box jumplngbox for time在健身中什么意思

August 10, 2018
Even though
earlier, I thought this outstanding post by Addy Osmani
was still worth digging into a little more.
In that post, Addy touches on all aspects of perf work and how we can fix some of the most egregious issues, from setting up a budget to “Time-to-Interactive” measurements and auditing your JavaScript bundles.
August 10, 2018
Ever get one of those, "I can do that with CSS!" moments while watching someone flex their JavaScript muscles? That’s exactly the feeling I got while watching .
They are based in Norway, where
is not a just good practice, but actually required by law (go, Norway!). As they were developing a feature that allows user-selectable color theming for their main product, they faced a challenge: automatically adjusting the font color based on the selected background color of the container. If the background is dark, then it would be ideal to have a white text to keep it . But what happens if a light background color is selected instead? The text is both illegible and fails accessibility.
They used an elegant approach and solved the issue using the , adding conditional borders and automatic secondary color generation while they were at it.
But that’s a JavaScript solution. Here’s my pure CSS alternative.
August 9, 2018
When we saw Chris put up , we couldn't resist letting him know that we also had one of those, only ours is a fully featured CMS that come with a rich query language and an open source, real time, collaborative authoring tool that you can tailor to your specific needs using React. It's called .
“Add us to your list!” we asked Chris. “No, your stuff is interesting, can’t you write about you,” he replied. “Maybe something that would be useful for people working with images.” Challenge accepted!
Systems like Sanity wants to free your content from the specific page it happens to be sitting on, so that you can flow it through APIs. That way you can reuse your painstakingly crafted content anywhere you need it.
So, what does this mean for images?
August 9, 2018
lately! As you may know, I've been using Wufoo here on this site, and pretty much every other site I've ever made, to power the web forms for over a decade. That's a dang long time, which more than proves to me Wufoo is a form solution to trust. But also a product that improves!
There is a new , , and .
August 8, 2018
I ran across a super cool design for a login form over on the website . Actually, the whole site and the products they make are incredibly well designed, there's just something about the clean and classy form that really got me. Plus, it just so happened that the
that coming week was based on forms, so I took a few minutes and .
August 8, 2018
Chrome 69 is notable for us CSS developers:
Conic gradients (i.e. background: conic-gradient(red, green, blue);): We've got lots of
here, and here's some
from Lea Verou.
Logical box model properties: margin, padding, and border all get an upgrade for more use cases. Think of how we have margin-left now & the "left" part doesn't make much sense when we switch directions. Now, we'll have margin-inline-start for that. The full list is margin-{block,inline}-{start,end}, padding-{block,inline}-{start,end} and border-{block,inline}-{start,end}-{width,style,color}. Here's Rachel Andrew with .
Scroll snap points (i.e. scroll-snap-type:): What once required JavaScript intervention is now . We've been
for years. Goes a long way in .
Environment variables (i.e. env(safe-area-inset-top);): Apple introduced
with the iPhone X and dropped some proprietary CSS for dealing with it. The community quickly stepped in and now we have env() for browsers to ship stuff like this.
I guess we can give this version number a well-deserved nice.
August 8, 2018
The process of a web browser turning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a finished visual representation is quite complex and involves a good bit of magic. Here’s a simplified set of steps the browser goes through:
Browser creates the DOM and CSSOM.
Browser creates the render tree, where the DOM and styles from the CSSOM are taken into account (display: none elements are avoided).
Browser computes the geometry of the layout and its elements based on the render tree.
Browser paints pixel by pixel to create the visual representation we see on the screen.
In this article, I'd like to focus on the last part: painting.
August 7, 2018
The web has grown bigger. Both in expansiveness and weight. :
The average internet connection in the United States is about six times as fast as it was just ten years ago, but instead of making it faster to browse the same types of websites, we’re simply occupying that extra bandwidth with more stuff.
