
  一、上斜哑铃卧推锻炼上胸部:  胸肌上部难练,也是决定方形胸肌决定性的。要想练出方形胸肌,上胸部是必不可少的。用手摸摸看,你的胸肌是不是集中在下部,而上部没有或者很少?  把斜板的角度设置在30度,以达到刺激胸肌的较好姿势。大于30度,就会使重量过多地作用在三角肌前束上。  预备姿势:仰卧斜板上,两手握哑铃置于肩的正上方,双脚平放地面,脊背挺直贴靠斜板,腹肌收紧,颈部伸直。  动作要领:上举时应遵循三角形的运动轨迹,哑铃应在胸肩上方身体中线处相遇。动作要平缓流畅,特别关注对胸肌的挤压,还原时动作要慢。  组数:使用合适重量的哑铃,做3~4组,每组10次。动作节奏是“3-0-2”秒。尽量不要停顿(如需稍做停顿,只能在顶点或底部)。  技巧:  向上推举哑铃时,要试着让哑铃轻轻地“漂上去”,好像不受意识的支配。这样胸肌必须立即开始工作,以防哑铃坠落。  上举哑铃时双手内转,并在最高点转成掌心相对。下落时双手外旋,到最低点时掌心向双脚。避免哑铃降得太低,降至哑铃几乎接触胸肌外侧为宜。  下放哑铃时要注意控制速度,以缓慢而稳定为佳。但不要停留,增加训练的密度,当举到最高点时,就立即将杠铃下放,保持动作的流畅。  二、平板哑铃卧推锻炼胸中部  预备姿势:仰卧在平板上,两脚平放地上,两脚间距略窄于肩。挺胸,背稍弓,臀部始终接触平板。最好有同伴帮助拿起哑铃并进行控制。  动作要领:做1次深呼吸,保持身体蓄势待发的状态。拿起哑铃离,在顶点用力收缩胸肌并精确地用背阔肌把哑铃拉向胸骨。保持胸部上挺,想象胸部与哑铃在半道会合。哑铃下落至最低点时胸肌应感到充分的伸展,胸肌的收缩和伸展就像是在用重量时断时续地挤压一个橡皮圈。  在哑铃下降过程中要控制呼吸。保持紧张,不要放松,并为发力推起哑铃做准备。哑铃离开胸部时,如同做下斜推举那样将杠铃向两脚方向上推。这种技术能避免胸肌和肩部肌群拉伤。  组数:采用合适的重量试做3~4组,第1组不需用完美形式,努力做15次。后2组试着至少做10次,最后1组尽量做至力竭。采用“3-0-2”的节奏:3秒钟下落哑铃,在最低点不停留(0秒钟),2秒钟内举起重量休。组间息1~2分钟。  技巧:  1、不要仅用双臂推举哑铃,想象用整个胸肌的力量将身体和哑铃推离平板。  2、确保臀部贴靠在平板上。练习时不要上抬臀部,否则会造成受伤机会,并会减少胸肌的运动量。  3、上推哑铃瞬间用力抓握杠铃、收缩臀肌、腹肌和呼吸肌,想象从腹部传送能量进入抓握的双手。  三、下斜哑铃卧推锻炼下胸部  预备姿势:仰卧在下斜板上30度-40度,背部保持平坦,两手握哑铃置于肋骨两侧,双脚平放地面,脊背挺直贴靠斜板,腹肌收紧,颈部伸直。  动作要领:推举哑铃至几乎要互相接触的位置,作短暂停留,进行顶峰收缩,然后缓慢平稳下落到初始位置。  技巧:  动作全程保持对哑铃的控制,动作缓慢平稳,切忌贪图重量影响训练效果。  注意力集中在胸肌上,保持胸肌发力。
  1、双杠臂屈伸:作为胸部的热身动作,重点打造下胸部。  动作要点:双肘夹紧,上身前倾,下巴内收,略含胸,无论起始还是结束都要保持这一姿势,动作底部不要放得太低,以免给肩关节造成太大的压力。  2、杠铃平板卧推:打造整个胸部围度。不同的握距刺激的重点也不同。比肩略窄锻炼中部胸大肌,与肩同宽锻炼整个胸肌,比肩稍宽锻炼胸肌外侧,再宽的话就是侧重锻炼三角肌后束。  3、双脚的位置:两腿分开成45度角,平放在地上,可以有力支撑。要把脚踩到板凳上,这样稳定性会比较差,需要分担一部分力量控制核心肌群的稳定,这样就不能发挥最大的力量锻炼胸肌。  动作要点:不要把臀部和腰抬离凳子。  4、上斜哑铃推举:锻炼上部胸大肌。哑铃比杠铃好处就是没有横杠限制,可以充分拉伸胸大肌,注意不要下放的太低,以免拉伤胸肌。这个练习放在前面做,因为自由重量需要花很大精力。斜板的角度控制在30-45度之间,角度太大对三角肌前束的压力也越大,会影响到胸肌的发力。  5、下斜哑铃卧推:锻炼下部胸大肌。主意哑铃或杠铃下放到最下面的肋骨两侧,不要放到胸大肌中间部位,以免给肩关节造成压力。  6、蝴蝶机飞鸟:锻炼胸沟分离度。调整座位高度,使把手与你的肩在同一高度,双臂保持微弯状态,注意双臂不要打开过度(打开到背平面就可以了),以免伤到肩关节,重量不要太重,内收时停顿3秒。充分挤压胸大肌。  7、拉力器十字夹胸:锻炼下部胸大肌,中部胸肌。这个动作充血效果很明显,用轻重量多次数,保持双肘微弯,低头含胸,动作顶点努力挤压胸肌。  8、平板哑铃飞鸟:作为胸肌训练的结束动作。使用较轻的重量,保持双肘微弯的固定角度,下放到背平面即可,上举时像抱一棵大树一样,不是直上直下,沿一定弧度推举,感受胸肌的拉伸和收缩。
  一、俯卧撑的做法  标准俯卧撑  基本的要求是:  1、挺胸收腹,躯干与腿部保持一条直线。  2、手臂自然伸直垂直于地面。  双手与肩同宽,始终保持腰背挺直,控制肘部紧贴身体两侧。  新手的做俯卧撑时候,可以按照图中频率,如果为了增加难度,节奏应该放慢一些,俯身下去,数两个数1、2下到最低,然后停留1秒,再数2个数起身。放慢节奏能更有效的刺激胸部肌肉。  二、俯卧撑简单过渡动作  跪姿俯卧撑  不是所有人一上手就能做一个标准俯卧撑的,所以我们需要过渡动作来循序渐进的练习。跪姿俯卧撑的难度就减小一半了,用作标准俯卧撑的过渡动作非常好。  如果跪姿还是做不起来怎么办呢?还可以用四足俯卧撑,这种就更简单了,可以在胸部,手臂力量不足的时候,来简单做做,感受下胸大肌发力。  三、针对胸肌不同部位的动作  前面我们说了,我们把胸大肌分为胸上沿,胸下沿,胸中缝三个部分,那么有那些俯卧撑动作,能对应刺激到这三个部位呢?  1、胸上沿  下斜俯卧撑  做不起来也可以用跪姿的,跪在皮凳子,或沙发上完成,做过渡动作。  2、胸下沿  上斜俯卧撑  扶在固定好的跳箱,或者桌子凳子上,注意一定要先检查桌子等着是否闹靠,避免不必要的受伤。  3、胸中缝  钻石俯卧撑  钻石俯卧撑难道较大,建议等胸肌有一定基础再练习,当然过渡动作也是把直立腿改成跪姿即可。  好了,以上就是简单讲讲胸肌激活训练,需要针对部位的三种俯卧撑变式动作,这是按照上中下三个部位来讲,当然刺激胸大肌的方法还有很多,如宽距俯卧撑,交错俯卧撑(双手一前一后交错),雨刷式俯卧撑等等几十种变式高难度动作。
  一、上胸发达度不够,与中下胸存在明显落差  1、斜板杠,哑铃卧推。为什么有人练习了很长时间效果不明显呢?说明动作需要改进。  第一。要注重动作要领,改掉做桥式推举的习惯,否则成了近似平板卧推,练习的部位游离到了中,下胸部。  第二。如果全程动作效果不好,可考虑半程动作,同时注意力集中在上胸部,适当加大重量。请同伴保护或助力。  第三。如果用杠铃做效果不好,可以哑铃为主。有个小技巧:下降哑铃时不走直线,可微卷手腕,使路线略呈C形,这样可在切线方向产生一个分量,加在上胸横截面上。要点是注意力必须集中在上胸横截面上。并想像筋脉暴起。充血良好,以强化训练效果。  2、哑铃站着练胸肌。不系腰带,以每组6-8次的负荷做推举。由于身体自然后倾。故对上胸有很强的刺激效果。能很快“淹没“显露的锁骨。  3、平卧推举。由于身体结构和柔韧性方面的差异。如果做斜板卧推收效果甚微的话,则不妨用平卧推来发达上胸。动作要点是:下放杠铃时将铃杠置于颈部,注意力集中在上胸部,再就是在卧板下垫一木块,使之呈5-10度的小倾角。以利于挺起胸部。  4、前倾式俯卧撑。垫高双脚,使身体前倾10度左右,最多不超过15度,否则受力的重点会转至肩部。可请同伴在上背部加杠铃片。  二、胸肌中缝不明显的改进  职业高手们的胸肌中缝宛如一线,即窄又深,为使胸缝深陷,必须让近胸沟处肌肉立起,关键在于充分挤压胸肌,使两侧胸肌在每次动作中充分地接近,隆起。  1、直臂器械夹胸。直臂比常规的屈臂动作效果好。坐于凳上,伸直双臂。拳眼向前,小臂抵住挡臂板。这样双臂能在胸前交叉,幅度自然大于屈臂动作。交叉双臂时坚持1-2秒钟,顶峰收缩。以尽量对胸肌近中缝处进行挤压,逼其:“立“起来。  2、拉力器十字交叉。立于拉力器架下,双手握柄做夹胸动作,充分交叉双臂,而不是相触即分。可以一组左臂在上,一组右臂在上,或双臂交替上下,每组做8-12为准。  3、窄握卧推。能采用较大负荷进行练习,但幅度受限,有利有弊,需与其他方法结合进行才能得到良好效果。  哑铃飞鸟虽对练胸缝也有一定作用,但双臂一旦过了身体平衡,对胸肌拉伸的张力就会变小,所以胸缝的训练应以有滑轮的器械为主。
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09-05-07 &匿名提问
??你好,教你几种瘦手臂的方法:??第一种瘦手臂妙方:? 1.手握哑铃、装满水(或砂)的保特瓶或    干脆用两块砖头,由前而上伸直再往后,谨记要贴紧你的耳朵来做这个动作。     ?? 2.缓缓往前放下,重复此动作二十次,做完时上手臂会有酸酸的感觉,那就对了,每天做三组,每组二十次。     ??    ??第二种瘦手臂妙方:     ??    ?? 将右手臂伸高,往身后左肩胛骨弯曲,以左手压着右臂关节处,并触碰左肩胛骨,保持5秒,尔后伸高,左右换边. 如此动作每天做二组,每组十五次。 这是一个拉伸性动作,要注意量力而为,防止拉伤。    第三种瘦手臂妙方:     ??    ?  1.双手向前伸直,两脚站立与肩同宽。     2.双手画圆,向外画圆20次。     ?? 3.再向内画圆20次.每天三组, 注意:画圆不用画的太大,用手臂的力量,而非手掌。  第四种瘦手臂妙方:     ??   1.身体站直,双脚打开约与肩同宽,手臂向两旁打开伸平,慢慢地向前划圈。此乃着重于紧实手臂外上侧的肌肉。     ?  2.身体站直,双脚打开约与肩同宽,手臂向两旁打开伸平,慢慢地向后划圈。此乃着重于紧实手臂内侧,以及胸部的肌肉。     ??  注意:圆圈不要划太大,以免伤害肩膀的关节。    ???第五种瘦手臂妙方:    ??    ?  右手臂前伸,左手手掌扶住右臂肘关节上部,慢慢向左后侧拉伸,拉到不能再往后时,停十秒,慢慢放开,换另一只手。这个动作对于运动后对手臂的放松和塑性都有好处。? 总的来讲,以减肥为目的的运动健身活动予以雕塑肌肉为目的的健身活动的训练方法有很大区别,减肥目的的运动应以少量多次为原则,切忌为达运动量减少运动时间而加大负荷量,否则非但脂肪减不下去,还会多出比脂肪更难对付的肌肉,到时后悔莫及。在做这种动作之前,还不要忘了先做些热身活动,否则会有运动伤害。??教你几个手膜DIY  牛奶手膜:喝完牛奶或酸奶后,将瓶子里剩下的奶抹到手上,约15分钟后用温水洗净双手,这款手膜有很好的去角质和美白肌肤的作用。 鸡蛋手膜:鸡蛋一只,去黄取蛋清,加适量的牛奶、蜂蜜调和,均匀敷手,15分钟左右洗净双手,可去皱、美白。
1 枸己美白 材料: 新鲜的120克. 干的60克.水适量做法: 枸己加水煎煮代茶,不拘量饮用2 冬瓜籽仁美白 .材料: 冬瓜籽仁5克, 桔皮6克, 桃花12克,面粉适量做法: 将材料混合后碾为细末,饭后用米汤调服,1日3次,连服数月,面部可变得白嫩而光滑3 番茄美白 材料: 番茄一个方法:将番茄捣烂,滤汁涂于脸部,20分钟后洗净,每日数次,可使皮肤变白,还兼治雀斑.4 西瓜籽仁美白 材料:西瓜籽仁50克, 桂花200克,桔皮100克做法: 将材料混合后碾成细末,饭后用米汤服用,每日3次,每次一勺,服用一个月后面开始变白.5 马铃薯美白 材料: 马铃薯1\\3 , 面粉或者奶粉适量方法: 马铃薯去皮,研磨捣烂成糊状,滤去水分,调入上等得面粉,作为面膜涂在脸上,25分钟后用清水洗去.对皮下得黑色素有漂白得作用,尤其对消除黑眼圈十分有效,若加入上好得奶粉效果更加.6 梨或苹果美白 材料:梨子或者是苹果一个 面粉适量做法: 将梨子或者是苹果捣烂,调入面粉,搅拌均匀敷面,有助于面部皮肤的细嫩.7 白菜美白 材料: 新鲜的白菜适量做法: 白菜帮切成片状,贴于面部,有使黑色皮肤转白的功用.8 鸡蛋清美白 材料: 鸡蛋清一个, 面粉,黄瓜汁适量方法: 蛋清加入少许面粉和黄瓜汁,调成糊状,每晚涂在脸上,半小时后洗去,可使皮肤光滑细腻.9 牛奶美白 材料: 牛奶适量做法: 牛奶能使皮肤白嫩,将纱布浸入牛奶,湿透后敷面,半小时后用清水洗去,每天一次.皮肤被晒过度出现红斑,可用牛奶涂搽被晒部位,再用柠檬敷面,一周后斑点会变小,随后将黄瓜捣烂加入葛粉和适量的蜂蜜,涂搽几次,课消除斑点.美白牛奶面膜将大约30ML鲜奶放入容器,浸泡面膜纸。把浸透牛奶的面膜纸敷在脸上。在沙发上躺15~20分钟。然后揭下面膜纸,用清水将脸洗净。作用?美白。注意一定要用鲜奶,不能用奶粉。红酒面膜红酒20ml、蜂蜜2勺、珍珠粉少许混合,涂于脸上,约5分钟后用温水洗净。作用?美白。豆腐面膜将一块豆腐捣碎,用纱布滤干水分。加入15g面粉和5g蜂蜜后搅拌均匀,涂于脸上,保留20分钟后洗干净。作用?可使皮肤白而透明。苦瓜面膜将苦瓜冷藏15分钟,然后切成薄片,贴于脸上。15分钟后清洗干净。作用?美白、保湿。红茶面膜红茶2汤匙、红糖2汤匙、面粉少许、水适量。将红茶与红糖加水煎煮片刻,冷却至37~40度。加入面粉调匀,涂于脸上,15分钟后洗净。作用?使皮肤白皙、滋润。鸡蛋面膜这个方法的准备工作比较长。将鸡蛋浸入适量酒中,密封28天后取出。每晚临睡前,以蛋清敷面。作用?润肤、美白、除皱。丝瓜面膜新鲜丝瓜榨成汁,过滤后加一匙面粉,涂于面部15分钟~20分钟,然后用温水清洗干净。作用?保持肌肤细嫩,美白。西瓜面膜将西瓜榨汁,加入牛奶和面粉,涂匀整个面部,20分钟后洗净,每周1次~2次。作用?可使较黑的皮肤变白并收缩较粗的毛孔。此法对日光晒黑的皮肤效果较好。超级自制美白面膜材料:上等珍珠粉,白芷,白敛,白附子,僵蚕等成分磨成细粉。使用:取两克,加小黄瓜汁,蛋白和牛奶,少许调成糊状。把自制面膜涂在脸上,注意眼周和唇周。使用时切勿谈笑,等面膜干后,以温水仔细洗净即可。若脸上有斑可每天使用,淡化效果极加。若只做一般美白保养,一周一次即可。这是非常温和的中药,适合任何类型的皮肤。珍珠粉加蛋清可以去皱美白。珍珠粉加水涂脸上等干后洗去可以美白去黑头。。记住,用之前一定要让脸部的毛孔张开才可以。。。明星美白秘诀 美白食物尝尝鲜不要以为只要“面子”功夫做足了,就会重拾一张白皙的俏脸。美丽总是由内而外的,饮食也是美白链条中绝对不能缺少的一环。维他命C、蛋白质和矿物质、维他命A都是美白肌肤的优质营养来源。因此,在食用含有这些成分的蔬果时,最好以生食为主,如果不能生食,就以煮汤的方式进食。另外,富含维他命A的食物可以配合油来烹调,这样更有利于吸收。柠檬:柠檬含丰富的维他命C,被美容界视为制作美白护肤品的重要成分,尤其是夏季推出的美白保养品,柠檬更是其中不可或缺的主角,由此可见它在美白肌肤方面确实有独到之处。除了丰富的维他命C外,柠檬还含有维他命A、B1、B2及PP,不仅有美白功效,对皮肤中已形成的黑色素也有淡化作用。PP成分则有很强的收敛及抑菌效果。早上喝一杯柠檬水,除了可以排出体内有毒物质外,亦有天然的美白肌肤功效,有助于消除脸部雀斑。醋:加入250克黄豆于醋中,浸15日后,每日食用10粒能将皮肤黑色素减淡。酸奶:酸奶中含多种维他命,其中的维他命C能降低黑色素形成,令肌肤保持白皙。银耳:不但能令皮肤变得白皙,还能帮助排出体内毒素,多食无妨。明星不仅是时尚的引领者,更是保养肌肤的专家级人物呢。听听她们是怎样处理自己肌肤美白问题的,是不是对你有所启发?张曼玉虽然天生皮肤白皙,但再好的皮肤也要用心呵护。“一般我不去美容院,护肤也只是自己动手。我喜欢用水果护肤,像柠檬就可以让皮肤变得干净洁白。如果在水果、蜂蜜、蛋清调制的面膜里加入一些淡化色素的草药汁,美白的效果会更好呢!”瞿颖无论什么类型的肌肤,要美白先要补充水分。“在春夏季里,我喜欢用贝佳斯海泥面膜,这样不仅能补充肌肤水分,也能缓和晒后肌肤的色素沉积现象,让我的肌肤白皙透明。”周迅美白千万马虎不得!要保持白皙的皮肤,就一定要做好四季防晒工作。“不仅仅是在盛夏,只要经过了一天的日晒,我都会在家里用冰块敷面、镇静、滋润一次完成。