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Hello and Welcome to Ptc-Group
In todays economy just about everyone needs a bit more money every pay off bills or maybe just to take the kids to Disney World.
We are a group of like-minded people just like you who want to safely make money from home using our computer and internet access.
We do not sell "products", we do not have to buy "products", we do not have to call anyone and we do not have to spend any money at all to get started.
All you need is a computer and internet access...and be willing to put in 15 to 25 minutes a day, 4 to 5 days a week.
Some of us work about 15 minutes a day, 4 to 5 days a week and, after a while, make over $5000 each month....some of us work 25 minutes a day, 4 to 5 days a week and make over $50,000 each and every month.
If this program is so good, why haven't you heard of us before?...well, you just did and many, many more people will be hearing about us in the near future.
What do we actually do and how can you learn how to do what we do?.... well, BILLIONS of dollars are spent for advertising on the internet every year.
Hundreds of companies will actually PAY YOU to click on their advertisements.
But the very best thing about joining Ptc-group& is that you will also share in the earnings of ptc-group& as well as earn money by clicking ads.
We have several pages that go into detail as to how it actually works but for now we want to get you signed up with Ptc-Group& and on your way to earning extra income every month.
There are 2 steps in joining us:
1. Simply sign up with the above banners to join.& (We highly recommend that you join at least 5 sites). 2. You will click the daily ads and complete daily offers to earn more money.
What is PTC?
PTC is the short form of Paid To Click. &You click on an add usually have to look at it for 30 seconds to get paid which is usually about 0.01$, the key is to join a lot of them so you can make good money. To withdraw your money, you must have an AlertPay or PayPal account.
A referral is a person that joins a PTC site through your referral link or a person that opened an account at the ptc site and that is attributed to your account. Never a sponsored member loses money, gains from the sponsor are more gains, and are not a part of a sponsored member.
Learn some simple techniques for getting refferrals free or really cheap!
First of all, You have to know that you have to be patient and is not a work from one day to the other, it takes dedication and hardworking. I will describe some methods to get referrals, cheap or free.
Free advertising methods
Forums Being active in forums Like
can give you a good reputation, and many people may register in your signature link, if you are active in forums make sure to have in your signature the PTCs where you would like to have referrals! you can register or visit this forum in the banner bellow
If you are spanish speaker I recomend you the next .
Many people use the technique of making referral Exchange, this could get you referrals, but remember that you will get only one, and you have to click in their sites, if you want 10 referrals you will be clicking in 10 sites, can you imagine 100? well, this is not a proper method to get hundreds of them but it is useful for those big trusted PTC's, this goes also for Downline Builder where you register under somebody, and the next person has to register under you, this will get you one referral.
To have more referrals, you can :
- Buy PTC ads and promote an other PTC with your referral link.
- Buy PTC ads, make a website and promote all sites in the same page.
- If you dont have money right now, you can promote your site or referral link with some traffic exchange sites, such as Easyhits4u.
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Free ads in PTC's or Bux sites
Do never miss this oportunity! even if you are not active full time!, many new PTC sites give away money in the Purchase Balance to buy ads or referrals, the big mistake is buying referrals! most of them will not be active, but if you buy ads you have a big chance of having very active referrals in the sites you advertise! I will try to keep an uptodate list of sites that are giving free ads or free purchase balance bellow:
is giving free 1usd for ads
is giving free 3usd for 500 ads
is giving free 1usd for 1000 ads
is giving free 4usd for 8000 ads
is giving free 10usd for 1000 ads
Be organized
It is recommended to be well organized. Put links of sites in a bookmarks toolbar and remember the password for these sites.
For PTC from Buxhost group, you can use BuxEssentials,this is a free balance and referral management service for PTC members to monitor all of your PTC programs at once.
