uta (4:04)Animetal - 18 - Shuuengo Gaya (1:01)Animetal - 19 - Animetal Ending Theme (0:45)
2001-Animetal Marathon IV (128 kbps)Animetal Marathon IV (47:56)
2003-Animetal Matarhom V (160 kbps)01 - satsuriku no juujika (2:06)02 - pegasus fantasy (1:31)03 - toushi gordian (1:23)04 - choujin sentai baradakku (1:24)05 - try attack! mekandaa robo (1:12)06 - starhingar no uta (1:06)07 - roller hero mutekingu (1:15)08 - midnight submarine (1:35)09 - yume no funanori (1:03)10 - kinnikuman go fight! (1:04)11 - honoo no kinnikuman (1:22)12 - tough boy (1:42)13 - yoroshiku turning (1:10)14 - moete hero (1:14)15 - touch (1:44)16 - the chanbara (1:11)17 - lupin iii no theme (1:13)18 - battle fever j (1:10)19 - ah, denshi sentai denji-man (1:03)20 - taiyou sentai sanbarukan (1:44)21 - daisentai googuru v (1:14)22 - chou denshi bio-man (1:04)23 - choujuu sentai live-man (1:17)24 - red balon (1:17)25 - mach balon (1:35)26 - otokono misao - seishun chigo ichie - (0:49)27 - ganbalon '77 (1:14)28 - ikuzo! bd7 (1:46)29 - fight! dragon (0:58)30 - kakero ban-kid (1:13)31 - ryuusei ningen zone (1:00)32 - kamen rider super 1 (1:17)33 - kamen rider black (1:26)34 - kamen rider black rx (1:31)35 - gyakuten ippatsu-man (0:59)36 - yattodeta-man no uta (1:29)37 - otusuke-man no uta (1:04)38 - zenda-man no uta (1:16)39 - yattaa-man no uta (1:26)残酷な天使のテーゼ(新世紀エヴァンゲリオン) (2:19)41 - Tomorrow Never Die (3:21)
Animetal Misc (128 kbps)Dragon Ball (1:41)March of Zenigata (3:19)shukutei Kenzan (8:23)The juppongatana (8:23)
Animetal Lady Animetal Lady Marathon (128 kbps)
Animetal Lady Marathon (42:25)
Animetal Lady Marathon II (192 kbps)01 chimerareta Romance (2:49)02 Time bokan (2:08)03 Gym Botan no uta (1:24)04 La Cenu no hoshi (1:10)05 _ no Boomerang (1:05)06 dororo no uta (1:03)07 anbu obake (1:03)08 Dororon en ma kun (1:03)09 Jungle kurobee no uta (0:48)10 yaruzo ippatsu! yakyuu dou (0:54)11 Haris no kaze (1:13)12 kerokko Demetan (2:18)13 midori no hidamari (1:13)14 wansaka Wansa kun (0:49)15 yoake no michi (0:44)16 nagagutsu o haita neko (0:37)17 wakakusa no Charlotte (2:05)18 sougen no shoujo Lola (1:15)19 Paul no bouken (0:46)20 kashi no ki Mokk (1:09)21 Pyunpyun maru no uta (1:05)22 Anpanman no March (2:17)23 chimerareta Romance (Reprise) (1:07)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘下载:
【日本激流金属】Cerberus-Fear No Decay 下载
Members:Shinya Tange& Drums& See also: Outrage&&Akira Takada& Guitars& &Daijirock& Vocals, Bass& See also: Hellgenom
&Fear No Decay 200701.Unwanted 03:0202.No Effect 05:0403.In Time 04:3204.Fear No Decay 04:0905.Dawn Of A New Dynasty 03:2506.My Life Is Running Out 04:3607.Heroes 06:1308.Unleash My Soul 04:1709.Inside My Hell 06:3210.Forces 04:31&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【激流金属】King&#39;s Evil-Deletion of Humanoise 下载
Wataru Yamada - Guitar and Vocals (Ritual Carnage)Masamichi Yamada - Guitar (Ritual Carnage)Takachika Nakajima - BassYuichi Ishiguro - Drums Former/past member(s) Eiji Murakami - DrumsHiroyuki Ishizawa - Bass (Ritual Carnage) Additional notes
King&s Evil - Deletion of Humanoise& 2001
1. Victim and Hate2. Detonation3. Web of lies4. Fanatical devolution5. False pride6. Punish with Death7. Core dead8. Scream&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【激流金属】Grim Force-Circulation to Conclusion下载
Katsuyuki Nakabayashi - Vocals, Guitar (Ritual Carnage)Akira Tateyama - Bass (Inhale)Takeshi Majima - DrumsWarzy (Hiroshi Yamashita) - Guitar (Hate Beyond, Narcotic Greed, Mononofu) Former/past member(s) Vocals:Daisuke HigakiGuitars:Kasuyan (Cyber Angel, Gigaton, Sch pfer)Eddie Van Koide (Guest on the first album) (Ritual Carnage, X Japan, The Wretched (Jpn))Teramoto Bass:Sonoe Takahata Hiroshi Nishihara (Pukelization)Drums:Naoya Hamaii (Ritual Carnage, Bereaved (Jpn), Detritum, Seed (Kor))Masaki Kamomiya (Rigor Mortis (Jpn), Smash the Brain)专辑:
