帮我看看,autoencoder训练成这样就算洗头5不要 你洗对了吗吗

Deep learning:九(Sparse Autoencoder练习)
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摘要: 前言:   现在来进入sparse autoencoder的一个实例练习,参考Ng的网页教程:Exercise:Sparse Autoencoder。 这个例子所要实现的内容大概如下:从给定的很多张自然图片中截取出大小为8*8的小patches图片共10000张, ...
sparseAutoencoderCost.m:function [cost,grad] = sparseAutoencoderCost(theta, visibleSize, hiddenSize, ...
lambda, sparsityParam, beta, data)
% visibleSize: the number of input units (probably 64)
% hiddenSize: the number of hidden units (probably 25)
% lambda: weight decay parameter
% sparsityParam: The desired average activation for the hidden units (denoted in the lecture
notes by the greek alphabet rho, which looks like a lower-case "p").
% beta: weight of sparsity penalty term
% data: Our 64x10000 matrix containing the training data.
So, data(:,i) is the i-th training example.
% The input theta is a vector (because minFunc expects the parameters to be a vector).
% We first convert theta to the (W1, W2, b1, b2) matrix/vector format, so that this
% follows the notation convention of the lecture notes.
W1 = reshape(theta(1:hiddenSize*visibleSize), hiddenSize, visibleSize);
W2 = reshape(theta(hiddenSize*visibleSize+1:2*hiddenSize*visibleSize), visibleSize, hiddenSize);
b1 = theta(2*hiddenSize*visibleSize+1:2*hiddenSize*visibleSize+hiddenSize);
b2 = theta(2*hiddenSize*visibleSize+hiddenSize+1:end);
% Cost and gradient variables (your code needs to compute these values).
% Here, we initialize them to zeros.
W1grad = zeros(size(W1));
W2grad = zeros(size(W2));
b1grad = zeros(size(b1));
b2grad = zeros(size(b2));
%% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
Instructions: Compute the cost/optimization objective J_sparse(W,b) for the Sparse Autoencoder,
and the corresponding gradients W1grad, W2grad, b1grad, b2grad.
% W1grad, W2grad, b1grad and b2grad should be computed using backpropagation.
% Note that W1grad has the same dimensions as W1, b1grad has the same dimensions
% as b1, etc.
Your code should set W1grad to be the partial derivative of J_sparse(W,b) with
% respect to W1.
I.e., W1grad(i,j) should be the partial derivative of J_sparse(W,b)
% with respect to the input parameter W1(i,j).
Thus, W1grad should be equal to the term
% [(1/m) \Delta W^{(1)} + \lambda W^{(1)}] in the last block of pseudo-code in Section 2.2
% of the lecture notes (and similarly for W2grad, b1grad, b2grad).
% Stated differently, if we were using batch gradient descent to optimize the parameters,
% the gradient descent update to W1 would be W1 := W1 - alpha * W1grad, and similarly for W2, b1, b2.
Jcost = 0;%直接误差
Jweight = 0;%权值惩罚
Jsparse = 0;%稀疏性惩罚
[n m] = size(data);%m为样本的个数,n为样本的特征数
z2 = W1*data+repmat(b1,1,m);%注意这里一定要将b1向量复制扩展成m列的矩阵
a2 = sigmoid(z2);
z3 = W2*a2+repmat(b2,1,m);
a3 = sigmoid(z3);
% 计算预测产生的误差
Jcost = (0.5/m)*sum(sum((a3-data).^2));
Jweight = (1/2)*(sum(sum(W1.^2))+sum(sum(W2.^2)));
rho = (1/m).*sum(a2,2);%求出第一个隐含层的平均值向量
Jsparse = sum(sparsityParam.*log(sparsityParam./rho)+ ...
