
&  计划任何运动内容时,都应包括热身、主运动、缓和三部分:    第一阶段:    一般热身运动为伸展操,让肌肉和关节得到充分的伸展,同时也籍以提高体温。    第二阶段:    主运动最好包含心肺耐力的运动完才进行,且须先实行3至5分钟的热身与缓和运动,才不致於导致心脏不正常跳动。    第三阶段:    为缓和运动,通常是以伸展操来结束运动内容。缓和运动能够加速排除乳酸,而尽快的恢复疲劳,如突然的停止运动易导致心脏跳动的不规则。    【超载负荷原则】    超载负荷的原则,意即要使肌力增加或功能增进,唯有肌肉抗拒高於平常最高负荷量以上的训练,并且要适当而不过度。    重量训练的超载负荷可分为质与量两方面来说明,一个人举起某一重量,此重量超过平常最高负荷量以上,即为质的超载负荷;而若是所举的重量低於平常最高负荷量以下,然因持续时间或反覆次数累积的结果,超过平常最高负荷量以上,即为量的超载负荷。    一般训练组数为三组,那麽超负荷原则在此就是,您所承受的负荷可以让您顺利地完成第一组运动,但确难以完成第二及第三组所有的反覆次数。    以下面的渐增原则来说合适的增加重量,意指同样是使运动者可完成第一组,但确不能完成二、三组所有反覆次数为原则。    一般训练初期每次增加2.5磅至5磅之间即可。    【渐增、渐进原则】    身体经过超载负荷训练後,功能将逐渐的提高,为了达到不断增进身体功能之目的,负荷的水准亦必须逐渐的增加,如此不断的增加负荷称为「渐增负荷」。渐增负荷有下列数种方式:    一、负荷重量的增加    二、动作反覆次数的增加    三、肌肉收缩的速度加快-------  制订训练计划应遵循以下要点。  一、简单至上  每个训练者刚开始时都想找到能令肌肉快速发达的训练秘诀,所以把明星的训练方法奉为至宝。但明星的训练方法大多都相当复杂,包含很多孤立练习,有些还是自创的动作,技术性很强,强度也很大。所以,明星们的训练方法并非初练者要寻找的秘诀。  如果说健美训练有什么秘诀的话,那就是科学──训练的科学。对初练者而言,训练的科学就是简单的、基本的复合性训练,如卧推、深蹲、硬拉等等。 尽管这些简单的动作很乏味,但效果却不容置疑。几乎每个冠军都是靠复合性训练获得了"超级大块"。八届奥林匹亚先生获得者李。哈尼在夺得全美冠军后才开始 分部训练,在此之前他的训练计划中差不多全部都是复合性练习。  把基本的复合性训练列为主,目的是增强基本素质,练出大肌肉块,为将来的"精雕细琢"打下坚实基础。  二、目标明确  你的训练计划最好用大纸、大字列出来,训练目标应用红笔写在最醒目的位置。它越明确越好,比如"我要练出60Cm围度的大腿!"或"体重70Kg+8块腹肌!"当你对枯燥的训练感到厌烦时,当你想偷懒时,那些醒目的字会深深地刺激你,让你为自己的惰性感到无地自容。  三、持续性和渐进性  持续性和渐进性是制订训练计划的两个重要原则。不坚持训练,肌肉就得不到持续的、有规律的刺激,以致生长缓慢;训练强度不增加,肌肉对所给予的刺激产生适应性,生长也会迟缓。一个有效的计划除了保证训练的持续性外,还要保证循序渐进地增加训练强度。  频度、数量、强度是训练计划的三个要素。这些要素的量和度都决定于是否能保持训练的持续性和渐进性。所以,不要中断训练,不要错过一节训练课。反之,训练不能过频,训练量不能过大,增加重量不能急于求成,否则会造成训练过度,甚至会因负荷过大而受伤。那样你就不得不中断训练了。  四、频度  频度是指一星期练几次。频度的设定取决于你训练后的恢复能力,恢复能力又取决于身体素质、睡眠和营养三个因素。另外,你的工作性质和家庭负担对恢复能力的影响也不容忽视。如果你的工作和家务每天都耗费很多体力和精力,那就会延缓你的恢复过程。  一般来说,有工作有家庭的初级训练者一星期进行两个循环的重量练习比较合适。对学生而言,一周三个循环也可以。每个循环的具体安排视时间和身体状况而定,最好一个循环练两天,一天练上身,一天练腿。  一周两循环是基于人体的平均恢复能力而言的,保证充足而不拖沓的恢复时间既兼顾了训练的持续性,也不会破坏训练的渐进性。  一星期进行两个循环的重量练习能使时间比较宽松,体脂较大者还可在两个循环之间的休息日安排30-40分钟的有氧训练。但有氧训练的强度不能太大,以训练时心率120-140次/分为宜。  五、数量  数量就是训练量,练多少组、每组多少次以及组间休息时间的长短等。  首先,组数的安排不是固定的,但每个动作必须有一个热身组。热身组的作用是:1、加速代谢,进入训练状态;2、充分活动关节和韧带,避免受伤。  其次,正式组以2-4组为宜,较少的组数有助于提高训练效率。每个正式组的次数6-12次,热身组不少于20次。  再次,每组之间的间歇时间一般不多于2分钟。间歇时间视身体状况而定,2分钟以上也是允许的,但不允许在休息时聊天或做其它影响训练的事情。否则不但拖延了训练时间,而且降低了训练效率,破坏了训练的持续性。  最后,每次训练不要超过1小时,因为在无氧训练40分钟后,一些影响训练的重要的内分泌激素就会大幅度减少,直到基本停止,以致造成肌肉损耗。对初级训练者而言,精简时间、提高效率是必须养成的习惯。  六、强度  强度是指训练中你所承受的负荷水平。负荷水平的高低取决于三个因素:重量,训练间歇,力竭程度。"高强度"是指在训练间歇较短的前提下,每组都 使用较大的重量训练至接近力竭。"力竭"的概念是"无能力完成一次"。"高强度"的要点是达到力竭的边缘,而不是力竭。因为力竭的时候肌肉无法完成一次完 整的动作,肌肉收缩不充分肌纤维就得不到足够的刺激。另外,力竭时肌肉对训练重量失去控制,随时都有受伤的危险。所以,完全力竭对初级训练者来说不可取。  了解"高强度"的概念和要点对如何增加重量是很重要的。因为增加重量就要影响训练次数和力竭程度。刚入门的朋友要注意,增加重量不可操之过急。下面介绍一种行之有效的办法。  刚开始训练时,正式组使用的重量允许你完成的次数(也就是练至力竭的次数)是:目标次数+5次。例如,你的目标次数为8次,那么所使用的重量应 该允许你完成13次,而你完成8次就停下来。接下来的6-8周内,逐渐增加重量,直到所使用重量允许你完成的次数变为9-10次,而你仍是完成8次就停下 来。保持这样的强度训练2-3周,然后改变目标次数为6次,使用力竭次数为11次的重量训练。接下来仍然用上述方法增加重量。-----怎样安排标准男人健身方案人的衰老是不可避免的,难道就这样任其发展吗?  20岁时你每天可以跑10公里,一口气能做30个俯卧撑,但到了40岁你就会发现关节已发出咔咔的响声,不那么灵活了。人的衰老是不可避免的,难道就这样任其发展吗?不能。事实上你只要从现在开始坚持锻炼,你就能保持青春活力。为此,广州日报请专家为各年龄段的男性朋友设计了一套增强体力、增强肺功能及保持肢体灵活性的锻炼方案,每个人都可以按照这个方案进行锻炼,每周三次,每次45-60分钟,坚持下去你就不必为体质不佳和身材臃肿而烦恼。怎样安排标准男人健身方案步骤/方法&&& 20岁左右。运动医学将这个年龄段称为“破纪录年龄段”。&&&   这个时段身体功能处于鼎盛时期,心律、肺活量、骨骼的灵敏度、稳定性及弹力等各方面均达到最佳点。从运动医学角度讲,这个时期运动量不足比运动量偏高更对身体不利。这个年龄段的人可进行任何运动强度的锻炼。&&&   这个时段通过肌肉强化锻炼取得的常规体力,在锻炼终止后也不会消失。心脏通过耐力锻炼可提高输血量。总之,20岁的人能为今后的身体健康储备资源。这个时段一定要注意坚持锻炼,以保持体重,否则30岁以后再去减肥就很吃力了。&&&   锻炼可星期一、三、五隔天进行一次,每次大约30分钟增强体力的锻炼,方法是试举重物,负荷量为极限肌力的60%,一直练到肌肉觉得疲劳为止(大约每次做10-12次)。如多次练习并不觉得累,可以加大器械重量10%,必须使主要肌群(胸肌、肩肌、背肌、二头肌、三头肌、腹肌、腿肌)都得到锻炼。&&&   20分钟的心血管系统锻炼,方法是慢跑、游泳、骑自行车等,强度为脉搏150-170次/分钟。&&&   &&& 30岁左右。此年龄段的人身体功能已超越了顶峰。&&&   这时如忽视身体锻炼,对耐力非常重要的摄氧量会逐渐下降。但不必恐惧,因为你依然年轻。此时身体的关节常会发出一些响声,这是关节病的先兆。为了使关节保持较高的柔韧性,应多做伸展运动。还要注意心血管系统的锻炼。&&&   锻炼仍是星期一、三、五隔一次,每次进行5-30分钟的心血管系统锻炼(慢跑或游泳),强度不像20岁时那样大。20分钟增强体力的锻炼,与20岁时相比,试举的重量要轻一些,但做的次数可多一些。5-10分钟的伸展运动,重点是背部和腿部肌肉。久坐办公室的人更要注意伸展运动。方法是:仰卧,尽量将两膝提拉到胸部,坚持30秒钟;仰卧,两腿分别上举,尽量举高,保持30秒钟。&&&   这个年龄段的人仍可进行各种体育锻炼。若间断一段时间,重新进行锻炼时要遵循循序渐进的原则。医生建议,35岁以上的人锻炼前应做心电图检查。&&&   &&& 40岁以后怎么办?与20岁相比,40岁以上的人肌肉的可锻炼性已下降25%,体力逐渐下降,肌肉逐年萎缩,身体开始发福。&&&   发福与肌肉总量的减少有关,肌肉少,脂肪的消耗就少,而饭量并不比年轻时少,于是肚子便开始凸起来。因此,超过40岁的人选择运动项目不仅应有利于保持良好的体型,而且能预防常见的老年性疾病,如高血压、心血管病等。锻炼每星期一、五进行两次,内容包括:25-30分钟的心血管锻炼,中等强度,如慢跑、游泳、骑自行车等。&&&   50岁以上的人脉搏每分钟不超过130-140次。10-15分钟的器械练习,器械重量要比30岁的时轻一些,重量太大会损害健康,但次数不妨多些。为防止意外,最好不使用哑铃,用健身器。5-10分钟的伸展运动,尤其要注意活动各关节和那些易于萎缩的肌肉。周三加一次45分钟增强体力的锻炼,不借助器械,可用俯卧撑、半下蹲等,重复多组,每组约20次,数量依自己的承受力而定。&&&  推荐运动项目:网球、长距离滑雪、游泳、慢跑、高尔夫球、跳舞、散步。-------个人健身计划制定一、个人健身计划制定的原则和方法个人进行身体锻炼时必须制定切实可行的锻炼计划,这样才能保证锻炼的系统性和科学性,克服锻炼的片面性、盲目性和随意性。同时,也便于检查锻炼效果,总结经验,改变方法,提高健身效果。个人健身计划是指根据个人身体情况,实施科学的、系统的锻炼方案的理论规划。(一)个人健身计划制定的原则体育锻炼的基本原则(自觉积极性原则、从实际出发原则、持之以恒原则、循序渐进原则、全面锻炼原则)是健身计划制定时应遵循的一般性原则,适用于每个锻炼者。但个人健身计划具有明显的个性化特点,在实践中可以根据个性化的要求,在一般性原则的基础上确定个性化原则。(二)制定个人健身计划的方法健身计划制定方法包括健康诊断、体力测定、锻炼设计、锻炼实践、效果检验和计划调查等。1. 健康诊断和体力测定健康诊断和体力测定是制定健身计划的基础依据。在了解个人的一般身体状况有无运动禁忌症后,才能确定锻炼的内容与锻炼的具体方法。如经过健康检查发现身体患有某种疾病,应首先进行积极治疗,再进行锻炼。体力测定是确定运动强度和锻炼效果的依据,一般可采用库伯的12分钟定时跑等进行测定。2. 锻炼设计健身计划的内容包括确定健身目标、选择运动项目、确定运动强度和运动量、确定运动时间和频率等。(1)确定目标确 定目标时,首先应从自身的体质和健康状况出发,因人而异,使锻炼的具体任务和指标切合自身实际。如在校大学生确定旨在达到《国家学生体质健康标准》测试合 格、良好、优秀等级,在健身锻炼的第一阶段,应以发展一般性身体素质,部分达到测试项目标准合格等级为目标;第二阶段,应以进一步提高身体素质,达到全部 测试项目标准合格等级为目标;第三阶段,应以全面提高身体素质,努力达到测试标准良好或优秀等级为目标。(2)选择运动项目与锻炼内容制 定健身计划时,应根据自己的兴趣爱好、运动特长、专业特点、以及学校体育环境、季节气候条件等合理选择运动项目和锻炼内容。注意体育课和课外体育锻炼内容 相结合,锻炼兴趣和实际需要相结合,既要使个人兴趣或擅长体育项目获得发展和提高,又要努力克服自己的弱项和不足,使健身具有全面性和实效性。同时要把 《国家学生体质健康标准》规定的测试项目,职业实用体育内容作为健身锻炼的重要内容。(3)确定运动强度运动强度确定是否合理,直接影响锻炼的效果和运动的安全性。一般来说,运动强度应以运动中的心率为量化标准。(4)确定运动时间在锻炼时间的安排上,应按学校的作息制度确定自己锻炼的时间。每次运动的时间一般在15~60分钟,时间短,运动强度应大,时间长运动强度应小,可根据个人情况而定。(5)确定频率每周锻炼次数一般应在3次以上,这样才能收到明显的锻炼效果。每天坚持锻炼效果最佳,但力量性锻炼隔天1次效果较好。3. 锻炼计划的实施与检验实施个人健身计划,必须遵循体育锻炼的一般性原则,一方面应严格按照健身计划进行锻炼,另一方面应根据锻炼的实际情况进行调整,这样才能取得良好的健身效果。执行健身计划时,应定期进行锻炼效果的检验,不断调整锻炼计划,以提高锻炼的效果。4. 健身计划格式姓名:— —& —& —& 性别:— —& —& —基本健康状况:— —& —& —预期锻炼目标:— —& —& —锻炼任务及要求:— —& —& —安静时心率:— — 次/分最大负荷时心率:— — 次/分运动项目时间分配:— —& —& —运动强度:— — 次/分(平均心率)锻炼持续时间:每周__次& 每次__分其它____5. 个性化健身计划内容的编写个 性化健身内容是指根据自己的兴趣偏好,或职业特殊需要,或所处的特殊运动环境,制定具有鲜明个性的健身计划。如偏好极限运动的锻炼者,可根据从事的极限运 动项目要求的体力标准选择锻炼内容和编写健身计划;特殊职业的锻炼者,可根据工作的需要选择具有较强针对性的锻炼内容。但锻炼者应注意健身计划的最主要目 的是塑造全面健康发展的体魄,应处理好个性需求和一般性健身锻炼需求的关系。------运动健身原则导语:体育活动是现代生活方式中增强体质、防治慢性病的最积极手段之一,每一个人必须养成良好的体育锻炼习惯。运动是良医,运动要科学。科学的体育锻炼要求体育锻炼应当遵循运动健身的基本原则,需要制定系统的运动健身方案。国家体育总局体育科学研究所与广东健力宝集团联合供稿&安全性原则安全性原则是指在体育活动过程中要确保体育锻炼者不出现或尽量避免运动伤害事故,这是运动健身的首要原则。不同年龄、不同性别和不同身体机能状况的人,在参与体育活动的全过程,都应当遵循安全性原则。