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十二章十Maximizing the value of indoor practice如何使室内棒球训练效用最大化 导读:在没有正规棒球场或冬天室外场地不可用时,教练应该如何开展棒球训练呢?本章的教练老司机们将为你打开室内训练的新天地,在时间和场地有限的前提下,仍然能如火如荼地开展棒球训练。感觉那也没有什么能阻止人类打棒球了。第二篇主要介绍正确暖身的六步常规,赛季前投手备战比赛的投球耐力训练,提供了投球训练进度安排与详细执行菜单,是投手们不容错过的训练指南。 I have handled preseason practices for over a half century. What is more,rain or snow has sometimes forced the entire preseason practice indoors. Each year our first time outdoors has been in a warm-climate setting during our spring-break vacation or spring-trip games, often at the site of opponents who had Prepared outdoors and played several games outdoors. We have often gotten off an airplane or bus and that day played our season opener. And just as often we returned home to poor weather or poor field conditions that forced us to continue practices indoors.我有超过五十年组织赛季前训练的经验,有时候因雨雪天气,整个赛季前训练不得不转移至室内进行。球队每年第一次室外打球,往往发生在春假或冬季旅行期间的一个暖和日子,作为客队跟准备开展室外训练的其他球队打几场室外比赛。常常一下飞机或巴士,就奔赴球场。回家后因为恶劣天气与糟糕场地,只能再次回到室内进行训练。 What generally complicates planning indoor practice is a mandated time limit. It might be 90 minutes, 120 minutes, even 360 minutes, yet baseball practice is always scheduled in a facility that also schedules many other activities, such as softball, basketball, lacrosse, track, spring football conditioning, intramurals, whatever. Therefore, a coach always must prioritize. Practice goals need to be planned, organized, and implemented to get the most from each practice session.室内场地的使用时间限制增加了安排室内训练的难度。90分钟,120分钟,或是360分钟的棒球室内训练,往往必须跟其他运动队竞争场地,比如垒球队、篮球队、曲棍球队、田径队、春季足球队等。因此,教练必须能分清训练的主次,定好训练目标,组织好训练,让进行的每一个练习项目收获最大的效益。 Besides time constraints, coaches conducting indoor practices also must deal with space limitations in meeting the goals planned for each practice. I always depend on (1) establishing priorities for getting a team ready, (2) being well organized for each practice session, and (3) using the available space effectively for each planned practice.除了时间限制,为了完成每个训练目标,教练还要解决室内场地限制的各种问题,我总是依据:(1)建立球队备战的优先顺序(2)每一个训练单元都进行良好组织(3)充分且高效地利用可用场地进行训练。 I have always worried about two matters in preparing for preseason and planning indoor practices. First, can I give a fair tryout indoors to players wishing to try out for the squad? I long ago concluded that I cannot do that. I feel that at the college level tryouts are best accomplished in fall baseball. In a high school, where many of the key players are multisport athletes, one has to count on summer baseball (summer amateur league games, clinics, and so forth) to accomplish the"tryout."计划及准备赛季前室内训练的过程中,有两个问题始终困扰着我。第一,我能为那些渴望加入球队的球员们组织公平公正的室内选拔测试吗?很早之前我就断定自己不可能做到。大学棒球选拔最好的时机是在球季。而在高中,大部分主力队员都是全能目运动员,只能在夏季参加选拔。 Second, I never have adequate time in indoor practices to accomplish all the needed teaching experiences. Again, I work hard at planning and working to accomplish needed teaching experiences at the college level in fall baseball. For the high school level, I have had greater success teaching needed baseball skills in summer clinics and camps and other planned summer baseball experiences.第二,我从不曾拥有充足的时间完成所有必需的教学练习。在大学,秋季训练需要花费大量精力;而高中,棒球教学在夏季开展得较为顺利。 My basic premise in preseason has been (1) to know which players I needed to focus on to get ready for the season ahead and (2) to focus on correcting each player in each practice experience.赛季前我的基本承诺:(1)清楚哪些球员是本赛季能够委以重任并让他们做好准备(2)专心纠正每一个球员在每一次训练中犯的错误。 A coach will obviously spend time evaluating who is coming along in preseason practices to see who is ready and to make necessary personnel adjustments. On the first day of practice, you have to know which players you need to get ready for the season. You will likely have to correct, adjust, and make changes to prepare each player and the team itself within the time and space constraints of the indoor setting.显然,教练必须在赛季前花时间对球员进行评估,找出那些真正需要为赛季做好竞技准备与身体调整的球员。练习第一天,你必须知道哪些球员需要在赛季前做好充足准备。在时间与场地双重限制之下,你很可能需要纠正、调整、转变,来使球员以及球队做足准备。