同时,我觉得卸妆比化妆要重要,这也是让肌肤干净透明的好方法。 ”陶红维他命C和维他命E是美白的好帮手。“因为从小生长在南方,我很爱喝汤,所以一有闲暇我就会煲上一道美容汤来慰劳自己。介绍一种我最喜欢的美白银耳汤吧!经常喝这 种汤,不仅会让你白,而且是白里透红呢!”材料:雪梨2只、银耳3到4朵、红枣5枚、冰糖适量制法:雪梨去皮、核,银耳水发去蒂,红枣去核,加水炖2个小时。张柏芝保湿锁水除了保湿,柏芝最在意的就是美白和防晒了。“其实防晒、美白和保湿是任何季节都要注意的,就连冬天都不能大意,户外活动、面对电脑,都应该涂抹美白防晒霜。”柏芝认为,尽量早睡早起,多吃些含维他命C的食物,都是有益于肌肤美白的好办法。徐静蕾皮肤是需要细致呵护的!“小时候,我的皮肤较黑,可能是因为长大了比较注意护理的缘故,竟变白了。在夏天,我不喜欢用防晒霜,觉得很油腻。但是为了不让皮肤变黑,我会以隔离霜代替防晒品,效果也很好。如果怕晒黑,就在日晒后用棉片沾上爽肤水,敷上半小时,可以缓解皮肤受到的伤害,还不容易变黑喔!”*********************珍珠润泽美白肌肤自制法1 将珍珠粉与蜂蜜混合,每天早上取用一匙与温水调匀,空腹喝下。不但可以清除体内毒素,长期饮用还可以润泽美白肌肤。2 晚上使用护肤霜时,调进少量珍珠粉一起涂抹,可以调整肌肤油脂分泌,并且有高效美白作用,这是影星俞飞鸿的不二美白秘诀。3 自己制作珍珠醋饮用。将珍珠粉倒进有机苹果醋或有机覆盆子醋内,待珍珠粉溶掉,每次取用少量加半杯温水,调进蜂蜜饮用。这种珍珠醋美肤抗衰老效果更加出色。****************雏菊——肌肤美白的秘诀这种名不见经传的小花有着非凡的美白功效。雏菊属于菊花科植物,内含丰富的香精油、菊色素,运用于美容护肤之中,可有效抑制皮肤黑色素的产生,柔化表皮细胞,达到很好的美白功效,顺应了当今美容界的无法替代的美白潮流,雏菊,正成为美白产品的主打成分之一。适合肤质:黑色素沉淀,肤色暗哑的肌肤。对敏感、红斑、干性、湿疹、蜕皮、斑痕等皮肤具有较显著的疗效。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------外用调理篇1、绿豆面膜绿豆、滑石、白芷、白附子研末敷面,每晚用清水或化妆水搅匀细末敷脸,干后洗净。疗程约十四天。疗程之后每隔一日使用。2、五白膏白芨二钱、白芷二钱、白蔹一钱半、白附子二钱、白丁香一钱半、密陀僧一钱。上药共研细末,用四分之一蛋白搅拌调成稀膏,每日睡前先用温水洗面,再用此膏薄薄地敷在脸上一层,等干后洗去,效果很不错。3、美白膏甘松四钱、山楂五钱、白僵蚕一两、乌梅肉五钱、皂角一两、紫背浮萍五钱、香白芷五钱、密陀僧五钱。研极细末,每晚以蛋白调敷脸上,隔天早上以温水擦去。4、银耳面膜银耳(白木耳)、黄耆、白芷、玉竹各五十克,共研细末,每晚取药末五克,调上蛋白或用清水调成膏状敷面,等干后洗去。银花、白芷、玉竹能滋养肌肤,茯苓能除面斑,美白。5、平疮膜黄芩、黄柏、黄连各二钱煮成茶状液体,用面粉调成糊状敷面,或用蛋白调匀后敷脸。每周二次,每次二十分钟。此方适合脸部长疮、青春痘且脸色黯黑者。6、除了以上药用面膜之外,还可以利用家中新鲜的蔬果来做面膜,这样不仅方便、副作用少,且不怕含汞或其他不其他不明化学原料。丝瓜汁面膜将丝瓜洗净,刮去蜡质外皮后,榨汁后过滤,加上面粉调匀敷脸,干后洗净即可。丝瓜含有多种维生素,有较强的漂白效果,可长期使用于各种皮肤或色斑性肌肤,而使皮肤细腻洁白。
长胖点, 脂肪増加了肌肉就掩盖了,
卧推是训练胸肌最好的动作,同时也是许多健美爱好者最喜欢练的动作,大部分的训练者以杠铃卧推为主——的确其是训练上半身最好的动作,对80%训练者的来说很有效。那20%的人呢?答案是哑铃卧推。此外,在经过一段时间的杠铃卧推之后也可试着练习哑铃卧推,你会有不同的感觉的。 起始位置:仰卧在平的卧推凳上,两脚平踏在地上。两肘弯曲,握住哑铃,拳眼相对,手心朝腿部的方向,哑铃的轴线位于乳头上方1厘米处(胸肌中部),抵住胸部。 动作过程:向上推起,两肘内收,夹肘的同时夹胸。哑铃向上的同时略向前偏,呈抛物线的运动轨迹。两臂伸直时,哑铃重心接近处于肩关节的支撑点上。但不要正好位于肩关节的支撑点上,这样会使骨骼支撑住哑铃的重量(这种由骨骼而不是肌肉支撑重量的情况称为“锁定”),使得胸肌放松,影响锻炼效果。然后,使两直臂向两侧张开,两臂慢慢弯屈,哑铃垂直落下,下降至最低处时,即做上推动作。重复。 呼吸方法:上举时吸气,下落时呼气。 重点锻炼部位:胸大肌、三角肌和肱三头肌。 训练要点: 1、不要把背和臀部拱起或憋气,这样会使肌肉失去控制,是危险的。 2、在练胸大肌的同时,应加强上臂肱三头肌的锻炼。没有发达的三头肌,就不可能卧推起大重量的杠铃,也就不能练出发达的胸大肌。 3、起始时,要把哑铃的轴线置于乳头上方1厘米处(胸肌中部),才能让胸大肌发力。如果哑铃举在肩膀上,只能锻炼肩部肌肉。 4、一定要注意将两肘展开,做卧推时双臂在体侧张开,因而能基本上只靠胸肌用力来完成动作。宽间距时主要锻炼胸大肌,窄间距时主要锻炼三角肌。 5、胸部肌肉练习效果不理想。可试试上斜推举,躺在有一定的倾角(约 20—25度)的斜板上,再以同样重量的杠铃或哑铃进行练习。由于从另外一个角度给予肌肉一个新的刺激,你很快就会看到新的效果。 组数与次数: 1、 在6—8次范围内达到极限次数。多于8次,身体其它部位将进入有氧运动状态;如果少于6次,说明辅助肌已参与了运动,而主肌还没有完全疲劳。 2、 多组数:无论哪个身体部位都必须一组接一组练到神经突触发不出冲动为止。如果你轻信了训练过度的说法,肯定达不到这个要求。所谓训练过度,不过是些懦夫为掩饰自己的无能而编造出来的借口。真正的冲击式锻炼不光要做到20组以上,还要把每组都做到极限次数。算组数时不要把热身组计算在内,尽管它们是必需的。 3、 训练的多样性。要经常变化训练的组数与次数,以及动作的安排,以打破身体的适应,获得肌肉的突破性增长。 相关动作 A重点锻炼部位:胸大肌上部,其次是三角肌前束和肱三头肌。 B.开始位置:仰卧在上斜角度为35-45度的卧推凳上。 C.动作过程:两臂伸直持哑铃位于肩的上部。放下至胸部上方(接近锁骨处)时吸气。下降至最低处时,即做上推动作,上推时呼气。 D.训练要点:练习过程将主要力量集中在胸大肌上,使胸肌始终处于紧张状态。肱三头肌作为次要的补充力量。 下斜哑铃卧推: 掌心相对哑铃卧推:掌心相对握住哑铃,且双臂靠近身体。 单臂卧推:应采用较轻的重量。此种方法可发展两胸的平衡与控制力。开始时,一手握哑铃,另一只手可帮助支持一下。[Edit this paragraph] outlined in the private sector According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce &on the division of business registration provisions of the type& (August 28, 1998, the National Unification字〔1998〕 No. 200) Article IX states: &The private sector investment is set up by a natural person or by a natural person holding, in order to wage-profit-based economic organizations. including the &Company Law&, &Partnership Enterprise Law&, &Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises& provides that the registration of private limited liability companies, private limited company, private partnerships and private-owned enterprises. & Private-owned enterprises are defined as &Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises& (June 25, 1988, the State Council issued Decree No. 4) the first paragraph of Article VII provides: &refers to a wholly-owned enterprises to invest in businesses.& That is, by a natural person investment in order to wage-based investors in corporate debt of companies with unlimited liability. Private partnerships are defined as &partnerships& or &Provisional Regulations on private business& requirement, by two or more natural persons in accordance with the joint venture agreement to jointly operate a total of negative profit and loss in order to wage-labor based on unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprises. Private limited liability company means by the &Company Law&, &Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises,& the provisions of the investment by two or more natural persons or natural persons holding a single limited liability company. In addition, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce &on the establishment of a natural person funded limited liability company registered in the management and supervision of the notice& (November 18, 1994, the Trade and Industry words 〔1994〕 No. 325) in Article VI: &Where from natural people-oriented applications, natural capital accounts for more than 51% of the registered capital of limited liability company, its registration and the supervision and management of the application of these provisions (in accordance with the management of private enterprises). & [Edit this paragraph] the type of private sector Refers to the means of production belonging to the private sector is privately owned, employs more than 8-profit economic organization. There are three types of private enterprises: (1) owned enterprises. Refers to an investment businesses. Owned enterprises negative corporate debt investors to unlimited liability. (2) partnership. Refers to two or more investment in accordance with the agreement to jointly operate a total of negative corporate profit and loss. Partner-to-business unlimited liability joint and several liabilities. (3) limited liability company. Refers to the amount of shareholder capital in its responsibility to the company, the company all the assets of its debt on the company's responsibility. Classification can be seen from the above, in the three types of private enterprises, limited liability company can only obtain legal personality in accordance with the law, while private-owned enterprises and private partnerships do not meet corporate requirements and can not obtain legal personality. [Edit this paragraph] the private sector financial management First, the impact of private sector financial management factors The financial management activities is subject to financial constraints of the environment to study the changes in the financial environment for enterprise financial management, financial management in order to analyze the development of the law, seeks to improve the way the level of financial management. The impact of China's private sector financial management factors have also been micro-macro aspects, criss-crossing a variety of factors, the conditions to each other, with huge constraints. (A) macro-social impact of environmental factors Macro-social