安全性原则对于老年人群至关重要,这是因为人体进入老年阶段后,随着年龄的增加,身体机能下降,各种运动危险因素开始增多,因此,老年人群在体育锻炼时应做到以下几点:定期身体机能检查。老年人不仅在开始体育活动之前就应该进行身体检查,而且在长期的体育锻炼过程中,每年都要进行至少一次身体检查,以了解身体机能的变化,科学地调整运动健身方案。保持稳定的运动负荷。科学的体育锻炼可以提高老年人的身体机能和运动能力,当身体机能和运动能力达到相对稳定水平时,运动健身方案也应当保持相对稳 定,不能无限制地增加运动负荷。60岁以后,则要根据身体机能的变化,逐年减小运动负荷。老年朋友们切记:体育锻炼可以延缓机体衰老,但不能阻止机体衰 老。控制运动强度。老年人群实施具体的运动健身方案时,要依照本章第三节介绍的方法,严格控制运动强度,规避运动风险。上班族人群平时工作繁忙,工作庄 力大,在体育锻炼时要量力而行。特别是一些平时没有锻炼习惯的朋友,切忌一旦有时间就玩命运动,这种突击性的体育锻炼容易导致运动伤害。青少年生性活泼好动,喜欢参加各种体育活动,特别是喜欢参加一些对抗性运动,这符合青少年的身心特点,对促进他们的生长发育、养成良好的运动习惯非 常有利。但是,也正是由于青少年的身心特点,要重视青少年体育锻炼中运动损伤的预防。青少年在运动前要做好充分的准备活动,进行激烈的对抗性运动时要注意 动作要领好自我保护,在整个过程中不要打闹或开玩笑。全面发展原则全面发展是指在运动锻炼中,要使身体各部位、各器官系统的机能水平都得到提高。身体机能的全面发展既体现在改善心肺功能和免疫能力,又表现在提高有氧运动能力、肌肉力量、柔韧等身体素质。要取得全面发展效果,就应当选择全身主要肌群参与的运动项目,如跑步、游泳、球类运动等。运动方式要多样化,体育锻炼时,不仅要选择健身走、跑步等有氧运动方式,同时也要选择力量练习、柔韧性练习,在发展心血管、呼吸功 能的同时,也要使肌肉力量、柔韧和反应能力得到提高。运动方式多样化可以表现在每周运动健身方案中安排不同的运动内容,如每周 、三、五进行有氧运动,周二、周四进行球类运动,也可在每次体育活动中,安排不同练习内容,如进行以有氧运动为主的体育锻炼时,在准备活动中安排一些牵拉 性练习,以提高柔韧性,在有氧运动后,安排力量练习,提高肌肉力量。要注意安排不同部位身体机能的协调发展。经常进行以下肢肌肉活动为主的跑步运动时,也要安排足够的上肢肌肉活动,如打篮球、羽毛球等。在进行以单侧活动为主的运动时,如网球、乒乓球、羽毛球等,要注意加强对侧肢体的活动,以确保身体全面发展。超负荷原则超负荷原则是指人体在体育锻炼中,运动负荷要不断增加。超量恢复是超负荷原则的理论基础。当人体进行一段时间的体育锻炼后,身体机能和运动能力在一 定时间内可以超过以前的水平,这种现象称为超量恢复。运动中,只有不断地超过以前的运动负荷,才能使身体机能和运动能力不断提高。对于青少年人群和刚参加体育锻炼的人来讲,只有坚持超负荷原则,才能不断出现超量恢复,不断提高身体机能。如青少年进行力量练习时,开始卧推的最大 负荷为30千克,经过段时间练习后,力量增加了,当卧推30千克的重量可以重复6-8次时,就可以将负荷增加到35千克,这样不短地增加负荷和重复次数, 肌肉力量就会不断提高。如果一直采用30千克的卧推负荷联系几周或几个月,虽然可以保持已经获得的肌肉力量,但会进一步增加肌肉力量。再如,一个人刚参加 体育锻炼时,每天用1 0分钟的时间步行800米,当锻炼一段时间后,身体适应了这一运动负荷,行走能力有了明显提高,行走的距离要不断增加,可以用1 5分钟步行1 200米、用20分钟步行1600米。以后,可以进一步增加行走速度,用20分钟步行2000米的距离,以此类推,不断增加行走距离和行走速度,最后达到 适合自己的运动负荷。循序渐进原则如果将超负荷原则理解为不断增加运动强度和运动量的话,那么,循序渐进原则就是科学地、逐步地增加运动强度和运动时间。循序渐进原则强调要根据自己 对运动的适应程度,逐渐增加运动负荷,以便使身体机能稳步提高。人体在从事体育锻炼过程中,身体机能的提高需要有一定的过程,因比,运动健身不要急于求 成,而是要逐步提高,要确保运动中身体消耗的能量得到恢复,身体疲劳得到消除,身体机能完全恢复并达到超量恢复水平。循序渐进原则就是要求体育锻炼者在运动后经过足够恢复时间,使身体对运动负荷完全适应,在超量恢复阶段增加运动负荷,取得最佳锻炼效果。如果超负荷 原则控制得不好,没有掌握循序渐进原则,运动负荷增加过快,则会引起身体对运动的不适应,使疲劳不断积累,结果造成过度疲劳,不仅不能取得预期效果,而且 可能出现伤害事故。运动员在参加重大比赛前,在连续从事大负荷运动训练后,也要进行减量练习,这也是循序渐进的一种表现,其目的就是为了出现超量恢复,创造优异运动成绩。普通人在体育锻炼时也是一样,只有遵循循序渐进原则,才能使身体机能逐步提高。专门性原则专门性原则是指根据体育锻炼的目的,选择专门的练习内容,制定运身方案,安排体育活动。即想要提高什么,就专门练什么。如体育锻炼的是要提高力量,就选择力量练习,如果要提高有氧运动能力,就选择跑步、有氧运动。我们在日常生活中,常常见到些年轻女孩儿为了减少腹部周围的脂肪,使肚子变小,每天坚持练习仰卧起坐,试图通过腹部肌肉运动,减少脂肪,结果坚持运 动几周或几个月,却没有明显效果。原因就在于没遵循专门性原则,因为仰卧起坐虽然可以提高腹部肌肉力量,却不能有效增加脂肪消耗。机体的脂肪消耗具有全身 性特点,不可能专门减少某部分的脂肪。减少脂肪的最有效运动方式是长时间有氧运动,这类运动可以增加体内总体脂肪消耗,当全身脂肪消耗增加时,腹部周围的 脂肪才会随着全身脂肪含量的下降而减少,使腰变细。因此,局部肌肉运动不能使局部脂肪组织减少.降低腹部周围脂肪的专项运动不是仰卧起坐,而是慢跑等全身 性有氧运动。个性化原则个性化原则是指要根据每个人的遗传特征、机能特点和运动习惯等制定运动健身方案。在制定运动健身方案时,要进行必要的医学检查和运动能力测试,以便了解每个人的具体情况,使运动健身方案更具个性特征。同样年龄的人,身体机能不同,运动习惯不同,采用的运动健身方案也不同。例如,同样是60岁的人,一位安静时心率是60次/分,另一位是75次/分,在体育活动时,就不能采用同样的运动心率控制运动强度。不同的人对相同运动健身方案的反应不同,取得运动健身效果也不同。因此,在执行运动健身方案时,要充分考虑体育锻炼的个性特征,使体育活动更有针对性。------体育学术语,身体锻炼(体育锻炼)的基本原则之一。运动负荷是指人体在运动时身体所承受的生理负荷。它包括负荷量和负荷强度两个方面。量是指完成练习的数量、次数、组数、时间、距离和重量等;强度是指完成练习所用力量的大小和机体的紧张程度,它包括动作的速度、练习的密度、间歇时间的长短、负重的重量、投掷的距离、跳高的高度等。量和强度是决定运动负荷效果的主要因素。合理安排运动负荷原则是指在身体锻炼中,要根据锻炼者自身的情况,合理地安排运动负荷。既能使身体产生一定的疲劳,又能承受,并能与休息合理地交替。2提出合理安排运动负荷原则的依据适应性的原理体育锻炼的运动负荷量与强度过小,引起机体的反应也小,反之运动负荷的量与强度过大,超过了机体适应能力,会对身体健康不利,甚至陷入伤病的危险状态。身体锻炼负荷的确定要从锻炼者的身心状况出发,逐步提高要求。一般来说,由于新参加身体锻炼的人起点较低,经过一段时间的锻炼,获得的效果比较明显。长期坚持身体锻炼的人,尤其对中老年人来说,要想进一步提高锻炼效果就不像开始锻炼时那么容易了,而且也要慎重考虑。但保持一定的锻炼效果也很好处。对于青少年儿童来说,大多数人的身体活动能力是随年龄的增长而提高的,所以对他们的身体锻炼要求也应随年龄的增长而逐步提高。如耐力跑的距离可随年龄的增长而加长,跑速也相应提高。青少年儿童从事身体锻炼的适应能力比成年人强,因此他们身体锻炼负荷的提高幅度一般大于成年人。当然,由于青少年儿童正在长身体,身体锻炼负荷的提高也应慎重。人体生理的超量恢复原理在身体锻炼中,有机体在承受了一定的运动负荷后会因能量的消耗而产生疲劳。经过一段时间的休息和营养的补充,体内的能量物质和身体机能水平才能得以恢复。在反复的刺激——恢复——刺激下,如果运动负荷恰当,机体不仅能恢复到原有的水平,而且能出现超过运动前的能量储备和机能能力,这就是生理上的超量恢复。经常地超量恢复并合理地安排运动负荷和休息间隔,体质就能逐步得到提高。3贯彻合理运动负荷原则的要求1、在安排身体锻炼的内容时,要注意循序渐进它主要体现在运动负荷的掌握与提高上。运动负荷的测定方法有两种:一种是表面数据,是以身体锻炼的成绩作为衡量尺度,如跑速、动作重复次数或频率等。这是人们的习惯测法,但其不能直接反映身体机能的负荷状态。另一种是内部数据,是直接测定身体锻炼时人体的机能状态,如测定心率按最佳心率要求确定每次锻炼的运动负荷,这种方法麻烦些。但心率对速度快、强度大的锻炼内容不仅比较灵敏,也易受情绪的影响。也有学者认为:只按心率来确定运动负荷而忽视血压指数是危险的,因为心率和血压对运动负荷的反映不完全一致。我们在身体锻炼中将两种测定方法结合起来运用,可更客观些。开始进行身体锻炼时,应通过多次测定,确定合理的运动负荷作为起点。并随着锻炼水平的提高(可以2-4周作为一个阶段)加大或调整身体锻炼计划和运动负荷。2、锻炼负荷提高的幅度要适当身体锻炼不同于运动训练,其内容与方法的选择、运动负荷的安排,灵活性和可选择性比较大,在系统性的要求上也不必追求达到或接近极限运动负荷,而且现代体育科学研究证明采用有氧代谢进行身体锻炼,其健身作用较大。因此在负荷提高的幅度上不要过大,时间上也不要操之过急,中老年人尤其要注意。3、对于曾经坚持经常锻炼,但因故停了一段时间而又重新开始锻炼时,应根据身体的现状安排锻炼因为由于前段时间未能坚持锻炼,可能引起身体机能的消退。在通常情况下,应尽力坚持经常锻炼,这既是练身体也是练意志。但当身体健康情况不佳或情绪很低落时,人的中枢神经系统对身体的控制能力大大下降,有机体对外界的适应能力和有机体内协调关系出现失调现象,就不必勉强坚持身体锻炼,即使坚持,也应适当调整锻炼内容和运动负荷。4、坚持实际的原则在身体锻炼中,承担多大的运动负荷最为理想,提高的幅度多大合适,应用什么客观指标测定,这些问题应根据每个人的实际情况确定。即要对每个从事身体锻炼的人的自我感觉、身体健康状况、项目成绩和生理指标进行测定,并经常进行综合分析,以科学的方法确定身体锻炼的效果和是否进一步提高要求以及提高的幅度。-----你已进入&&&型男达人因COOL不同!阳光型男::快乐出发|||运动时尚::简单从容.MEN'S 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致力于COOL时尚男士阅读体验.coolnet.Ronnie Woo&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&When the contents of any exercise program should include a warm-up , the main movement , ease of three parts :First stage:General warm-up exercises to stretching , muscles and joints are fully extended, but also membership to increase body temperature .Second stage:Campaign includes cardiorespiratory endurance main movement 's best finish was carried out , and the implementation must first 3-5 minutes of warm-up and cool-down , and avoid cause abnormal heart beat .The third stage :To ease movement , usually stretching to the end of the campaign content.&Relaxation exercise can accelerate the exclusion of lactic acid , but as soon as fatigue, such as a sudden stop motion easily lead to an irregular heart beat .[ Principle ] OverloadingLoad overload principle , meaning to make the muscle to increase or enhance the function , only the muscles to resist higher maximum load than usual training , and should be appropriate and not excessive .Overloading weight training can be divided into two aspects of quality and quantity to show that a person lift a weight , the weight of the maximum load more than usual , is a qualit And if the weight is less than the usual maximum lift&load the following , and then repeated the number of times due to the duration or the cumulative result , more than the usual maximum load , the load is the amount of overload .The number of general training group into three groups , then this is the overload principle , you have to bear the load allows you to successfully complete the first set of motion , but really difficult to complete all of the second and third set number of iterations .In principle the following cumulative increase for the appropriate weight , so that movement is also meant to be completed by the first group, but they do not complete the second and third groups of all number of iterations for the principle.General initial training to between 2.5 to 5 pounds increments .