What follows is a summary of how we run indoor practices-our priorities, our planning, our organizing philosophy, and how we use limited space in our drills. We have drawn some of what follows from our book Maximizing Baseball Practice, published by Human Kinetics in 1995, which was written with Jay Kemble and Michael Coutts. This book details our blueprint for developing practice sessions to meet the needs and goals of a team.下面总结了一些开展室内训练的方法——优先项,计划,宗旨,以及如何使用有限场地开展训练。我们从Human Kinetics1995年出版,Jay Kemble 和Michael Coutts共同撰写的 《Maximizing Baseball Practice(棒球训练效用最大化)》一书中摘录了一些如何使棒球训练效益最大化的方法,这本书为我们展示了如何构建训练项目以达到球队的需求与目标的细节蓝图。 Our philosophy of practicing baseball indoors is to plan each practice to (1) maximize use of time by identifying priorities, allocating time,and dividing practice and (2) maximize usE of space by defining available space and dividing space.室内训练的宗旨是让每一个训练项目(1)通过明确主次,时间分配,训练模块化,最充分地使用时间,(2)通过明确可用场地,模块化场地,最充分地使用训练场地。
Maximizing Time时间最大化 I always spend 60 to 80 minutes a day developing a daily practice session. The best way to prepare a baseball team is to spend the time necessary to plan practice so that players know exactly what to do and when to do it. Players know that every minute will be filled with a drill or routine that will help them develop as a team.我每天安排60到80分钟的练习。球队备战最好的方式是为规划的训练项目投入足够多的时间,让球员知道该做什么以及什么时候做。每个人在球场上的每一分钟都应该百分百投入训练,这有助于以球队整体的成长。 The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) restricts weekly team practice time and the number of days each week a player can practice. Many of you face similar restrictions, especially high school coaches who are allowed just three weeks of preseason practice and no Sunday practice sessions. Because of these restrictions you must continually evaluate your use of time.全国大学生体育协会(NACC)要求每棒球队每天训练时间及每周训练天数不能超过规定时间。所有教练都面临同样的限制,特别是高中教练,只被允许进行为期三周的赛季前训练,且不允许在星期天不能进行训练。由于这些限制因素,你必须不断的评估自己的时间使用效率。
Identifying Priorities确认优先进行的项目 You never seem to have enough time to be as good as you want to be. If you plan well, you reduce the potential for wasting time (and you can use any time left at the end of practice to repeat individual skill work or satisfy your needs in developing your team. A quick, organized practice that involves every player is the most effective way to do this. Always keep your players active. Having players stand around is not only boring for them but also can distract the entire team.似乎永远没有足够时间将事情做得如预想中那样。但是如果计划得当,你可以尽可能地减少时间的浪费(在训练结束之际充分使用剩余的时间进行个人加训或加强球队的建设)。一个将所有人囊括在内,执行迅速,组织良好的训练就是最高效的方式。始终保持球员的积极性。球员无事可做,不仅会让他们感到无趣,还会是整支球队军心涣散。 The first step in prioritizing is to analyze how you use your time. Our practices run between two and two and a half hours each day any time beyond that is usually nonproductive. Identify yom goal for the day and what you must do to accomplish it. Our top priority in preseason is to develop endurance of our pitchers. Pitchers require the most time to get ready, are the most vulnerable to injury, and require the most attention, so first we organize our practices around building their endurance. In-season, the goal is to maintain endurance. This is what we plan to spend the most time on in every practice.明确主次的第一步分析如何使用时间。每天我们的训练时长为2~2.5小时,超过训练时间往往没有实际意义。明确当天的目标以及需要完成的项目。赛季前的首要任务是发展投手的耐力。投手需要的准备时间更多,最容易受伤,也最需要关注,因此赛季前训练的主要目标是建立投手的耐力。而赛季中,则是努力保持投手的耐力,这就是训练中最耗时的部分。 