
急需英语2分钟演讲~会的请帮帮~求大神帮助1:Do you have any dreams?If so, what are they?Hou do you plan to fulfill some of then? 2:Do you consider yourself an efficient person?If so,in what ways are you efficient?If not,hpw can you i_百度作业帮
急需英语2分钟演讲~会的请帮帮~求大神帮助1:Do you have any dreams?If so, what are they?Hou do you plan to fulfill some of then? 2:Do you consider yourself an efficient person?If so,in what ways are you efficient?If not,hpw can you i
急需英语2分钟演讲~会的请帮帮~求大神帮助1:Do you have any dreams?If so, what are they?Hou do you plan to fulfill some of then? 2:Do you consider yourself an efficient person?If so,in what ways are you efficient?If not,hpw can you improve? 3:Have you ever hurt anybody when you helpen them? hou can we offer help to others without hurting their dignity? 4:Hou do you celebrate Spring festival at home?
我选第一个 i want to be a basketball player in the future.playing basketball is my favourite sport,and i have played for many years.i remember that basketball has brought me lots of joys and funs when i was a child.now,i am a player in our school basketball team and i am proud of that.everytime when our school have match with other schools,i will very happy that i can be one of the representive of my school,and the time when i heard the students who watched the match cheer for us,i would try my best to shoot.my favourite basketball player is Yaoming,i hope i can represent my country one day.我的愿望是成为职业男球手.打篮球是我最喜爱的运动,我打篮球已经有好多年了.我还记得,在我还是小孩子的时候,篮球给我带来了很多的欢乐.现在,我是我们学校篮球队里的一员,我觉得很自豪.每当我们学校与其他学校有比赛,我都很高兴,因为我能代表我的学校参加.当我听到看比赛的同学在为我们欢呼的时候,我会很努力地进球.我的偶像是姚明,我希望终有一天我也能够代表我们的国家去比赛.求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
> 求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需
求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需
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为了帮助网友解决“求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:求大神解决我的mysql 明天要用,急需,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:看看服务有没启动 端口有没被占用解决方案2:这个绝对是没有的,我的所有端口绝对是唯一使用的,我开始也以为是端口被占用了什么的,端口被占用的话报的错误不是这个解决方案3:防火墙什么的解决方案4:我是XP的系统,防火墙一直是关着的解决方案5:解决问题了,谢啦解决方案6:baidu://wenkuhttp.baidu通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:问:一觉睡醒就报这个错误了。不知道怎么解决,,,,,求高手帮下忙答:看看服务有没启动 端口有没被占用===========================================问:我在点击上述已经保存的查询语句时 出现上述问题答:其实都是一个工具而已 无须过于执着。navicate for mysql 是收费的 。但我感觉heidisql一直非常好用。而且免费===========================================问:from tysny.tbZone LEFT JOIN tyctn.tbText on tbText.fdContentID = tb...答:把表tysny.tbMapInfo left join 到表 fdContentID 再把表 fdContentID left join 到 tbZone 。 每一个left join表后的 on 就是left join 的条件。这样形成一次联表查询。===========================================问:比如我有一个表,表里有字段: id a b c d 1 10 20 10 10 2 11 22 11 14...答:SELECT id,SUM(A+B+C+D) FROM 表名 GROUP BY 1===========================================问:新建一个数据库 创建一张表Student,要求包含学号、姓名、班级等信息(...答:create database test_use test_create table student(id int auto_increment not null,name varchar(20),class varchar(20),primary key(id));create table course(id int auto_increment not null,name varchar(20),primary key(id));cr...===========================================问:新建一个数据库 创建一张表Student,要求包含学号、姓名、班级等信息(...答:1. check table 和 repair table 登陆mysql 终端: mysql -uxxxxx -p dbname check table tabT 如果出现的结果说Status是OK,则不用修复,如果有Error,可以用: repair table tabT 进行修复,修复之后可以在用check table命令来进行检...===========================================问:我的主键不是一个连续的数字,所以没办法通过主键来查询,有没有办法删...答:select * from table limit 10, 11 查询第11行 delete from table where id = (select id from table limit 9, 10)删除第10行 不过这种做法是没有实际意义的,无论查询和删除是要根据数据的内容来做的===========================================问:我要搜索的是 为 类型1 的 所有商品 状态 为 1 的 图片 大神们,这句搜...