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分享一个《大象》里的经典图,其中所说的业务模型其实就和我们平时画的interation model有异曲同工之妙。
The Languages of Design
&A troublesome divide
A lively interplay between design and content is not only fun, but ishow spectacular results are achieved. This is why content strategy shouldmatter a great deal to designers.The subtle delights of Ryanair
Email systems.&As Jakob Nielsen recently highlighted in his research, email content is rarely considered to be a functional part of a system:
Unfortunately, most companies don&t seem to view email creation as a user interface design activity, possibly because messages are often text-only, and thus don&t seem &design-y.
Judging by many of the messages we tested, email design often seems to be a side effect of the software implementation and consists of copy written by the programmer late at night. Alternatively (and even worse), some messages are hard-hitting, written by aggressive sales people without a true understanding of Internet marketing&s emphasis on relationship building.
Jakob Nielsen
Password reset emails are a good example of a situation where an email (and it&s content) is a crucial part of a user&s flow and should be designed, developed and interrogated accordingly.
Notifications and microcopy.&Similar to email copy, the responsibility for writing microcopy can often end up falling in the hands of whoever is there at the time (I&m sure we&ve all witnessed this). This leads to inconsistency as well as, perhaps, some not-so-helpful copy:
Navigation.&Depending on the size of companies (and perhaps the presence of information architects),&the copy in menus and other links&can often fall short due to a lack of clear ownership. The outcome being a lack of time available to really c and labeling, used in navigation and how it relates to the rest of the system.
External content.&Platforms such as social media, help and support resources, and technical content are often not considered to be within the domain of UX (if they&re considered at all). This belief can result in extremely un-user-centered resources. If we think about the potential value that design research could bring to developing effective help and support (as well as technical content platforms) not connecting these knowledge bases is a pretty crazy waste of insight.Content communicationGo holistic or go home
General UX design process & Toolkits
前段时间自己闲着做了一个图,看着是个waterfall,但是实际上在evaluation后应该是又一次的迭代。不过鉴于最近讨论的时候认识到敏捷设计的种种坏处,还是没有把箭头往再回打到开头让它无限死循环下去。每个阶段的圆圈大小不一样,让人感觉 某些分量重某些分量轻,实际上在不同case中确实应该是不一样的,甚至可以跳过某些步骤,工具也应当是“选用的”而不是“必须用***”,要考虑清楚不同工具的用法及目的才是最关键的。
"We all know that there are good maps and bad maps, the problem is defining which is which. The reason for this is that whenever we discuss the principles of map design, we have to admit that we don't know what they are.
The following principles were presented to the recent British Cartographic Society Design Group meeting at Glasgow University. They did not go unchallenged.
Principles were differentiated from rules such as those for placement of type. Whilst contributing to the design process, rules are not principles."
Hierarchy with Harmony
Simplicity from Sacrifice
Maximum Information at Minimum Cost (after Ziff)
Engage the Emotion to Engage the Understanding
Let&s reconsider our &users&
1. A person who uses or operates something, esp. a computer or other machine.
2. A person who a drug user.
During a Square Board meeting, our newest Director Howard Schultz, pulled me aside and asked a simple question.
&Why do you all call your customers&&users&?&
&I don&t know. We&ve always called them that.&
It wasn&t something I&ve thought about for some time. The term &user& made its appearance in computing at the dawn of shared terminals (multiple people sharing time slices of one computing resource). It was solidified in hacker culture as a person who wasn&t technical or creative, someone who just used resources and wasn&t able to make or produce anything (often called a &luser&). And finally, it was made concrete by Internet companies whose business models depended on two discrete classes of usage, a paying customer (often purchasing ads) and a non-paying consumer (subsidized by viewing the ads). Along the way only a few criticized the term, calling it abstract at best, and derogatory at worst.
It&s time for our industry and discipline to reconsider the word &user.& We speak about &user-centric design&, &user benefit&, &user experience&, &active users&, and even &usernames.& While the intent is to consider people first, the result is a massive abstraction away from real problems people feel on a daily basis. An abstraction away from simply building something you would love to see in the world, and the hope that others desire the same.