environment, including the country's economic policy, industrial policy, the level of economic development and financial market conditions. Macro-social factors of the positive stimulus is because the local government to encourage the attitude of the private sector of the economy become more evident, a variety of optimization of the local government environment and the promotion of private economic development economic policy, economic structure and composition of the market further. Further improve the financial markets, financing &is not the nature of the length of enterprises, non-discriminatory& regulation of private funds for the remaining places, to facilitate the implementation of capital investment. Tax Law and Company Law and other laws and regulations is not the nature of ownership in the implementation of differential treatment, fair competition in the market for the private sector, norms play a role in management activities. Negative effects, including the relevant government departments for private economic ideology repulsive force is still large, the government's economic authorities and law enforcement, supervision and policy in the hands of private enterprise &rather left than right,& &I would rather not bear song&, the public economic resources the distribution of the differential treatment still exist, the financial sector credit to the private sector is still open, the financing channels for small enterprises, limited the total financing. These negative effects lead to the expansion of the private sector did not dare to venture investment, lack of confidence in foreign investment, macroeconomic factors, social environment changes in the status of corporate financial management functions and roles, and activities have a direct impact on space. (B) the impact of micro-environmental factors Private forms of organization, structure, production and operation management, the owners and the financial situation of the quality of personnel, corporate culture affect the development of the financial management of enterprises. 1, the choice of form of organization of different types of enterprises, the source of its capital structure, business aspects of the applicable law and the differences vary, the financial management of space activities are also different. Private limited liability company to choose the organization form of the majority, but most of the private sector is a relative, family, friends, co-organized enterprises, such enterprises in the building of friendship instead of the initial rules and regulations. Different forms of enterprise organization, and its capital structure is also different from the characteristics of capital structure and organizational model of the impact of corporate finance and financial management oversight of specific content. 2, the quality of owners: owners of private enterprises are often not only investors are managers, and his quality directly affects the financial management activities. Enterprise's financial management objectives can be realized depends on the owners to seize control of the韬略, monitoring the quality of financial management. 3, enterprise culture. Owners in the formation of corporate culture plays a very important role. Corporate culture and the impact of personnel selection and use of financial management, financial management authority and responsibility in the enterprise management of financial information disclosure in. Corporate culture to some extent still is to attract talented people and the stability of the financial management of the important factors. 4, science and technology development. High-tech private enterprises, the human resources are an important resource for enterprises, businesses rely on the development and expansion of scientific and technological innovation and management innovation. Therefore, the impact of scientific and technological development of enterprise management mechanism and the profit distribution mechanism, which has also affected the functions of financial management to play a role. In both objective and the impact of micro-factors, micro-factors on the enterprise's financial management activities to stimulate a greater role. Focus on the following to proceed from the micro-environmental factors, analysis of different environmental factors affect the characteristics of financial management. Second, private financial management features of Only in the financial environment for enterprises of all kinds of factors to achieve a balanced coordination of financial activities in order to survive and develop. Private sources of financial management, financial monitoring mo but the different stages of development, the private sector at different levels within the different environmental factors, the level of corporate financial management are also different, showing the characteristics of the stage. (A) small-scale, low-level features of the financial management of private enterprises As a result of small-scale private investment in small scale, its own limited financial resources, low levels of enterprise management, product technology content. Quality staff is limited market competition. Financial management of such enterprises have the following characteristics. 1, to use their experience in decision-making, financial management status of upper primary science and technology private sector non-scale, mainly for its decision-making model of decision-making experience. Business decision-making in the private sector has the advantage of high efficiency, but more rough decision-making process, decision-making in the required information, to a certain extent is still used as the main supply and marketing staff of the occasional market information collection, information collection does not deal with the use of normative rules, financial officers analyze information collected is extremely small, less accurate information for decision-making, decision-making of low reliability. Enterprise Financial Management has not been attention to, financial management in the management of non-owners have little effect, the status is not high. Most small businesses independent of the configuration of financial management or personnel, financial officers as &billing&, and is mainly responsible for providing financial and tax statements. 2, low-quality financial personnel, financial management functions of the role of small private enterprises in the early stages of development, the relationship between people based on blood ties and geographical links to the groups of people outside the natural mistrust. In the sensitive financial sector, &loyalty& has become an important symbol of people, no blood, rural geographical groups capable of financial management is difficult with the family balance of power. Therefore, low-level small-scale private enterprises, the real difficult to keep financial professionals, financial officers are mostly without formal professional training, lack of financial management capacity, it is difficult for senior management to provide effective financial information. 