Our next priority is preparing our hitters. In preseason we require our pitchers to throw a specified number of pitches each day. As the season draws closer, we increase the number of pitches. Regardless of the number of pitches, we have the same goal every day-to build the endurance of the pitchers so they can comfortably make their pitch counts each outing. This usually involves about an hour of practice.Meanwhile, the infielders, outfielders, and hitters are involved in drill work.During live hitting, we schedule basic skills for the everyday players. we emphasize that the live pitching and hitting schedule is that day's game experience for each pitcher, catcher, and hitter. Thus we plan each indoor practice around this priority philosophy.下一个需要关注的是击球手的训练。赛季前,我们会要求投手们每天投出指定数量的球数,球数随着赛季临近逐渐增加。无论每天投多少球,都是为了同一个目标——建立投手的耐力,使他们在比赛中能够轻松地解决打者。训练时间一般为每天一个小时。内野手、外野手,打者同时参与练习。在投打练习中,每个运动员需要练习的项目都是预先安排好的。不论对于投手,捕手还是打者,投打练习都是一天训练中的重点。每次室内训练都是围绕着这个宗旨开展进行的。
Allocating Time分配时间 Once we know time limits for each practice (90 minutes, 120 minutes,150 minutes), we then fit into the remaining slots the practice for the other players-fielding drills, team defense, base running, and so forth.每次练习的时间是有限的(90分钟,120分钟,150分钟),充分利用时间进行防守,进攻,跑垒训练等等。It has always been a priority with me to schedule 60 minutes of pitching and hitting at the same time by having live pitching throw to live hitting. The next priority in allocating time is to work on basic skills for each position.优先规划一个60分钟的投球打击训练,其次是给每个守备位置基础练习的时间分配。 We allot about 15 minutes a day for each position player to perform drills to develop the basic skills of his position. We spend 15 minutes each with infielders, outfielders, catchers, and pitchers on developing individual skills such as fielding, throwing, footwork, and the double play. This takes about 60 minutes of practice. When practice time limits Permit, we allot 30 to 60 minutes for team defense, such as developing knowledge of game situations and reacting properly to any batted ball, attempted bunt, attempted steal, or emerging rundown situation.We have been fortunate to have a practice facility large enough to allow all our players to get the necessary repetitions. Dividing our facility into two sections allow us to focus,plan our practice,and develop situations in which our players can master the necessary skills within the time available. When we allot time for the basic skills area, we can concentrate on building the team as a unit. we focus on individual skill work for a set time and then bring the players together to develop them into a team.每个守备位置大概15分钟时间用来加强自己的基本技能,分别用15分钟进行内野手,外野手,捕手,投手的守备训练,比如守备,传球,步法和双杀练习,总耗时约一个小时。时间有限时的话,守备训练可以压缩到30-60分钟。开发针对不同局面进行处理的知识,击球,触击,跑垒失误等局面的处理,我们很幸运有一个足够大的场地进行这些项目的训练。将场地分成两部分有助于在有限时间内,开展所有计划,模拟各种场面,掌握相应技能。当我们为每个基础训练区分配训练时间,我们以小组的形式建设球队。先专心个人技能的发展,再组合成完整的球队。
Dividing Practice将训练进行分块 When 120 minutes are available for practice, we divide the time into two segments. In the first hour of practice we focus on practicing basic skills as planned. We organize each area of basic skills within a time flame. Each time frame runs 10 to 15 minutes with emphasis on pitcher drills, infield ball handling, outfield drills, catcher drills, and team defense.120分钟的训练时间,通常会被分成两段。第一个小时,我们最关注的是基础训练。利用每一分钟每一块场地进行基础训练。每个基础训练项约10-15分钟,着重进行投手练习,内野地滚球练习,外野练习,捕手练习,球队守备练习。 In the second hour we focus on endurance pitching and hitting in the designated pitching and hitting area. We concentrate on developing skills through game situations. Pitchers and hitters battle one another in the hitting area, and the everyday players continue to work on infield ball handling, outfield, and catcher drills in the basic skills area.第二个小时,在指定场地进行投球和打击练习。通过模拟比赛情景提高球员的技能。投手与打者在打击区内进行投打练习,其他球员在基本技能练习区进行内野地滚球,外野高飞球以及捕手练习。 If a specific hitting and pitching area is not available, you will have to Plan all drills within the 12o-minute period. while one group is hitting and pitching, another can work on basic fielding skills. The players continually rotate until all players have completed their repetitions.如果没有特定的投打区可供使用,你可以策划一个两小时的训练全计划。当一组进行投打练习的时候,另外一组进行基础场地训练。球员们轮流进行,直到完成需要重复的所有项目。