At Square we&re removing the term &users& from our vocabulary, replacing it with &customers&, and the more specific &buyers&, and &sellers.& The word&customer, given its history, immediately sets a high bar on the level of service we must provide, or risk losing their attention or business. Below is a letter I sent the team after that Board meeting explaining why. It&s a start (we&re not done yet).
To everyone in the technology industry: I encourage you to reconsider the word &user& and what you call the people who love what you&ve created, starting with yourselves.
I was reminded of something today which has always bothered me, which I have since taken for granted.
The entire technology industry uses the word &user& to describe its customers. While it might be convenient, &users& is a rather passive and abstract word. No one wants to be thought of as a &user& (or &consumer& for that matter). I certainly don&t. And I wouldn&t consider my mom a &user& either, she&s my mom. The word &user& abstracts the actual individual. This may seem like a small and insignificant detail that doesn&t matter, but the vernacular and words we use here at Square set a very strong and subtle tone for everything we do. So let&s now part ways with our industry and rethink this.
The word &customer& is a much more active and bolder word. It&s honest and direct. It immediately suggests a relationship we must deliver on. And our customers think of their customers in the same way.
We have two types of customers: sellers and buyers. So when we need to be more specific, we&ll use one of those two words.
The other thing that has surfaced in a number of my 1:1s is that we have become a bit abstract and distanced from our customers. Simply: we don&t talk about them enough. So, we&re going to do two things.
First, I&m going to work with the support team to surface top issues at every Town Square instead of just CS inquiries per transaction percentages. And on our information radiators. We must&feel&our customer&s issues every day.
Second, all of our work is in service of our customers. Period. Therefore, we better damn well mention them in every conversation, review, meeting, goal, etc. I expect all of you to make certain our customers are always the first and only focus of all our efforts. If there is an egregious absence of this focus anywhere in the company, tell me and we will correct. If I ever say the word &user& again,&immediately charge me $140.
From this moment forward, let&s stop distancing ourselves from the&people&that choose our products over our competitors. We don&t have users, we have customers we earn. They deserve our utmost respect, focus, and service. Because that&s who we are.
Design parameters related to the offering
There are several options to choose when considering the offering in the value proposition.
Paradigms in Value Creation
从时间上来看的产业发展给社会各方面带来的价值增长在各阶段的不同。体验经济已经过去了,未来是transfomation economy的。如何让人类生活更有意义,对于“meaning&的追求是设计未来的方向。
level of design value framework
在design value creation中,这张图很好的说明了价值层次和范围,以及从不同学科角度来看的value
Prototypes range from rough paper sketches to interactive simulations that look and function like the final product. The keys to successful rapid prototyping are revising quickly based on feedback and using the appropriate prototyping approach. Rapid prototyping helps teams experiment with multiple approaches and ideas, it facilitates discussion through visuals instead of words, it ensures that everyone shares a common understanding, and it reduces risk and avoids missed requirements, leading to a&better design faster.
(Smashing's side note: Have you already bought the brand new&? The book introduces new practical techniques and a whole new mindset for progressive Web design.&Get your book today!)
The Rapid Prototyping ProcessRapid prototyping involves multiple iterations of a three-step process:
Convert the users& description of the solution into mock-ups, factoring in user experience standards and best practices.
Share the prototype with users and evaluate whether it meets their needs and expectations.
Based on feedback, identify areas that need to be refined or further defined and clarified.
