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Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Hello screencheaters!
This week we've got a major update for everyone who has pre-ordered the game! Known as the Murder Mystery update, Samurai Punk has packed in a gigantic new map called Manor, and a brand new mode called Murder Mystery. We made a video to show you how the new mode works, so check it out:
We find that Murder Mystery forces you to stop spanning, screencheat more, and will have you tracking your foes down in an intense game of cat and mouse. Of course, we'd love to hear your feedback, so head over to this discussion
We are also setting up several developer play sessions leading up to the October 21st release. We're making event reminders on Steam, but below is the current schedule:
Mondays at 7:00pm PDT
Wednesdays at 7:00pm PDT
Tuesdays at 7:00pm AEST
Thursdays at 7:00pm AEST
Hopefully we'll see you online! Feel free to record the sessions, because if you manage to beat Samurai Nick in battle, that's quite an achievement!
So now it's heads down on hitting our release date. We're happy to report that we are feature complete, and all that remains is polish and minor bug fixes before we unveil version 1.0. You guys can expect two new weapons, a new map, and a new mode when the game launches!
Thanks again to all of your support! Have fun, and we'll see you online - Steve
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
The Screencheat beta brought out the best and worst in people from around the world, last month, captivating 12,707 cheaters globally. In a Screencheat Cold War revival, the two most lethal nations were the United States and Russia. Given that the US has produced arguably the world’s greatest cheats, like Lance Armstong and Marion Jones, it’s not surprising to see that the USA brought it home with 168,812 kills over the beta period. Not too far behind though were the Russians, with 91,292 kills, but even with a Putin-like fighting spirit, they just couldn’t hold up against the West.
When it comes down to getting things done, the Blunderbus was the go-to weapon during the Screencheat beta. In a distant second and third were the grenade launcher and candelabra.
With the beta now over and Screencheat entering into its final stages of development, developer Sumarai Punk and publisher Surprise Attack Games are pleased to announce that Screencheat will be releasing on Steam on the 21st of October.
Both Samurai Punk and Surprise Attack Games will be celebrating the launch of Screencheat at PAX Australia, so be sure to swing by the Screencheat booth to try and beat the developers at their own game, win copies for your friends, and meeting Donnie Douchebag, the world’s greatest Screencheater, in the flesh.
We're also going to have a bunch of community game nights leading up the launch, so stay tuned.
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
It’s crazy to think that my goal for Screencheat was to showcase it at PAX Australia, and somehow we found ourselves on a plane heading to PAX Prime in Seattle, Washington. We had an awesome time meeting the community, and showing the game off to new players in the coveted Indie MEGABOOTH. We learned a lot about the social aspect of our game, as perfect strangers faced off against one another which often ended with eruptions of laughter. It was a fantastic experience, and I can't wait to do it all again as part of the Aussie Indie Showcase at PAX Australia next month.
Showcasing the build to so many fans also gave us some insight for changes, ones that can improve the game as we head to release. While The Hobby Horse proved to be a crowd favourite, we also learned that it was simply too powerful. Since landing back in sunny Australia, we've been tweaking the weapon to make it a little less effective at sweeping small areas in one charge. Information like this is why we ran the public beta in the first place - to work with our players to build a balanced experience.
One of my favourite aspects of the PAX Prime trip was seeing players battle across my favourite map Helix. While it could be considered as a harder map, I noticed that it seems to take new players a little too long to learn. As a result I'll be making some changes to help stop stupid deaths, and I'm currently toying with the colour palette to make it a little easier to navigate. I'll go into more detail about map creation, and iteration based on your feedback in a later post.
But for now, I need to get back to work. So from all of us at Samurai Punk, thank you all so much for making PAX PRIME great, and showing us how much you love screencheating. Hopefully we see some of you at PAX AUS in our hometown of Melbourne.
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
After a month of hilarious online shenanigans, the Screencheat Public Beta has officially come to an end. Once again, we cannot thank you enough for your feedback, and for helping us stress test our online infrastructure.