[ Cumulative , progressive principles ]Overloading the body after training functions will gradually improve , in order to achieve the purpose of continually improve physical function , level load must also gradually increased , so constantly increasing load is called " incremental load ."&Increasing load following several ways :First, the weight of a load increaseSecond, the repeated increase in the number of actionsThird, accelerated muscle contraction-------Develop training programs should follow the following points.A simple firstEach trainer wants to find at the beginning of the rapid advancements make muscle training tips, so the star's training methods regarded as a treasure .&But most of the star 's training methods are quite complex , containing many isolated exercises , some still own actions , highly technical , is also a great strength .&So , the stars are not the beginning of the secret training methods practiced by 're looking for.If there are any tips for fitness training , it is that science ─ ??─ training science.&For the beginning of training , the science is simple training , basic training complex nature , such as the bench press , squat , deadlift and so on.&Although these simple actions very tedious , but the result was beyond doubt .Almost every champion is a composite of the training received by the "super chunk ."&Eighth Mr. Olympia winner Lee.&Hani won the U.S. championship in Division before starting training , before his training program nearly all complex exercises .The complex nature of the basic training out the main aim is to enhance the basic quality , practicing a large muscle mass , for the future , " crafted " lay a solid foundation .Second, targetedThe best of your training program with a large paper , characters listed, training objectives should be written in red in the most visible position .&It is more clear as possible, such as " I want to train a 60Cm circumference of the thigh ! " Or "Weight 70Kg +8 pack abs ! " When you are tired of boring training , when you want to be lazy , those striking words&will deeply stimulate you and make you feel ashamed of their own inertia .Third, continuous and gradualPersistent and progressive are two important principles to develop training programs .&Do not adhere to the training , the muscles will not get sustained , regular stimulation, resul training intensity does not increase muscle stimulation given to adaptation , growth will slow.&An effective training program in addition to ensuring continuity , but also to ensure a gradual increase in training intensity.The frequency , number, intensity of the three elements of the training program .&These elements are determined by the amount and degree of training is to maintain continuity and progressive .&So, do not interrupt training , do not miss a training session.&On the contrary , the training can not be too frequent , the amount of training can not be too large , increasing the weight can not be so anxious , otherwise it will cause overtraining , even while injured because the load is too large .&So you have to interrupt train.Fourth, the frequencyFrequency refers to one week to practice a few times.&Set the frequency depends on your ability to recover after training , but also depends on the ability to recover fitness, sleep and nutritional three factors.&In addition, the nature of the impact of your work and family responsibilities for resilience can not be ignored .&If you are consuming a lot of work and housework strength and energy every day , it will slow down your recovery process.Generally, there are working families have the primary trainer week two cycles of weight exercises more appropriate.&For students, one week three cycles can.&Depending on the specific arrangements for each cycle time and physical condition , it is best to practice two days a cycle , one day training the upper body , one day training legs.One week two cycle average is based on the body's ability to recover in terms of ensuring adequate recovery time without procrastination only take into account the sustainability of the training , it will not undermine the training progressive .One week two cycles of weight exercises can make the time more relaxed , greater body fat can arrange 30-40 minutes of aerobic training on a rest day between the two loops .&But not too much intensity aerobic training , heart rate during training to 120-140 beats / into appropriate.Fifth, the number ofQuantity is the amount of training , practice many groups , how many times and rest between sets , such as the length of time for each group .First , set the number of groups is not fixed , but each must have a warm-up operation of the group .&The role of warm-up group are: 1 , accelerate metabolism, i 2 , fully active joints and ligaments , to avoid injury.Secondly , the formal group with 2-4 group is appropriate, the number of groups with less help improve training efficiency .&Formal group of 6-12 times each second , the warm-up group of less than 20 times.Once again, the time interval between each group generally no more than two minutes .&Intermittent time depending on physical condition , two minutes more than is allowed , but not at rest chatting or doing other things that affect training .&Otherwise, not only delaying the training time , but also reduces the training efficiency and undermine the continuity of training .Finally , each training not more than one hour , because after 40 minutes anaerobic training , some of the effects of training an important endocrine hormones will greatly reduce until almost stopped , resulting in muscle loss.