The prototype usually starts small, with a few key areas mocked up, and grows in breadth and depth over multiple iterations as required areas are built out, until the prototype is finalized and handed off for development of the final product. The rapidness of the process is most evident in the iterations, which range from real-time changes to iteration cycles of a few days, depending on the scope of the prototype.Scoping A PrototypeThe word prototype often conjures images of a coded, fully functioning version of an application or interface. Rapid prototypes are not intended to evolve into fully functional solutions, but are meant to help users visualize and craft the user experience of the final product. With that in mind, when scoping a prototype, decide on a few key issues before beginning any prototyping work.WHAT NEEDS TO BE PROTOTYPED?Good candidates for prototyping include complex interactions, new functionality and changes in workflow, technology or design. For example, prototyping search results is useful when you want to depart significantly from the standa say, to introduce faceted search or the ability to preview a document without leaving the search results.HOW MUCH SHOULD BE PROTOTYPED?A good rule of thumb is to focus on the 20% of the functionality that will be used 80% i.e. key functionality that will be used most often. Remember, the point of rapid prototyping is to showcase how something will work or, in later stages, what the design will look like, without prototyping the entire product.FIND THE STORYAfter identifying the areas to be prototyped, weave them together into one or more scenarios: identify the coherent paths through the user experience that the prototype simulates. For a website that sells shoes, one scenario could be &Boring Joe& buying the exact same Nike running shoes that he bought six months ago, while another scenario could be &Exploring Sam& browsing through size 10s to find a pair of Oxfords and pair of loafers that interest him.PLAN YOUR ITERATIONSThe entire prototype is usually not built in a single iteration but rather piece by piece. A good approach is to start prototyping broadly and widely and then dive deep into selected areas of the solution. For a website, this would mean building out the home page and landing pages for the main sections in the first iteration (sometimes referred to as a horizontal prototype) and then reviewing and revising that framework. Subsequent iterations could drill down into one or more sections of the website (a vertical prototype); for a media download website, this could be the steps a user would take to find a video and to download it, or how they would manage the media in their online library.CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE FIDELITY
Fidelity refers to how closely a prototype resembles the final solution. There are multiple dimensions of fidelity, and prototypes can lie anywhere on the spectrum for each of these dimensions. Depending on the stage of the design process and the goals of the prototype, select the appropriate fidelity for each of the following:
Visual fidelity (sketched & styled)
Look and feel are the most noticeable dimension of a prototype&s fidelity and, if not properly selected, can sidetrack prototype reviews. Go hi-fi too soon and users will focus on visual design, which is not appropriate in early stages. From a visual standpoint, prototypes do not have to be pixel perfect but sh for example, if the left navigation area has to occupy one-fifth of a 1024-pixel screen, it does not need to be exactly 204 pixels wide, as long as it is proportionally depicted in the prototype. As prototyping progresses through the design cycle, increase visual fidelity as needed by introducing elements of style, color, branding and graphics.
Functional fidelity (static & interactive)
Does the prototype reveal how the solution will work (static) or does it appear to be fully functional and respond to user input (interactive)? This dimension is less of a distraction to users, but adding interactivity in subsequent iterations increases functional fidelity and allows the prototype to be used for usability testing and training and communications.
Content fidelity (lorem ipsum & real content)
Another dimension that often distracts users is the content that is displayed in the prototype. Squiggly lines and dummy text like lorem ipsum are useful to avoid in early stages of prototyping. But as the prototype is refined, evaluate the need to replace dummy text with real content to get a feel for how it affects the overall design.The Prototyping SpectrumLOW FIDELITYThe quickest way to start prototyping is also the easiest: putting pen(cil) to paper. Sketching on paper is a low-fidelity approac no special tools or experience required. Most often used during the early stages of a design cycle, sketching is a quick way to create rough mock-ups of design approaches and concepts and to get feedback from users. Paper prototyping is ideal during brainstorming and conceptualization and can be done alone in a cubicle with a sketchbook or in a group with a flip chart (or whiteboard) and markers.
Lying at the low-fidelity end of the prototyping spectrum, paper prototypes are static and usually have low visual and content fidelity. This forces users to focus on how they will&use&the system instead of what it will look like, and it makes designers more open to changes based on user feedback.Low-fidelity prototyping lends itself to rapid prototyping. It has no learning curve but lets you make changes easily and quickly.MEDIUM FIDELITYAs we start using computer-based tools such as Visio and Omnigraffle to prototype, the fidelity increases on most fronts, yielding medium-fidelity prototypes. Wireframes, task flows and scenarios that are created with these tools take more time and effort but look more formal and refined. While visual elements of branding, colors and style can be introduced, prototypers often stay away from them, focusing instead on demonstrating the behavior of the application. Interactivity can be simulated by linking pages or screens, but functional fidelity here is medium at best. These prototypes are best suited to determining whether user needs are met and whether the user experience is optimal.
