landmine shoulderchest press标准动作什么动作

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 跟杠铃有关的动作无非是背着用、推着用、拉着用,多半是杠铃采取横放、维持在同一程度的操作方式。试试假如换个方面把杠铃立起来,改动锻炼形式,能够吗?由于杠铃自身是圆柱体,会随意滚动,要让它固定立起,其实有点费事。因而,你会需求一种名为“杠铃炮筒”的工具,把杠铃插入管子中,避免杠铃滑动。  借由炮管固定,这类的锻炼我们也称它(杠铃炮筒锻炼)。透过地雷管,你除了能够应用重训动作(像是深蹲、弯举)增强全身肌力,也可以藉着霎时推进、左右换边的方式,做迸发力锻炼;操作过程中,更难免要用到中心稳定身体;整体来说,杠铃炮管是项能锻炼到全身、提升各项肌力指标的锻炼。  健身吧先带来四个杠铃炮管锻炼,下篇文章带来剩下的四个动作。  肩推(Landmine Shoulder Press)  主要锻炼肌群:前三角肌、肱三头肌  动作细节  1.双手抓住杠铃,手肘弯曲,把杠铃收在胸口前。膝盖微弯,身体略微前倾,重心维持在躯干上。  2.接着,中心稳定、双手伸直将杠铃前推,伸直时手肘记得不要锁死;再缓缓下放,把杠铃收回胸口。  注:除了正面前推外,你也能够让杠铃分别落在肩膀两侧。  深蹲(Landmine Front Squat)  主要锻炼肌群:股四头肌、 臀大肌  动作细节  1.双脚略比肩宽,双手抓住杠铃的头,位置大约在胸口,身领会轻轻前倾。  2.背挺直、屁股顺势往后坐,做下蹲动作。下蹲同时,双手照旧要将杠铃放在胸口前。  3.再应用腿部及臀部力气,把身体推回到准备动作。单臂划船(One-Arm Bent-Over Landmine Row)  主要锻炼肌群:背部肌群、肱二头肌  动作细节  1.将杠铃置于左脚旁,背对炮筒,左手垂放、抓着杠铃的头。  2.双脚与肩同宽,膝盖微弯,背挺直前倾。  3.把认识放在背部,应用背肌力气把杠铃上拉,让手肘有个后拉的动作,再渐渐往下放。  后弓箭步+上推(Landmine Lunge + Optional Press)  主要锻炼肌群:股四头肌、股二头肌、臀大肌、前三角肌、肱三头肌  动作细节  1.站姿,双手握住杠铃(约在胸部位置)。  2.右脚向后跨一大步,成弓箭步姿态下蹲,躯干记得维持直立。回复到站立姿态,换脚。  注:假如熟习动作,能够应战恢复到站立姿态后再加一个前推进作。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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44.81 · Cedars-Sinai Medical CenterAbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe the injuries sustained by displaced people returning home after a military conflict when landmines were not removed.
This study describes the landmine injuries to patients at the Jaffna Teaching Hospital in northern Sri Lanka over a 20-month period, from May 1, 1996, to December 31, 1997.
There were definite and identifiable landmine injury patterns. Patients were most often wounded in the lower extremities, had multiple wounds, and were injured together in groups. Victims were most often male, but there were unusually high numbers of women, children, and elderly injured. Mortality rates and amputation rates were high. Deaths occurred early after injury. Higher incidences of mine injuries could be associated with two important activities: returning home and agriculture.
Civilians returning home after armed conflicts are at risk of injury when landmines are not removed. No one is spared. This problem is preventable.Do you want to read the rest of this article?