Maximizing Space场地最大化 Although time is a factor in developing effective practice sessions, space is just as important, especially for teams that must practice indoors.Well-developed practices must make full use of all available space and involve as many players as possible.除了时间,场地也是构建高效训练模块的关键因素,特别对那些只能在室内开张训练的球队而言。能够充分利用每一寸场地,让尽可能多的人参与其中才是组织得好的训练。 Defining Available Space确定可用空间 You should develop practices that can fit within the framework of your facility without causing you to compromise your philosophy.你应在不牺牲教学理念的前提下,基于现有的设施框架开发出适合的训练。 Gyms and practice facilities come in all shapes and sizes. Most high schools have a facility the size of a gymnasium basketball court. The larger the facility, the easier it is to prioritize practice and develop realistic game situations involving most of the players at one time. In small facilities, the need to prioritize is greater, If you have a basketball-court-sized facility, you may be able to do only one or two drills at once, so fewer players will get the ideal number of repetitions. In such a case, you should devote the most attention to your most critical priority in preparing your team.健身房和训练设施因地而异。大多数高中都有室内篮球场。室内场地越大,就越容易优化训练,进行比赛模拟练习,让更多人同时参与训练。场地越小,越考验教练的安排能力。一个篮球场大小的室内训练场,一般只能允许同时进行两个项目的练习,球员能够得到的练习次数也就越少。在这种情况下,就更需要将注意力放在球队最需要加强的地方。 The better you use space, the more involved each player can be. The more repetitions a player gets, the better he gets. Our goal as coaches is to involve every player for every minute of practice and create game situations involving a complete infield with live pitching and hitting. Many programs, unfortunately, do not have the necessary space and must adjust accordingly. Many teams that must practice indoors do not have the opportunity to practice on a regular-size infield until their first game.场地使用得越充分,同时参与训练的球员越多。而球员进行训练的次数越多,技能增长就越快。作为教练,我们的目标是让每一个球员在练习中的每一分钟都能有所收获。尽量在室内环境中通过投球打击训练,进行实战模拟练习,不幸的是,有些项目因为没有足够大的场地不得不进行压缩调整。很多球队因为没有正规训练球场,比赛之前一直都只能在室内开展训练。 As coaches, we often do not realize how much space we have. Yet, you must use all available space. Use part of the gymnasium's stage to do a hitting drill, use the hallway for base running, use a classroom to do basic skills, and use a chalkboard to teach situations. Many coaches are surprised at the amount of space available once they choose to be creative and resourceful.作为教练,我们常常意识不到自己能够使用的空间有多大。然而,你必须使用所有可利用的空间。使用运动馆的部分场地进行打击训练;使用走廊进行跑垒训练,使用教室进行基础训练,使用黑板进行理论教学。当教练们在场地资源的使用中发挥自己的奇思妙想,往往会被空间的可利用程度吓到。
Dividing Your Space为你的训练场地分区 It is a priority with me to divide time into two segments-a hitting and pitching period and a basic skills period. Divide space in the same way.Have your pitching and hitting space available at a moment's notice so you can develop practices that focus on live pitching and hitting without taking time away from basic skills drills. This allows you not to rush building your pitchers'endurance, and you can spend as much time as you need on pitchers and hitters.我会先将时间分成两部分——打击投球练习和基础项目练习,场地划分大同小异。投球和打击的场地的使用通知需要及时更新,球员可以更专注于投球和打击训练,而不用从基础训练中挤出时间。投手耐力的建立也不会那么匆忙,在投手和击球手身上都有投入足够的时间。 Using two areas also allows your players enough space to complete the necessary repetitions for proper development. While one group of players, say the infielders and pitchers, work in the live hitting and pitching area, the outfielders can work in the basic skills area (see flgure 12. 