答:SELECT T2.图片 FROM 商品主表 T1 JOIN 商品图片表 T2 ON ( T1.商品编号 = T2.商品编号 ) WHERE T1.类型 = 1 AND T2.状态 = 1=========================================== 洋酒--威士忌(比方说黑方)一瓶+四个软饮(比方说绿茶)+小果盘=580元啤酒是30多元一瓶,400元一打(12瓶),700元两打以上是菲比、芭比、88的价格百乐门和拉斯维加斯的价格...=========================================== 洋酒--威士忌(比方说黑方)一瓶+四个软饮(比方说绿茶)+小果盘=580元 啤酒是30多元一瓶,400元一打(12瓶),700元两打 以上是菲比、芭比、88的价格 百乐门和拉斯维加斯...=========================================== 8,夫妻吵架,丈夫用斧头砍断妻子4肢,然后妻子用口咬着地上的草爬行~爬到"我&... 结果自己吓了一跳,以为碰上鬼了,就朝那具尸体开枪,结果没效果,最后自己自杀了; 14...=========================================== 私は18岁です。日本の曲と漫画が好きですが、日本语を勉强します。チャンスがあったら日本に発展に行きたいです。===========================================大家好,我的名字是海伦,今年15岁.我喜欢听歌,看书,我最喜欢的书是哈利波特并且七本都... one thing,and try your best to be perfect. 帮你润色了一下,还加了修饰词、连接词,用了...===========================================先采纳 我帮想 谢谢 等等===========================================用口号大家都绞尽脑汁苦苦思索着有同学便自己想法汇报给了老师经过老师和教官番精... 明天过我们便要与彭教官分开了想里我心里还真有些舍因此我们明天会操定要好好变现...=========================================== 一生一世永不分离=========================================== 7. xy - x-y = 1000, x = (1000+y)/(y-1), y = 8, x = 144, 满足条件 8. x+50是完全平方,x-31 也是, x = 175 满足条件=========================================== 邹国人===========================================
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可能有帮助我急需全部过程,求大神解答,要过程,谢谢合作,大神们. _百度作业帮
wait a moment //第一题 我等下编译一下 编译器出了点问题 #include &cstdio&int a[10];int main(){ for(int i=0 ; i&10 ; i++){scanf("%d",&a[i]); min=a[i];}int j=9;for(int i=0 ; i&10 ; i++){ if(min & a[i]) { min=a[i];j=i; }} int t=a[j]=a[0];a[0]=t; return 0;}
#include &cstdio&struct student{ int math,english, }stu[5];int main(){ for(int i=0; i&5 ; i++) { scanf("%d%d%d",&stu[i].math,&stu[i].english,&stu[i].computer); stu[i].ave=(stu[i].math+stu[i].english+stu[i].computer)*1.0/3;
} for(int i=0 ; i&5 ; i++) { printf("%d %d %d %lf\n",stu[i].math,stu[i].english,stu[i].computer,stu[i].ave); } return 0;}//第三题 #include &cstdio& char str1[110],str2[110];int main(){ scanf("%s%s",str1,str2); for(int i=strlen(str1) ; i&strlen(str1)+strlen(str2) ; i++) { str1[i]=str2[i-strlen(str1)]; } puts(str1); return 0;}
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this kind of fantastic daydream seems not far away. However in the metropolisof China recently, who had publishedthe best-selling homonymous fiction TinyTimes. These young folks grow upin a relatively comfortable and spoiled lifestyle. TinyTimes had aroused hot attention amongthe young , luxury carand apartments had became an addictive dream for most of them, telling a story surrounding 4 female undergraduates, even fur coat. For this movie, especially the only one child in family,Millions of teens were pouring into the theater for a first watch, a definitely
popular star in teenagersThe wide-spread movie Tiny Timesis directed by the youth writer Guo Jingming
has published the best-selling novel &quot, in today&#39, hour generation in as the only child of the middle school students has caused the repercussions, young people are flocking to the cinema, however, (Tiny Times) directed by a literary world youth popular writer Guo J before Guo Jingming,希望能帮助你Small time film hotly, the story revolves around four female college students as the story unfolds,the times&quot.百度就找到这么多;s Chinametropolis, Premium Apartment House is still the mot seem so impossible, such daydream unexpectedly didn&#39, they grow in relative peace and prosperity in the environment fur coat
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