cost = Jcost+lambda*Jweight+beta*J
d3 = -(data-a3).*sigmoidInv(z3);
sterm = beta*(-sparsityParam./rho+(1-sparsityParam)./(1-rho));%因为加入了稀疏规则项,所以
d2 = (W2'*d3+repmat(sterm,1,m)).*sigmoidInv(z2);
W1grad = W1grad+d2*data';
W1grad = (1/m)*W1grad+lambda*W1;
W2grad = W2grad+d3*a2';
W2grad = (1/m).*W2grad+lambda*W2;
b1grad = b1grad+sum(d2,2);
b1grad = (1/m)*b1%注意b的偏导是一个向量,所以这里应该把每一行的值累加起来
b2grad = b2grad+sum(d3,2);
b2grad = (1/m)*b2
% %%方法二,每次处理1个样本,速度慢
% m=size(data,2);
% rho=zeros(size(b1));
% for i=1:m
% rho=rho/m;
% sterm=beta*(-sparsityParam./rho+(1-sparsityParam)./(1-rho));
% %sterm=beta*2*
% for i=1:m
% kl=sparsityParam*log(sparsityParam./rho)+(1-sparsityParam)*log((1-sparsityParam)./(1-rho));
% %kl=rho.^2;
% cost=cost/m;
% cost=cost+sum(sum(W1.^2))*lambda/2.0+sum(sum(W2.^2))*lambda/2.0+beta*sum(kl);
% W2grad=W2grad./m+lambda*W2;
% b2grad=b2grad./m;
% W1grad=W1grad./m+lambda*W1;
% b1grad=b1grad./m;
% After computing the cost and gradient, we will convert the gradients back
% to a vector format (suitable for minFunc).
Specifically, we will unroll
% your gradient matrices into a vector.
grad = [W1grad(:) ; W2grad(:) ; b1grad(:) ; b2grad(:)];
% Here's an implementation of the sigmoid function, which you may find useful
% in your computation of the costs and the gradients.
This inputs a (row or
% column) vector (say (z1, z2, z3)) and returns (f(z1), f(z2), f(z3)).
function sigm = sigmoid(x)
sigm = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-x));
function sigmInv = sigmoidInv(x)
sigmInv = sigmoid(x).*(1-sigmoid(x));
endcomputeNumericalGradient.m:function numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J, theta)
% numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(J, theta)
% theta: a vector of parameters
% J: a function that outputs a real-number. Calling y = J(theta) will return the
% function value at theta.
% Initialize numgrad with zeros
numgrad = zeros(size(theta));
%% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
% Instructions:
% Implement numerical gradient checking, and return the result in numgrad.
% (See Section 2.3 of the lecture notes.)
% You should write code so that numgrad(i) is (the numerical approximation to) the
% partial derivative of J with respect to the i-th input argument, evaluated at theta.
% I.e., numgrad(i) should be the (approximately) the partial derivative of J with
% respect to theta(i).
% Hint: You will probably want to compute the elements of numgrad one at a time.
epsilon = 1e-4;
n = size(theta,1);
E = eye(n);
for i = 1:n
delta = E(:,i)*
numgrad(i) = (J(theta+delta)-J(theta-delta))/(epsilon*2.0);
% n=size(theta,1);
% E=eye(n);
% epsilon=1e-4;
% for i=1:n
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
endcheckNumericalGradient.m:function [] = checkNumericalGradient()
% This code can be used to check your numerical gradient implementation
% in computeNumericalGradient.m
% It analytically evaluates the gradient of a very simple function called
% simpleQuadraticFunction (see below) and compares the result with your numerical
% solution. Your numerical gradient implementation is incorrect if
% your numerical solution deviates too much from the analytical solution.
% Evaluate the function and gradient at x = [4; 10]; (Here, x is a 2d vector.)
x = [4; 10];
[value, grad] = simpleQuadraticFunction(x);
% Use your code to numerically compute the gradient of simpleQuadraticFunction at x.
% (The notation "@simpleQuadraticFunction" denotes a pointer to a function.)
numgrad = computeNumericalGradient(@simpleQuadraticFunction, x);
% Visually examine the two gradient computations.
The two columns
% you get should be very similar.
disp([numgrad grad]);
fprintf('The above two columns you get should be very similar.\n(Left-Your Numerical Gradient, Right-Analytical Gradient)\n\n');
% Evaluate the norm of the difference between two solutions.