3, owners of &final say&, the contents of a single financial management of private enterprises in China in the early stages of their development, showing specifically the right to personal and family control of the characteristics of the assets of more than 80% of entrepreneurs who focus on, Chairman and Managing Director is a common phenomenon. Financing of enterprises, the use by the owner of the final say. Centralization of power in the family business, so that financial management is also highly concentrated. Many small-scale private enterprise financial management activities is limited to financial control, that is, the financial sector through the control and analysis of financial revenue and expenditure to check the completion of financial indicators to monitor the operations of the enterprise itself, reducing product costs and increase corporate profits, to assist owners in the implementation of financial control . (B) large-scale, high-tech private enterprise financial management features of the private sector to complete the development of primitive accumulation to a certain size (more than tens of millions of dollars of capital), the development of enterprises rely on science, technology and management Shun talent, enterprise management innovation is also faster than the state-owned enterprises, financial management activities show the characteristics of a modern enterprise financial management. 1, the financial management of targeted business, financial management by the ownership structure determines the importance of private enterprises operating profit target to chase. 2, flexible incentives, financial management have been a considerable number of innovative large-scale private enterprises, the financial personnel in financial management positions to be heard, recognized that business owners. 3, centralized model-based financial management, financial control analysis to highlight the functions of large-scale, high-tech private enterprises, usually a certain mechanism is authorized to form the management of non-owners, but most of the private sector financial management still believes that &the stability of priority, taking into account efficiency &principle, the implementation of centralized management Third, characteristics of enterprise financial management objectives of the speculative Enterprise's financial management objectives, is the financial management system refers to the goal of the intrinsic elements, the inherent quality of the provisions. In my opinion, from the basic principles of system theory, the enterprise's financial management objectives have the following four basic characteristics: 1, systemic. Systemic refers to elements of corporate financial management objectives for the financial management system and the organic composition of other elements with the ultimate direction. In other words, the financial management system, financial management goal is the starting point and end point of the set goals should be to optimize the overall system the most important principles. Therefore, the objective of financial management should not only take into account the interests of the main interests of all parties concerned to achieve system optimization, and should guide the enterprise's financial behavior has always been in service during the period from continuing operations in its financial management objectives, to avoid the occurrence of short-term behavior. A variety of financial management objectives in the model, to maximize the business value in line with and the short-term profit-maximizing behavior is inconsistent with the ultimate goal, and focus on shareholder wealth maximization of the interests of shareholders only and does not comply with the principles of system optimization. 2, related to each other. Refers to the relevance of enterprise financial management system, objectives and other elements of the scope and caliber of coherence, coordination and organic link to the target system optimization. Specifically, is the main space and business scope of financial management in line with corporate financial management environment in which to adapt, but also take into account, the coordination of the interests of various stakeholders. Profit maximization, maximization of enterprise value to meet this requirement. Maximize shareholder wealth and has confused the relationship between companies and shareholders, a financial management financial management is the subject of another in order to achieve the main financial management to maximize the wealth, which in theory can not explain. Financial management of the environment model of its objectives have a significant impact on China's modern enterprise system has not been real, completely set up, select the enterprise value maximization and profit maximization model, a certain rea and maximize shareholder wealth model suitable for listed companies only, and only pay attention to the interests of shareholders, other relations of enterprises do not pay enough attention to the interests. Moreover, stock prices are affected by many factors, not the company can fully control the uncontrollable factors that the introduction of financial management objectives, is clearly unreasonable. 3, interoperability. Interoperability is the goal of an enterprise financial management is an advanced method of determining viable, it can operate. The key issue is the interoperability measures. The goal of profit maximization model interoperability strong, but did not consider the time value of money and risk issues, with a tendency to short-term behavior, and the shareholder wealth maximization model to maximize the stock price as the standard, but also has some interoperability, but the and feasibility is not strong. Enterprise value maximization model, only through the asset value assessment to determine the size of enterprises, and to confirm the high cost to confirm the time, also confirmed that subject to certain restrictions on the scope. 