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最后登录在线时间0 小时机票4 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限1主题精华0积分16UID1847322
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机票4 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华0UID1847322
移动叔叔论坛 - 论坛版权
最后登录在线时间0 小时机票4 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限1主题精华0积分16UID1847322
新注册用户, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
机票4 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华0UID1847322
最后登录在线时间0 小时机票4 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限1主题精华0积分16UID1847322
新注册用户, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
机票4 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华0UID1847322
最后登录在线时间0 小时机票4 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限1主题精华0积分16UID1847322
新注册用户, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
机票4 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华0UID1847322
最后登录在线时间0 小时机票61 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限10主题精华0积分129UID1750717
玩机一段, 积分 129, 距离下一级还需 121 积分
机票61 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华0UID1750717
最后登录在线时间2 小时机票1068 大叔币0 注册时间阅读权限40主题精华1积分2011UID129818
玩机四段, 积分 2011, 距离下一级还需 2989 积分
机票1068 大叔币0 最后登录注册时间主题精华1UID129818
平台出错有英文代码的 你截图出错代码才可以知道你问题所在啊&&不然别人怎么帮你
专业国产机 .高仿山寨机系统移植编译测试救砖。所发论坛的刷机资料都测试ok。QQ
站长推荐 /1
移动叔叔. 版权所有,专业的网络售后平台 (
商务合作||||最近在做基于FPGA的nor FLASh 控制器设计,有点问题还望指点!
UID925791&帖子148&精华1&积分11496&资产11496 信元&发贴收入940 信元&推广收入0 信元&附件收入7193 信元&下载支出487 信元&阅读权限70&在线时间142 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
最近在做基于FPGA的nor FLASh 控制器设计,有点问题还望指点!
& &&&小弟最近在做基于FPGA的nor FLASh 控制器的设计,用的flash芯片是AMD的AM29LV400B, 老师要求用VHDL语言来编写,最近一直在网上找这方面的资料。下面这是我网上找的一个FLASH控制器程序,总觉得思路不够清晰!还有一点就是这个好像用的是EPP并口,我们实验室用的是rs232的串口,还望大神们给看看!指点指点!如何修改,非常感谢您的帮助!!谢谢!!
这个是控制器程序:& & 如果感觉长,我在最下面又上传了这个程序的附件,及这个flash芯片的介绍(datasheet),谢谢!!
use ieee.std_logic_1164.
use ieee.std_logic_arith.
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.
--This is a simplified version of Flash Control. Only a subset of flash control is implemented.
--The following operation are supported:
entity FlashCtrl is
generic(ADDRESS_WIDTH : integer range 0 to 32 := 24;
&&DATA_WIDTH : integer range 0 to 16 := 8;
&&READ_CYCLES&&: integer range 0 to 15 := 9);
&&reset& &: in std_ --reset signal.
&&clk& &: in std_ --60MHz Clock
&&--Computer Interface:
&&--In 8 bit flash control, the command is 16bit, thus we need 2 wrCmdByte operation to send one command
&&CS& &: in std_
&&wrCmdByte : in std_
&&CmdByte&&: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
&&--test pins:
&&wrEPPCmdOut : out std_
&&EPPCmdWordOut : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
&&--Return value to computer
&&DataToEPP : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
&&--LookupTable Interface:
&&rdLUT&&: in std_
&&LUTAddr&&: in std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
&&LUTData&&: out std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
&&--Flash Memory Interface
&&FlashAddr&&: out std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
&&FlashDQ&&: inout std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
&&CENeg& &: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U';
&&OENeg& &: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U';
&&WENeg& &: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U';
&&RESETNeg&&: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U';
&&WPNeg& &: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U'; --WP#/ACC
&&BYTENeg&&: OUT& & std_ulogic := 'U';
&&RY& &: IN& &std_ulogic := 'U'&&--RY/BY#
end entity FlashC
architecture arch1 of FlashCtrl is
component dffsr is --synchronous reset
& &clk: in std_
& &sreset : in std_
& &d: in std_
& &q: out std_logic);
component lpm_fifo16x16 IS
& &aclr&&: IN STD_LOGIC ;
& &clock&&: IN STD_LOGIC ;
& &data&&: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 DOWNTO 0);
& &rdreq&&: IN STD_LOGIC ;
& &wrreq&&: IN STD_LOGIC ;
