求黑子的篮球 game07lsat game

  LSAT考试分为三种主题型:分析推理(游戏),逻辑推理(议论),阅读理解。   分析推理(游戏) 这部分约占整个试卷的1/4,有四个游戏(game),每个游戏有六个问题,总共24个问题。   样题:  游戏(game)   Adam, Bob, Carl, David, Eric, Frank, George, and Hank are basketball players. Frank is the same height as Hank. George is taller than Frank. Eric is taller than Adam. Adam is taller than David and Carl. Bob is shorter than Carl.   Which one of the following must be false?   George is taller than Hank. Carl is taller than David. Adam is taller than Frank. David is the same height as Carl. Bob is the same height as Eric.   You may think:If George is taller than Frank who is as tall as Hank, then George must be taller than Hank. Hence (A) is true. This dismisses (A). Next, the fourth condition tells us that Adam is taller than both David and C it does not, however, tell us who is taller between Carl and David, nor do any other conditions. Hence (B) is not necessarily false. This dismisses both (B) and (D). Next, no condition relates the relative heights of Adam and Frank. Hence (C) is not necessarily false. This dismisses (C). Finally, Eric is taller than Adam who is taller than Carl who is taller than Bob. Hence, Eric must be taller than Bob. This contradicts (E). Thus (E) must be false, and therefore it is the answer.   逻辑推理(议论)&  逻辑推理(议论)部分是考察你的推理的正确性。议论部分会给出多个事实以及由此得出的结论。你需要判断事实与结论之间的逻辑关系是否正确。有点类似逻辑学里的"三段论"。   样题: In the game of basketball, scoring a three-point shot is a skill that only those with a soft-shooting touch can develop. Wilt Chamberlain, however, was a great player. So even though he did not have a soft-shooting touch, he would have excelled at scoring three-point shots.   Which one of the following contains a flaw that most closely parallels the flaw contained in the passage?   Eighty percent of the freshmen at Berkeley go on to get a bachelor's degree. David is a freshman at Berkeley, so he will probably complete his studies and receive a bachelor's degree.   If the police don't act immediately to quell the disturbance, it will escalate into a riot. However, since the police are understaffed, there will be a riot.   The meek shall inherit the earth. Susie received an inheritance from her grandfather, so she must be meek.   During the Vietnam War, the powerful had to serve along with the poor. However, Stevens' father was a federal judge, so Steven was able to get a draft deferment.   All dolphins are mammals and all mammals breathe air. Therefore, all mammals that breathe air are dolphins.   The original argument clearly contradicts itself. So we are looking for an answer-choice that contradicts itself in like manner. Notice that both the argument and the correct answer will not be true--again searching for truth can hamper you.   Choice (A) is not self-contradictory. In fact, it's a fairly sound argument. This eliminates (A). Choice (B), on the other hand, is not a sound argument. The police, though understaffed, may realize the seriousness of the situation and rearrange their priorities. Nevertheless, (B) does not contain a contradiction. This eliminates (B). As to choice (C), although the argument is questionable, it, like (B), does not contain a contradiction. This eliminates (C). Choice (D), however, does contain a contradiction. It starts by stating that both the powerful and the poor had to serve in Vietnam, but it ends by stating that some powerful people--namely, Stevens--did not have to serve. This is a contradiction, so (D) is probably the answer. Finally, choice (E), like the original argument, is invalid, but it does not contain a contradiction. This eliminates (E). The answer is (D).   阅读理解   阅读理解也占试卷的1/4,有四篇文章,每篇有6-8个问题,总共26个问题。 文章来自学术杂志,主题一般是政治,历史,文化和科学。   