
东莞市长亨贸易有限公司 | 卓博人才网
地址:广东东莞茶山镇茶山国际布料市场J1栋 143~145号
Kukri sports Ltd is one famous sport garment company. Head Office was in UK, and owns branch company in Hongkong. The Representative Office was setup in Dong Guan in 2009 and Dong Guan Chang Heng Trading Co.,ltd was setup in 2013, locating at Chashan International fabric Market, Chashan Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong province. The main products is sports Garments serial with our own brand “Kukri 长”. Which is a well know brand in the sports world, especial in Europe. We have sales or Agencies in USA、Canada、Australia、New Zealand、Spain、 North Ireland、Israel、UAE and Asian countries and so on. Our garments are popular in Basketball、Cricket、Football、Hockey、Lacrosse、Netball and Rugby and so on. The main customer is from Club、Association、sports league、school and other relative union. Also the competitive and distinctive business model helps us to get great supporting from clients,as our minimum order is 10 units, the clients also could choose the different fabric and colors from our website for their buying garments.We've over 6 million, yes that's million, design options online... you can choose from 36 different fabrics in 22 different coloursThe most important thing is that We love teams, we love being part of a great team and we want you to be proud of being part of our team too.Since 1999 Team Kukri has shown what real teamwork 'can do'.
and over the past 10 years we've really got carried away with ourselves and now supply team wear for over 50 different sports.东莞市长亨贸易有限公司是英国上市公司JD Sports Fashion Plc (JDS)之控股企业。公司交流主要语言为英语,欢迎有意与公司一起成长并能承受压力,适应能力强者加盟。公司主要生产、经营自主设计的产品------“Kukri长”牌子运动系列服装。 主要有篮球、板球、足球、曲棍球、长曲棍球、橄榄球等等球服。主要客户为俱乐部、商会、运动联盟、学校以及其它相关团队。公司采用与众不同的经营模式为广大顾客服务,最小订单10件起订,顾客可根据个人喜好在网上对布料以及颜色等自行选择与搭配,以设计出自己喜欢的款式。公司网站有600万款服装, 是以百万计的服装款式在线可供选择. 因为每款有36种布料, 每种布料有22个颜色你供客户选择搭配. 公司品牌------“KUKRI长” 响誉于世界各地,在英格兰、北爱尔兰、美国、加拿大、西班牙、澳大利亚、新西兰、以色列、阿联酋以及亚洲国家等均设有分公司。公司福利:1. 买养老,工伤,医疗,失业等保险;2. 每年一次加薪机会,因表现优秀晋升之加薪次数不计在内;3. 根据个人表现,年底评估发奖金;4. 定期举行Team Building活动(聚餐或者外旅行);5. 有薪年假9到12天每年;6. 每周工作5.5天(周六轮休)7. 人性化办公,几乎不加班。
广东东莞茶山镇茶山国际布料市场J1栋 143~145号在中国橄榄球哪个牌子好? 看完橄榄球品牌排行榜看点评。


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