Circulation to Conclusion&& September 2000
1. Lunatic&&2. God Cries! World Dies!&&3. World of Chaos&&4. The Sin of the Blackest Dye 5. Dig Your Own Grave&&6. The Dead to Be Judged 7. Struggle&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【激流金属】Fastkill 2张 下载
Fastkill Genre(s) Thrash metal Lyrical theme(s) Destruction, Hate, Disasters Origin Formed in Current label&& Status Japan (Tokyo)&& 1996 World Chaos Productions Active Current line-up Komori Toshio - VocalsMochizuki Jiro - GuitarIto Akihiro - GuitarAndo Suguru - BassMochida Kazuhiro - Drums专辑:
Fastkill - Infernal Thrashing Holocaust-20041.Torture Inseption 02:382.Kill For Pleasure 03:043.Sense Of Ignorance 02:594.Drenched In Blood 02:225.Lust And Desire 02:146.Agony 04:017.Evil Force 02:558.Feel The Hatred 03:419.Eternal Pain 03:58
Fastkill - Nuclear Thrashing Attack-20071.Nuclear Devastation 01:302.Bloodbath 02:473.Die in pain 02:134.Kill and possess 03:585.Annihilation Betrayer 02:596.Hate, distruction, kill 04:257.Human flesh 02:458.Sickness 02:309.Haunted victim 03:2110.SDTD 03:30&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【黑/激流金属】Sabbat 35张下载
专辑:1991 - Envenom01 - Bewitch.mp302 - Satan Bless You.mp303 - Evil Nations.mp304 - Devil Worship.mp305 - Reek of Cremation.mp306 - Deathtemptation.mp307 - King of Hell.mp308 - The Sixth Candle - Eviler.mp309 - Carcassvoice.mp310 - Dead March.mp311 - Black Fire (bonus track).mp312 - Reminiscent Bells.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1992 - Evoke01 - Danse Du Sabbat (Intro) - Enve.mp302 - Godz Of Satan.mp303 - Sabasius.mp304 - Total Necro....mp305 - Torment In The Pentagram.mp306 - Beyond The River.mp307 - The Whisper Of Demon.mp308 - Hellhouse.mp309 - The Curse Of Phraoh.mp310 - Metalucifer And Evilucifer.mp311 - Mion's Hill (Bonus_Song).mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1993 - Disembody01 - The Seven Crosses Of Damnation.mp302 - Bird Of Ill Omen.mp303 - Metamorphosis.mp304 - Diabolicaldom.mp305 - Unknown Massacra.mp306 - Evoke the evil.mp307 - Flower's Red.mp308 - Reversed bible.mp309 - Lungarian Death No.5.mp310 - Ghost in the mirror.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1994 - Black Up Your Soul01 - Welcome To Sabbat.mp302 - Black Fire.mp303 - Poisonchild.mp304 - Rage Of Mountains.mp305 - Possessed The Room.mp306 - Darkness And Evil.mp307 - All Over The Desolate Land.mp308 - Satan's Serenade.mp309 - Mion's Hill.mp310 - Black Fire.mp311 - Hellfire.mp312 - Bird Of Ill Omen.mp313 - Danse Du Sabbat.mp314 - Envenom Into The Witch's Hole.mp315 - Carcassvoice.mp316 - Bewitch.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1994 - Fetishism01 - Disembody to the Abyss.mp302 - In Satan We Trust.mp303 - Satan is Beautiful.mp304 - Sausine.mp305 - Elixier De Vie.mp306 - Lost in the Grave.mp307 - Burn the Church.mp308 - Ghost Train.mp309 - The Exorcism (Kanashibari Part 5).mp310 - Evanescent Quietude.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1994 - Sabbatical Devilucifer01 - All Over the Desolate Land.mp302 - Blacking Metal.mp303 - Witch's Mill.mp304 - Rage of Mountains.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1995 - For Satan And Sacrifice01 - Witch's Mill - Curdle the Blood.mp302 - Satanic Rites - Crest of Satan.mp303 - The Egg of Dapple.mp304 - Acid Angel.mp305 - Immortality of the Soul.mp306 - Gideon.mp307 - Kiss of Death.mp308 - Mion's Hill.mp309 - Sodoomed - Disembody to the Abyss.mp310 - Unknown Massacra.mp311 - Whisper of Demon.mp312 - Satan Bless You.mp313 - Reminiscent Bells.