&Primary trainer , the streamlining time and improve efficiency is to be a habit .Six , strengthIntensity refers to the level of training you have to bear the load .&The level of the load depends on three factors : weight training intermittent exhaustive degree .&"High strength" refers to the shorter interval training premises , each weight training are used to close a large exhaustion.&" Exhausted " concept is "no ability to complete once ."&Points " high strength" is reached the edge of exhaustion instead exhaustion.&Because exhaustive when unable to complete a full muscle movement, muscle contraction is not sufficient muscle fibers do not get enough stimulation.&In addition , during exhaustive exercise muscle weight to lose control at any time the risk of injury .&So, totally exhaustive primary trainer for undesirable.Learn "high strength" and the concept of how to increase the weight of the point is very important .Because of the increased weight would affect the number of training and exhaustive degree .&Friends just getting started to pay attention , not be too hasty to increase the weight .&Here's an effective way .At the beginning of the training , using the weight of a formal group allows you to complete a number of times ( that is, the number of practicing to exhaustion ) are : Target number +5 times.&For example , your goal number 8 times, then the weight used should allow you to complete 13 times, and you're done eight times stopped .&The next 6-8 weeks , gradually increase the weight until the weight is used to allow you to complete a number of changes to 9-10 times, and you still complete the eight stopped .&Maintain this strength training 2-3 weeks , and then change the target six times , 11 times the number using exhaustive weight training .&Next, the above method is still an increase in weight .-----How to arrange a standard man fitness programHuman aging is inevitable, wondering if that left unchecked it?At age 20 you can run 10 kilometers a day , do 30 push-ups in one breath , but you will find the 40 -year-old joint has issued Kaka sound, not so flexible.&Human aging is inevitable, wondering if that left unchecked it?&Can not.In fact as long as you keep exercising From now on, you will be able to maintain a youthful vitality.&To this end , the Guangzhou Daily expert male friends of all ages to design a set of enhanced strength, enhanced lung function and exercise program to maintain physical flexibility , everyone can exercise in accordance with this program , three times a week , every 45&-60 minutes , you do not have to stick to poor physical and bloated worry .How to arrange a standard man fitness programSteps / methods&&&&20 -year-old .&Sports medicine in this age group will be called " record-breaking age ."&&&&This time in all aspects of body function heyday , heart , lung capacity , bone sensitivity , stability and elasticity , etc. are the best point .&From the perspective of sports medicine , lack of physical activity is high during this period is more detrimental to the body than exercise.&People in this age group can be any exercise exercise intensity .&&&&By this time to strengthen the muscles get regular physical exercise , and after exercise termination will not disappear .&The heart through blood transfusion can increase endurance exercise .&In short, the 20 -year-old man can do for the health of future reserve resources.&This time we must pay attention and exercise to maintain body weight , or after the age of 30 is very difficult to lose weight go up .&&&&Exercise can be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays once every other day , each about 30 minutes increased physical exercise , heavy lifting is to test , load limit of 60% strength , has been trained to feel muscle fatigue so far ( about every&do 10-12 times ) .&As much practice do not feel tired , you can increase to 10% by weight instrument , must make major muscle groups ( chest, shoulder muscles , back muscles , biceps , triceps , abdominal , leg ) have been tempered .&&&&20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise , by jogging , swimming, cycling , strength of the pulse of 150-170 beats / min .&&&&&&&&30 -year-old .&Human body functions in this age group has gone beyond the peak.&&&&At this time , such as neglect of physical exercise , endurance is very important for oxygen uptake will gradually decline .&But do not fear, because you are still young .&At this point the body's joints often issue some noise , which is a precursor to joint disease .&In order to maintain a higher joint flexibility, should do stretching exercises.&Also note that the cardiovascular system.&&&&Exercise is still a Monday , Wednesday and Friday every time, every cardiovascular exercise ( jogging or swimming ) for 5-30 minutes , the intensity of the age of 20 not as big .&20 minutes increased physical exercise , compared with age 20, to cite weight lighter, but the number can do more .&5-10 minutes of stretching , focusing on the back and leg muscles.&Sedentary office people to pay attention to stretching exercises.&Methods are: sit , try pulling the knees to the chest , stick 30 supine , legs were on the move , try to give high for 30 seconds.&&&&People in this age group are still a variety of physical exercise.&If interrupted for some time, to re- exercise to follow the principle of gradual .&Doctors recommended that ECG should be done before the age of 35 who exercise.&&&&&&&&How to do after 40 years ?&Compared to 20 years old, 40 years or older can exercise the muscles of the already decreased by 25% , decreased stamina , muscle shrinking year by year , the body begins to fat .&&&&And reduce the amount of fat on the muscle , less muscle , less fat consumption , while the appetite is not less than the young , so belly began to be raised .&Thus , over 40 years of age should be conducive not only to the choice of sports to keep in good physical shape , but also to prevent common age-related diseases , such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease.&Exercise every Monday, five twice , including 25-30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, moderate intensity , such as jogging , swimming , cycling and so on.