% If you have a correct implementation, and assuming you used EPSILON = 0.0001
% in computeNumericalGradient.m, then diff below should be 2.1452e-12
diff = norm(numgrad-grad)/norm(numgrad+grad);
fprintf('Norm of the difference between numerical and analytical gradient (should be & 1e-9)\n\n');
function [value,grad] = simpleQuadraticFunction(x)
% this function accepts a 2D vector as input.
% Its outputs are:
value: h(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 3*x1*x2
grad: A 2x1 vector that gives the partial derivatives of h with respect to x1 and x2
% Note that when we pass @simpleQuadraticFunction(x) to computeNumericalGradients, we're assuming
% that computeNumericalGradients will use only the first returned value of this function.
value = x(1)^2 + 3*x(1)*x(2);
grad = zeros(2, 1);
= 2*x(1) + 3*x(2);
enddisplay_network.m:function [h, array] = display_network(A, opt_normalize, opt_graycolor, cols, opt_colmajor)
% This function visualizes filters in matrix A. Each column of A is a
% filter. We will reshape each column into a square image and visualizes
% on each cell of the visualization panel.
% All other parameters are optional, usually you do not need to worry
% about it.
% opt_normalize: whether we need to normalize the filter so that all of
% them can have similar contrast. Default value is true.
% opt_graycolor: whether we use gray as the heat map. Default is true.
% cols: how many columns are there in the display. Default value is the
% squareroot of the number of columns in A.
% opt_colmajor: you can switch convention to row major for A. In that
% case, each row of A is a filter. Default value is false.
warning off all
if ~exist('opt_normalize', 'var') || isempty(opt_normalize)
opt_normalize= true;
if ~exist('opt_graycolor', 'var') || isempty(opt_graycolor)
opt_graycolor= true;
if ~exist('opt_colmajor', 'var') || isempty(opt_colmajor)
opt_colmajor = false;
A = A - mean(A(:));
if opt_graycolor, colormap(gray); end
% compute rows, cols
[L M]=size(A);
if ~exist('cols', 'var')%没有给定列数的情况下
if floor(sqrt(M))^2 ~= M %M不是平方数时
while mod(M, n)~=0 && n&1.2*sqrt(M), n=n+1; end
m = ceil(M/n);
if ~opt_graycolor
array = 0.1.* array;
if ~opt_colmajor
if opt_normalize
if opt_normalize
if opt_graycolor
h=imagesc(array,'EraseMode','none',[-1 1]);%这里讲EraseMode设置为none,表示重绘时不擦除任何像素点
h=imagesc(array,'EraseMode','none',[-1 1]);
axis image off
warning on all实验总结: 实验结果显示的那些权值图像代表什么呢?参考了内容可以知道,如果输入的特征满足二泛数小于1的约束,即满足:那么可以证明只有当输入的x中的每一维满足:时,其对隐含层的active才最大,也就是说最容易是隐含层的节点输出为1,可以看出,输入值和权值应该是正相关的。补: 以前博文中在用vector的方式写sparseAutoencoderCost.m文件时,一直不成功,现已经解决该问题了,解决方法是:把以前的Iweight换成Jweight即可。参考资料:Deep learning:二十四(stacked autoencoder练习)
  本次是练习2个隐含层的网络的训练方法,每个网络层都是用的sparse autoencoder思想,利用两个隐含层的网络来提取出输入数据的特征。本次实验验要完成的任务是对MINST进行手写数字识别,实验内容及步骤参考网页教程Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification。当提取出手写数字图片的特征后,就用softmax进行对其进行分类。关于MINST的介绍可以参考网页:MNIST Dataset。本文的理论介绍也可以参考前面的博文:Deep learning:十六(deep networks)。