If you want the good times to roll on, you can pre-order Screencheat at a 33% discount to continue playing the closed beta build right up until release.
We are also going to offer a very special DLC reward to those who pre-pruchased, or participated in the beta at launch, so stay tuned for further info.
So stick around, we'll have plenty of news coming your way soon enough.
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Hello Screencheaters!
First of all, thank you so much for joining us during the public beta of Screencheat. Thanks to your input, we have implemented a number of bug fixes, tweaked the balance of weapons, and stress tested our online servers. We couldn't have done this without your help, so once again we appreciate your support!
To thank you for being part of the public beta you will be receiving a free DLC code at a later date, with a little something special to thank you for helping us test and shape the game. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, so we would like to remind you that the Screencheat public beta will be closing on September 3rd, 2014. So make sure you get some friends involved, and make sure you get some more matches in before then.
If you want to keep Screencheating, you can purchase the game from Steam and save 34% from the full release price. We will be dropping one more content pack towards the end of September, which will add a new game mode and a new map.
Finally, Samurai Punk will be attending PAX Prime as a member of the Indie Megabooth. They are debuting a brand new weapon, the perplexing Hobby Horse, and we wanted to give everyone a chance to play with it before the beta closes. So when you log into Steam you can expect an awesome update to make your weekend just a little better.
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Much like the rest of Screencheat, the weapon design was nailed down in a hurry during the 48 hour Global Game Jam. We developed the Blunderbuss as the peak in terms of weapon power, and that laid the foundations for the rules of weapon development as the project moved forward. Those simple rules that helped to define the gameplay of Screencheat were:
One hit kills
The more powerful the weapon, the more visible you become
Intentional action is greater than accidental action
These rules set the tone for our first four weapons, the Blunderbuss was your typical wide spread gun, the grenade launcher was super bouncy and effective, the revolver rifle required precision and patience, and the Candelabra was ridiculous and fun. We had plans for another four weapons before launch, yet after a few prototypes we realised that we were missing something. Screencheat is meant to be silly, yet with the exception of the Candelabra, we had pretty standard powerhouse weapons. That is when we decided that the weapons should reflect the spirit of the game.
So I ditched the double barrel and cannon which I had already drafted, and started to focus on making weapons that were more akin to the candelabra. The first one of these was the Chefolet, which was just released in the content drop this week. Originally I wanted to put a spin on the flak cannon from Unreal Tournament, but I couldn’t figure out a way to incorporate the random bouncing elements in a way that was fun for our game. After much testing, Justin came up with the idea of having a single bouncing object, rather than multiple projectiles, which gives both the attacker and the evader more control over the situation.
Do I charge the weapon fully and try to shoot down a tight corridor, exposing myself fully due to a gigantic glowing orb? Do I try and ricochet a medium charge around a corner, taking out an opponent who I know is hunting me down? It opened up a whole world of interesting strategies, and after some tweaking I started on the final design. I don’t know why, but the idea of a car engine as a supercharged weapon was appealing to me, and after throwing around car manufacturer names and Chef Boyardee puns around the office, the Chefolet was born. It cemented our new direction: silly weapons for a silly game that still offers deep and rewarding mechanics.
We hope that you guys enjoy the new weapons we have in store for you. We’re sure there will be some raised eyebrows come PAX Prime time! - Nick.
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Hello Screencheaters! It has been amazing to see so many people playing the game, sharing their thoughts and feedback with us, and a special thanks to everyone who has shared their exploits online. After two weeks of Screencheat mayhem, we’re finally ready to unleash out first content drop for you all to test.
Content Drop #1 adds a new map called Helix. Dubbed by Nick as a “forgotten temple in the sky where death is always around the corner,” this map features multiple levels, air vents that shoot you too the roof, and a tonne of interesting movement options. The colour scheme is wildly different from the previous maps, so you will need to concentrate more on your surroundings. Here’s a pro tip - quickly learn which side of the map is pristine, and which side is in ruins, it will help you find your prey a lot faster.