How to get success in each program ? Follow 3 simple steps:
1. Click all possibles ads each single day, fill all offers.
2. When you can go for premium you got more better paid offers.
3. These websites doesn't make you rich overnight, they all need patience and consequences. Don't give up!
It takes me 1 year to make first thousand dollars of pure profit in one month. Next year I quit my regular job because my earning from online works exceed my salary few times each single month. Before that I was working on it 7 days a week, after my regular offline job. My friends and family was talking that I'm making virtual dollars. Now from these &virtual dollars& I bought my own house, and I'm replacing car to new one every 3 years (nothing special just middle class car around ~$30K). 6 years later I earn my first million dollars in one year. That was 3 years ago...
I do not invented facebook, I do not own google or something like this, I was clicking ads, building simple sites with banners and sharing my knowledge on public boards and this way getting referrals that helps me earn more and I was doing it for years, each single day.
I was helping many persons earn money online and only 1 on 20 was successful. Do you know why ? Because after a (week/month/most usual 3 months) they weren't earning so much like me (or almost nothing at all) and got stupid excuses why they can't do they boring regular online stuff. Don't give up. Why these programs below ? All of them are trusted not created yesterday, so risk that you don't get paid for your work not exist.
Payment Processors
There are many ways to earn money online but at this stage in our online endeavors, we mainly use 3 methods. The methods we use and recommend are:
Paid to Click
Revenue Shares
Binary options
Paid to Click is by far the easiest way to earn money online. Though the beginning is humble, this free online income source can blossom into substantial monthly figures. Using Paid to Click websites is easy and you can earn money in the next few minutes if you desire to. On these free sites, you will be paid to complete simple tasks such as:
Viewing advertisements
Watching videos
Playing games
Taking online surveys
Completing offers
Doing micro-jobs
Referring others