1). Once the first group completes their repetitions, another group of pitchers and outfielders can get their repetitions in the hitting and pitching area while the infielders get theirs in the basic skills area.使用两个分开的场地,球员就有足够的空间进行基础训练项目,从而得到成长。当一组球员,内野手和投手们,在打击投球区进行练习时,外野手们到基础训练区进行常规项目的练习(参考图12. 1)。每小组完成他们的训练,外野组(包括投手)跟内野组(包括投手)交换训练场地,外野组进行投打训练,内野组进行基础训练。 Pitching and Hitting Area投打练习区A separate area for pitching and hitting allows you the flexibility to concentrate on developing an effective batting order while you also build the endurance of the pitchers. This area also allows you to move the pitchers and hitters into different near-game experience by working the top pitchers against the top hitters. Again, if possible, the pitching and hitting areas should always be available to you and should include an area for pitchers to warm up. This area may be one edge of the gymnasium, a vacant classroom, or an unused stage. Regardless of its location,the area should be well lighted, netted, and at least 70 feet long and 10 feet wide. Two hitting cages are ideal.将投球打击区域单独划分出来,灵活安排高效的打击顺序的同时建立投手的投球耐力。在这个区域里可以通过更换投手与打者模拟比赛,比如强投手对抗强打者。有可能的话,投球打击区尽可能保证能够使用,最好还能有投手热身区,可以在场馆的一边,空教室,或没被使用的地方。不论在哪,要保证光线充足,用网包围,至少70英尺长,10英尺宽。如果能有两个打击笼是最理想的。If you coach in a program with limited practice space, try spending thee days a week, perhaps Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, developing pitchers and hitters. Designate one area just for hitting and pitching and develop stations to keep the players involved in these two activities. You can designate Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for basic skills and team defense. On those days, incorporate drills to develop the skills planned for that day.如果你的场地实在有限,尝试每周三次为一组,周一,周三,周五,进行投球和打击加强训练。开发一个专门的区域,只进行投球和打击练习,并让所有球员都能参加这两个项目的训练。指定周二,周四,周六为基础技能和球队守备训练日,这三天,用来加强相应项目的基础技能。 Again, develop a system that allows your top players and top pitchers to get the quality repetitions they need to prepare for the coming season.同样的,建立一个训练系统,让最好的那些野手和投手能够得到高质量的重复练习,为下个赛季到来做好充分准备。 Basic Skills Area基本技能训练区 The basic skills area is a large facility with ample room for your players to master pitchers'fielding, infield ball handling, outfield communication, catching, and team defense (see figure 12. 1). Likely, this will be a gymnasium or common area to which each in-season athletic team has time allocated each day. The larger the area, the easier it is to make the drills gamelike and place your fielders at real distance when working on individual and team drills.基本技能训练区 ,如12.1所示,是一个较大的训练空间,可以进行投球守备,内野球处理,外野交流,捕球和球队防守训练。但有可能每天都要跟其他运动队争夺场地的使用时间。训练场地越大,就越容易模拟实际比赛,让野手们在实际的守备距离里进行个人与团队训练。 For safety, the basic skills area should be well lighted and, if possible,completely netted to keep balls from getting away and hitting nonparticipants. Any glass areas should be covered or screened and walls should be padded to protect the players.安全起见,基础技能训练区要保证光线充足,可能的话要用挡网包围,防止球乱飞砸到人。任何玻璃区域应覆盖或隔离,墙壁应加上垫子以保护球员。 Dividing Space In a Single Area某个训练区域进行再划分 Most high school facilities are small and do not allow for two separate practice areas. If this is your situation, you need to analyze the space available and develop a way for yom team to take advantage of it. Prioritize your space to fit your needs. Figures 12. 2 through 12. 6 show ways to divide available space based on different needs and facility sizes. Most coaches in this situation will have only one major area to work in. This area is commonly a large gymnasium with a batting cage extending from one end to the other.大多数高中的场地配置都很小,不允许同时进行两个单独训练。如果你是这种情况,那么你需要好好分析一下可用场地,并合理利用之。分区需要优先满足你的需求。图12.2-12.6是根据不同场地进行划分的参考例子。大多是情况下,教练只有一个主场地可供使用,通常是一个带有打击笼的大型室内场馆。 未完,手动跳转下一篇...


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