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Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 Review
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 - Medial Side
Editor rating:
8/10 on Jul 16, 2014
User's rating:
Versatile shoe that will please beginners and veterans alike
Maintains the Pegasus tradition of cushioning and responsiveness
Adequate Support for Heavier Runners
Similar to other models in the Nike line
The Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 upholds the company’s long-standing tradition of cushioning and responsiveness blended into one package. This shoe is suitable for both high-mileage performance runners and beginners alike. It is a great choice for high school athletes just taking up the sport, or for those looking for a sturdy, workhorse trainer to go the distance towards their fitness goals. The Pegasus 31 has shed some weight with this edition, making it a somewhat faster shoe than such models in recent memory.
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 General Info:
Very few running shoes can match the Pegasus namesake in terms of longevity and popularity, and perhaps for good reason. Since 1983, the Pegasus has been worn by every runner from Olympic athletes to fitness enthusiasts, serving both populations equally well by providing a trusty companion for daily training. The shoe has always fashioned a high-level of modern cushioning technology without sacrificing responsiveness on the road.
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 My first impression the Pegasus 31 was marked by how far the shoe had come since my last pair in this installment. In college, I wore the Pegasus 26 for a season when the shoe was still a part of the famed Bowerman line.
I liked the shoe, but it was initially quite stiff, rigid on the foot, and took some real pounding before it broke-in properly. The Pegasus 31 was practically the antithesis of this first impression, as the shoe hugged my foot like a glove and felt smooth from my first few steps in them.
My first jaunt in the new Pegasus was a quick five mile run after work. Usually, it takes my legs a while to warm-up after sitting most of the day. However, the plush responsiveness was immediately noted with the shoe as I went out the gate and onto our town’s Greenway path.
It felt bouncy on the pavement, and was light enough to keep my stride alive on a few of the grass fields that interweave the path. It offered plenty of protection underfoot over gravel, and maneuvered well on tighter turns.
These things stated, this is a shoe with excellent functionality over varied terrain and at a variety of moderate speeds,
The Nike Pegasus 31 will definitely become my go-to shoe for longer runs for the next while, as this is where the shoe really shines. I usually prefer very light, fairly minimal trainers for daily runs and workouts, but I do enjoy a more cushioned shoe for long jaunts and recovery jogs.
The Pegasus feels its best when your legs start to tire and some extra support is needed to keep fatigue at bay. The outsole is such that you can efficiently move between a heel and forefoot strike as your pace dictates, and the upper breathes very well even in humid weather.
Because of this shoe’s versatility, it will definitely be one that I recommend to my high school runners in the fall.
I have always looked at the Pegasus as a filler model for runners who are still learning to run with good mechanics, but don’t necessarily have any “bad” pronation or supination habits ingrained into their stride.
The same holds true for newer adult runners looking for a shoe to “get the job done” in regard to their weight loss or fitness goals, and of course high-mileage speedsters will enjoy the “ah-ha” sensation of slipping their foot into its glove-like body.
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 Sole Unit:
The Nike Pegasus 31 features a fairly standard Zoom outsole that has become a stand-by for the brand’s more popular models. There is a slim vein that runs from heel to mid-foot in the shoe designed to guide the foot towards the ground at impact.
However, the flat nature of the outsole prevents this feature from over-stabilizing a neutral gait, and it is unnoticeable when running. The shoe’s outsole is advertised as being flexible, but I have found it to be quite rigid when flexed with the hand.
I may simply be used to really flexible models, but I feel that Nike probably just threw that sentiment into the Pegasus 31’s advertisement because it is a “catch-phrase” in shoe terminology right now.
The ride is eerily similar to the
which I currently have in my rotation. The Zoom Elite has slightly more arch support and the outsole is higher volume, but otherwise the shoes are next of kin on the road.
However, the Pegasus fits more true to size than most Nike models, as many shoes I have owned from the brand have run a half-size small based on my usual size nine. Regardless, the Pegasus 31’s outsole provides plenty of cushioning while still maintaining good ground feel for an athletic ride.
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 Upper:
The upper on the Pegasus 31 wraps the foot securely with the latest training fabrics from Nike. It isn’t quite as pliable as the Fly-Knit line, but it feels more traditional while still providing great breathability and air flow over the foot.
The shoe’s seamless construction prevents chafing and blisters, and my one run in the rain so far was without incident in this regard. The tongue is well-cushioned over the metatarsals, and helps keep the ankle in a neutral position by fitting close to the foot when running.
Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 Conclusions:
The Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 is a great neutral training choice for young runners, heavier runners, and the fleet of foot alike, making it a solid package sure to be seen at your favorite training venues this summer.
