足球跳水运动员员球衣上印有what house什么意思啊

安德罗妮丶查看: 6801|回复: 82
尼玛小林house专毁球衣的店 真是劣迹斑斑
体能550 点
EZ币533 个
在线时间1095 小时
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
EZ币533 个
体能550 点
本帖最后由 4rgoo 于
17:00 编辑 5 _* H4 _* A% }( I/ V- b+ e
: _8 ]- W# N+ e: u+ I) [# W' I
强烈请求版主加精以免更多人受骗 图片在下楼&&因为之前不了解小林这店在小林house实体店花了50元印了件意大利2004欧锦赛球员版更衣室球衣 闲聊过程中其中一店员还说我这号码一般100多元完全就是一个球盲 店主还牛逼的爱理不理当时就有点担心 果不其然把我这托蒂印字印的惨不忍睹&&还说只是小视觉问题他一年印几百件球衣没错的&&找他评理还认为这号码是假的 他真是自己抽自己嘴巴 实在气不过特此发这帖子希望大家互相转告 新浪也发了微博大家可以搜索 无良卖家小林house就可以看到 转发下让更多的人不再受骗 据了解他们兄弟俩还干偷梁换柱的勾当 这是连接大家可以互相转发下&&
体能550 点
EZ币533 个
在线时间1095 小时
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
EZ币533 个
体能550 点
本帖最后由 4rgoo 于
17:00 编辑
! W3 x+ Y% ^5 [, W6 ]2 I+ J! J
Moto_307305.jpg (255 KB, 下载次数: 31)
08:31 上传
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08:31 上传
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体能550 点
EZ币533 个
在线时间1095 小时
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
EZ币533 个
体能550 点
这印字怕是弄不到了 虽说实在可惜但还是准备把号码洗了
威望203 点
体能1697 点
EZ币1852 个
在线时间5108 小时
三星会员, 积分 75, 距离下一级还需 125 积分
三星会员, 积分 75, 距离下一级还需 125 积分
威望203 点
EZ币1852 个
体能1697 点
威望120 点
体能781 点
EZ币692 个
在线时间1257 小时
二星会员, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
二星会员, 积分 40, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
威望120 点
EZ币692 个
体能781 点
这真是好衣服 真是可惜啊
体能479 点
EZ币466 个
在线时间486 小时
二星会员, 积分 24, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
二星会员, 积分 24, 距离下一级还需 26 积分
EZ币466 个
体能479 点
体能734 点
EZ币153 个
在线时间2922 小时
二星会员, 积分 32, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
二星会员, 积分 32, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
EZ币153 个
体能734 点
这个也太慢明显了,我觉的应该讨个说法了: k. _* Y3 D% v- ?7 P6 Q. }1 T
体能563 点
EZ币393 个
在线时间1439 小时
二星会员, 积分 21, 距离下一级还需 29 积分
二星会员, 积分 21, 距离下一级还需 29 积分
EZ币393 个
体能563 点
体能550 点
EZ币533 个
在线时间1095 小时
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
EZ币533 个
体能550 点
回 飞一般的遐想 的帖子
:这件貌似很多都印歪了,论坛里之前有人卖也是印歪的( D% H. ]. d5 ^% c* T&&U1 u" [
不过那届欧洲杯托蒂没有穿这件,只穿白色客场吐了口口水[s:2]  ( 10:44) 这件预选赛托蒂穿过
体能550 点
EZ币533 个
在线时间1095 小时
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
一星会员, 积分 15, 距离下一级还需 5 积分
EZ币533 个
体能550 点
回 junjie7086 的帖子
:这个也太慢明显了,我觉的应该讨个说法了# `- z4 o, T' f- @/ c+ \
话说上海还是找老邓吧 ( 10:24) 你认为和这种人讲理会有用吗 把责任都推卸给我了 就当买个教训了 希望论坛里的兄弟互相转告&&让此店早日关门大吉
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ENJOYZ法律顾问:一个外国客人的询盘:Dear mr.Chou,what is the size of the B-B001 and the price of 25 pieces fraco Holland House?best regards请问那个fraco Holland House是什么意思?整个句子怎么翻译?谢谢!我们是卖饰品展示架的,那_百度作业帮
一个外国客人的询盘:Dear mr.Chou,what is the size of the B-B001 and the price of 25 pieces fraco Holland House?best regards请问那个fraco Holland House是什么意思?整个句子怎么翻译?谢谢!我们是卖饰品展示架的,那
