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I regret to inform that your paper entitled &A Improving Efficiency Algorithm of Home Network Applications& which was submitted for publication in the journal cannot be published as it was submitted.
The use of commercial names and part numbers is not permitted in the text or figures.
The level of the use of the English language is unsatisfactory to be included in this publication, and/or the paper has instances of being written in the first person tense (the instructions clearly state the paper is to be written in the third person tense so no 'we', 'us', 'our', 'I', etc.) Authors whose primary language is not English are advised to seek help in the preparation of the paper.
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Commercial - ARM11, Samsung.
The paper is missing the references list!!
Authors are generally advised to read the instructions for authors, prepare their paper and proof read the paper before submission.
The paper has been administratively rejected (for the reasons detailed above) without full technical review.
没有按编辑部要求写,英文水平不够,不能用商业机构的名字,不能用第一人程we I之类。
问题很多,好好改 好好改
好好改 只是在技术审查的时候就被拒了,,,远没有到外审,,,,主要就是英文烂的一塌糊涂,,, 商业机构、软件名称不要出现。文章格式有问题。不能用第一人称来写。英语需要大大提高。修改重投吧!看看我的议论文还缺少什么要素?我是这样写议论文的先写一段话,表明观点,大约100-150字.再分3段写3个分论点,每个分论点都一个事例.最后再一段总结全文,100-150字.老师评讲作文时说很多人_百度作业帮
依照您的分类,例子之间的交叉关系很大.请耐心点看完,1、陌生结识 (1)“Would you like to have a cup of coffee?”我们不能当问题来回答,用“Yes,I would”或“No,I wouldn’t”这样就显得很不礼貌.正确的英语表达方式一般以“Yes,please.”表示接受,以“No,thank you.”表示谢绝.2、家庭生活 :(1)去世His father passed away when he was only five.当他只有五岁时,他父亲就去世了.(2)怀孕She has canceled all her social engagements.她取消了所有的社交活动.She is in an interesting condition.她处在很有趣的情况中.3、社会礼仪 (1)帮助I wondered if you could do me a favor.(2)职业he is a bicycle doctor.In this sentence,the word"doctor" means "repair man".(3)开会上厕所Sorry,I have to do my duty”或“Sorry,I have to fix my face”(4)标语.“Thank You For Not Spitting Here.”(请勿吐痰).4、商贸 (1)广告语言中采用否定句间接地通过委婉语来进行商品之间的比较,避免直接比较而引起麻烦.如:Life is harsh.Your Tequila shouldn't be.(生活是苦涩的,但你的特硅拉啤酒不会.)(2)说某女子长的胖,不说 she is fat,而是说 she is full figured(plump,chubby)丰满的.在商场,售货员不说 we have clothes for fat people.而是说 we have clothes for women s sizes.或 We have clothes for big women.5、司法 (1)劳资关系:“Indeed in England,workers have no chance of industrial dispute.”(在英国工人们事实上没有罢工的机会).其中strike(罢工)被婉言为 industrial dispute(工业上的争端)“There has appeared a receSs n in some western countries.”(在一些西方国家出现了经济危机).其中economic crisis(经济危机)被轻描淡写成 recession(经济衰退).(2)在社会救济方面,如:“Many blacks have to live on welfare benefits after they get sacked.”(许多黑人被解雇后只得靠救济金过日子.)6、教育 (1)谈到学习成绩差的学生(below average student)时:She/He is working at her/his own level(她/他在根据自己的水平学习);(2)对那些爱说谎的学生为he has a tendency to stretch the truth.(他有言过其实的趋向.).(3) 很吵的He needs to develop quieter habits of communication.(4) 说谎的 ---He has difficulty in distinguishing between imaginary and factual information.7、医护 (1)The girl is hard of hearing.这女孩耳朵不好使.(2)He is deranged,I suppose.我想他的神经不太正常.参考:浅谈英语委婉语的特点及应用
1. My wife and I are meet in the straght.2. My family life is wonderful because my wife.3. Every counties have thier own social manner.4. China has the biggest business exchange.5. Legist in China is very good.6. Education is the best for the children.7. Nurse is doctored me when I was sick.英语翻译希望你花费你一点时间大概看一下论文的内容.尽管里面有许多语法、用词等错误,我将自己努力修改它._百度作业帮
I hope you can see the contents of the paper which will take you some time probably .Although there are many mistakes in the grammar and words,I will try my best to modify it.
I hope you spend some time you probably look at the contents of the paper. Although there are many inside the grammar, wrong words, etc., I will own efforts to modify it.
I hope you spend some time you probably look at the contents of the paper. Although there are many inside the grammar, wrong words, etc., I will own efforts to modify it. 不知道对不对
you are expected to spend some time to have a overall understanding of the papaer. Knowing that there are lots of grammatical and lexical errors, I will spare no efforts to mend/correct them.绝对的好译文,我自己翻译的,未借助翻译软件,希望被采纳。【效果图已出】麻烦帮看一下我这个户型,给设计一下。简约实用,97平,预算5万
本帖最后由&&于& 10:41&编辑
@ 感谢回复 ^_^阳台做地台需要做好密封不漏水,要做好防潮防晒。如果想用榻榻米的话,需要做好防虫工作。阳台做地台容易有卫生死角,需要经常打扫。不管做不做地台,阳台都可以考虑做一些储物的。至于价格方面应该是不贵的。至于隐形门么,对五金类的要求高,因为没有门框就怕坏。我觉得整体上搭调就可以了,跟下图类似,懂我的意思吧如果要做隐形门的话,造价也就在1000来块钱


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