Nick clearly explains what he means by bullshit, and one can see a connection to . Nick talks about how each incremental interaction is a choice and connects the cruft of the web to the rise and adoption of frameworks like AMP.
Ethan Marcotte paints things in a different light by looking at business incentive:
...ultimately, the web’s performance problem is a problem of profitability. If we’re going to talk about bloated pages, we should do so in context: in the context of a web where digital advertising revenue is cratering for publishers, but is positively flourishing for Facebook and Google. We should look at the underlying structural issues that incentivize a company to include heavy advertising scripts and pesky overlays, or examine the market challenges that force a publisher to adopt something like AMP.
In other words, the way we talk about slow websites needs to be much, much broader. If we can do that, then we’ll have a sharper understanding of where—and how—the web can be faster.
It's a systemic state of the industry problem that breeds slow websites. The cultural fight to fix it is perhaps just as important as the technical fights. Not that there isn't a lot to learn and deal with on a technical level.
Addy Osamai wrote up a deep dive (a 20-minute read, according to Medium) that
to overall web performance. Everyone seems to agree JavaScript is the biggest problem area for slow websites. It's not preachy but rather a set of well-explained principles to follow in this era where the use of JavaScript is trending up:
To stay fast, only load JavaScript needed for the current page.
Embrace performance budgets and learn to live within them.
Learn how to audit and trim your JavaScript bundles.
Every interaction is the start of a new ‘Time-to-Interactive’; consider optimizations in this context.
If client-side JavaScript isn’t benefiting the user experience, ask yourself if it’s really necessary.
August 7, 2018
Just like the title says! Here's a sidebar navigation bar that...
Uses sticky positioning. It stays on the screen when it can, but won't overlap the header, footer, or ever make any of it's links inaccessible.
Scrolls smoothly to the sections you click to.
Activates the current nav based on scroll position (it's a single page thing).
August 6, 2018
Styling and accessibility are often at odds with each other. Scott O'Hara has this repo that shows how the two can work really well together in the context of form controls.
The trade-offs between native and styled controls reminds me of :
A common misconception is that the focus style can only use the outline property. It’s worth noting that :focus is a selector like any other, meaning that it accepts the full range of CSS properties. I like to play with background color, underlining, and other techniques that don’t adjust the component’s current size, so as to not shift page layout when the selector is activated.
The nice thing about Scott's repo is that it serves as a baseline that can be pulled into a project and customized from there. Sort of like
but with a clear&ahem&focus on accessibility. Styles are considered, but less the point.
While we're on the topic, let's not let
go unnoticed. It also shipped recently and&aside from being a clever idea&is a truly useful thing to reference the accessibility expectations of specific components. Definitely worth a bookmark. 🔖
August 6, 2018
I love shopping online. I can find what I need and get most things for a decent price. I am Nigerian currently working and studying in India, and two things I dread when shopping online are:
Filling out a credit card form
Filling out shipping and billing address forms
Maybe I’m just lazy, but these things are not without challenges!
For the first one, thanks to payment processing services like PayPal and e-wallets, I neither have to type in my 12-digit credit card number for every new e-commerce site I visit, nor have to save my credit card details with them.
For the second, the only time-saving option given by most shopping websites is to save your shipping address, but you still have to fill the form (arrghh!). This is where the challenge is. I've had most of my orders returned because my address (which I thought was the right address) could not be located or confirmed by the app for one reason or another.
August 3, 2018
If you are new to React, and perhaps have only played with building to-do and counter apps, you may not yet have run across a need to pull in data for your app. There will likely come a time when you’ll need to do this, as React apps are most
for situations where you’re handling both data and state.
The first set of data you may need to handle might be hard-coded into your React application, like we did for this demo from our :
&&& 导演: Rick Stevenson& &&& 编剧: Icel Dobell Massey / Ninian Dunet / Rick Stevenson&
&&& 上映年度: 1995&&& 制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 美国&&& 又名: 水怪传奇
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