一个外国客人的询盘:Dear mr.Chou,what is the size of the B-B001 and the price of 25 pieces fraco Holland House?best regards请问那个fraco Holland House是什么意思?整个句子怎么翻译?谢谢!我们是卖饰品展示架的,那个B-B001是其中的一个款式;询盘的是一家荷兰的公司
这是一个服装方面的询盘。Holland House意指荷兰屋,往往写作House of Holland;fraco可能是老外的笔误吧,正确应该是Franco,意指服装设计师弗兰科·莫斯奇诺,英文全名是Franco Moschino。了解后面这段文字之后,全句话就易解了。供参考。
亲爱的mr.Chou,是什么规模的B - B001产品和25件fraco价格荷兰房子?最好的问候
fraco ,法尔可,是加拿大的一个著名的装潢公司的名字。Holland House荷兰屋,在英国的布莱顿,这里指荷兰建筑风格的房子。问B-B001的型号,标准是什么,以及询问25块“法尔可”牌装修荷兰风格房子的材料的价格。
亲爱的 周先生:
fraco Holland House不可能是荷兰房子,荷兰房子要25个也太夸张了,而且量词是pieces-件。应该是另外一种名字叫这个的商品。楼主看看自己卖的商品,有件B-B001的商品客人是想知道尺寸有多大,另外有商品名字类似叫“荷兰屋”的东西。他想问如果买25件的话,价格是多少(大概想知道多买有没有折扣)。整个句子的意思:亲爱的周先生:请问B-B001...
B-B001的尺寸是多少? 25件荷兰屋(一种衣服款式),给我们报价(全部费用在内)。至于fraco,确实是误拼,应该是 franco,意思是“全部费用包含在内的”小林HOUSE的球衣怎么样啊_上海申花吧_百度贴吧
质量可以的 买了很多次
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或What is Passive House?
Passive House is a building standard.
It is a voluntary international building standard developed by the , located in Darmstadt, Germany – referred to also as The Passive House Standard.
The Passive House Standard is composed of several strict performance requirements for new building construction.
For the renovation of existing buildings PHI developed a similar if slightly more lenient performance standard.
The resulting performance represents a roughly 90% reduction in heating and cooling energy usage and up to a 75% reduction in primary energy usage from existing building stock – meant to aggressively meet the climate crisis carbon reduction imperative while making a comfortable, healthy and affordable built environment.
The Passive House Standard for new buildings addresses energy usage and building airtightness:
Space Heating Energy Demand:
15 kilowatt hours per square meter of Treated Floor Area per year or 10 Watts per square meter peak demand.
(Or in Imperial units 4.75 kBTU/sf*yr and 3.2 BTU/hr*sf respectively.)
Space Cooling Energy Demand:
matches the heat demand requirements but with a small additional allowance for dehumidification.
Primary Energy Demand:
total energy to be used in the building operations (heating + cooling + lighting + equipment + hot water + plug loads, etc…) is limited to 120 kilowatt hours per square meter of Treated Floor Area per year.
(Or in Imperial units 38.0 BTU/sf*yr.)
Airtight Enclosure:
Allowable limit of 0.6 air changes per hour at 50 Pascals pressure (ACH50) that is verified with an onsite blower door test (pressurized and depressurized).