&&&&Pulse 50 people over the age of no more than 130-140 times per minute.&10-15 minutes of exercise equipment , when the equipment weight lighter than 30 years , the weight of too large damage to health , but the number might be more.&To prevent accidents , it is best not to use a dumbbell with fitness .&5-10 minutes of stretching , with particular attention to the activities of the joint and the muscle atrophy that easy .&Wednesday, plus a 45 minutes increased physical exercise , without the aid of equipment, available push-ups, squats and other semi repeated multiple groups, each of about 20 times , depending on the number of their endurance may be.&&&&Recommended sports : tennis, long-distance skiing , swimming, jogging , golf, dancing, walking .------- Personal fitness plan developmentFirst, the principles and methods of personal fitness plan developmentWhen individuals need to develop a practical exercise program of physical exercise , so as to ensure systematic and scientific exercise , exercise to overcome the one-sidedness , blindness and randomness .&It also easy to check the effect of exercise , lessons learned, change methods to improve fitness results.Personal fitness program based on individual physical condition refers to the implementation of the scientific theory of planned , systematic exercise program.Principles ( a ) to develop a personal fitness planThe basic principles of physical exercise ( consciously active principle , the reality principle , perseverance principle , the principle of gradual and comprehensive workout principle ) is a fitness program to develop general principles to be followed for each exerciser .&But personal fitness program has obvious personalization features , according to individual requirements , determine the personality principle in practice on the basis of general principles .(B ) develop a personal fitness program approachFitness program to develop diagnostic methods including health , physical fitness test , exercise design , exercise, practice , test results and planned surveys.1 physical health diagnosis and determinationHealth diagnosis and determination of physical fitness program is to develop basic basis.&In understanding the individual's general physical condition or without movement contraindications , the specific content and method of exercise workout can be determined.&After a medical examination found the body , such as suffering from a disease should be actively treated first , and then exercise.&Physical fitness test is to determine the effect of exercise intensity and exercise basis , generally can be 12 minutes timed run Cooper , etc. were measured.2 Exercise DesignFitness program content includes determining fitness goals , choice of sports, to determine exercise intensity and exercise, to determine the movement of time and frequency.( A ) the determination targetWhen determining goals, should start their own physique and health status departure vary, so specific tasks and targets to meet their actual exercise .&As college students determine aims to achieve the " National Student Physical Health Standard " test qualified, good , excellent grades , in the first stage of fitness exercises should be to develop general physical fitness test portion of the project to achieve the target level of e Section&two stages , should further improve physical fitness , to all qualified class standard test third stage, in order to comprehensively improve the physical fitness should strive to reach test standard good or excellent rating for the goal.( 2 ) the choice of sports and exercise contentFormulating fitness program should be based on their own interests and hobbies, sports expertise, professional features, as well as school sports environment , seasonal weather conditions, etc. reasonable choice of sports and exercise content.&Note that the content of physical education and extracurricular physical exercise combined with exercise combined with interest and actual needs , both to make personal interest or gain good sports development and improvement , but also strive to overcome their weaknesses and shortcomings , so that fitness has a comprehensive and effective&sex .Meanwhile put "National Student Physical Health Standard " provides a test project , professional sports content as an important practical fitness routine .( 3 ) determine the exercise intensityDetermine whether a reasonable exercise intensity directly affect the safety of the effect of exercise and sports .&In general , exercise intensity should be in the heart of the movement quantitative criteria .( 4 ) determine a motion timeIn the arrangement of exercise time , the rest of the school system should determine their exercise time .&Every movement of time is generally 15 to 60 minutes , time is short, exercise intensity should be large , long exercise intensity should be small , according to personal circumstances.( 5 ) determining the frequencyAverage number of weekly exercise should be more than three times , so as to receive significant training effect .&Best to adhere to exercise every day , but the power of exercise every other day is better.3 exercises to implement and test plansImplement personal fitness program , you must follow the general principles of physical exercise , one should be strictly in accordance with the fitness program for exercise, on the other hand should be adjusted according to the actual situation of the exercise , so as to achieve good fitness results.&When executed fitness program , you should test the effect of exercise on a regular basis , constantly adjusting exercise program to improve the effect of exercise .4 . Fitness program formatsName : ---- Gender: ----Basic Health: ----Expected to exercise goal : ----Exercise tasks and requirements: ----Resting heart rate: - beats / minMaximum load heart rate : - beats / minSport Time Allocation: ----Exercise intensity : - beats / min ( mean heart rate )Exercise duration : __ times a week __ minutesOther ____5 personalized fitness program content writingPersonalized Fitness content is defined according to their own interests preferences, or vocational special needs or special sports environment in which to develop a fitness program with a distinct personality .&If those who prefer to exercise extreme sports , you can choose the content and writing exercise physical fitness program based on standard project engaged in extreme