  进行deep network的训练方法大致如下:
  1. 用原始输入数据作为输入,训练出(利用sparse autoencoder方法)第一个隐含层结构的网络参数,并将用训练好的参数算出第1个隐含层的输出。
  2. 把步骤1的输出作为第2个网络的输入,用同样的方法训练第2个隐含层网络的参数。
  3. 用步骤2 的输出作为多分类器softmax的输入,然后利用原始数据的标签来训练出softmax分类器的网络参数。
  4. 计算2个隐含层加softmax分类器整个网络一起的损失函数,以及整个网络对每个参数的偏导函数值。
  5. 用步骤1,2和3的网络参数作为整个深度网络(2个隐含层,1个softmax输出层)参数初始化的值,然后用lbfs算法迭代求出上面损失函数最小值附近处的参数值,并作为整个网络最后的最优参数值。
  上面的训练过程是针对使用softmax分类器进行的,而softmax分类器的损失函数等是有公式进行计算的。所以在进行参数校正时,可以对把所有网络看做是一个整体,然后计算整个网络的损失函数和其偏导,这样的话当我们有了标注好了的数据后,就可以用前面训练好了的参数作为初始参数,然后用优化算法求得整个网络的参数了。但如果我们后面的分类器不是用的softmax分类器,而是用的其它的,比如svm,随机森林等,这个时候前面特征提取的网络参数已经预训练好了,用该参数是可以初始化前面的网络,但是此时该怎么微调呢?因为此时标注的数值只能在后面的分类器中才用得到,所以没法计算系统的损失函数等。难道又要讲前面n层网络的最终输出等价于第一层网络的输入(也就是多网络的sparse autoencoder)?本人暂时还没弄清楚,日后应该会想明白的。
利用sparse autoencoder进行预训练时,需要依次计算出每个隐含层的输出,如果后面是采用softmax分类器的话,则同样也需要用最后一个隐含层的输出作为softmax的输入来训练softmax的网络参数。
&  程序中部分函数:
  [params, netconfig] = stack2params(stack)
  [ cost, grad ] = stackedAECost(theta, inputSize, hiddenSize, numClasses, netconfig,lambda, data, labels)
  stack = params2stack(params, netconfig)
  [pred] = stackedAEPredict(theta, inputSize, hiddenSize, numClasses, netconfig, data)
  [h, array] = display_network(A, opt_normalize, opt_graycolor, cols, opt_colmajor)
&  &matlab内嵌函数:
  &&s =表示创建一个结构数组s。
  比如函数save('saves/step2.mat', 'sae1OptTheta');则要求当前目录下有saves这个目录,否则该语句会调用失败的。
  第二个隐含层的特征值显示不知道该怎么弄,因为第二个隐含层每个节点都是对应的200维,用display_network这个函数去显示的话是不行的,它只能显示维数能够开平方的那些特征,所以不知道是该将200弄成20*10,还是弄成16*25好,很好奇关于deep learning那么多文章中第二层网络是怎么显示的,将200分解后的显示哪个具有代表性呢?待定。所以这里暂且不显示,因为截取200前面的196位用display_network来显示的话,什么都看不出来:
  Before Finetuning Test Accuracy: 92.190%
  After Finetuning Test Accuracy: 97.670%
%% CS294A/CS294W Stacked Autoencoder Exercise
This file contains code that helps you get started on the
sstacked autoencoder exercise. You will need to complete code in
You will also need to have implemented sparseAutoencoderCost.m and
softmaxCost.m from previous exercises. You will need the initializeParameters.m
loadMNISTImages.m, and loadMNISTLabels.m files from previous exercises.
For the purpose of completing the assignment, you do not need to
change the code in this file.
%% STEP 0: Here we provide the relevant parameters values that will
allow your sparse autoencoder to you do not need to
change the parameters below.
DISPLAY = true;
inputSize = 28 * 28;
numClasses = 10;
hiddenSizeL1 = 200;
% Layer 1 Hidden Size
hiddenSizeL2 = 200;
% Layer 2 Hidden Size
sparsityParam = 0.1;
% desired average activation of the hidden units.
% (This was denoted by the Greek alphabet rho, which looks like a lower-case "p",
in the lecture notes).
lambda = 3e-3;
% weight decay parameter
% weight of sparsity penalty term
%% STEP 1: Load data from the MNIST database
This loads our training data from the MNIST database files.