There are two reasons why one might intentionally make a medium-fidelity prototype&not&look like a medium-fidelity prototype:
The first is that, by using Balsamiq or sketchy Visio stencils to make the prototype look low fidelity, you force users to view it as a draft or work in progress, rather than a polished and finished product.
The second is that, by giving the prototype a high visual fidelity (for instance, in a comprehensive layout done in Photoshop), you get the user to focus on the visual design and look and feel, including color, fonts, layout, logo and images.The speed of medium-fidelity prototyping is achieved with templates, stencils and reusable widgets and elements. It gets faster as you become more proficient with your tools of choice.HIGH FIDELITYHigh-fidelity prototypes are the most realistic and are often mistaken for the final product, but they are usually time-intensive. A few years ago, the only way to create high-fidelity prototypes was to actually code using a programming language, which often required the designer and developer to work together. These days, however, application-simulation tools allow non-technical users to drag and drop UI widgets to create high-fidelity prototypes that simulate the functionality of the final product, even for business logic and database interactions. Axure and iRise are some examples of application-simulation tools that can be used to create high-fidelity prototypes.These prototypes are appropriate when high visual and functional
for example, when introducing a new technology (say, when moving from a mainframe application&yes, they still exist!&to a Web-based solution. Most of these prototypes cannot be converted to usable code, but they serve as an excellent reference for developers. These are also useful for conducting usability testing and training users.
High-fidelity prototyping is relatively rapid, considering the level of interactivity and fidelity involved, and it can be accelerated by using drag-and-drop simulation tools. In addition, some of these tools facilitate the gathering of user feedback and documenting of requirements, further speeding up the design process. Even though you do not need to learn a new programming language, these tools do have a learning curve.SELECTING A FIDELITY LEVELIn choosing the prototype fidelity, there is no one correct approach. Most designs of new products are best started with sketches, then moving to either medium- or high-fidelity prototypes, depending on the complexity of the system and the requirements of the dimensions of fidelity.In working with one particular client in the pharmaceutical industry, we went from whiteboards to interactive prototypes that had high functional and content fidelity but low visual fidelity. They cared less about the look and feel than about adhering to corporate guidelines.For another client, this one in retail, our interactive prototype had to have high visual and functional fidelity. The content fidelity did not matter because they would be reusing content and were already familiar with it. To them, the look and feel and interactive experience mattered more because this was their first implementation of SharePoint, and they wanted to make the portal look &non-SharePointy&!Selecting ToolsDepending on your approach, you have a wide variety of tools to choose from. Dan Harrelson has compiled&&on the Adaptive Path blog.Each tool has its own feature set and strengths. Based on your needs and the requirements of the projects you work on, evaluate which tool would be most appropriate. Here are some questions to consider when evaluating tools:
How easy is it to learn and use the tool?
Is it flexible to support prototypes for Web, packaged and custom software applications, as well as desktop and mobile applications?
Is there a repository of reusable stencils, templates or widgets available?
How easy is it to share the prototype with others for review? Can their feedback be captured using the tool?
How easy is it to make changes on the fly or to incorporate feedback?
Does it have any collaboration features, such as allowing multiple people to work on it at the same time?
What are the licensing terms and costs?Dos And Don&tsAs you get started, here are a few points about effective rapid prototyping to keep in mind:DO&
Work collaboratively with users, business and IT stakeholders while rapid prototyping. Apart from giving valuable feedback, they also gain a sense of ownership of the final product.
Avoid &prototype creep& by setting expectations for the process, including ones affecting the purpose, fidelity, scope and duration. Remind everyone, including yourself, that rapid prototyping is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
When creating interactive high-fidelity prototypes and simulations, build in realistic delays (for instance, for screen refreshing or moving through steps of a transaction), so that users do not expect instant response times from the final product.
Reuse, reuse, reuse. For computer-based prototyping, this means saving reusable templates, stencils, patterns and widgets for future projects.
Most importantly, begin every prototype review session with the disclaimer that this is just a prototype, a mock-up, not the actual solution. This reminds users that this is a work in progress, it encourages feedback, and in the case of high-fidelity prototypes, it prevents users from mistaking it for a working solution.DON&T&
Don&t prototype features or functionality that cannot be implemented&often an issue with software package implementations. When in doubt, confirm with developers before starting.