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1995 - Live at Blokula (Live)01 - The Seven Crosses of Damnation.mp302 - Satan Bless You.mp303 - Possessed the Room - Dead March.mp304 - Bird of Ill Omen.mp305 - Reversed Bible.mp306 - Evoke the Evil.mp307 - Evil Nations.mp308 - Total Necro.mp309 - Envenom Into the Witch's Hole.mp310 - Disembody to the Abyss.mp311 - Satan is Beautiful.mp312 - Hellfire.mp313 - Ghost in the Mirror.mp314 - Black Fire.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1996 - Bloody Countess01 - Welcome To SabbatSplatter.mp302 - Bring The Head Of Satan.mp303 - Bloody Countess.mp304 - Panic In The Head.mp305 - Poisonchild.mp306 - The Egg Of Motley (Madara No Tomago).mp307 - Children Of Hell.mp308 - Bloody Countess.mp309 - Immortality Of The Soul.mp310 - Long Way To The Beyond (Live).mp311 - C.D.E (Rehearsal).mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1996 - The Dwelling01 - The Melody Of Death Mask.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1999 - Karisma01 - Bowray Zamurai - Samurai Zombies.mp302 - Orochie.mp303 - Harmageddon.mp304 - Makutsu - Den Of Hades.mp305 - Okiku Ningyo - Okiku Doll Of The Devil.mp306 - Yoochuu - Japanese Revelation.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2000 - Satanasword01 - Charisma.mp302 - Angel Of Destruction.mp303 - Kiss Of Lilleth.mp304 - Death Zone.mp305 - The Gate.mp306 - Dracula.mp307 - Nekromantik.mp308 - Jealousy Carnage.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2003 - Karmagmassacre01 - The Answer Is Hell.mp302 - I'm Your Satan.mp303 - Demonic Serenade.mp304 - Brothers Of Demons.mp305 - Registry Of Dark Side.mp306 - In League With Devils.mp307 - Black Magical Circle Of Witche.mp308 - The Letter From Death.mp309 - Possession Of The Reaper.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2004 - ...and the Sabbatical Queen (Compilation)01 - Splatter.mp302 - Gok Kan Ma.mp303 - Satanician.mp304 - Snow Woman.mp305 - Flame on the Circle.mp306 - Kamikaze Bomber.mp307 - Sabbatical Demonslaught.mp308 - Evoke the Evil.mp309 - Mion's Hill (Special Epic Vers.mp310 - Black Fire (Japaneseenglish Ve.mp311 - Screaming Murder (Raging Fury.mp312 - Satan Bless You (Live).mp313 - Hell Fire (Live).mp314 - Black Fire (Live).mp315 - Bursting Out (Live Venom Cover.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2004 - Sabbatical Holocaust (Compilation)01 - Black Fire.mp302 - Mion's Hill.mp303 - Satanic Rities - Curdle the Blood.mp304 - Poison Child.mp305 - Welcome to Sabbat.mp306 - Children of Hell.mp307 - Darkness and Evil.mp308 - Hellfire.mp309 - Immortality of the Soul.mp310 - Possessed by Room (Kanashibari).mp311 - Sacriface of Angel.mp312 - Crying in Last.mp313 - Bloody Countess.mp314 - Intro - Welcome to Sabbat.mp315 - Splatter.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2004 - Sabbatical Satanichrist Slaughter - Bay Area Harmageddon (Compilation)01 - Bring Me the Head of Satan.mp302 - Children of Hell.mp303 - Satan Bless You.mp304 - Deathzone.mp305 - Night of the Living Dead.mp306 - Darkness and Evil.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&2005 - Sabbatical Rehearsalucifer (Compilation)01 - Welcome to Sabbat.mp302 - Panic in the Head.mp303 - Bring me the Head of Satan.mp304 - Wolfman.mp305 - Children of Hell.mp306 - Black Fire.mp307 - Welcome to Sabbat & Panic in the Head & Bring me the head of Satan.mp3&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&EP:
1987 - Born By Evil Blood (EP)1987 - Born By Evil Blood (EP&#41;01 - Satanic Rites.mp302 - Curdle the Blood.mp303 - Poison Child.mp31989 - Desecration (EP)1989 - Desecration (EP&#41;01 - Welcome to Sabbat.mp302 - Crest of Satan.mp303 - Children of Hell.mp304 - Darkness and Evil.mp31989 - The Devil's Sperm Is Cold (EP)1989 - The Devil's Sperm Is Cold (EP&#41;01 - Hellfire.mp302 - Immortality of the Soul.mp31990 - The Seven Deadly Sins (EP)1990 - The Seven Deadly Sins (EP&#41;01 - Sacrifice Of An Angel.mp302 - Crying In Lust.mp31997 - Headbangers Against Disco vol. 1 (Split)1997 - Headbangers Against Disco vol. 1 (Split&#41;01 - Sabbat - Baby, Disco is Fuck.mp302 - Gehennah - Discodeath.mp303 - Inferno - Metal Attack.mp304 - Bestial Warlust - Beerz and Blood.mp31997 - Scandinavian Harmageddon (EP)1997 - Scandinavian Harmageddon (EP&#41;01 - A1 - Bleeding from Ear.mp302 - A2 - Reek of Cremation.mp303 - B1 - Jumu.mp31998 - East European Harmageddon (EP)1998 - East European Harmageddon (EP&#41;01 - Sabbat.mp302 - Snow Woman.mp31999 - Sabbatical Demonslaught (EP)1999 - Sabbatical Demonslaught (EP&#41;01 - angelofdestruction.mp302 - satanblessyou.mp303 - kamikazebomber.mp304 - darknessandevil.mp31999 - Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon (EP)1999 - Sabbatical Magicurse - Baltic Harmageddon (EP&#41;01 - Incubus Succubus.mp302 - Possessed Hammer.mp303 - Whisper of Demon '99.mp31999 - South American Harmageddon (EP)1999 - South American Harmageddon (EP&#41;01 - A1. Terror Beast (JURASSIC JADE cover).mp302 - A2. Hello Darkness (JURASSIC JADE cover).mp303 - B1. Destroy - Witch Hunt & B2. Friday Nightmare (SACRIFICE cover).mp32001 - Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magicrest (EP)2001 - Dietsland Harmageddon - Sabbatical Magicrest (EP&#41;01 - Poinson Child.mp302 - Black Fire.mp32001 - Rain Of Terror-A Fool In love (Split EP)2001 - Rain Of Terror-A Fool In love (Split EP&#41;01 - SABBAT - Rain Of Terror.mp302 - GORGON - A Fool In Love.mp32001 - Sabbat & Unholy Grave (Split)2001 - Sabbat & Unholy Grave (Split&#41;01 - Sabbat - Hellfire.mp302 - Unholy Grave - Nobodys Perfect.mp303 - Unholy Grave - I Hope It Will Work.mp304 - Unholy Grave - Strategic Warheads.mp305 - Unholy Grave - Power Hungry.mp306 - Unholy Grave - Cause And Effect.mp32001 - Sabbat & Unpure - Sabbatical Splitombstone (Split)2001 - Sabbat & Unpure - Sabbatical Splitombstone (Split&#41;01 - Sabbat - Transmigration of the Soul [7'' ep].mp302 - Unpure - Warfare [7'' ep].mp303 - Unpure - War of Vengeance [7''ep].mp32001 - Sabbat & Terror Squad (Split)2001 - Sabbat & Terror Squad (Split&#41;01. Terror Squad - Straight to Hell (Japanese Version).mp302. Terror Squad - Order of Lone Wolf (Live).mp303. Sabbat - Le Feu Noir (Black Fire, French Version).mp304. Sabbat - Darkness and Evil (Live).mp32001 - The Bulldozer Armageddon (Vol.1)2001 - The Bulldozer Armageddon (Vol.1&#41;01 - Sabbat - Whiskey Time.mp302 - Imperial - Desert.mp32003 - Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige (EP)2003 - Svart Eld - Demonslaught Sverige (EP&#41;01 - Svart Eld.mp302 - Sacrifice (Bathory Cover).mp32004 - Temis Osmonslaught (EP)2004 - Temis Osmonslaught (EP&#41;01 - Cold Evil.mp302 - Sato.mp32005 - Sabbat & Desaster - Sabbatical Desasterminator (Split)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:
【激流/金属核】United - Tear Of Illusions 下载
成员:Yoshifumi "Hally" Yoshida - Guitar (X , Dementia (Jpn))没错这货在X呆过。。。。Singo Otani - Guitar (Rommel, Emperor (Jpn)) Akihiro Yokoyama - Bass Akira - Drums (Vacuum (Jpn)) Former/past member(s) Vocals:Yoshiaki Furui (Wyvern (Jpn))Shinichi InazuMasatoshi YuasaNaoNobu (Defame)
Drums:Hirokazu UchinoTetsuo TakizawaYusuke NakamuraJouichi "Joe" Hirokawa (Doom (Jpn), Warpigs)
April 20th, 2011
1. Tear of Illusions2. My Inner Revenge3. Fight Fear Kill4. Hollow5. The Awakening6. Voice of Sanity7. Requiem8. From the Evil That Is You9. In the Name&10. Pit of Fire11. Devil with Halo12. Fate&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&115网盘:


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