& &empty&&: OUT STD_LOGIC ;
& &full&&: OUT STD_LOGIC ;
--Signals for store command from EPP
signal CmdFlag: std_ --This is the flag to show wich byte of EPPCmdWord is to be written
signal EPPCmdWord : std_Logic_vector(15 downto 0); --This is the command get from EPP, all the other operation are controlled by this
& & --it can be split to two part: ControlByte(7 downto 0) and DataByte(7 downto 0):
signal ControlByte, DataByte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal wrEPPCmd : std_
--Fifos: Here we need two fifo, Read Fifo and Write Fifo:
--1. WriteFifo:
signal WriteFifoAclr, WriteFifoClock, WriteFifoRdReq, WriteFifoWrreq, WriteFifoEmpty, WriteFifoFull: std_
signal WriteFifoUsedw: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal WriteFifoData, WriteFifoQ : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal WriteFifoStatus : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
--2. ReadFifo:
signal ReadFifoAclr, ReadFifoClock, ReadFifoRdreq, ReadFifoWrreq, ReadFifoEmpty, ReadFifoFull : std_
signal ReadFifoUsedw: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal ReadFifoData, ReadFifoQ : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal ReadFifoStatus : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
--Flash Memory Control Statemachine
type FlashCtrlStateTYPE is(IDLE, SingleRead, BlockRead, BlockWrite, SECTORERASE, CHIPERASE, CHIPRESET);
signal FlashState : FlashCtrlStateTYPE;
signal FlashStateStatus : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
--Signal for READ Flash Memroy(both SingleRead and BlockRead):
signal ReadFlashTimer : integer range 0 to 15;
signal ReadFlashCounter : integer range 0 to 16;
signal TargetFlashMemPageAddr : std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); --This is the Flash Memory Page Address that will be operated,
& & --Page address means that the lower 4bit is '0';
--Signal for Write Flash Memory
signal WriteTimer : integer range 0 to 511;
signal SingleWriteTimer : integer range 0 to 15;
signal WriteFlashCounter: integer range 0 to 16;
signal TargetFlashMemSectorAddr : std_logic_vector(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 0); -- This is the Sector Address that is needed for BlockWrite
& & --SECTORERASE and CHIPERASE operation
wrEPPCmdOut &= wrEPPC
EPPCmdWordOut &= EPPCmdW
--get Command from EPPInterface
--get Command from EPPInterface
gen_EPPCmdWord: process(reset,clk)
if reset='1' then
&&CmdFlag &= '0';
&&EPPCmdWord &= (others =& '0');
&&wrEPPCmd &= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&if CS = '1' and wrCmdByte = '1' then
& &CmdFlag &= not CmdF
& &if CmdFlag = '1' then
& & wrEPPCmd &= '1';
& & wrEPPCmd &= '0';
& &case CmdFlag is
& & when '0' =& EPPCmdWord(7 downto 0) &= CmdB
& & when '1' =& EPPCmdWord(15 downto 8) &= CmdB
& & when others =&
& &wrEPPCmd &= '0';
ControlByte(7 downto 0) &= EPPCmdWord(15 downto 8);
DataByte(7 downto 0) &= EPPCmdWord(7 downto 0);
--WriteFifo Control
--WriteFifo use ControlByte address space 0x50~0x5F
WriteFifo: lpm_fifo16x16
&&aclr =& WriteFifoAclr,
&&clock =& WriteFifoClock,
&&data =& WriteFifoData,
&&rdreq =& WriteFifoRdreq,
&&wrreq =& WriteFifoWrreq,
&&empty =& WriteFifoEmpty,
&&full =& WriteFifoFull,
&&q =& WriteFifoQ,
&&usedw =& WriteFifoUsedw);
WriteFifoClock &=
WriteFifoStatus &= WriteFifoEmpty & WriteFifoFull & WriteFifoU
gen_WriteFifoAclr: process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&WriteFifoAclr &= '1';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&if wrEPPCmd='1' and ControlByte = X&50& then
& &WriteFifoAclr &= '1';
& &WriteFifoAclr &= '0';
gen_WriteFifoData : process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&WriteFifoWrreq &= '0';
&&WriteFifoData &= (others =& '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
&&--wrEPPCmd is a one clock cycle wide pulse, thus the width of WriteFifoWrreq will be 1 clock cycle
&&if wrEPPCmd = '1' then
& &case ControlByte is
& & when X&51& =&