special professional exercise , could choose to exercise highly-targeted content needed work.&But exercise fitness program should note the main purpose is to create a comprehensive and healthy physique development , training needs should deal with the relationship between the individual needs and general fitness .------Sports and fitness principlesLead: physical activity is a modern lifestyle and enhance physical fitness , one of the most positive means of chronic disease prevention and control, each individual must develop good exercise habits.Exercise is a good doctor , sports to science.&Physical exercise science requires physical exercise should follow the basic principles of sports and fitness , the need to develop systems for sports and fitness programs .Sports Science Institute of the State Sports General Administration and JLB Group SyndicationSecurity PolicySecurity policy refers to the process to ensure that physical activity physical exercise does not appear or try to avoid sports injuries , this is the first principle of sports and fitness .&Different ages, different genders and physical functional status of people in the whole process of participation in sports activities , should follow security policy.Security policy is critical to the elderly population , this is because the human body into old age , with increasing age , physical function decline, began to increase risk factors for a variety of sports , therefore , should exercise in older age groups do the following&point :Regular physical function tests .&Before beginning the elderly not only sports physical examination should be performed , and in the long-term physical exercise during the annual physical examination should be carried out at least once in order to understand the changes in bodily functions , sports and fitness program scientifically adjusted .Stable exercise load .&Scientific physical exercise can improve physical function and athletic ability of the elderly, when the body function and exercise capacity reached a relatively stable level , sports and fitness program should also remain relatively stable , can not indefinitely increase exercise load .&After 60 years , will have to change in accordance with bodily functions , gradually reduce the exercise load .Old friends remember : physical exercise can delay aging body , but can not stop the aging body .Control exercise intensity.&When elderly implementation of specific sports and fitness program , to follow the method described in section III of this chapter , and strictly control the exercise intensity , to avoid movement risks.&Office workers crowd usually busy , working village force, while physical exercise to do what.&In particular, some friends usually do not exercise habits , if there is time to avoid death-defying movement, this campaign of physical exercise easily lead to injuries.Youth and vivacity good move , like to participate in various sports activities, especially like to participate in some combat sports , which meets the physical and mental characteristics of young people , to promote their growth and development, to develop good exercise habits is very favorable.However , it is precisely because the physical and psychological characteristics of young people , should pay attention to physical activity in youth sports injury prevention .&Pay attention to young people before exercise to make full preparations , intense confrontational exercise good self-protection action essentials , not slapstick or joke in the whole process .Comprehensive development principlesComprehensive development refers to the exercise , to make the various parts of the body , each organ system function level have been improved.&Comprehensive development is reflected in both physical function and immune function to improve heart and lung capacity , and improve performance in aerobic capacity , muscle strength , flexibility and other physical fitness .&To achieve comprehensive development results , you should select the body 's major muscle groups involved in sports such as running, swimming, ball games and so on.Movement pattern should be diversified, while physical exercise , not only to select fitness walking , running and other aerobic sport, but also to select the strength exercises , flexibility exercises , in the development of cardiovascular, respiratory function , but also muscle strength,&flexibility and responsiveness is improved.&Diversification can arrange sport performance in the weekly sports and fitness program content in different sports , such as weekly , three , five aerobic exercise , Tuesday, Thursday, ball games , but also in every sport activities, arrangements&content of different exercises , when performed with aerobic exercise , such as physical exercise , arrange some stretching exercises in preparation for activities to improve flexibility, after aerobic exercise , strength training arrangements , improve muscle strength.Pay attention to the coordinated development of different parts of the arrangement of bodily functions .When frequent lower extremity muscle activity -based running sports , but also arrange sufficient upper limb muscle activity , such as playing basketball , badminton.&Conducting unilateral activity -based sports such as tennis, table tennis , badminton , etc., pay attention to strengthening the contralateral limb activities to ensure the overall development of the body .Overload principleOverload principle refers to the human body in physical exercise , the exercise load should continue to increase.&Recovery is the theoretical basis of excessive overload principle.&When the human body for a period of time, physical activity, physical function and exercise capacity in a given time can exceed the previous level , this phenomenon is called excess recovery .