样题:   There are two major systems of criminal procedure in the modern world--the adversarial and the inquisitorial. Both systems were historically preceded by the system of private vengeance in which the victim of a crime fashioned his own remedy and administered it privately. The modern adversarial system is only one historical step removed from the private vengeance system and still retains some of its characteristic features. Thus, for example, even though the right to initiate legal action against a criminal has now been extended to all members of society and even though the police department has taken over the pretrial investigative functions on behalf of the prosecution, the adversarial system still leaves the defendant to conduct his own pretrial investigation. The trial is still viewed as a duel between two adversaries, refereed by a judge who, at the beginning of the trial has no knowledge of the investigative background of the case. In the final analysis the adversarial system of criminal procedure symbolizes and regularizes the punitive combat.   By contrast, the inquisitorial system begins historically where the adversarial system stopped its development. It is two historical steps removed from the system of private vengeance. Therefore, from the standpoint of legal anthropology, it is historically superior to the adversarial system. Under the inquisitorial system the public investigator has the duty to investigate not just on behalf of the prosecutor but also on behalf of the defendant.   Because of the inquisitorial system's thoroughness in conducting its pretrial investigation, it can be concluded that a defendant who is innocent would prefer to be tried under the inquisitorial system, whereas a defendant who is guilty would prefer to be tried under the adversarial system.   The primary purpose of the passage is to:   explain why the inquisitorial system is the best system of criminal justice.   explain how both the adversarial and the inquisitorial systems of criminal justice evolved from the system of private vengeance.   show how the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of criminal justice can both complement and hinder each other's development.   show how the adversarial and inquisitorial systems of criminal justice are being combined into a new and better system.   analyze two systems of criminal justice and imply that one is better.   The answer to a main idea question will summarize the passage without going beyond it. (A) violates these criteria by overstating the scope of the passage. The author draws a comparison between two systems, not between all systems. (A) would be a good answer if "best" were replaced with "better." (Beware of absolute words.) (B) violates the criteria by understating the scope of the passage. Although the evolution of both the adversarial and the inquisitorial systems is discussed in the passage, it is done to show why one is superior to the other. (C) and (D) can be quickly dismissed as neither is mentioned in the passage. Finally, the passage does two things: it presents two systems of criminal justice, and it implies that one is better developed than the other. (E) aptly summarizes this, so it is the best answer.
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
准备LSAT断断续续已经有一段时间,因为没买别的复习材料,简单刷过一遍bible之后就在成套的做真题(4 sections),现在做了不到点儿20套的样子吧,掐时间中间不休息,但每次都会超时20min~30min不等,想请教:
1. 这样的备考策略是不是有点儿问题。虽然我每做过一套题都会用同样长的时间review之前的错题和不确定的题,但没有狠狠集中drill分类练习过会不会对后期提高有阻碍呢?
2. 不知道我的情况是不是有些奇葩,我最大的问题似乎在Game上(愧为中国人!),RC稳定的错在2~5,LR从一开始每个section错7~8下降到3~5这样,虽然不是很好,但对怎么提高比较有感觉,多加练习就好了。但Game....如果超时30min,大概有20多分钟都会超在Game上。Game错的倒是不多,正常的话0~2这样,但很多题要画半天图才能选出答案(是的我是愚蠢的文科生=。。=),遇到很新的题型简直就更慌了,一边做一边不停想如果在考场上遇到的是这道题我一定死了......
新人来寄托潜水好几天了,仰慕各位的offer之余,深感气氛温暖友好(以及法律版与其他版风格的差别lol),终于可以升级发帖了,特来求教。Thanks in advance!
