
说起乔丹,我们都会记起他当年在篮球场上的叱咤风云他是一个时代的传奇,是不可逾越的存在然而最近这个时代传奇却中国山寨被虐的不要不要的为啥呢?因为从2012年开始,篮球巨星乔丹和乔丹体育股份有限公司(下文简称“国乔”)的官司一直打到今年4月26日,整件事都闹到中国最高人民法院去了,但是还是没有一个结果。官司发展过程 图片来源:京华时报所有外国篮球明星中,乔丹最被中国人熟知,而他名字的中文翻译就是众所周知的“乔丹”,与国乔公司同名。但国乔公司的律师却重申,“乔丹”这个词只是普通英文姓氏“Jordan”的翻译,不是篮球运动员迈克尔·乔丹的名字。  Michael Jordan is&inarguably&the most famous foreign basketball star in China and is known in the county as &Qiaodan&, the Chinese translation for his surname.Qiaodan's lawyer&reiterated&that the word &Qiaodan& is simply the translation of the common surname &Jordan&, instead of the full name of the former NBA player.inarguably adj. 不容置疑的reiterate&[ritret] &vt. 重申; 反复地做;不仅是名字,就连商标也相当雷同迈克尔·乔丹的委托律师当场举出照片,证明中国乔丹的LOGO同样来自于迈克尔·乔丹的扣篮照片2003年退役的乔丹说:“我很高兴最高人民法院决定在世界知识产权日再审乔丹体育商标争议案,这些案件对我来说无比重要。”4月26日,迈克尔·乔丹发表声明:“多年来,乔丹体育一直在不正当地使用我的名字、身份和形象,直到今天还在不断误导消费者。“  Jordan, who retired from the sport in 2003, said that he welcomed the decision of the Supreme People's Court (SPC) to hear his cases after years of lawsuit.&I'm pleased that the Supreme People's Court in China decided to hear my cases against Qiaodan Sports on World&Intellectual Property&Day. These cases are very important to me - they are about bringing an end to Qiaodan Sports' misuse of my name, identity and likeness, which continues to confuse Chinese consumers,& the former NBA superstar said in a statement.Intellectual Property 知识产权篮球老大面对中国山寨也是束手无策。那么还有哪些雷人的山寨品牌呢?让出国菌带你回顾一下吧~说道山寨,第一个想到的当然是“阿迪王”,当然除了它从耐克到puma一个也不能少!当然,再高级的可以往奢侈品方向走两大飞人合体,问你怕不怕!当然有外国飞人,中国巨人也不能少怕被发现的可以找一些比较小众的品牌来仿(上为美津浓,日本老牌运动品牌)担心一个牌子不够大气,那这双鞋一定能够满足的的所有要求第一张图的作者肯定是多语人才,因为Fuma在西班牙语里面确实是“吸烟”的意思!当然Nike是被人玩坏了除了商标,还可以顺便山寨口号。不过Just Don't It 到底是想表达什么意思?除了外国品牌,中国品牌也被黑出翔八只狗...不就是少了个a吗,补上!三叶草可以变成四叶草!好朋友,背靠背不认真看还发现不了是小学课本里那个李明吗?还是黎明?只能说山寨文化真的是无比强大啊!看了那么多山寨品牌,你还记得正牌长什么样吗!?
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飞人 基本解释飞人词典fleet-flying man飞人 网络解释1. 1. fr:[ 奇记 ] 1:朋友就是你是付(f)出日[ri]子和金钱陪你到最后(end)的人. [ 奇记 ] 2:飞人(fr)和小人(i)的朋友关系结束(end)了. [ 奇记 ] 1:高(g)人(r)和(and)爷爷都怕(pa)喝酒.2. FIying Man:17 May Ti帖Nagic五月的神奇 | 18 FIying Man 飞人 | 19 Once I caught a Fish Alive我曾捉过一条活鱼3. 3. west:peter:作弊器== absorb others' powers | west:飞人 | candice:变形,连周围环境也可以跟着变4. 4. Flying Man:17 May Time Magic 五月的神奇 | 18 Flying Man 飞人 | 19 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 我曾捉过一条活鱼飞人 双语例句1. 我,我就是个表演空中飞人的&&&&Me, I'm a trapeze artist.2. 持续了两个月的空人飞人工作,我离开了济南,去了青岛。&&&&Lasted two months were empty night, I left the Jinan to Qingdao.3. 她学过5年芭蕾,后来去湖南文艺工作团玩蹬技和空中飞人。&&&&She taught five years of ballet, then went to Hunan, literary and artistic work group to play pedal technology and flying trapeze.4. 911查询·英语单词4. 她是马戏团的空中飞人,每天都要在半空中翻飞。&&&&She was 14. She flew on a trapeze and danced with a bear.5. 「我就要变成马戏团里的空中飞人,飞得高高的。&&&&I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.6. 他年仅九岁时,便已经在表演空中飞人的特技。&&&&By the time he was nine years old, he was already performing as a trapeze artist.7. 之后没收了他的嚎龙,并且连着放下了析米克蔽空霸和殷帖,他被我的6/6飞人踹到死。&&&&I Confiscate his Gnarr, and then start dropping Simic Sky Swallower and Intet. He runs out of gas, and my 6/6 flyers take over.8. 精通多国语言的国际空中飞人``寻找能跟上我步伐的人&&&&Multi-lingual, international, jet setter seeks anybody who can keep up with me.9. 她整日做空中飞人,还能成为孩子钢琴学校里出勤率最高的家长之一;她一年要忙365天,却陪着孩子在8岁之前就游历了15个国家。&&&&Mother Machree There's a spot in my heart whic There's a depth in my soul ne There's a place in my memory m No other can take Every sorrow or care in the d..10. 2009年12月底复刻的Air Jordan 11 空中大灌篮,这款是飞人陛下在电影《空中大灌篮》中穿的鞋款,同时Air Jordan 11在当时第一次使用漆皮和麻面的鞋款,第一次水晶外底,实用性和观赏性一直是两个矛盾的却在这双鞋上两者发挥到极致,也是飞人乔丹所有鞋款中最喜爱的一款。&&&&One of the greatest and most adored pair of Air Jordans to every release will be making a huge comeback this holiday season.11. 国际空中飞人,寻找能跟上我步伐的人&&&&&&Jesse: International, jet setter seeks anybody who can keep up with me.12. 盖伊的出局让博尔特夺冠路更平坦,美国人起跑不错,但最后连10秒都没跑进,以百分之二秒劣势把决赛席位让给了同胞帕顿,决赛也成了两位牙买加飞人的内战。