CitationsCitations31ReferencesReferences9There is a social responsibility to provide these people with the capability to carry out their activities of daily living (ADL). Upper–limb amputations are required due to various reasons , such as war casualties and accidents which result in trauma, congenital disorders, and diseases [3]. There are different stages of upper–limb amputations [4] : wrist disarticulation , transradial, elbow disarticulation, transhumeral, shoulder disarticulation and forequarter amputation. ABSTRACT: Proper functioning of the shoulder complex is imperative for upper limb motion.Therefore, amputees who undergo shoulder disarticulation or forequarter amputation require a prosthetic device which can replicate the functionalities of a human shoulder, in order to regain their upper limb motions.Different prosthetic devices are proposed for shoulder level amputees to assist motions of the shoulder complex.This paper proposed an externally powered prosthetic device for shoulder amputees.The shoulder prosthesis can perform shoulder flexion/extension, shoulder abduction/adduction, and shoulder internal/external rotation.Experiments are carried out with a low-level control method to validate the motion generation of the proposed prosthesis. Full-text · Conference Paper · Jan 2017 · Political Geography+1 more author...In addition to causing death, injury and disability , landmines have many indirect public health consequences on civilian populations like being an important economic threat through preventing access to large areas of land and thus hindering agriculture work, livestock herding and infrastructure improvement123. They also cause displacement of population and are a frequent reason for preventing the return of internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes [4] . Landmines remain a risk for decades after being deployed and can entail substantial financial burden on individuals and communities [1]. ABSTRACT: Landmines can cause death, injury and disability in addition to many indirect public health consequences. This study aimed at understanding the trends, demography and other epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized landmine injured patients in Erbil governorate.
The case records of landmine injured patients who had been admitted to the Emergency Management Centre in Erbil city from July 1998 to July 2007 were reviewed and descriptively analyzed.
Two hundred eighty five landmine injured patients were admitted to the center, their mean +/- SD age was 26.5 +/- 13.2 years (range 6-71 years), 95.1% were males, nearly 50% were between 19 to 35 years of age and 96.8% were civilians. Around 72% of victims sustai 58.6% lower limb and 13.3% upper limb out of the total. The hospital mortality rate was 2.1%. The number of admissions for landmine injury was steadily decreasing between July 1998 and July 2001, followed by prominent increase between July 2002 and July 2003. The highest proportion of admissions occurred in summer (35.4%) and majority of incidents occurred along the borders with Iran and Turkey (61.8%).
Civilian male adolescents and young adults constituted the majority of hospitalized landmine victims in Erbil governorate. While a high proportion of victims sustained lower limb amputations, upper limb amputations particularly among children and injury to head and face were relatively common which might be attributed to handling explosives. This emphasizes the need to examine the reasons behind handling explosives. Full-text · Article · Aug 2010 Care of battlefield casualties is a concern for peacekeepers who must treat not only soldiers but also civilian casualties of war. Injuries caused by land mines remain a major clinical problem in areas of conflict in Asia, Africa, and the Balkans [1, 2, 4, 8, 14, 18]. Our institution is a specialised rehabilitation and care centre serving veterans with extremity amputations. ABSTRACT: This article reports an analysis of 75 consecutive lower limb amputees who developed painful neuroma requiring surgical excision after lower limb amputation following landmine explosions. This retrospective study analyses the results of 75 patients who were treated for painful neuroma after lower limb amputation following landmine explosions between the years 2000 and 2006. The average time period from use of prosthesis to start of symptoms suggesting neuroma was 9.6 months. The average time period from start of pain symptoms to neuroma surgery was 7.8 months. All clinically proven neuromas were surgically resected. In the mean follow-up of 2.8 years, all patients were satisfied with the end results and all were free of any pain symptoms. Painful stump with clinical diagnostic findings of neuroma described above may be regarded as neuroma without requiring any further imaging modalities and is an indication for surgery if conservative measures fail.Article · Nov 2007 +1 more author...Landmine injuries are special because of the ravaging wounds that they frequently inflict not only through the blast effect but also by propelling dirt, bacteria, clothing, and casing fragments into soft tissue and bone, often causing secondary infection [1, 11, 15]. Because of the rarity of these injuries the treatment options available are not well defined. ABSTRACT: Crush injuries