% Load MNIST database files
trainData = loadMNISTImages('train-images.idx3-ubyte');
trainLabels = loadMNISTLabels('train-labels.idx1-ubyte');
trainLabels(trainLabels == 0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10 since our labels need to start from 1
%% STEP 2: Train the first sparse autoencoder
This trains the first sparse autoencoder on the unlabelled STL training
If you've correctly implemented sparseAutoencoderCost.m, you don't need
to change anything here.
Randomly initialize the parameters
sae1Theta = initializeParameters(hiddenSizeL1, inputSize);
%% ---------------------- YOUR CODE HERE
Instructions: Train the first layer sparse autoencoder, this layer has
an hidden size of "hiddenSizeL1"
You should store the optimal parameters in sae1OptTheta
addpath minFunc/;
options.Method = 'lbfgs';
options.maxIter = 400;
options.display = 'on';
[sae1OptTheta, cost] =
save('saves/step2.mat', 'sae1OptTheta');
W1 = reshape(sae1OptTheta(1:hiddenSizeL1 * inputSize), hiddenSizeL1, inputSize);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% STEP 2: Train the second sparse autoencoder
This trains the second sparse autoencoder on the first autoencoder
If you've correctly implemented sparseAutoencoderCost.m, you don't need
to change anything here.
[sae1Features] = feedForwardAutoencoder(sae1OptTheta, hiddenSizeL1, ...
inputSize, trainData);
Randomly initialize the parameters
sae2Theta = initializeParameters(hiddenSizeL2, hiddenSizeL1);
%% ---------------------- YOUR CODE HERE
Instructions: Train the second layer sparse autoencoder, this layer has
an hidden size of "hiddenSizeL2" and an inputsize of
You should store the optimal parameters in sae2OptTheta
[sae2OptTheta, cost] =
save('saves/step3.mat', 'sae2OptTheta');
W11 = reshape(sae1OptTheta(1:hiddenSizeL1 * inputSize), hiddenSizeL1, inputSize);
W12 = reshape(sae2OptTheta(1:hiddenSizeL2 * hiddenSizeL1), hiddenSizeL2, hiddenSizeL1);
% TODO(zellyn): figure out how to display a 2-level network
display_network(log(W11' ./ (1-W11')) * W12');
W12_temp = W12(1:196,1:196);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% STEP 3: Train the softmax classifier
This trains the sparse autoencoder on the second autoencoder features.
If you've correctly implemented softmaxCost.m, you don't need
to change anything here.
[sae2Features] = feedForwardAutoencoder(sae2OptTheta, hiddenSizeL2, ...
hiddenSizeL1, sae1Features);
Randomly initialize the parameters
saeSoftmaxTheta = 0.005 * randn(hiddenSizeL2 * numClasses, 1);
%% ---------------------- YOUR CODE HERE
Instructions: Train the softmax classifier, the classifier takes in
input of dimension "hiddenSizeL2" corresponding to the
hidden layer size of the 2nd layer.
You should store the optimal parameters in saeSoftmaxOptTheta
NOTE: If you used softmaxTrain to complete this part of the exercise,
set saeSoftmaxOptTheta = softmaxModel.optTheta(:);
softmaxLambda = 1e-4;
numClasses = 10;
softoptions =
softoptions.maxIter = 400;
softmaxModel = softmaxTrain(hiddenSizeL2,numClasses,softmaxLambda,...
saeSoftmaxOptTheta = softmaxModel.optTheta(:);
save('saves/step4.mat', 'saeSoftmaxOptTheta');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% STEP 5: Finetune softmax model
% Implement the stackedAECost to give the combined cost of the whole model
% then run this cell.