As we said before, you can make money right now using&Paid&to Click. We strongly recommend it to users who are new to making money online. It's easy, it's free and even fun, especially for those who love browsing the web. If Paid to click sounds like a method you would like to use to make money online, click the button below.
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发布时间: 16:07:43来源:互联网
扑克牌魔术教学 扑克牌洗牌帅气的单手洗牌因为在世界杯上撕咬基耶利尼,乌拉圭前锋苏亚雷斯在为888扑克任职两周之后就被解约,也因此创造了一个签约时间最短的记录。扑克魔术中常用的术语尽管如此888扑克还是让球星与网络扑克公司的合作更进了一步,之前的罗纳尔多、托蒂、舍瓦对网络扑克的发展都起到了积极作用。在苏亚雷斯之后,谁会是下一个进入德州扑克圈的足球人呢?最近Poker Listings的德国记者Christian Henkel的撰文给出了答案。最帅气扑克游戏 汇智德守门员篇[魔法小铺vl18][完美扑克[魔法小铺vl18][完美扑克蒂姆·霍华德(美国)扑克牌洗牌认牌发牌控牌变牌技巧特技弄法等图文视频35岁的他参加过104场国家队比赛和350场顶级联赛,曾效力曼联和埃弗顿,令人印象深刻的外表和十足的亲和力让他在美国观众心目中有着巨大的号召力,即将开放的美国线上扑克市场需要他。帅气黑桃扑克西装打底毛呢短悔过老千自揭洗牌技巧吉列尔莫·奥乔亚(墨西哥)经小焰再次洗牌后,他翻开三张纸牌摆在观众面前奥乔亚在本届世界杯上两度被评为单场最佳球员,不过目前他处于休息状态,很多欧洲大俱乐部正在极力拉拢他。阳光帅气的外表让他拥有大量的粉丝,如果他在现场锦标赛中出现,赛事的吸引力将大为提高,他的成名故事和当年的Chris Moneymaker也有几分相像。教授各类扑克特技,麻将技巧【扑克技术,技巧,绝技】有洗牌曼努埃尔·诺伊尔(德国) 成的黑桃非常有质感~ 帅气在某种程度上诺伊尔在这届世界杯上颠覆了原有的守门员的定义,而且我们不知道他的极限在哪里,他的行动范围令人吃惊,甚至抢去了很多中卫的工作。冷静的扑克脸让他十分适合为扑克做宣传,相信德国的扑克室会十分乐于将他纳入旗下。你知道扑克洗牌作弊技巧.也就是第3张的位置球员篇成的黑桃非常有质感~ 帅气成的黑桃非常有质感~ 帅气阿图罗·比达尔(智利) 姚记扑克 单手洗牌技巧这位前勒沃库森后卫目前已经被皇马和巴萨盯上,其他欧洲顶级俱乐部也对他有着浓厚兴趣。类似于中国功夫的敏捷防守功力,独树一帜的发型...这些种种加起来,他想不出名都难。特立独行的性格和引人注目的外表让他成为扑克室形象大使的良好人选。冲2皇冠特价高档皮制扑克洗牌机(1-2副)成的黑桃非常有质感~ 帅气托尼·克罗斯(德国) 成的黑桃非常有质感~ 帅气德国人有一个新外号“安静的荷官”,当他的队伍赢得世界杯之后,他的声望达到了新的高度。另外他现在也是一位牌手。近来他在个人的网站上说:“我喜欢德州扑克,经常在家里打牌。这是一个很棒的游戏,这个游戏可以很好地考验一个人的眼光、直觉、身体控制,而游戏中运气成分的重要性反而没那么大。”克罗斯已经转会西甲皇家马德里,最近西班牙线上扑克经过了重新洗牌,他们更需要一个拥有健康形象和扑克背景的形象大使。大卫·路易斯(巴西) 尽管在最后两场比赛中的表现让人失望,但是路易斯在对哥伦比亚比赛中的救世主级别的表现已经证明了自己。除了内马尔之外,路易斯是巴西队中话语权最大的人,相比退役后身材臃肿的罗纳尔多,路易斯在南美市场的号召力应该更大。马鲁万·费莱尼(比利时) 不仅因为他1.94米的身高,费莱尼凭借全面的技术和强壮的身体成为这支来自西欧的神秘队伍中最有攻击性和统治力的球员之一。另外,同样有非洲式爆炸头发型的巴西后卫马塞洛和大卫路易斯,以及自己的队友维特塞尔都没他那么夸张。如果他参加一场现场MTT比赛,也许不用墨镜就能掩盖自己的目光。哈梅斯·罗德里格斯(哥伦比亚) 在哥伦比亚与乌拉圭队比赛之后,甚至连篮球明星勒布朗·詹姆斯都盛赞他在场上的表现。作为本届世界杯的最佳射手,他令人铭记的不仅是进球的数量,在对抗乌拉圭队比赛中他踢进的其中一个进球被很多人认为是本届比赛的最佳进球。世界杯之后他以8000万欧元转会皇马,阳光帅气的外表以及让对手绝望的技术使他成为C罗的接班人,相信诸多德州扑克网站也会关注他的影响力。教练员篇米格尔·埃雷拉(墨西哥) 这位46岁的教练让墨西哥队在本次世界杯上打出了接近历史最好水平,尽管没有实现突破,但是他的张扬和狂野已经被网友广为传播。在某种程度上他和喜欢喋喋不休的德州扑克大神Phil Hellmuth有些相像。如果他能够代言德州扑克,也许会缓解我们对扑克网站制造的传统美型男的审美疲劳。亚历杭德罗·萨维利亚(阿根廷) 这位南美教练不仅因为实用主义的1:0哲学闻名,他男生女相的外表同样令他异于常人,在和比利时队比赛中他的搞笑镜头同样给了网友们发挥想象力的机会。职业德州扑克牌手Sammy Farha的风格和他有些相像,冷静而坚实地执行战术让他在扑克赛场上也有望取得稳定的成绩。今晚21:00初级班第六课:盲位(BP)基本知识和攻略,YY教室频道 德扑大师学院,我们等你来!(新闻来源:中扑网)微信订阅号:德扑大师新浪微博:@德扑大师客服QQ:初级1班交流群:(加群拿邀请码)安卓系统用户参与封测点↓↓↓阅读原文下载德扑大师APP!


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