(For a building with a volume above 4,000 cubic meters (or 140,000 cubic feet) measurement relative to surface area is recommended, with maximum leakage of 0.6m3/hr*m2 or 0.033CFM/ft2 at 50 Pascals pressure.)
Passive House is a methodology to achieve the rigorous requirements of the standard.
When designing a Passive House one first looks to minimize the heating and cooling loads as much as possible
through passive measures like orientation, massing, insulation, heat recovery, passive use of solar energy, solar shading, elimination of thermal bridges, and incidental internal heat sources.
Because the building is airtight, a continuous supply of low volume filtered fresh air is supplied to living/working spaces and stale air is exhausted from services spaces – providing balanced and controlled ventilation with high-efficiency heat exchange.
The methodology requires that all necessary building information be entered into the
which calculates the building energy balance (heat losses and gains).
The PHPP is the essential design tool in making a successful Passive House.
To help practitioners achieve the criteria, PHI has developed
for such critical items as windows and heat-recovery ventilation units and
training and
training, to help ensure that the design and construction of Passive Houses are done with the highest competence possible.
A Passive House is a building that is constructed with the Passive House methodology and meets the Passive House Standard criteria.
A Passive House can be any type of building: an apartment building, a school, an office building, a factory, a supermarket.
Passive Houses are exceptionally comfortable, healthy and affordable to occupy.
A Passive House may become a Certified Passive House.
Certification is provided by PHI or another certifier accredited by PHI.
A Certified Passive House must also meet additional Passive House comfort criteria and submit extensive documentation including the completed PHPP.
Certification is recommended for the unsurpassed quality assurance it provides, bringing to the process expertise in cost optimization, detailing and execution.
There are different certifications for
as well as .
However if the building was designed and built with the Passive House methodology, incorporates Passive House components but just missed the required criteria, such as the final airtightness test results, the building may be called a Passive House Project, or more generically a high-performance low-energy building.
The result of all this is a Passive House building with the following qualities:
Very Energy Efficient: Providing dramatic energy reduction, up to 90% for heating and cooling demand from average existing building stock – in an effort to offer a proportional response to the climate crises.
(Note: despite widespread misleading descriptions to the contrary, most cold climate Passive House are still required to have a heating system, it is just a very small heating system, and therefore likely not a traditional heating system. Nor is a Passive House necessarily a zero-energy building – it uses power, if much less typical – but it can more economically and readily become “zero-energy” with a relatively modest addition of renewables.)
Healthy: Fresh, high-quality indoor air, free of mold and dangerous levels of typical indoor air contaminants.
Comfortable: A quiet interior environment with steady temperatures and no drafts.
Added construction costs for high performance are substantially offset by a reduction in systems sizing.
Because the reduced energy use translates into lower bills and protection from future energy shocks, occupancy is affordable.
An integrated methodology and energy model provides predictability – an essential element in optimizing system sizing and costing.
Passive House buildings help provide resiliency in three ways. 1) By indefinitely maintaining habitable interior temperatures in freezing weather without power – allowing people to shelter-in-place.
2) By reducing power demand, which allows power distribution systems to be better managed.
3) By reducing power demand to make Net Zero Energy building readily achievable with rooftop photovoltaic solar panels and/or other renewables.
Consequently, Passive House is uniquely raising our expectations of what sustainable high-performance building can be and should be.
With the three imperatives of carbon reduction in the fight to mitigate the worst effects of climate change, our desire for energy independence, and our need to have greater building resilience, the meaning and logic of Passive House is clear.
And if you need more reasons, see the post ““, which provides eleven complimentary reasons to do it, .
Just go for it.
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Treated Floor Area is a specifically defined term and area, that is smaller than gross area or even net interior area – similar but not identical to what one might think of as “carpetable area” where interior walls,
stairs and unusable space is not included.
The volume used for the airtightness calculation refers to the occupied volume – finish surface to finish surface of each space, where floors and walls are excluded.
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