&&&&&&His path was eased when Tyson Gay, despite a quickish start, didn't even break 10 seconds and missed out on a place in the final to compatriot Darvis Patton by two hundredths of a second. And then there were two. The final of the 100 metres had become a Jamaican stand-off.13. 飞人的意思13. 明晚,莎拉佩林将在费城飞人队的冰球比赛上发出冰球。&&&&&&Tomorrow night, Sarah Palin will drop the huck, drop the puck at the Philadelphia Flyers'hockey game.14. 你知道吗?除了上面那些言论外,你完全可以对万人敬仰的飞人乔丹也说出这样的言论。&&&&&&And you know what? With the exception of that last statement, you could say the exact same thing about the much-adored Michael Jordan.15. 劳斯莱斯的标志出了双R之外,还有著名的飞人标志。&&&&&&Besides Rolls-Royce sign of double R`s, there is the famous sigh of flyer.16. 16. 这部片历时13个月对飞人刘翔进行跟踪拍摄才最终完成,这是属于W+K的,也是属于耐克的,更是属于中国的荣誉。&&&&&&They`ve been following our national hero for 13 months to finish this documentry, it`s a win for WK, it`s a win for Nike…And it is a win for China, we`re really glad that we did the right thing.17. 飞人标志的动作事实上其实是来自一个摄影棚的剪影中的麦克表演的芭蕾动作,而并不是你们想象的扣篮。&&&&&&The Jumpman logo is actually a silhouette of studio photograph of Mike performing a ballet move, not an a18. 18. 有技术含量的也就是空中飞人,天女散花,俄罗斯轮盘,这几招,其他的都是凑数。&&&&&&Technical content of which is flying trapeze, Tiannvsanhua, Russian roulette, Ji Zhao, the other is Coushu.19. 中国飞人刘翔在复出首战上演不可思议的冲刺,让他的家乡上海为之振奋。&&&&&&SHANGHAI Sep 20-- Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang returned to competition in style by finishing second at the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix here on Sunday.20. 要知道,我这辆爱车可是曾跑赢过芬兰飞人&&&&&&Outraced the Flying Finn飞人是什么意思,飞人在线翻译,飞人什么意思,飞人的意思,飞人的翻译,飞人的解释,飞人的发音,飞人的同义词,飞人的反义词,飞人的例句,飞人的相关词组,飞人意思是什么,飞人怎么翻译,单词飞人是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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来源:355期《21世纪学生英文报 高三版》,译翻天用户流云尼玛编译&&&&&&
Last Monday, the former Chicago Bulls great was elected to the 2009 Basketball Hall of Fame class, adding another honor to his long list of accomplishments.
The announcement didn't come as a surprise.
Jordan was considered one of, if not the best, basketball players on the planet during his heyday when he led the Bulls to six NBA championships.
With incredible acrobatic moves and high jumping slam dunks, Jordan was a 14-time NBA All-Star, a five-time NBA Finals Most Valuable Player and the key figure on the 1992 US Olympic gold medal "Dream" Team.
Jordan retired twice during his 15-year career, and finished with 32,292 points under his belt, the third-highest total in NBA history behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone.
His career average of 30.12 points per game is the best in the league''s history.
Although his career boasts many glories, Jordan said entering the hall was what he never imagined.
"This is not fun for me. I don''t like being up here for the Hall of Fame, because at that time, your basketball career is completely over," Jordan said during a news conference.
"That''s the way I look at it. I was hoping this day was coming in 20 more years, or that I''d actually go in when I''m dead and done.
According to the Chicago Tribune , as Jordan accepted a Hall of Fame jersey, he turned to his former competitors David Robinson and John Stockton, who were also among the class of 2009, and threatened another comeback.
"Every time I see these guys, I want to put my shorts on," said Jordan, 46, whose age has diminished everything but his desire.
His father, the late James Jordan, once said that obsession was what made his son special, even as a child.
From the moment he started playing games, Michael had to win. Once, Jordan traveled everywhere and anywhere to feed that competitive urge.
"He doesn''t have a gambling problem," James Jordan said. "What he does have is a competition problem. He was born with that.
The person he tries to outdo most of the time is himself."}


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