4, efficiency. Efficiency refers to the objectives of financial management set up, we must consider the efficiency of utilization of funds for use to maximize the efficiency of capital, which is conducive not only to optimize the allocation of financial resources, but also conducive to the effective use of social and economic resources. Enterprise value maximization and profit maximization of the effect of focusing only on the maximization of corporate financial management, without taking into account the effect of corporate finance relationship with the invested capital, that is the question of financial efficiency. The goal of shareholder wealth maximization model, although the price per share as the standard, but different content per share of stock in the economy is not equivalent, contained in the market value of net assets and are also different, that is, earnings per share for the input does not the same limit the earnings per share and its stock price in the comparison between the horizontal, so it is difficult to promote the rational allocation of economic resources. Fourth, corporate financial management objectives of the optimal choice - to maximize enterprise economy增加值率 增加值率maximize enterprise economy (MEVAR) target model is through the legitimate financial business, to take the most optimal financial policies, full account of time value of money and the relationship between risk and reward, in ensuring the long-term stable development of enterprises based on , the pursuit of a certain period of time created by the Economic Value Added (EVA) and capital (C) the maximum ratio. EVA is 〔Economic Value Added EVA = EBIT. (1 - T)-Kw.C, of which: EBIT to EBIT; T for Kw for the weighted average
C for the average capital invested enterprises 〕. In general, the adoption of certain technical financial adjustment, EVA can be equivalent to interest-bearing debt with similar interests, and the book value. Enterprise economy增加值率(EVAR) measurement by the following formula: The above formula, EVAt for the first t years of the economic val k fo Ct for the first t years the average capital in t and C for the EVA n for business duration. From where we can see that the enterprise is directly proportional to增加值率EVAR with the EVA, and K, C is inversely proportional to. In K, C the same time, EVA the greater, the greater the EVAR; in the EVA, when the same, K, C greater, the smaller the EVAR. Capital does not consider the case of C input, K the level of risk by the size of enterprises to decide. When the risk of large, K when the risk of an hour, K is low. In other words, the added value of enterprise economy, with the expected reward in direct proportion with the expected K is inversely proportional to the risk. Assumptions, we can see from the financial management, reward and risk with increasing, the increase in remuneration is based on enterprises to increase the cost of risk, and increase the risk of the enterprise will be a direct threat to the survival of the added value of enterprise economy in the risks and rewards to achieve better to achieve the greatest balance. In the enterprise the same EVA economic value added, to consider capital investment C, can measure the efficiency of corporate capital appreciation. If the greater the present value of EVA, and C the same or smaller enterprises tend to maximize the economic增加值率; and vice versa.增加值率enterprise economy as the goal of financial management, has the following advantages: 1, taking into account the time to obtain compensation and to make use of the principle of time value of the measurement. And Economic Value Added is an important attribute of the annual investment in the present value of EVA, the same year of its investment NPV (present value of net cash flow), and the future net cash flows and is the present value of the enterprise value. Therefore, the objective mode of inclusive business models to maximize the value of the target. 2, scientifically considered the risks and rewards associated. 3, to overcome in the pursuit of corporate profits on the short-term behavior. Because not only will affect the profits of the current economic增加值率enterprise, it is expected future profits增加值率its economic impact will be greater. 4, the economic added value and the present value of the present value of capital compared to the evaluation and analysis of the efficiency of corporate capital appreciation. Enterprise financial management, not only to reward the right to weigh the risks increase with the increase in gain and loss, and strive to achieve the best balance between the two, and must pay attention to the efficiency of value-added capital to businesses at the same time maximize the value of the capital's largest value-added efficiency . Therefore, to maximize the economic point of view增加值率reflects on the economic benefits of the deep-seated understanding of modern financial management is the optimal goal. 增加值率maximize enterprise economy, as a modern financial management objectives of the optimal choice, also has a few obvious characteristics, can be divided into the following four points: 1, enterprise economy to maximize增加值率consider not only the issue of expansion of the Circuit, but also compatibility and goal-oriented direction. The modern theory of the firm view that the enterprise is the sum of the multilateral contractual relationship, the parties have their own interests, to participate in and constitute a mechanism of checks and balances the interests of business. If the attempt to damage the interests of the other profits, the result will inevitably lead to contradictions and conflicts, is not conducive to long-term stable development of enterprises. And enterprises to maximize economic value added, to maximize the value of inclusive business objectives, with the side of compatibility. Given the economic value added (EVA) is based on the formula EBIT. (1-T)-Kw.C determined to EBIT-based, take into consideration the capital cost of capital inputs and integrated in order to maximize EVA, it is necessary to take full advantage of the financial resources, which undoubtedly depends on the financial management objectives are the correct orientation, and enterprises to maximize economic增加值率, exactly conducive to the realization of the above functional requirements. 2, enterprise-oriented financial management增加值率to maximize the relevance of the characteristics of the target. Scientific and rational financial management objectives must consider the contractual relationship with the business interests of all parties. Enterprises to increase the economic value of a certain period of time is to increase the wealth of enterprises.增加值率maximize enterprise economy is taken into account in the development of economic problems, the added value in the enterprise economy to meet the growing relationship between the interests of all parties. Logical point of view, when the company's total wealth when the interests of all parties is the shift and when the enterprise's wealth increases, and the interests of the contractual relationship will be better met and achieve the financial management of benign cycle. 