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初级会员, 积分 157, 距离下一级还需 193 积分
声望58 寄托币302 注册时间精华0帖子
lz你是怎么计时的啊?中间不休息的意思是你一次做35*4 么……
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
carol0131 发表于
lz你是怎么计时的啊?中间不休息的意思是你一次做35*4 么……
最后登录在线时间196 小时寄托币682 声望127 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分307UID3496824
初级会员, 积分 307, 距离下一级还需 43 积分
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最后登录在线时间1536 小时寄托币7130 声望757 注册时间阅读权限40帖子精华2积分3564UID3503603
超级会员, 积分 3564, 距离下一级还需 2436 积分
声望757 寄托币7130 注册时间精华2帖子
本帖最后由 JD@UVA 于
11:19 编辑
总评分:&寄托币 + 20&
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特级会员, 积分 1689, 距离下一级还需 1311 积分
声望509 寄托币3308 注册时间精华4帖子
1. 如果是一战的话,一定要drill, 不管是TLS上面还是其他所有我认识的考的好的人,包括我自己都认为drill的重要性再怎么强调都不为过. 拿Cambridge bundle来慢慢练,每个题型都要搞清楚。模考的意义在于阶段性测试,看自己所处的位置,不是拿来进行强化训练基础知识的,如果最开始就模考的话,第一会浪费真题,第二会形成不良好的做题习惯,第三你后面冲刺的时候会发现后劲不足导致瓶颈期会很长甚至难以突破。
2. 不出意外的话LZ现在应该做的是90年代的题,那一段时间的LG确实比现在的难很多,不要太过freak out, 但是, 要注意的是BIBLE LG上面的东西确实需要慢慢消化,并不是说你拿到一个diagram的方法,立即就能用上,而是要经过不断练习,让这种方法成为一种习惯。这也说明了drill为什么重要。
anyway,LZ请稳步练习,不要急于求成。加油!还有... 多攒人品(我现在发的每个帖子都是攒人品的... )
最后登录在线时间2693 小时寄托币2263 声望114 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华2积分1169UID3399992
高级会员, 积分 1169, 距离下一级还需 431 积分
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高级会员, 积分 1396, 距离下一级还需 204 积分
声望337 寄托币1751 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 bbkk0320 于
02:52 编辑
Games有问题不要怕 这个是最好解决的。我最开始cold diagnostic最大的问题也是games 建议你去试试7sage的fool-proof method 反正我就是靠着那个方法 后来可以保证game都在25分钟以内做完并且正确率100%的~
至于时间 我同意楼上说过的 如果你要做整套题 就要严格计时 你可以去网上找那种proctor (7sage有个app, youtube上也有) 但是一定要一个section一个section的计时 这样你才知道自己的真实水平~ 并且最好尽早适应用答题卡。一个是bubble还是挺花时间的 再一个那个你也要找到适合自己的方法 (是所有做完再涂还是一页一页的涂)。凃圈圈错了也会丢分的。本人十分汗颜,凃圈圈就特别容易涂错。。。
至于drill嘛 i'm not a big fan, 所以我准备的时候没有drill 所有的Cambridge bundle,我是先做了几套题 然后统计自己哪些题型比较薄弱 然后再重点drill那几个题型的~
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
JD@UVA 发表于
好,谢谢!我早点儿上来问就好了,现在已经走了一个多月弯路,因为成绩一直在平台所以才开始醒悟 TT
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声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
nicklad 发表于
<font color="#. 如果是一战的话,一定要drill, 不管是TLS上面还是其他所有我认识的考的好的人,包括我自己都认为drill的 ...
谢谢!发九十九个rp给你!那还想问:Cambridge bundle也是用真题弄在一起的吧?所以我直接慢慢drill手上早年的真题是不是效果一样呢?另外我前两天刚下单mahattan的三本,跟cambridge比起来那个比较好?
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
zhifeixie 发表于
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
bbkk0320 发表于
Games有问题不要怕 这个是最好解决的。我最开始cold diagnostic最大的问题也是games 建议你去试试7sage的fo ...
最后登录在线时间3000 小时寄托币3308 声望509 注册时间阅读权限35帖子精华4积分1689UID3484621
特级会员, 积分 1689, 距离下一级还需 1311 积分
声望509 寄托币3308 注册时间精华4帖子
temporar 发表于
谢谢!发九十九个rp给你!那还想问:Cambridge bundle也是用真题弄在一起的吧?所以我直接慢慢drill手上早 ...
Cambridge就是把1-38的题按照题的类型和难度进行了整理啊。还有就是Manhattan和Cambridge不是一个性质的,作为互补。M是参考书,教给你一些解题的技巧,Cambridge就是把真题拆分。拿LR举例,看完一章Manhattan的LR,就拿Cambridge对应的进行drill. 直到自己master为止,具体的操作办法看看TLS和ben叔的帖子吧!