&Movement, the only constant over the previous exercise load , in order to make the body function and exercise capacity continues to increase.For adolescents participate in physical exercise and just people, only by adhering to the principle of overload , over- restored to emerging continuously improve bodily functions .&When strength training , such as young people , beginning bench press maximum load of 30 kg , after a period of time to practice , strength increases , and when the bench press 30 kg weight can be repeated 6-8 times, it can be increased to 35 kg load&this increases the load and not less repetitions , muscle strength will continue to improve .&If you have been using 30 kg load bench press contact for weeks or months , although they could have been obtained to maintain muscle strength , but it will further increase muscle strength.&Again, when a person just to participate in physical exercise every day with 10 minutes to walk 800 meters , when the exercise period of time, the body adapts to the exercise load , has been significantly improved walking ability , walking distance to the increasing&You can use the 15 -minute walk 1200 meters and 1600 meters on foot in 20 minutes.&After walking speed can be further increased , with a 20 -minute walk distance of 2000 meters , and so on , increasing walking distance and walking speed , and finally reach for their own exercise load .The principle of gradualIf the overload principle understood as increasing exercise intensity and exercise , then , is the scientific principle of gradual , stepwise increasing exercise intensity and exercise time .&Stressed the principle of gradual adaptation according to their degree of movement, gradually increasing exercise load , so that the body function improved steadily.&The human body in the course of engaging in physical exercise , improve physical function needs to have a certain process , because the ratio of sports and fitness no need to rush , but to gradually increase , to ensure the movement of energy consumed in the body to recover , get rid of fatigue ,&physical function fully recover and reach the level of over- recovery .The principle of gradual physical exercise is required in post-exercise recovery after a sufficient time to allow the body to adapt to exercise stress , increased exercise recovery phase in excess load , get the best training effect .&If the overload principle control well, did not grasp the principle of gradual , increase exercise load too fast , it will cause physical discomfort of the movement , so that the accumulation of fatigue , resulting in fatigue, not only can not achieve the desired effect, and may be hurt&accident.Athletes before participating in major competitions , continuously engaged in heavy physical activity after training , but also to carry out the reduction to practice , which is a manifestation of a gradual , its purpose is to restore the appearance of excess , creating superior athletic performance.&Ordinary people in the exercise is the same, only to follow the principle of gradual , in order to make the body function gradually improved.Specialized principlesSpecifically refers to the principle according to the purpose of physical exercise , select content dedicated practice to develop transport the body plan , arrange sports activities.&That is what you want to improve , what to specialized training .&Such as physical exercise is to enhance the strength, strength exercises on the choice , if you want to improve aerobic capacity, on the choice of running, aerobic exercise.In our daily life , we often see some of the young girls in order to reduce fat around the abdomen , making the stomach smaller, practicing sit-ups every day , trying to abdominal muscles and reduce fat , the results adhere to exercise a few weeks or months&, but no significant effect.&The reason is not to follow the principle of specialty , because although abdominal crunches can improve muscle strength , but it can not effectively increase fat consumption.&Body fat consumption has systemic features , it is impossible to reduce a part of a special fat .&The most effective way to reduce fat is long campaign aerobic exercise , such exercise can increase the body's overall fat consumption , while consumption increased body fat , abdominal fat around only with the decline in body fat content is reduced , so that the waist change&fine .&Therefore , local muscle movement can not make a partial reduction in adipose tissue .&Reduce fat around the abdomen crunches special movement is not , but systemic aerobic exercise such as jogging .Personalized principlesPersonalized principle is simply more to develop sports and fitness programs based on each person's genetic characteristics , functional characteristics and exercise habits.&In the development of sports and fitness programs , to carry out the necessary medical examination and exercise test in order to understand the specific circumstances of each person to make more personalized features sports and fitness programs .Same ages, different body functions , different exercise habits , using sports and fitness programs are also different.&For example , the same 60 -year-old man, when a resting heart rate of 60 beats / min , and the other one is 75 beats / min , in the sports , you can not use the same exercise heart rate control exercise intensity.Different people react to the same sports and fitness programs for different sports and fitness results obtained are also different .&Therefore, in the implementation of sports and fitness programs , to fully consider the personality traits of physical exercise , make sports more targeted .------Sports academic language, one of physical exercise ( physical training ) of the basic principles.Exercise load refers to the movement of the body when the body is exposed to physiological load .&It includes load and load strength in two ways.&Amount means the completion of the exercise quantity number , group number , time, distance , strength refers to the size and tension of the body to complete the exercise by using the power , which includes the speed of the action, exercises a density , the length of interval of time,&weight load , throwing distance, height high jump .