3, enterprise economy in line with the optimization of financial增加值率maximize the allocation of resources, improve the economic efficiency of resource allocation requirements. Economic added value of enterprises is a relative number of indicators, taking into account the time value of money and under the premise of Value-at-Risk, on the whole reflect the input of capital per unit of economic value added, it is a ind it not only reflects the capital employed effect, and value-added reflects the efficiency of capital.增加值率maximize enterprise economy, not only requires companies to fully utilize the financial resources and, more importantly, to optimize financial decision-making, improve the efficiency of the use of financial resources. Because the flow of social resources is usually增加值率maximize enterprise economy or industry, which is conducive not only to maximize the realization of social benefits, but also conducive to improving the socio-economic efficiency of resource allocation. 4, enterprise economy to maximize增加值率more realistic objectives, consistent with the initial stage of China's socialist market economy conditions. China is to gradually establish and perfect the socialist market economic system, enterprises are also gradually establishing a modern enterprise system forward. However, the establishment of modern enterprise system in our country has a unique, complex course of development. Therefore, compared with foreign enterprises in the micro-context, more emphasis on China's enterprises on the importance of financial management to improve the efficiency of financial resource allocation, and ultimately achieve the maximization of enterprise economy增加值率. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on the interests and rights of workers, stressing preserve and increase the value of capital, emphasizing the accumulation of wealth in society, emphasizing the coordination of the interests of all parties to achieve common development and common prosperity. Role in the market and macro-control, we must focus on the basis of market allocation of resources, while we must strengthen macro-control, to avoid market risks, improve the efficiency of resource allocation. Therefore, in the choice of financial management objectives, the interests of shareholders limited to the main body is not in line with China's select enterprises maximize the value of the target, nor does it reflect the efficiency of resource allocation requirements. Only增加值率maximize enterprise economy is the primary stage of socialism, the characteristics of a market economy, the best and most realistic option. [Edit this paragraph] the growth of the private sector - a strategic victory The establishment of the strategic goal of enterprise is a dynamic process, it is necessary to over time, changes in the environment continue to improve in order to further enhance the strategic flexibility and control, always maintain the guiding business strategy. The implementation of the strategy process delay longer period of time, at different times, the strategy adopted by enterprises with the changing external environment caused by strategic ambiguity and ambiguous. Changes in their own environment, due to various uncertainties, such as the leaders or the replacement of the leadership, business policy changes, funding restrictions on financing will result in the paralysis
external environmental constraints, including political environment, economic environment, social environment and human environment constraints, will enable enterprises can not adapt to the external environment and to curb the develo time changes will also reduce the strategic objectives of the guidance. Static environment for not following the corporate strategy change, the inhibition by environmental factors, the strategic goal of reducing the flexibility and controllability, can not effectively guide the development of enterprises so that enterprises can deviate from the strategic objectives of growth, or the size of the business expansion various stages of growth in excess of capacity, is bound to hinder the growth of enterprises so that enterprises slowed down the development of a recession, which is a high failure rate of China's private enterprises, the high rate of natural selection of the underlying causes. In short, to the healthy growth of the private sector development is the last word, strategy is the key. Overall strategic objectives in the enterprise, under the guidance of the growth period of each enterprise to develop its external environment should be adapted to a series of sub-strategic objectives, and consistent with the overall strategy, businesses can step in a planned, orderly development. At the same time, the implementation of the strategy process, to enhance the sensitivity of the external environment, in the regulation loop, we should always pay attention to changes in environmental factors, and continuously adjust and improve the business strategy, business strategy to strengthen management, enhance the flexibility of corporate strategy and controllable, from a variety of factors that inhibit business growth, encourage enterprises to enter a new round of enhanced loop to promote further development of enterprises. [Edit this paragraph] the private sector incentive mechanisms within the In the era of knowledge economy, talent is the most active of productivity factors, the final analysis, the competitiveness of enterprises is the competition of talents. And have therefore chosen to retain high-quality personnel is a prerequisite for the survival and development of enterprises. In the wake of China's private sector 20 years after the development of the twists and turns, but also the increasing awareness of personnel on the importance of enterprise development. Fang Zhou, chairman and president of the Group李兴勤in February 9, 2001 of the &Chengdu Business News& on the frankly: &the private sector related fears have talent, not a talent, do not be afraid to talents and talent come to stay not afraid living. Do not look now so many private sector is booming, in fact most likely to collapse, that is not found to attract and retain talented people the fundamental approach. & First, the status of private internal incentive Of private enterprises and state-owned enterprises comparative analysis of incentive mechanism, I believe that the private sector incentive mechanisms within the main incentive mechanism but the lack of flexible security features of life in the real economy, mainly reflected in the following four aspects: 1, employing the mechanism behind the form of nepotism in employment As a result of private enterprise from the very beginning, there is no example can be replicated, you can copy in China there are only two: one is the family, is martial arts. The political arena or whether it is family, family