It excels on longer runs and could double as a marathon racer for some runners, but don’t expect to blast any track workouts or set short distance PR it was made to shine over the miles of trials, and Nike has plenty of lighter racing options to choose from, anyway.
Pegasus new-comers may get hooked on the shoe’s responsive feel, while faithful Pegasus wearers may find this model to be the line’s best addition yet.
We thank the nice people at Nike for sending us a pair of Zoom Pegasus 31 to test. This did not influence the outcome of the review, written after running more than 50 miles in them.
price comparison - Nike Zoom Pegasus 31
Peyton Hoyal is a high school teacher, running coach, and free-lance writer from Blowing Rock, NC. A 2009 NAIA Track & Field All-American while attending Berry College in Georgia, he holds semi-elite personal bests from the 5K-Marathon. Peyton still races at a high level today on the Southeastern road circuit, and has aspirations to compete for the U.S. on the international stage in the future.
Great review! I am a heel-striker and usually land on the back lateral side of my heel. Do you think this shoe would work well for me or would I be better off with a shoe like the Asics Cumulus?
Shoes Info:
Zoom Pegasus 31
Review Date:
July 16, 2014
10.4 oz. (295 gr.)
Previous Model:
Who is it for:
Neutral runners who enjoy a plush, yet responsive ride
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2014 . 09 . 25
作为Nike旗下最著名的跑鞋系列之一,Nike Pegasus已经伴随着全世界跑者共同经历了31个春秋。而在今年Nike Running联手旗下伦敦奥运会双料金牌获得者莫 法拉(Mo Farah)进行了多次测试与调整,打造出本期龍柒测评的主角&&Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31。
全新的Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 继承了Nike Pegasus 系列经典轮廓,鞋头处运用工程网面(Engineered Mesh)制作,不但提供出色透气性还能有效降低鞋重,最重要的是避免因鞋头材料过硬长期跑步对脚趾的压迫。内部鞋身使用了内靴设计,令织物内里降低鞋重的同时有效提升整体透气性,鞋面中后部使用Hyperfuse热压网面,几何分割图案的运用不但增强了整体的稳定性,还可以最大限度的提供透气性。后跟处加入有3M反光细节,加强了穿着者在夜晚等昏暗环境跑步时的安全性。鞋侧Nike标志性的Swoosh则从鞋面中段转移到了脚踝下部,配合流线型的鞋身极为飘逸。
上脚穿着之后可以感受到Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 宽大的鞋楦十分适合亚洲人穿着,前掌并没有感受到鞋面对双脚的挤压感,跑步时由于鞋身前段空间充足,所以可以让前掌更自己的接触地面,从而达到更佳的穿着体验。拉紧鞋带后,鞋舌配合后跟处的泡棉可以将脚踝牢牢的包裹住,对其提供必要的保护性。经过了多次10KM的穿着测试之后,双脚也没有出现过于闷热与过湿的情况,说明Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 的鞋身的透气性是十分可靠的。
聊完了鞋身,再让我们看看Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31的中底缓震性,此鞋与前一代Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 30一样,依旧是使用Cushlon缓震中底加后跟Zoom Air的缓震配置。穿着奔跑时,可以很明显的感受到Nike Zoom Pegasus 31 足跟下的Zoom Air 在落地时回弹效果十分优异,对双脚提供缓震的同时又提供了启动的动力。虽然前掌并没有搭载Zoom Air,但前掌的Cushlon缓震材料却能在启动时提供出色的反映。鞋内的Nike Running标志性Ortholite鞋垫,则弥补一些前掌Cushlon缓震效果一般的缺点。
值得一提的是,Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31此次对鞋跟与鞋头的高差进行了2MM的调整,降低高度后的后跟可以使穿着者身体重量在跑步时更加均匀的分布在双脚上,使穿着者的身体与脊柱处在最自然的运动姿态,最大程度减少运动损伤的可能性。上翘的32MM卷边鞋头,可以令穿着者在跑步时更加轻松平稳的完成由脚掌到脚尖的过渡。
Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 橡胶外底由华夫格与波状轨道状纹路组成,经典的华夫格纹路已经被时间证明了其可靠性,前掌增加的凹槽设计则提高了前掌的可弯曲性。而Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 鞋底外侧的全新加入的波状轨道状纹路则可以在跑步时引导双脚,起到调整步伐辅助缓震的作用。
全新一代的Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31 继承了Nike Pegasus系列稳健的特点,虽然它并没有让人眼前一亮的超前外观与全新科技,但对于一双跑鞋来说好穿也许就是最大的赞赏了!如果你正在努力备战年底即将到来的马拉松赛事,那么不妨考虑下这双Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 31,它稳健的表现也许正是帮助你拿下比赛的成功之匙。
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