% Initialize the stack using the parameters learned
stack = cell(2,1);
%其中的saelOptTheta和sae1ptTheta都是包含了sparse autoencoder的重建层网络权值的
stack{1}.w = reshape(sae1OptTheta(1:hiddenSizeL1*inputSize), ...
hiddenSizeL1, inputSize);
stack{1}.b = sae1OptTheta(2*hiddenSizeL1*inputSize+1:2*hiddenSizeL1*inputSize+hiddenSizeL1);
stack{2}.w = reshape(sae2OptTheta(1:hiddenSizeL2*hiddenSizeL1), ...
hiddenSizeL2, hiddenSizeL1);
stack{2}.b = sae2OptTheta(2*hiddenSizeL2*hiddenSizeL1+1:2*hiddenSizeL2*hiddenSizeL1+hiddenSizeL2);
% Initialize the parameters for the deep model
[stackparams, netconfig] = stack2params(stack);
stackedAETheta = [ saeSoftmaxOptT stackparams ];%stackedAETheta是个向量,为整个网络的参数,包括分类器那部分,且分类器那部分的参数放前面
%% ---------------------- YOUR CODE HERE
Instructions: Train the deep network, hidden size here refers to the '
dimension of the input to the classifier, which corresponds
to "hiddenSizeL2".
[stackedAEOptTheta, cost] =
numClasses, netconfig,lambda, trainData, trainLabels),...
save('saves/step5.mat', 'stackedAEOptTheta');
optStack = params2stack(stackedAEOptTheta(hiddenSizeL2*numClasses+1:end), netconfig);
W11 = optStack{1}.w;
W12 = optStack{2}.w;
% TODO(zellyn): figure out how to display a 2-level network
% display_network(log(1 ./ (1-W11')) * W12');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% STEP 6: Test
Instructions: You will need to complete the code in stackedAEPredict.m
before running this part of the code
% Get labelled test images
% Note that we apply the same kind of preprocessing as the training set
testData = loadMNISTImages('t10k-images.idx3-ubyte');
testLabels = loadMNISTLabels('t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte');
testLabels(testLabels == 0) = 10; % Remap 0 to 10
[pred] = stackedAEPredict(stackedAETheta, inputSize, hiddenSizeL2, ...
numClasses, netconfig, testData);
acc = mean(testLabels(:) == pred(:));
fprintf('Before Finetuning Test Accuracy: %0.3f%%\n', acc * 100);
[pred] = stackedAEPredict(stackedAEOptTheta, inputSize, hiddenSizeL2, ...
numClasses, netconfig, testData);
acc = mean(testLabels(:) == pred(:));
fprintf('After Finetuning Test Accuracy: %0.3f%%\n', acc * 100);
% Accuracy is the proportion of correctly classified images
% The results for our implementation were:
% Before Finetuning Test Accuracy: 87.7%
% After Finetuning Test Accuracy:
% If your values are too low (accuracy less than 95%), you should check
% your code for errors, and make sure you are training on the
% entire data set of 60000 28x28 training images
% (unless you modified the loading code, this should be the case)
function [ cost, grad ] = stackedAECost(theta, inputSize, hiddenSize, ...
numClasses, netconfig, ...
lambda, data, labels)
% stackedAECost: Takes a trained softmaxTheta and a training data set with labels,
% and returns cost and gradient using a stacked autoencoder model. Used for
% finetuning.
% theta: trained weights from the autoencoder
% visibleSize: the number of input units
% hiddenSize:
the number of hidden units *at the 2nd layer*
% numClasses:
the number of categories
% netconfig:
the network configuration of the stack
the weight regularization penalty
% data: Our matrix containing the training data as columns.
So, data(:,i) is the i-th training example.
% labels: A vector containing labels, where labels(i) is the label for the
% i-th training example
%% Unroll softmaxTheta parameter
% We first extract the part which compute the softmax gradient
softmaxTheta = reshape(theta(1:hiddenSize*numClasses), numClasses, hiddenSize);
% Extract out the "stack"
stack = params2stack(theta(hiddenSize*numClasses+1:end), netconfig);
% You will need to compute the following gradients
softmaxThetaGrad = zeros(size(softmaxTheta));
stackgrad = cell(size(stack));
for d = 1:numel(stack)
stackgrad{d}.w = zeros(size(stack{d}.w));
stackgrad{d}.b = zeros(size(stack{d}.b));
cost = 0; % You need to compute this
% You might find these variables useful
M = size(data, 2);
groundTruth = full(sparse(labels, 1:M, 1));
%% --------------------------- YOUR CODE HERE -----------------------------
Instructions: Compute the cost function and gradient vector for
the stacked autoencoder.