of the foot are one of the most difficult and challenging tasks for a trauma surgeon to manage in terms of limb salvage and provision of a painless functional foot. Injuries to the foot, especially the hindfoot, account for almost 24.6% of all the warfare injuries in Afghanistan, of which more than 70% end in amputation for various reasons. We devised a method using the principles of Ilizarov's distraction osteosynthesis to salvage limbs with bony defects in the hindfoot which otherwise were candidates for amputation. The procedure is done in two stages. Initially, the ring fixator is applied for the soft tissue reconstruction and infection control, and the next stage consists of percutaneous &inverted L&-shaped osteotomy in the posterior half of the lower tibia. The study included 32 patients with hindfoot crush injuries involving talus, calcaneum, a combination of both, or even involving the adjacent tarsal bones. All these crush injuries were classified using the Gustilo and Anderson classification. The postoperative functional assessment of the feet was done using the Maryland Foot Score system with a minimum follow-up of four years. We had good results in 53%, fair in 34% and failure in 13% of our cases. The complications of this procedure were the same as with the use of the ring fixator elsewhere in the body. This method provides a technique to salvage the foot and produce a painless, stable, fused foot in one of the most difficult settings of a hindfoot crush injury. Full-text · Article · Aug 2007 Because the primary purpose of landmine use in the developing world is to cause and maintain avoidance and abandonment of certain land uses among a population during wartime, the translation of this effect during recovery from war has significant political–ecological repercussions (APHRQ/PHR, 1993). To date, three themes dominate our understanding of the issues brought about by landmine use: (1) the medical repercussions of mine accidents (e.g., Ascherio et al., 1995; Day, 1998; Meade & Mirocha, 2000; Muzaffar et al., 2000 ); (2) technical aspects related to the removal of mines (e.g., Bruschini et al., 1998; Herman, 2000; Mather, 2002; Won et al., 2001); and (3) attention to the international ban on landmine manufacturing, marketing, and use (e.g., Anderson, 2000; Baxter, 1997; Malanczuk, 2000; Thakur & Maley, 1999). While these valuable efforts have contributed much to our understanding and concern regarding landmines, there exists a critical need to consider the spatial effects of landmines on processes of national recovery from conflicts where mine presence is a significant feature. ABSTRACT: The devastation wrought by landmines on local populations is well known. However, the broader effects of mine presence on postwar recovery, and the progress of a ‘peace process’, remain largely unexamined. Both the academic and the practitioner literature regarding landmines lack a framework within which the mix of economic, political, social, agricultural, and ecological repercussions of mine presence in a context of postwar recovery can be investigated. Here, we consider the utility of political ecology to examine the influence of landmine presence on the socioecological relations important to postwar recovery in Mozambique. Landmines constitute the primary obstacle to the reconstruction and development in Mozambique. Because mine presence influences different aspects of recovery differently, we have selected three cases in the country where mine presence has impacted important components of recovery: agriculture, transportation corridors, and international investment. Peace process and recovery efforts by the international community do not presently address the broader, non-medical influences of landmine presence on recovery, and it is the intention of this article to contribute to an initial examination of these issues. Full-text · Article · Nov 2003 Article · Political GeographyConference PaperMay 2017Objective: As recent studies have shown that diabetes foot ulcers have been recognized as a major complication of the T2DM patients, a study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitudes, practices in diabetic foot care in a sample of 140 adults aged 23-78 years among patients with T2DM attending diabetic clinic at GHK.
Methods: Descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at... ArticleJanuary 2016 · Japanese StudiesArticleDecember 2012 · Journal of Australian Studies · Impact Factor: 0.09This article historicises two particularly significant examples of Australian Vietnam War literature: When the Buffalo Fight, written by Lex McAulay and published in 1980, and In Good Company: One Man's War in Vietnam, written by Gary McKay and published in 1987. Through their parallel emphases on a traditional trope of Australian soldiering masculinity and the personal and reflective... Cover PageMay 2017Data provided are for informational purposes only. Although carefully collected, accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Publisher conditions are provided by RoMEO. Differing provisions from the publisher's actual policy or licence agreement may be applicable.This publication is from a journal that may support self archiving.Last Updated: 29 Mar 17Sport specific}


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