We’ve also added a new weapon into the mix! The Chefolet is a modified car engine that shoots a kinetic ball of energy. Hold down the shoot button to charge the weapon - the longer you charge it the faster it becomes, and the longer it will bounce from wall to wall. The tradeoff is that it becomes very easy for people to notice a gigantic glowing orb of death, and they have a chance to take you out before you fire. We’re extremely excited to hear what you guys think of this wonderfully weird, yet deadly creation.
Finally, we’ve added a new gameplay mode for you all to experience. One Shot is essentially a hardcore mode where players only get one shot, so they have to make it count. Once everyone has fired their shot, or 15 seconds have elapsed (whichever comes first), everyone automatically reloads and it begins again. This forces you to be more strategic, spam less, and creates some really tense moments.
Samurai Punk has managed to cram some other cool features into this update, including a new Brutal Announcer, along with some extra jibber-jabber for the previous announcer pack. They have also fixed up a number of niggling issues that many of you pointed out, and updated a few things to the game should play a little nicer for all.
The update is now live, so just start the game on Steam and you will be good to go. The changelog is below, but as always we will be hanging around the community hub to answer questions and take your feedback! - Steve
Changelog - Build 0.0.11 (18/08/14)
Awesome Features
New Map - Helix! The forgotten temple in the sky where death is always around the corner.
New Gamemode - One Shot. The hardcore mode, or true Deathmatch, of Screencheat. You only get one shot, so make it count. Once everyone has fired or 15 seconds have elapsed, you get a new shot. Great for ramping up the intensity
New Weapon - Chefolet. Hold down the shoot button to charge this beauty. The longer you charge, the larger, faster and longer living the bouncing ball of death will be.
New Announcer - Brutal Announcer added. Go to the game settings to pick your favourite or leave them randomising.
Extra Announcements - Both announcers now have additional jibber jabber.
Cool Little Tweaks
Game start now keeps you informed when waiting for players
Game over player listing is now ordered by score. Bragging rights should be easier to note.
Notification in the lobby chat when a new player joins (even if they don’t have an active profile)
Functionality Fixes
Players should no longer be able to escape garden.
Lobbies in the lobby browser no longer show a “join” button when they are full.
Death camera will no longer go through walls and outside the map
No longer possible to get stuck against the wall in the wind tunnels.
Forced OpenGL on Windows. This should avoid issues with alt tabbing under DirectX 9 until a fixed version of the engine we use is released. Let us know if this causes issues for you, and we’ll give you another workaround.
GUI changes everywhere. Our GUI guy included a giant list 30 items long, but I’ll spare you the details. Here’s some of the new things you can interact with.
Added Terrain Detail setting in Graphics Settings
Adds Announcer volume to audio settings
Added “Enter” to select profiles
Convention mode- press back to invert look (mostly for our benefit at conventions, but if you’re playing at a party this one might help you out.
Minor Tweaks
Museum cleaned up a little.
Garden lower path modified to make it feel less maze like.
Upper walkways on Garden hills should now be less camp-able.
Fix black defocus background sometimes covering pause menu in-game
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Hello Screencheaters! What a crazy few weeks it has been. From the minute the beta was released publicly, we have been overwhelmed by the amount of support you guys have shown for the game. It’s great to see people playing what we’ve been working on for the better part of this year, and we can’t wait to show you guys what we have got in store for the full release with our first content drop next week.
Screencheat has been an interesting project. What began as a Global Game Jam experiment in January is now a much bigger thing, and we thought it would be interesting to share the story of Samurai Punk, and our invisible shooter’s humble beginnings.
The foundations of Samurai Punk began during the
when myself and Winston Tang teamed up with Hadleigh Barton-Ancliffe and Emile Pascoe. We produced a little game called , which went on to inspire the name of our studio. Winston, Hadleigh and I worked with a number of team members throughout 2013, usually on jam projects, while we finished our final year of university. Winston and I started planning to launch Samurai Punk once we finished our degrees.