You are given a stack variable which is a cell-array of
the weights and biases for every layer. In particular, you
can refer to the weights of Layer d, using stack{d}.w and
the biases using stack{d}.b . To get the total number of
layers, you can use numel(stack).
The last layer of the network is connected to the softmax
classification layer, softmaxTheta.
You should compute the gradients for the softmaxTheta,
storing that in softmaxThetaGrad. Similarly, you should
compute the gradients for each layer in the stack, storing
the gradients in stackgrad{d}.w and stackgrad{d}.b
Note that the size of the matrices in stackgrad should
match exactly that of the size of the matrices in stack.
depth = numel(stack);
z = cell(depth+1,1);
a = cell(depth+1, 1);
for layer = (1:depth)
z{layer+1} = stack{layer}.w * a{layer} + repmat(stack{layer}.b, [1, size(a{layer},2)]);
a{layer+1} = sigmoid(z{layer+1});
M = softmaxTheta * a{depth+1};
M = bsxfun(@minus, M, max(M));
p = bsxfun(@rdivide, exp(M), sum(exp(M)));
cost = -1/numClasses * groundTruth(:)' * log(p(:)) + lambda/2 * sum(softmaxTheta(:) .^ 2);
softmaxThetaGrad = -1/numClasses * (groundTruth - p) * a{depth+1}' + lambda * softmaxT
d = cell(depth+1);
d{depth+1} = -(softmaxTheta' * (groundTruth - p)) .* a{depth+1} .* (1-a{depth+1});
for layer = (depth:-1:2)
d{layer} = (stack{layer}.w' * d{layer+1}) .* a{layer} .* (1-a{layer});
for layer = (depth:-1:1)
stackgrad{layer}.w = (1/numClasses) * d{layer+1} * a{layer}';
stackgrad{layer}.b = (1/numClasses) * sum(d{layer+1}, 2);
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Roll gradient vector
grad = [softmaxThetaGrad(:) ; stack2params(stackgrad)];
% You might find this useful
function sigm = sigmoid(x)
sigm = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-x));
function [pred] = stackedAEPredict(theta, inputSize, hiddenSize, numClasses, netconfig, data)
% stackedAEPredict: Takes a trained theta and a test data set,
% and returns the predicted labels for each example.
% theta: trained weights from the autoencoder
% visibleSize: the number of input units
% hiddenSize:
the number of hidden units *at the 2nd layer*
% numClasses:
the number of categories
% data: Our matrix containing the training data as columns.
So, data(:,i) is the i-th training example.
% Your code should produce the prediction matrix
% pred, where pred(i) is argmax_c P(y(c) | x(i)).
%% Unroll theta parameter
% We first extract the part which compute the softmax gradient
softmaxTheta = reshape(theta(1:hiddenSize*numClasses), numClasses, hiddenSize);
% Extract out the "stack"
stack = params2stack(theta(hiddenSize*numClasses+1:end), netconfig);
%% ---------- YOUR CODE HERE --------------------------------------
Instructions: Compute pred using theta assuming that the labels start
depth = numel(stack);
z = cell(depth+1,1);
a = cell(depth+1, 1);
for layer = (1:depth)
z{layer+1} = stack{layer}.w * a{layer} + repmat(stack{layer}.b, [1, size(a{layer},2)]);
a{layer+1} = sigmoid(z{layer+1});
[~, pred] = max(softmaxTheta * a{depth+1});%閫夋?鐜囨渶澶х殑閭d釜杈撳嚭鍊?
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% You might find this useful
function sigm = sigmoid(x)
sigm = 1 ./ (1 + exp(-x));
& & &MNIST Dataset
& & &Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification
& & &Deep learning:十六(deep networks)
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