Don&t take every change or request that comes out of a prototype review as a new requirement. Rapid prototyping helps capture missed requirements, but these new requirements should be evaluated carefully. Some may be implemented, while others are pushed to a future release.
Don&t begin prototype review sessions without clear guidelines for feedback. Be very specific about the type of feedback you are looking for. (Are the steps logically arranged? Is the navigation clear and intuitive?) If not, be prepared for, &I don&t like the blue in the header,& or &Can&t we use this font instead?& or &Can you make this bigger, bolder, in red and flashing?&
Don&t be a perfectionist. In most cases, rapid prototyping does not have to be 100% perfect, just good enough to give everyone a common understanding.
Don&t prototype everything. Most of the time, you shouldn&t have to.
Susan Wienschenk是一个心理学博士,她的博客从介绍简单的用研来看体验设计,十分通俗易懂,很适合刚接触到用研的设计师作为入门文章来看。
到底什么才是“Less is More&
All designers say simplicity is important, but what does it really mean to make something simple? Most of the time we think it means less, that by removing stuff we achieve simplicity. We think by keeping content above the fold we&re helping people focus, or by using bullets instead of paragraphs more people will read it, or by cutting text in half it becomes more clear. But simple doesn&t mean &less&. A better definition would be &just enough&.Oops, I may have oversimplified there&In some cases designs actually need more of something to become simple. So a better definition of simple is &just enough for comprehension and the ability to pursue and complete our goals&. Instead of hiding or cutting stuff away, here is how we can achieve more meaningful simplicity in our designs:
Have a single core idea&(not several ideas, or a partial idea)
Improve clarity over time&(don&t overwhelm with inappropriate details)
Use consistency&(avoid using unnecessarily unique interfaces and messages)
Have a Single Core IdeaAttention and interest are the first things you need to develop to get someone to take any kind of action. The best way to grab attention and build interest is to present a single core idea, fully fledged. This allows the user to make a binary decision about it: &Am I interested or not?&. Introducing a feature in a way that people can instantly map it to a desired outcome will help them prioritize and be confident about their next step. The need to present a single core idea is true from the big picture all the way down to each of the smallest features.&Nothing says Send Message, like the words &Send Message&.& - Des Treynor&This is an example of a small feature being extremely clear to an outcome. The copy here could have been &Go& or &Submit Now& or just &Send&. None of these are as clear or binary as &Send Message&, which in two words allows people to confidently agree or disagree with it. As you move into more complex features being binary gets exponentially harder, but the goal should remain the same: lead people with a core idea that properly sets their expectations. If we fail to do this, the perception of complexity will grow.A single core idea is:
Binary - simple enough that there are only two sides to it&allowing people to assess their agreement or not.
Stated in plain language - be as clear and obvious about the problem or opportunity as possible.
Repeated constantly - every interface should reiterate the appropriate problem or opportunity where appropriate.
Tied to an outcome - the end goal of each problem or opportunity should always be visible.
Improve Clarity Over TimeAfter gaining people&s interest, getting them to invest their time and mental energy is the next big step. Even when your audience finds your application interesting, there can still be lots of friction. If they&re intimidated by it, the adoption rate will be slow. You have to show them that they can accomplish their goals without frustration.&Web copy: Write too little and the meaning doesn&t come through. Write too much and the block is skipped because it was too thick to scan.& - Ryan Singer&Much like a conversation that is refined over time, the right details in the right moments will give momentum to the process and increase the chances of it reaching a positive end. Removing relevant, but inappropriate details, will keep people moving forward and reduce the chances of being distracted. Remember, every investment of time or mental effort without a meaningful result will add to the perception of complexity.Improve clarity over time with:
Clear starting and ending points - make sure it&s obvious how to do something valuable within an interface.
Progressive disclosure - be appropriate: put focus only those details that help with comprehension of the current task.
Obvious paths - always provide a clear transition to the next step or level of detail.