When Global Game Jam 2014 was coming up, we knew we wanted to enter. We formed a fantastic team, featuring our previous members Winston, Hadleigh and myself, and we added Justin Whitfort into the mix. Then we were presented with the horrifying theme - we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.
For those who don’t know, the Global Game Jam pits teams together across the world with the task of creating a game in just 48 hours from scratch. The objective is to deliver a game that is functional, fun, and somehow fits into the theme presented to everyone when the clock begins. It’s hard enough to pull it off at the best of times, but with such a perplexing theme, we were a little worried!
After milling around the ideas of our favourite local cooperative games, we wanted to come up with a concept where players would communicate information to one another. We had the framework up and running, but we got stuck when we realised that players wouldn’t bother communicating seeing they could just screencheat. That's when it dawned on us - why not just make that the entire mechanic. After another hour or so of discussion we had the idea locked down to a super simple shooter, with strong level design to back it up. We had the game playable in around 8 hours and smashed out the rest of the game well before the 48 hours were up so we had plenty of time to mess around with other ideas.
The first gameplay footage from the GGJ! !
After finishing up the jam, we were overwhelmed by the response we got from the other jammers. Then to our surprise, a month later we received multiple awards, including the Community Choice award for best game. It was around that time that we started hearing rumbling that our friends at Surprise Attack Games were interested in helping us take the game further. After a huge scramble to formalise the company and release our mobile game simultaneously, Samurai Punk signed with Surprise Attack Games to get Screencheat out to the world. By early March Justin and I had begun working full time on the project, beginning the overhaul from jam game to something fully realised.
As you can see, Screencheat has undergone a transformation from a small idea into something much larger. Taking a look at the earlier footage from the Game Jam version to the amazing Let’s Play videos we’ve been seeing online, is a constant reminder that iteration on a great foundation can really build out your project.
I hope this post has been eye opening to the history of Screencheat. I’ll be back next week with another development post, and of course, the first content drop for everyone in the beta! - Nick
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
Hello Screencheaters! Those of you who checked in yesterday will know that , but I'm happy to report that we just received a fresh new batch from Valve this morning. We've sent out a huge number to those who signed up and were patiently waiting, and we will resume sending out new codes every 4-8 hours for those who continue to sign up. Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to get things running smoothly again.
Samurai Punk are working on a patch this weekend, which should roll out early next week. To help these guys out, it would be great if we could get as many of you playing online as possible to stress test our servers, giving the guys a chance to get some last-minute optimisation ready before we roll out the first patch. So let's all pull together and have a huge weekend of screencheating online!
Hope to see a bunch of you online during the weekend, and we'll be back next week with a blog update and hopefully a game patch! - Steve
Community Announcements - Hellerphant
First of all, we're overwhelmed with the response that you guys have shown Screencheat since the public beta . In just three days we've issued over 35,000 beta codes, and we've had a blast playing with all of you online.
With such an overwhelming response, we're sorry to say that we are temporarily out of beta codes. We have requested a further 100,000 keys from Valve, and we expect that they will be delivered in the next 24 hours (in time for the weekend :)).
All of those who have signed up and are awaiting keys - please be patient. We know that you are itching to get into the game, and we promise that the moment we are granted our next batch of keys, you will be first on the list.
For those helpful folks in the community who may have some spare keys (we sent everyone 4 codes to share with their friends), it would be great if you could offer it up to those who are waiting in .
Thanks again for all of the support, and keep the great ideas coming into the hub! Together, we're going to make Screencheat a ridiculously fun shooter for everyone! - Steve句型转换The crowd cheered their their favourite team in______(excite)_百度作业帮
句型转换The crowd cheered their their favourite team in______(excite)
句型转换The crowd cheered their their favourite team in______(excite)
The crowd cheered their their favourite team in excitement_(excite)【in excitement】固定词组兴奋地有不会的可以再问我}


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