ties and loyalty is all of their code of ethics, which easily lead to favoritism, exclusion of foreign employees in the psychological. In all surveyed enterprises, owners of investment accounts for my total investment of 82.7%, and in all other investors, there is 16.8 percent of the relatives of the owners, this property constitutes the family structure is a prerequisite for enterprises. For non-family members, with &family-based& approach into their &quasi-family&, &family& members of the more common practice. For neighbors, fellow students, friends, private owners of their implants within the family, &filial piety, fraternal duty& concept, to treat them as family members, so that they will abide by mutual assistance, mutual trust and family values, will become a private public relations relations, so as to promote the interests of business development. At the same time, we can also see that some of the private sector &窝里斗& very serious, small group, small gangs seriously undermine the sense of the overall combat effectiveness. Modern Chinese private enterprises have not yet formed a unique corporate culture, strong cohesion, which has left the development of enterprises to worry about. And at this stage, many of our private sector in employment, there is a point of view: &自家人credible than outsiders to give them the right to be assured.& Thus the formation of many private enterprises are &chairman of the board when I, his son when the general manager and chief financial officer, when his wife& in the blood, the maintenance of the geographical relationship between the labor and employment forms. Even if the private owners of the introduction of talent, but the core positions are occupied by internal staff, which makes the lack of foreign talent is useless, so think of killing themselves. In addition, the employment of this form of nepotism is also easy to form in the enterprise &home world&, resulting in a lack of talent on the business sense of identity, thus leaving the enterprise. 2, incentive and restraint mechanisms Hertzberg psychologists through the United States to the United States of more than 200 industrial and commercial organizations to carry out investigation and research staff found that affect people's work and enthusiasm of the factors fall into two categories: health-care factors and incentives. Factor is the health and working environment or working conditions of some of the factors, which will enable the employees of the lack of industry and even greater resentment and resignation will cause slow down, is the incentive to work closely with a number of factors, such as the work itself the challenging, career growth and development, work and other responsibilities and authority, it can cause one to have a greater work satisfaction, and enthusiasm were a great incentive, so that employees have a long-lasting, full of job satisfaction, greatly aroused the enthusiasm of their staff. Thus, Hertzberg believes that the impact in a variety of factors, the attractiveness of work itself is the most important. This stage, a number of private enterprises in China, especially in some high-tech enterprises, while the material conditions to better recruitment, but many private sector after the introduction of talent, as the operating mechanism of their own problems, and not to provide them with full of challenges work, as well as the relaxed work environment, and precisely these people also have a high need for achievement, they like to deal with the issue of independence, to engage with moderate challenging task. Therefore, if the personal sense of accomplishment is not achieved, the brain drain has become inevitable. On the other hand the private sector of the reasons for brain drain of talent is no effective mechanism to build up, and now many high-paying private sector know that the use of favorable treatment, such as personnel or attract other companies lured talent, but he did not expect, by his personnel hired by the other competitors lured corresponding higher risk. Because the use of hired high-paid people are likely to be competitors, lured by higher salaries. For example, there is a private science and technology enterprises, first entered a university graduate on the expiration of the contract did not retire voluntarily and the absence of the corresponding mechanism, they are also helpless. In the development of training and spent time, effort and money are ruined. 3, the lower the quality of business owners to ignore the emotional exchanges with the staff In recent years, private entrepreneurs have continued to raise the cultural level of the trend, some who are better educated are more and more young people into the ranks of the private sector. However, on the whole, China's private entrepreneurs with lower levels of style, quality poor. Sichuan Province, on the basis of 200 individual industrial and commercial households, the survey shows that the private sector, only those who have college or higher education in the total number of owners of private enterprises amounted to just 14%, secondary education accounted for 80.2%, primary education accounted for 4.2% accounted for 1.4 196 in Hunan Province on a survey of owners of private enterprises, only those who have college or higher education accounted for only 11.22 percent, have received junior middle school and high school education were 39.80% and 42.35%, primary education accounted for 6.63 percent, from This can be seen that groups of private entrepreneurs in China, with a secondary education were mainly accounted for almost 80 percent more than college education received only 10% of people. But also in many of these private entrepreneurs were born in the farmers, serious小农意识. Due to restrictions on their own qualities, they are often the enterprise as an adjunct to the machine, of course, employees may not be heard to say &no&. Such high-handed management style led to strained relations between employers and employees, while also high-paying private sector to employ a number of specialized and managerial talents, but in reality very few operations managers to adopt these recommendations. 