
  Other historical NBA figures have changed numbers before. Charles Barkley had three different numbers over the course of his Hall of Fame career, Shaquille O’Neal had three, but those players changed digits as they jumped from team to team. Rare is the future Hall of Fame that changed numbers while working on one team, and Kobe Bryant appears (typically, for him) unique in this situation.
  以 前NBA的一些其他名宿也曾改过球衣号码。查尔斯&巴克利在他的名人堂职业生涯中共换过3个球衣号码,沙奎尔&奥尼尔也换过3个,但他们都是从一个球队换 到另一个球队时更换的球衣号码。很少有未来的名人堂球员在效力于同一支球队期间更换号码,在这种情况下,科比&布莱恩特(典型代表)就显得非常特别。
  With his career coming to an admitted close, Bryant and his Los Angeles Lakers are facing down a blessed dilemma of sorts. Should the Lakers retire the No. 8 he wore from 1996 to 2006, or the No. 24 he won two titles with in the decade since?
  &I don’t know the answer. Obviously it’s going to be 8, 24 or it could be both,& said Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak at a season-ticket holder event Sunday at Staples Center.
  Well, duh
  Shaq’s Los Angeles No. 34 is the only one of his four numbers to be retired by a team, as the Lakers celebrated him in 2013. Whether or not you think Kobe is the Greatest Laker Ever will be up for unending barroom debate, but I think just about everyone can agree on the idea that if anyone deserved two Laker jerseys heading into the rafters, it would be the Kobester. The Lakers could still possibly find a way to find room on a hanging jersey for two numbers, but the Staples Center has plenty of room up there despite the Lakers’ celebrated history C why not go nuts?
  奥 尼尔在洛杉矶湖人队的34号球衣是他4个号码中唯一的被球队退役的一个,湖人队于2013年为他举行了球衣退役仪式。尽管关于科比是否是湖人队史上最伟大 球星的问题在坊间没有定论,但我认为所有人最起码应该能够达成这样一个共识,就是如果有人配得上在斯台普斯中心挂两件湖人球衣,那个人就是科比。湖人仍有 可能想办法找到空间来挂放两个不同号码的球衣,虽然湖人历史上可谓是星光灿烂,但斯台普斯上空仍有大量的空间――为什么不疯狂一把呢?
  What’s more certain is something that Kupchak has known since the day he signed Bryant, coming off of an Achilles tear, to a whopper of a two-year contract extension in 2013.
  From the Los Angeles Times:&We cannot move on as a team until Kobe leaves,& Kupchak said. &Part of that to me is painful because I’ve been here 20 years with Kobe.
  &This is a year that’s dedicated to Kobe and his farewell. From my point of view, it gives me complete clarity. ... We know what our [salary] cap situation is going to be like.&
  Though Bryant has missed six of his team’s 35 games, his presence can’t help but hinder the development of guard D’Angelo Russell and forward Julius Randle. Though it must be fun to play with a legend, Kobe still has a top ten usage rate on his way toward 34 percent shooting on the year.
  Bryant has improved of late, but that isn’t the point. The young players need development time, and they need the ball, and the confluence of Kobe’s bad habits and Byron Scott’s bad coaching has made this year in purgatory all the more frustrating.
  Scott is likely gone this summer, and Bryant has assured all that his career will end when his $25 million contract expires this July. Kupchak will then be allowed to potentially use two-thirds of the massive salary cap to lure free agents to play in Los Angeles with a young core that could also include a top three pick in this year’s draft (if lottery odds hold up). For someone who has been hamstrung since the 2012 acquisitions of Steve Nash and Dwight Howard didn’t work out, that light at the end of the tunnel has to look like heaven approaching for the Laker GM.
  斯 科特这个夏天可能会离开,而科比已经确定在他2500万合同到期后的六月份退役。库普切克就可以利用巨大的薪资空间(工资帽的三分之二)来吸引自由球员到 洛杉矶,与一个可能是今年选秀前三名(如果运气好的话)的年轻核心一起打球。对于这样一个2012年交易得到史蒂夫&纳什和德怀特&霍华德,但并没有取得 成功,之后便无能为力的总经理来说,一线希望就意味着很多。
  Until July hits, though, he’ll just have to wait. The Lakers could possible pare down even further at the trade deadline, tossing Roy Hibbert or Lou Williams to a contender in exchange for a draft pick, but Kupchak’s hands are more or less tied. Laker ownership understandably committed to Kobe and the entertainment aspect of the business in 2013 when they signed him to that extension, and ever since the basketball side of things has had to wait.
  然而,在六月份 到来之前,他还必须等待。湖人在交易截止日之前还可以进一步缩减空间,用罗伊&希伯特和路易斯&威廉姆斯来交换一个选秀签,但库普切克或多或少有些束手束 脚。当2013年湖人与科比高薪续约时,湖人所有权已经可以理解为致力于科比和娱乐方面的业务,从那时候起,篮球方面的事情就不得不等待了。
  Until Bryant’s time is done, Mitch Kupchak will have to commit his resources to other noble pursuits. Like trying to figure out how to get two different numbers onto one jersey


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