& &&&WriteFifoData(7 downto 0) &= DataB
& & when X&52& =&
& &&&WriteFifoWrreq &= '1';
& &&&WriteFifoData(15 downto 8) &= DataB
& & when others =&
& &&&WriteFifoWrreq &= '0';
& &WriteFifoWrreq &= '0';
--ReadFifo Control
--ReadFifo uses ControlByte address space 0x60~0x6F
ReadFifo: lpm_fifo16x16
&&aclr =& ReadFifoAclr,
&&clock =& ReadFifoClock,
&&data =& ReadFifoData,
&&rdreq =& ReadFifoRdreq,
&&wrreq =& ReadFifoWrreq,
&&empty =& ReadFifoEmpty,
&&full =& ReadFifoFull,
&&q =& ReadFifoQ,
&&usedw =& ReadFifoUsedw);
ReadFifoClock &=
ReadFifoStatus &= ReadFifoEmpty & ReadFifoFull & ReadFifoU
gen_ReadFifoAclk : process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&ReadFifoAclr &= '1';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&if wrEPPCmd = '1' and ControlByte &= X&60& then
& &ReadFifoAclr &= '1';
& &ReadFifoAclr &= '0';
gen_ReadFifoRdreq : process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&ReadFifoRdreq &= '0';
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&if wrEPPCmd = '1' and ControlByte &= X&61& then
& &ReadFifoRdreq &= '1';
& &ReadFifoRdreq &= '0';
--Target Address:
--TargetFlashMemPageAddr and TargetFlashMemSectorAddr
gen_TargetFlashAddr : process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&TargetFlashMemPageAddr &= (others =& '0');
&&TargetFlashMemSectorAddr &= (others =& '0');
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&if wrEPPCmd = '1' then
& &case ControlByte is
& & when X&19& =& TargetFlashMemPageAddr(7 downto 0) &= DataB
& & when X&1A& =& TargetFlashMemPageAddr(15 downto 8) &= DataB
& & when X&1B& =& TargetFlashMemPageAddr(23 downto 16) &= DataB
& & when X&1C& =& TargetFlashMemSectorAddr(7 downto 0) &= DataB
& & when X&1D& =& TargetFlashMemSectorAddr(15 downto 8) &= DataB
& & when X&1E& =& TargetFlashMemSectorAddr(23 downto 16) &= DataB
& & when others =&
gen_DataToEPP: process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&DataToEPP &= (others =& '0');
elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then
&&if wrEPPCmd = '1' then
& &case ControlByte is
& & when X&53& =& --Status of WriteFifo
& &&&DataToEPP(5 downto 0) &= WriteFifoStatus(5 downto 0);
& &&&DataToEPP(7 downto 6) &= (others =& '0');
& & when X&62& =&
& &&&DataToEPP &= ReadFifoQ(7 downto 0);
& & when X&63& =&
& &&&DataToEPP &= ReadFifoQ(15 downto 8); --Even for 8bit operation, since we use 16bit Fifo, still we have ReadFifoQ(15 downto 8),
& && && &&&--it will be X&00& in 8
& & when X&64& =& --Status of ReadFifo
& &&&DataToEPP(5 downto 0) &= ReadFifoStatus(5 downto 0);
& &&&DataToEPP(7 downto 6) &= (others =& '0');
& & when X&17& =& --FlashStateStatus
& &&&DataToEPP &= FlashStateS
& & when others =&
--State Machine:
genFlashState: process(reset,clk)
if reset = '1' then
&&FlashState &= IDLE;
&&CENeg &= '1';
&&WENeg &= '1';
&&OENeg &= '1';
&&RESETNeg &= '1';
&&--Sig for rdLUT:
&&ReadFlashTimer &= 0;
&&ReadFlashCounter &= 0;
&&--Sig for Write and ERASE
&&WriteTimer &= 0;
&&SingleWriteTimer &= 0;
&&WriteFlashCounter &= 0;
&&LUTData &= (others =& 'Z');
&&FlashAddr &= (others =& '0');
&&ReadFifoData &= (others =& '0');
&&WriteFifoRdReq &= '0';
&&ReadFifoWrreq &= '0';
&&FlashDQ &= (others =& 'Z');
&&FlashStateStatus &= X&00&;
elsif clk'event and clk='1' then
&&case FlashState is
& &when IDLE =&
& & CENeg &= '1';
& & WENeg &= '1';
& & OENeg &= '1';
& & RESETNeg &= '1';
& & ReadFlashTimer &= 0;
& & ReadFlashCounter &= 0;
& & WriteTimer &= 0;
& & SingleWriteTimer &= 0;
& & WriteFlashCounter &= 0;
& & LUTData &= (others =& 'Z');
& & FlashAddr &= (others =& '0');
& & FlashDQ &= (others =& 'Z');
& & if wrEPPCmd = '1' then
& &&&case ControlByte is
& && &when X&11& =&
& && & FlashState &= SingleR
& && &when X&12& =&
& && & FlashState &= BlockR
& && &when X&13& =&
& && & FlashState &= BlockW
& && &when X&14& =&
& && & FlashState &= SECTORERASE;
& && &when X&15& =&
& && & FlashState &= CHIPERASE;
& && &when X&16& =&
& && & FlashState &= CHIPRESET;
& && &when others =&