&The amount and intensity of exercise stress is a major factor in determining the effect .Reasonable arrangements for the exercise load refers to the principle of physical exercise , the exerciser according to their own circumstances , reasonable arrangements for the exercise load .&Both to make the body produce a certain fatigue , and can afford, and can alternately reasonable and rest .2 proposed based on the principle of reasonable arrangements for the exercise loadPrinciples of adaptivePhysical exercise amount and intensity of exercise load is too small , causing the body's reaction is also small , whereas the amount and intensity of exercise load is too large , more than the body's ability to adapt , be physically healthy, even into a dangerous state of injuries .&Physical exercise to determine the load from the exerciser starting physical and mental condition , and gradually increase request.&In general , due to lower new people starting to participate in physical exercise , after exercise period , the effect obtained more obvious .&Long-standing physical exercise , especially for the elderly, in order to further enhance the training effect will not be so easy when you start exercising , but should also be carefully considered.&But to maintain a certain effect of exercise is also very good at .For young children , the majority of people 's physical activity and ability to improve with age , so the requirements for their physical exercise should be gradually increased with age .&If the distance endurance running may lengthen with age , running speed is also increased accordingly.&Young children engaged in physical exercise strong ability to adapt than adults , so they increase the magnitude of physical exercise load is generally greater than adults.&Of course, since young children is a long body , improve physical exercise load should also be careful .The over- recovery principles of human physiologyEnergy consumption due to fatigue in physical exercise , the organism to withstand a certain amount of exercise load after .&After a period of rest and replenish nutrients , the body's energy levels and body substances can be restored.&In repeated stimulation - recovery - stimulating , if appropriate exercise load , the body can not only be restored to the original level, but can occur over energy reserves and the ability to function before exercise , which is to restore physiological excess .&Often excess recovery and reasonable arrangements for exercise stress and rest intervals can be gradually improved physique .3 to implement the requirements of the principle of reasonable exercise load1, in the arrangement of the contents of physical exercise , pay attention to gradualIt is mainly reflected in the master and improve exercise load .&There are two methods for determining the exercise load : one is the surface data , based on physical activity as a measure of success , such as running speed , action repetitions or frequency.&This is the people's habits measurement method , but it can not directly reflect the load state of bodily functions .&The other is internal data , is the body's functional state direct measurement of physical exercise , as measured by heart rate, heart rate requirements to determine the best workout for each exercise load , this method some trouble .&But the heart of the fast , high intensity exercise is not only more sensitive content , but also susceptible to emotions.&Some scholars believe that: only by heart rate to determine the movement of the load while ignoring the pressure index is dangerous because the heart rate and blood pressure do not reflect exactly the same exercise load .Physical exercise we will combine the two methods for determining the use , some can be more objective .&At the beginning of exercise, should be determined by repeatedly determining a reasonable exercise load as a starting point .&And with increasing exercise levels ( 2-4 weeks can be used as a stage ) to increase or adjust the physical exercise program and exercise load .2, the exercise should be appropriate to the magnitude of the load to improveUnlike physical exercise training, select its contents and methods of exercise load arrangements , flexibility and choice is relatively large, the requirements do not have to pursue systematic at or near the limit exercise load , and modern sports science to prove&using aerobic physical exercise , a larger role in their health .&Therefore, the level of increase in the load is not too large, on time and do not be too hasty , with particular attention to the elderly .3, for once insisted regular exercise , but for some reason stopped for a period of time but when you start exercising again , should be arranged according to the status of the body workoutBecause some time ago failed to adhere to exercise , may cause regression of bodily functions .&Under normal circumstances , you should try to adhere to regular exercise , both physical training will also practice .&But poor health conditions or mood is very low , the central nervous system of the human body's ability to control greatly decreased, imbalances occur organism 's ability to adapt to the outside world and organic coordination between the body , you do not adhere to physical exercise barely even insisted&should also be appropriately adjusted exercise content and exercise load .4, adhere to the principle ofIn physical exercise , the exercise load bear much ideal , how appropriate level of increase , what objective indicators measuring applications, these issues should be determined according to the actual situation of each person .&That is for everyone to feel engaged in physical exercise , physical health status , project performance and physiological indicators were measured , and often conduct a comprehensive analysis to the scientific method to determine the effect of physical exercise and are required to further improve and enhance the magnitude&.


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