4, neglect of social welfare and security of workers China's private enterprises in the social welfare of workers, the protection of a very imperfect system, and some are blank. Many private sector operators to social insurance as an unnecessary business expenses, not to participate in social insurance, insurance companies, according to the survey, the private sector did not participate in any insurance to the employees of more than 92%. According to survey data shows that in the private sector, after work-related injuries occur when employees, paid 30.6 percent of the account, the full amount of wages and 6.5%, and 62.9 percent of the part to be deducted from wages, work-related injuries, treatment, 2 / 3 paid by the enterprises, 9.8% of the people to pay a portion of the enterprise, while 23.5% paid by their own. When workers are unable to work when sick, and 37.1 percent of people paid, 18.5% of the people part of their wages to be deducted, as well as 31.5% to be deducted from all wages, while 12.9% did not understand the regulat for old-age problem , and 27.4 percent of the private sector where employees have participated in the social old-age insurance, the rest did not participate. From the above statistics can be seen, the vast majority of private entrepreneurs only self-interest and short-term interests, without taking into account the interests of employees and long-term development of enterprises, for the immediate petty profits of enterprises lack a sense of security staff, thus the brain drain caused by enterprises, so that hampered the development of enterprises, the private sector to attract talent, we must pay attention to the social security system for employees to worry about lifting. Second, the private sector incentive mechanisms within the principle of choice Every game has its own rules, the private sector within the design of incentive mechanism is not plucked from the air, unsystematic, based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y Sam, as well as the expectations of the theory of two-factor theory of Herzberg. Summed up, the private choice of internal incentive mechanism to be followed the following principles: 1, incentives must adhere to the principle of fair Many businesses deal with the issue of injustice, the results should not have gone forward, the people can not walk away. To achieve a fair and correct evaluation of the first one. Otherwise, the evaluation is not accurate, the incentives do not motivate, inspire, but not given incentives. Such a development will undoubtedly have adverse consequences. Contribution should be given different incentives. 2, incentives must adhere to the principle of utility maximization An incentive, the means and methods should be beneficial not only short-term interests of enterprises, but also conducive to long-term interests. Famous entrepreneurs in Japan, Sony's president Morita said: &The people on the merits should be given bonuses, rather than status, the status should be given to those talented people who have the corresponding.& 3, stimulate the need for material interests must adhere to the principle of To a profound recognition that the vitality of enterprises from the interests of a reasonable structure. Why is Japan so desperately the staff of the stem? They are relying on the wage, high-reward, high pensions, high communication costs and high social status. The interests of enterprises, the other hand, everyone is a price to pay. 4, must always strive for innovation incentives Human needs are constantly changing, the way incentives should continue to seek innovations. If the spirit of incentives, material incentives, individual incentives, example of incentives, competition and incentive, the pressure stimulus, the target stimulus, such as emotional incentives should be continued to add new content, new forms. 5, there must be normative incentives, systemic and even the mobility Complex structure of enterprises, there is no sound incentive system does not work, what kind of system, what kind of talent there. Such as IBM staff motivation on the very successful. Incentive is a systematic project, pay attention to the behavior of the incentive to carry out the entire process. Such as career development mechanisms, the growth mechanism of talent, talent evaluation mechanism, the interests of drive mechanism, two-way selection mechanism, the mechanism through competition, the market adjustment mechanism, such as, managers and all the incentive regulation of behavior to move in an orderly, supportive, effective direction. Implementation of incentives, while encouraged by the fact that a person, it all have incentives in order to form a mutual enterprise incentive effect linked. Third, the private sector in the design of internal incentive mechanism As the saying goes: &tailor&, &right medicine&, as a result of different levels of staff needs are different and can not use size-fits-all approach with an incentive, so different from China's private sector needs incentives to develop effective methods. 1, on the senior management incentive The role of incentives for high-level human resources, such as managers are particularly important. Entrepreneurs in order to belong to the individual, if the &inspired& enough to do portraits of the &natural scarcity& as insufficient supply. Inspired by the way the main annual salary, emotional and other ways. (1), the annual salary system. In theory, the annual salary of the equilibrium price is usually determined in factor markets, is the psychological level of senior personnel (supply side) and enterprise wage jobs (the demand side) the outcome of the game. Once high-level talent and psychological price to be basically the same as the salary, we can think that there is an incentive for their annual salary. To highlight the role of incentives, the annual salary is divided into basic salary (monthly) and pay (paid cameras), the basic salary is the recognition of their normal work, pay is the recognition of its operational performance. Not only has the incentive pay, but also reflects the binding. It should be noted that, in accordance with the traditional human capital theory, as a result of the mobility of human capital makes human capital does not have collateral, but also human capital tend to the &lazy& way, such as &abuse& of non-human capital. (2), incentive stock options. Stock options (stock Option) is a feasible method of long-term incentive, it is relatively effective solution to the incentives and constraints of both micro-issues. Stock options is the owner of the enterprise to the enterprise to provide high-level talent of a right, to allow them in a specific period of time, generally 3-5 years, according to a pre-set price - a so-called &Executive price &to buy shares of the enterprise. This right can not be transferred, but the stock can be purchased on the market. Typically, stock options allow the holder to enjoy only the stock appreciation right to the proceeds arising from the general non-payment of dividends. Now, some listed companies in order to enhance the operator associated with the interests of the shareholders, but also the operators linked to stock options and dividends, to stimulate innovation operators. (3), emotional treatment of the incentives. No matter in what way}


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