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&01&;
& &when SingleRead =&
& & --This state is for lookup table
& & CENeg &= '0';
& & if wrEPPCmd = '1' and ControlByte = X&10& then
& &&&FlashState &= IDLE;
& &&&case ReadFlashTimer is
& && &when 0 =&
& && & if rdLUT = '1' then
& && &&&ReadFlashTimer &= 1;
& && &&&FlashAddr &= LUTA
& && &when 1 =&
& && & ReadFlashTimer &= 2;
& && & OENeg &= '0';
& && &when 9 =&
& && & LUTData &= FlashDQ;
& && & OENeg &= '1';
& && & ReadFlashTimer &= 0;
& && &when others =&
& && & ReadFlashTimer &= ReadFlashTimer + 1;
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&02&;
& &when BlockRead =&
& & CENeg &= '0';
& & case ReadFlashTimer is
& &&&when 0 =& --In this state, the TargeFlashMemAddr(3 downto 0) should be &0000& because this is a page address
& && &FlashAddr &= TargetFlashMemPageAddr+conv_std_logic_vector(ReadFlashCounter, ADDRESS_WIDTH);
& && &ReadFifoWrreq &= '0';
& &&&when 1 =&
& && &OENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 9 =& --Data is ready, write it to the Flash Memory
& && &OENeg &= '1';
& && &ReadFifoWrreq &= '1';
& && &ReadFifoData(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) &= FlashDQ;
& &&&when others =&
& & if ReadFlashTimer = 9 then
& &&&ReadFlashTimer &= 0;
& &&&ReadFlashCounter &= ReadFlashCounter + 1;
& &&&ReadFlashTimer &= ReadFlashTimer+1;
& & if ReadFlashCounter = 16 then
& &&&FlashState &= IDLE;
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&03&;
& &when BlockWrite =& -- use &Write Buffer Programming&
& & CENeg &= '0';
& & if WriteTimer & 255 then
& &&&WriteTimer &= WriteTimer + 1;
& & case WriteTimer is
& &&&--1 0x555, 0xAA
& &&&when 1 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&AA&;
& &&&when 2 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 6 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--2 0x2AA, 0x55
& &&&when 9 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&2AA&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&55&;
& &&&when 10 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 14 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--3 SA, 0x25
& &&&when 17 =&
& && &FlashAddr &=TargetFlashMemSectorA
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&25&;
& &&&when 18 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 22 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--4&&SA, WC(Number of Word - 1)
& &&&when 25 =&
& && &FlashAddr &= TargetFlashMemSectorA
& && &FlashDQ &= conv_std_logic_vector(15, DATA_WIDTH);
& &&&when 26 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 30 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--Program Buffer to flash:
& &&&when 220 =&
& && &FlashAddr &=TargetFlashMemSectorA
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&29&;
& &&&when 221 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 225 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--Wait for RY valid
& &&&when 255 =&
& && &if RY = '1' then
& && & FlashState &= IDLE;
& && & WriteTimer &= 0;
& &&&when others =&
& & --when time is between 40 and 400, we begin to program the data from verify fifo into flash fifo
& & if (WriteTimer & 40) and (WriteFlashCounter & 16) then
& &&&if SingleWriteTimer = 9 then
& && &SingleWriteTimer &= 0;
& && &SingleWriteTimer &= SingleWriteTimer + 1;
& &&&case SingleWriteTimer is
& && &when 0 =&
& && & WriteFifoRdreq &= '1';
& && &when 1 =&
& && & WriteFifoRdreq &= '0';
& && & FlashAddr &= TargetFlashMemPageAddr + conv_std_logic_vector(WriteFlashCounter, ADDRESS_WIDTH);
& && & FlashDQ &= WriteFifoQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
& && &when 2 =&
& && & WENeg &= '0';
& && &when 6 =&
& && & WENeg &= '1';
& && &when 9 =&
& && & WriteFlashCounter &= WriteFlashCounter + 1;
& && &when others =&
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&04&;
& &when SECTORERASE =& --When the system send this command, the sector address need to be sent
& &--at the same time.