Use ConsistencyA new user and a long-time user are very different animals. If you want to keep people around, you need to help them feel like they&re mastering each part of the application and have no reason to worry about the next one. Each feature needs to be approachable enough to seem enjoyable and feel like it&s going to be the best use of their time and energy.&Whether it is flags waving in the wind, the difference between empty or crowded train platforms, or the footprints in the fields that suggest paths to follow, we search for significant signs in the world that offer guidance.& - Don Norman&Showing people a friendly face will give them confidence and put a smile on their face. Help people see things they&ve seen before and draw conclusions based on things they already know. There&s nothing wrong with a complex interface when you have a complex problem, but there&s no excuse for dropping someone off in a foreign land without a guide or a map. That&s just mean.Be consistent through:
Consolidating routines - identify similar processes and use similar approaches.
Building patterns - put similar things in similar places so people can act through intuition.
Occasionally breaking the rules - know when an interface is genuinely unique&it&s probably not as often as you think.
When More is LessPrevailing wisdom suggests that simplicity is about less&removal and reductionism. But simplicity is really about comprehension and clarity of purpose&can we design such that people instantly understand what&s going on and make a confident decision about what to do next? To practically achieve simplicity we can stick to a single core idea, improve clarity over time, and use consistency to help users achieve efficiency. In this way more can be less&by adding the appropriate details at the appropriate time the entire process comes to seem simple to the people using it. Simplicity has tricked us into thinking its about less. But it&s really about having just enough.
Storytelling to Problem Solve
Trent (Swingers)
Andrew Stanton&s
on storytelling
Leisa Reichelt的体验设计工具包
I&ve been asked a few times recently about my opinion on what software people should know if they want to do UX so I thought I&d share my thoughts here. Of course, the first answer is & it depends.
It depends on what *kind* of a UXer you want to be (there are many types & some are more design-y or research-ish, some some are closer to the business or the interface) and what kind of place you want to work for (there are many options there too).
The tools you use affect the work that you output, so I think you should be thoughtful about the toolkit you decide to use.
To begin with, I would say that no software will ever replace the advantages provided by a willingness and ability to&sketch.
If you are not confident with sketching you will start designing into software and this is not something you want to do.
The minute you start designing into software you limit the number of options you explore, you move more quickly to high fidelity and are more likely to become attached to your own design. You sit by yourself at a desk instead of collaborating with your team.
Before you learn any software, get comfortable sketching in company.
Another important thing to understand is that most of the time, the tools we use aresubstitutes and shortcuts for the actual raw material&for which we design.
Don&t think that because you have ninja skills in Axure, you don&t need to understand how HTML, CSS and JavaScript work or how a database is designed or how some importnt content management systems work. You don&t need to have advanced development skills but it is more important to me that you understand and have some hands on experience of the how the technology behind faceted navigation works, and what the challenges and restrictions and opportunities are, than being able to fake it in Axure. (I&m picking on Axure, I know.)
The last thing I would say before I give you the list you&re really here for,& is that it is less important which software you learn now, and more important that it&doesn&t become your hammer.
(You know the saying & when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail). Every day a new piece of software comes out that might be a great tool for you on the particular project that you&re working on. Get comfortable always exploring, evaluating and learning new tools. In fact, I&d go so far as saying, don&t even bother trying to be a master of one, be a jack of all software! And be prepared to change your mind.
But, tools you must have. Here&s my thoughts what you might find useful.
A& &diagramming& tool for basic wire framing, sitemapping, content/data modelling and flow charting. Common choices are&&(for Mac) or&&(for PC). There are also a swathe of online (SAAS) alternatives including&,&,&,,&,&&and the list goes on ()
A tool for making higher fidelity (prettier) wireframes/prototypes. Common choices include&,&,&.&&(Mac) or&&(PC) are also increasingly popular with good reason I think & they&re easy to use, flexible and increasingly powerful little apps.
A tool for making interactive prototypes. This used to be optional, it&s not anymore. Common choices are:&,&,&,&, also HTML/CSS/JavaScript incl. JQuery etc using Text Editing software (eg.&,&etc.)
A tool for image processing & a lot of people use Photoshop but most UXers could get away with Fireworks or even Preview (comes with Mac) for their requirements
Personally, I&ve moved away from Omnigraffle and towards Fireworks in the past 12 months or so for various reasons, but there are no perfect UX tools. I&ve seen people&. Personally, I think Axure is more trouble than it&s worth, unless you are having to do all your detailed interaction design work in the absence of developers. ().