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中级会员, 积分 418, 距离下一级还需 332 积分
声望46 寄托币780 注册时间精华0帖子
nicklad 发表于
Cambridge就是把1-38的题按照题的类型和难度进行了整理啊。还有就是Manhattan和Cambridge不是一个性质的, ...
最后登录在线时间187 小时寄托币490 声望31 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分268UID2722823
初级会员, 积分 268, 距离下一级还需 82 积分
声望31 寄托币490 注册时间精华0帖子
我也是game问题很大 平均每道题要12~13分钟才能做完。。。。。而且找不到drill的重点
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  How to Ace the Logic Games Section on the LSAT
  If you are first starting to study for the dreaded LSAT, you may be experiencing what many beginners encounter: the seemingly impossible nature of the logic games. Luckily, the logic games section is the easiest section to improve on and earn yourself those points on the test. If you are missing a lot of points on the logic game sections, either because of time pressure or mental pressure, don’t fret because we’ve outlined four steps below to help you succeed.
  如果你仅仅是LSAT的初学者,那么你一定会在逻辑游戏(Logic Game)部分遇到非常大的挑战。幸运的是,这个部分的提高相对来说是最容易的,并且最终也最可能帮助你拿到高分。如果你在这个部分丢掉许多分数,不要慌,你会发现那都不是事儿,这里列举了四条建议来帮助你搞定它们。
  1. Understanding the section
  Like all battles, you must first try to get inside the mind of your opponent. In this case, understanding the logic games section’s rhythm and quirks will help you anticipate what will be on the real test.
  First off, there are four game set ups in each logic game section and several (usually six or seven) follow-up questions based on each set-up. Unlike the SAT or other tests you may have taken, the four games are not presented in order of difficulty so the first game may be the hardest ― or it may be the second, third or last. As such, you have to be able to predict, after reading the question stem and scanning the questions, how easy this game will be and how much time you should give it accordingly.
  An easy game should take 5 or 6 minutes, if you are looking to answ medium games take around 8 and hard games can take upwards of 10 minutes. In total, you have 35 minutes to answer 25 or so questions, which means you need to work quickly. Diagraming and solving as much as you can upfront in the game set-up will prepare you for success later on as you breeze through the questions.
  2. Accurately assess and categorize your weaknesses
  Find an old logic game section and time yourself for 35 minutes. See how many you get right but also figure out which types of problems give you the most trouble.
  Logic games are generally comprised of three main types: linear sequencing, grouping and patterns. Let’s say you only miss a few of the linear sequencing but didn’t get any questions right on the grouping. That indicates that you should be spending a lot more practice on grouping games than sequencing ones.
  找一份真题然后给你自己限定35分钟的时间完成。看看你能答对多少以及什么样的题型你最容易错。 逻辑游戏一般分为三种类型:线性排序,分组,和找规律。举个例子,比如说你答对了所有关于线性排序的题目但是在分组类环节错了很多。这说明了你需要在分组类的题型上投入更多的精力来提高。
  3. Repetition and practice
  As with anything, repetition is key. Logic games are absolutely learnable. There are no new logic games because all the logic games you will encounter on your test are lightly different variations of past logic games. Thus, if you study them all, you will have seen them all.
  If you are hoping to get a perfect score on this section, it is best if you go through all the logic games at least once and really understand what makes them work. A typical game looks like this: a condition is met so a rule is triggered, which causes something else to apply. Make sure you understand when and how a rule is triggered, and what happens consequently.
  4. Test day: Remember your training
  It is easy to freak out on test day and pull a blank. It happens to the best of us. The week prior to test day, wake up at the time of your test and do a few logic games to get the brain going. On test day, just remember your training and you’ll do great!
生活时尚&搭配博主 /生活时尚自媒体 /时尚类书籍作者
分享来自哈佛、耶鲁的第一手名校申请经验 以及出国留学考试的...
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯?库珀/ 查宁?塔图姆/ 乔纳?希尔


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