& & CENeg &= '0';
& & if WriteTimer & 63 then
& &&&WriteTimer &= WriteTimer+1;
& & case WriteTimer is
& &&&--1 0x555, 0xAA
& &&&when 1 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&AA&;
& &&&when 2 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 6 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--2 0x2AA, 0x55
& &&&when 9 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&2AA&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&55&;
& &&&when 10 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 14 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--3 0x555, 0x80
& &&&when 17 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&80&;
& &&&when 18 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 22 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--4 0x555, 0xAA
& &&&when 25 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&AA&;
& &&&when 26 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 30 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--5 0x2AA, 0x55
& &&&when 33 =&
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&2AA&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&55&;
& &&&when 34 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 38 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--6 SA, 0x30
& &&&when 41 =&
& && &FlashAddr &= TargetFlashMemSectorA
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&30&;
& &&&when 42 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 46 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&when 63 =& --Check the status of RY, if '1', the erase complete, return to IDLE
& && &if RY = '1' then
& && & FlashState &= IDLE;
& &&&when others =&
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&05&;
& &when CHIPERASE =& --When the system send this command, the sector address need to be sent
& &--at the same time.
& & if WriteTimer & 63 then
& &&&WriteTimer &= WriteTimer+1;
& & case WriteTimer is
& &&&--1 0x555, 0xAA
& &&&when 1 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&AA&;
& &&&when 2 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 6 =&
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& &&&--2 0x2AA, 0x55
& &&&when 9 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&2AA&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&55&;
& &&&when 10 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 14 =&
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--3 0x555, 0x80
& &&&when 17 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&80&;
& &&&when 18 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 22 =&
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--4 0x555, 0xAA
& &&&when 25 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&AA&;
& &&&when 26 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 30 =&
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--5 0x2AA, 0x55
& &&&when 33 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&2AA&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&55&;
& &&&when 34 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 38 =&
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&--6 SA, 0x30
& &&&when 41 =&
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &FlashAddr(ADDRESS_WIDTH-1 downto 12) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashAddr(11 downto 0) &= X&555&;
& && &FlashDQ(DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 8) &= (others =& '0');
& && &FlashDQ(7 downto 0) &= X&10&;
& &&&when 42 =&
& && &WENeg &= '0';
& &&&when 46 =&
& && &CENeg &= '1';
& && &WENeg &= '1';
& &&&when 63 =& --Check the status of RY, if '1', the erase complete, return to IDLE
& && &CENeg &= '0';
& && &if RY = '1' then
& && & FlashState &= IDLE;
& &&&when others =&
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&06&;
& &when CHIPRESET =&
& & -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & --Chip Reset Timing Control:
& & --CHIPRESET: This state is to keep the CHIPRESETNeg for 1us(Because the manual requires at least 500ns), then wait for
& &&&--40us(tREADY, 20us min During Embedded Algorithm, 500ns min not during embedded algorithm, we consider
& &&&--the worst case), and return to IDLE state.
& & -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
& & CENeg &= '1';
& & if WriteTimer & 255 then
& &&&WriteTimer &= WriteTimer + 1;
& & case WriteTimer is
& &&&when 0 =&
& && &ResetNeg &= '0';
& &&&when 100 =&
& && &ResetNeg &= '1';
& &&&when others =&
& & if((RY='1') and (WriteTimer & 200)) then
& &&&FlashState &= IDLE;
& & FlashStateStatus &= X&07&;
&&end architecture arch1;
& && && && && && && &&&
(756.63 KB)
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