Some companies will only hire people who have skills in specific software, eg. Axure. This is idiotic as software is easy to learn, being a good UX designer is the hard part.
UX Research:
Good UX Designers will also read this section & there&s not a clear break and more and more designers should be integrating these tools into their daily practice.
If you&re doing UX Research then having some good&Excel&skills will come in handy for analysis. You might alway want to get handy with&SPSS&(although, again, this will be overkill for some). I&ve found having some good mind mapping software to be handing for research analysis as well.
Important note:& the best analysis, in my opinion, happens doing affinity sorting using post it notes on a wall & this is research&s equivalent to sketching.
You&ll also need some software to record the user research you do in person. The obvious contenders are&&(if you&re working for a company with a decent budget) and&which you can run on your Mac.
The tools I find most interesting for UX research tend to be newer web services such as:
Online remote usability testing:&&/&&etc.
Other online research tools such&&and the other tools from the team at Zurb, and&&s great range of online usability testing tools.
Online analysis tools such as&
Remote moderated research tools (mostly screensharing/online meeting tools) such as&or&
Apps that can be used for longitudinal contextual studies such as&,&,,&
Online recruitment tools such as&
Optimization and other measurement tools such as&
This is by no means a definitive list & there are lots more great tools out there that I&ve no doubt neglected to mention. Feel free to add your favourites in the comments below.
Just remember & it&s not the tool you use (although they will no doubt leave their imprint), it&s the way that you use it that really matters.
实际上赚钱就一定还会有人进入这个领域。当越来越多的人进入到这个还在赚钱的领域的时候,Supply return就增加了,价格自然会下降,一直下降到供需关系基本上平衡到没有利润了,再有更多的人进来就赔钱的状况下,这就是所谓的市场经济的Supply return的概念。交互设计改变的是means的问题,很多都是从组织的手段让社会变得更加合理,让组织变得更加有竞争力。但是这个东西行不通,后来出现了很多经济学学派,其中有一个很有影响力的学派,奥地利学派,在市场经济亚当斯密的时代提到了价格,但是很少提到价值,价值从消费者的角度提出来价值是奥地利学派,价值是由对消费者所起的作用和影响力来决定的。
后来出现知识经济,SLIM Concapt,并没有解决市场的增长,在知识经济的领域里面,他认为增长应该保持最初的基础科学研究到应用科学研究,到一些基本的发明,最后到一些创新精神、企业家精神推向到全社会,从创造发明推向全社会。这个就是我们设计在知识经济领域里面所谓的第四个阶段,但是设计里面要起的作用是做差异化的工作。
&sample now.&
In several places in this document, I have stated "effective use cases" rather than just "use cases". The purpose of the use cases is for effective knowledge transfer from the domain expert to the software developer -- these use cases will serve as software requirements. If they don't make sense to the person building the software, they are not effective. There are several sources on the web for writing effective use cases including the book by Alistair Cockburn.
Tip 12. What's the difference between a User Story and a Use Case?With so many engineering teams making the paradigm shift from waterfall to Agile, people often get caught up in having a pure Agile process which would include the use of User Stories. So what's all of the hoopla with User Stories? What are they, how are they different from use cases, do I need them, and where do they fit in the process?&
What is a User Story?&Simply put, written from the context of the user as a simple statement about their feature need. They should generally have this format. "As a -role-, I want -goal/desire- so that -benefit-"
How is a User Story different than a Use Case?&While a use case is highly structured and tells a story, the User Story sets the stage by stating the need. A User Story is the prelude to the use case by stating the need before the use case tells the story.
How does the User Story fit into the process?&User Stories are great as an activity in collecting and prioritizing the high level features. Getting this initial feedback from the customer is a simple way of trying to get all of their needs identified and prioritized. The User Stories will then morph themselves into the business requirements and use cases.
Teams moving to agile often struggle to integrate agile with best practices in user-centered design (UCD) and user experience (UX) in general. Fortunately, using a UX Integration Matrix helps integrate UX and agile by including UX information and requirements right in the product backlog.
寿司艺术体验之巅《寿司之神》 (2011)


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